Someone defend Tough to be a Bug to me

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I think the attraction is great and totally based on the premise of the movie where Hopper is just not a nice bug.

There are some heebie jeeby moments if you have issues or any specific problem with certain insects or Arachnids.

I'm pretty sure there are advisories. If a parent takes a child in with KNOWN fears, that is on them. But sometimes you just don't know and I have heard children cry. Live and learn.

Confession--I was a full grown married woman when I first experienced this attraction. I have a needle phobia and I have had two insect stings (one bee and one unknown) in my life. Then the stinger part came. :eek: I cried like a baby. Yes, I am pathetic. It was after the rest of the critters were leaving. Yeah--not fun.

The sting didn't hurt like a sting--but my irrational mind games really messed with me. Tears.

Yes I have done the attraction since. I now lean forward and lift Legs at the Approrpiate times so that the bugs can do their thing and I don't feel it. Pathetic? Yes! But my kids enjoy the attraction and they don't need to know mommy is a phonic chicken.:lmao:

To be fair--pretty sure most of the theater is laughing by the unexpected things that get you at the end.
Not sure why it needs to be defended??

Seems like most people like/love/enjoy it while some people think it should be burnt to the ground :)

I am in the group that likes it. I thinks it cute and the stinger is great!
Thanks to the DIS, I knew on my DD's first trip (age 5) that she would HATE it, so we skipped it. We still haven't experienced it, however, DD's best friend's first trip to WDW (same age) AK was their first park and ITTBAB their first attraction. She was terrified and didn't trust her parents for any ride after that. To this day, they have not been back because she would rather do other things than go to WDW. If even one kid feels this way and misses so much other magic, then yep, I think there is something wrong with ITTBAB!:confused3

Or her parents for them to ignore the multiple advisories.:confused3
Call me sentimental but I remember visiting DAK when it first opened and it didn't have too many attractions but DH was working at a convention so I knocked this park out with the kids while he was at work. DS was 4 and DD was 10 and they're not overly sensitive and we laughed and laughed and laughed at the surprise ending and my 4 year old immediately insisted we go again. So we did and we have every time we have been to DAK since. Why? Because it is a great memory for us. They loved the movie. They loved the video game. They liked meeting Princess Atta and Flik and getting autographs and we just laughed at Hopper because we knew he wouldn't win. Afterall, we were at WDW.

I can see how some kids don't like it and it's a balancing act trying to keep the magic alive and to help understand that it can't really hurt you.
it should be for kids, it really should be. But the story line is scary, dark and intense. The effects are scary.

It is for kids...most kids love it (mine included...since he first saw it at 2). Yes, there are some kids who are scared of the dark or bugs, but their parents should be aware of this and avoid the attraction if their kids can't handle it yet.
I seen no reason it needs to be defended.:confused3

Its a well done multi media show. True its not for all kids, however most kids love it. No attraction can be for ALL kids or adults.:thumbsup2

I loved it, but would never bring my daughter she would have a fit. Luckily I knew about it ahead of time!
Especially at the need when the bugs get to leave first and the seats get raised!!! So funny! But like others have said, young kids would be scared by it is my guess.popcorn::
Again depends on the kid. My 3yo is an Adeline junkie, loves any coaster he's tall enough for and insists on riding them multiple times. However he is a total "buggie" phobe. Not gonna chance this one, since he only saw the movie once and it didn't really capture him. However parents who insist their kid go on, while having a bit of trepidation, are setting themselves up for disaster. So many times I've seen a day full of great memories wiped out because a kid was forced on an attraction the parent did no homework on (Looking at you Fantasmic) that can take 10 hours of joy in the parks and wipe them out because that's what the small child will hang on to.
Stitch is the one ride I don't suggest to anyone unless they're looking to waste time. I'd rather people watch than do Stitch.

We did ITTBAB 8 years ago and have not attempted it since. Our eldest child did not scare easily at all. He was not at all scared of the dark. He was not scared of bugs. The only thing I can think of that scared him was fireworks. But he totally freaked out and we had to leave during ITTBAB. He was 3 years old. (My second child was 2 months old so it didn't effect her). My kids don't especially like AK anyway, so we even skipped that park on three trips. We're trying the park again our next trip, but only half a day. We don't want to waste valuable time on ITTBAB since I have a feeling my third child will freak out. Plus, we're trying to get them to like AK again - it's not worth it to risk it for us.

I don't think the ride needs defending, but perhaps a more clear warning. It's when there are warnings that it might scare kids on so many rides, it's hard to know which ones to take seriously - so perhaps some stronger language like this ride scares most young kids. Though, I likely still would have tried it with my eldest at 3 because he did not scare easily. (Other two kids are more sensitive so that is another reason we haven't tried it again).

*I don't quite understand why Mission Space would be scary, but I haven't been for almost 2 years so maybe I'm forgetting something. We do green since I would get too dizzy otherwise. I was planning on not letting my youngest due this due to being strapped in - that I'm not sure how he'll handle that part of it. I can't think of scary things. I'll have to pay attention when we do it on our next trip so I can decide when my youngest will be ready. He's a sensitive kid, but can be comforted by us, so we only gamble with rides that we can physically comfort him if needed.
I love this attraction, but was sad to see Hopper not working in May. I am hoping it was just a technical difficulty and not a complaint from a guest who found Hopper to scary. If this is the case then add Hopper to the list of actractions that aren't what they used to be because they are "too scary" for little kids: Gunshot on Jungle Cruise, Alien Encounter, Dinosaur, Little Red and the Poachers on the Safari :sad2:
I love this show.... we do it every trip. BUT, it can be scary for little ones. I'm not sure if there should be more of a warning ahead of time for new comers. I could see it being scary for some kids... and adults. I feel like the last time I was there they toned down the amount of bug spray that came out and how dark it was during that scene. I think the smoke and darkness, really adds to the scariness. Not knowing what is going on and not able to see it coming can be terrifying.
Great. Now I'm wondering how many pages into the forum someone would have to go to find a thread from July of 2014.
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