Sister Wives

Janelle’s first husband is Meri’s brother.

Robyn’s first husband is Christine’s first cousin. So Christine is the kids “mom” and second cousin. Her kids are their siblings and 3rd cousins.
Christine would actually be first cousin once removed from her first cousin’s children, and that would mean Christine and Robyn’s children are second cousins.

DH's mother and aunt married 2 brothers. I tell him his family tree doesn't branch.
That’s really not as uncommon as you’d think. Especially in small towns before the internet. My husband’s great great grandparents lived in a very small farming community and his great great grandmother’s sister married his great great grandfather’s brother.
Christine would actually be first cousin once removed from her first cousin’s children, and that would mean Christine and Robyn’s children are second cousins.

That’s really not as uncommon as you’d think. Especially in small towns before the internet. My husband’s great great grandparents lived in a very small farming community and his great great grandmother’s sister married his great great grandfather’s brother.
Yes, two of my mother's sisters are married to brothers.
DH's mother and aunt married 2 brothers. I tell him his family tree doesn't branch.
As far as I know it didn’t go much past that but you never know. I have a crap ton of cousins, the vast majority unknown to me. In my younger days I discovered cousins quite often in school, at work etc. Once we were at a family gathering and my DH’s best friend was there. When I asked what the heck she was doing there she said my great aunt and uncle were her husband’s grandparents. This is a couple we had weekly game nights with, went out to lunch with etc. and we had zero idea.
Eh, I don't know. There are a lot of people who have multiple kids with multiple partners. Granted usually not 15 and usually one at a time but still.

Right, but they aren’t all one big happy family pooling resources in reality and portraying themselves as alone on financial issues.
I’m not arguing against assistance, I just like transparency & I think polygamy laws drive a lot of otherwise illegal action into the darkness making it harder to regulate/enforce. That’s more a broad view though, not so much specific to the Browns.
There's stuff out there about the actual public assistance the Browns have been on (as recently as 2010 while filming the first season of Sister Wives). Also lots of stuff on their 3 bankruptcies.

For a family that has received public assistance and have claimed bankruptcy, they sure seem to like their newer and pricier vehicles. I noticed Janelle was driving, what I think was, a new Lexus suv and Kody was driving an Infinity suv. I didn’t really notice what the others were driving.
For a family that has received public assistance and have claimed bankruptcy, they sure seem to like their newer and pricier vehicles. I noticed Janelle was driving, what I think was, a new Lexus suv and Kody was driving an Infinity suv. I didn’t really notice what the others were driving.

Or their houses that recently sold for 550k and higher. I wonder how much they originally paid for them and what those 4 mortgages looked like.

They paid 820k for the coyote pass land.

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Kody used to be in marketing before the show. Now they make 40K an episode I believe I read somewhere and he dabbles in business and real estate ventures with "friends." I think Meri makes a decent living with lulumon and her bed and breakfast. I've run across Christine on IG and I think she's also selling lulumon and so is her daughter Mykelti....that's what it seems like from their posts. I don't know what Janelle is doing right now other than real estate.
One has to assume they're part of Meri's down-line and for some reason that strikes me as hilarious. :rotfl2: It's kind of a metaphor for the other MLM (multi-level marriage) Meri apparently recruited them into.
Or their houses that recently sold for 550k and higher. I wonder how much they originally paid for them and what those 4 mortgages looked like.

They paid 820k for the coyote pass land.


And I find buying houses in the interim until the newest ones are built pretty interesting, but I guess having no rental options, the have no choice. How were they even able to buy houses in Flagstaff before their houses hadn‘t even sold in Vegas. Nothing they do seems logical!
And I find buying houses in the interim until the newest ones are built pretty interesting, but I guess having no rental options, the have no choice. How were they even able to buy houses in Flagstaff before their houses hadn‘t even sold in Vegas. Nothing they do seems logical!

Although I call BS on no rental options, so no choice.
The current condition in any rental market is a snapshot in time, and I didn't check Flagstaff back when they were looking, but there are at least 55 houses for rent right now. A decent range too, from smaller more affordable options to the 3,000-4,000 sq ft houses they tend to gravitate toward.
Oh, and that's filtering out apt's, condo's, and townhouses since I'm betting they wouldn't even consider those.
Of course that's not to say it would be easy to find something they really liked (been there, lived that), but I'm sure they could have found something that worked.
I think buying is much more about hoping appreciation makes them money. Sometimes that happens, sometimes not.
Wouldn’t checking into rental availability be the responsible thing to do before you list your houses for sale? Seriously, especially having kids you would think you should get everything lined up before moving them so often from house to house and being in a constant state of panic about where you will live. Everything in this family seems to be chaotic and stressful all the time. That can’t be healthy for those kids. It’s extremely irresponsible to me
Wouldn’t checking into rental availability be the responsible thing to do before you list your houses for sale? Seriously, especially having kids you would think you should get everything lined up before moving them so often from house to house and being in a constant state of panic about where you will live. Everything in this family seems to be chaotic and stressful all the time. That can’t be healthy for those kids. It’s extremely irresponsible to me

I couldn't be married to someone who caused that much chaos and stress in my life.
Wouldn’t checking into rental availability be the responsible thing to do before you list your houses for sale? Seriously, especially having kids you would think you should get everything lined up before moving them so often from house to house and being in a constant state of panic about where you will live. Everything in this family seems to be chaotic and stressful all the time. That can’t be healthy for those kids. It’s extremely irresponsible to me

I believe they all had rentals when they first moved but then Robyn’s landlord was selling the house. Meri’s landlord wanted her out. Then her second house sold.

also the whole comment of “we need to make sure our landlords are ok with our plural family or it can be an issue.” I don’t buy that. There are laws against discrimination. The true issue is them filming in these homes. Apparently the neighbors near Meri’s first house weren’t against them being polygamists. They didn’t want the camera crews and extra unnecessary traffic the show brought into their small culdesac. (I believe it was a culdesac) And her land lord was being pressured by the neighbors.
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Wouldn’t checking into rental availability be the responsible thing to do before you list your houses for sale? Seriously, especially having kids you would think you should get everything lined up before moving them so often from house to house and being in a constant state of panic about where you will live. Everything in this family seems to be chaotic and stressful all the time. That can’t be healthy for those kids. It’s extremely irresponsible to me
We’re talking Kody Brown here. Logic does not enter the equation. They left the houses here in Vegas half moved out of and sitting there for months before they put them on the market. Had they put them up in a timely manner and listed them for a reasonable price they would have sold pretty damn quick.
We’re talking Kody Brown here. Logic does not enter the equation. They left the houses here in Vegas half moved out of and sitting there for months before they put them on the market. Had they put them up in a timely manner and listed them for a reasonable price they would have sold pretty damn quick.

That was weird to see them on camera complain about their dire financial circumstances and still not have all the houses on the market.
The way they move grates my nerves. They are so inefficient. It is mind boggling. I don’t know if it’s because we moved so much as kids and I’m not being fair but it annoyed me to no end.

The day of moving they were still packing Knick knacks, dishes, drapes were still hanging, pics were still on the wall. Why?! Everything should’ve been packed except the essentials. Paper plates and cups should be used. Then to leave the homes with crap still in them??? When we moved (and I just bought a new home in May) the home we leave is empty except cleaning supplies so we can go back and clean up. That’s it. Other than that there’s none of our items there.
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But I guess it’s hard to move when you have to pack up a 4000 square foot home as a single mom with minimal help. With kids running everywhere.
The way they move grates my nerves. They are so inefficient. It is mind boggling. I don’t know if it’s because we moved so much as kids and I’m not being fair but it annoyed me to no end.

The day of moving they were still packing Knick knacks, dishes, drapes were still hanging, pics were still on the wall. Why?! Everything should’ve been packed except the essentials. Paper plates and cups should be used. Then to leave the homes with crap still in them??? When we moved (and I just bought a new home in May) the bone we leave is empty except cleaning supplies so we can go back and clean up. That’s it. Other than that there’s none of our items there.
That bugs me too. Why are you packing on moving day? The only thing I pack on moving day is the stuff out of the fridge into a cooler and that’s bare minimum stuff because I know I’m moving and don’t want to have a
That bugs me too. Why are you packing on moving day? The only thing I pack on moving day is the stuff out of the fridge into a cooler and that’s bare minimum stuff because I know I’m moving and don’t want to have a

it was the same when they left Lehigh. They are all so unorganized. Kody is the worst but they have their faults too. Why didn’t the wives hire movers or helpers? If my husband had to tend to four homes while I’m moving I’m hiring help!


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