Something About Nothing............ #14

Well, finally with a lot of heming and hawing, gnashing of teeth, got a 30” hard sided Blue American Tourister suitcase. It’s quite deep. I had been looking at a Heys but this one is a bit lighter. Good price. Got it in the house without husband seeing it :rolleyes: I know he will when I start packing, lol. But I know he’s going to go on about how I got rid of my large one, why do I want another, blah blah blah! Or just look at it and shake his head!

Hot here today. Still summer ::yes:::lovestruc

Yay for Schumi and Tink countdowns.

Schumi I think I saw The Firm, but can’t recall much about it lol! Not a fan of his either. Used to be before he became such a whack a doodle!

Charade hope you’re feeling better soon. I’ve been catching up on some of the Harry Potter marathon too when I am having problem sleeping which seems to be every night this week.

Tink are you leaving Universal on 17? That doesn’t give us much time! But I’ll text when we get in! We’ll squeeze in something.

Monykalyn you’re chickens sure keep you on your toes! Glad Daisy is on the mend! But the poor babies being pecked!
No fresh eggs for us for awhile. Our friends with the chickens are away for awhile. I don’t know the person who’s looking after the hens. And the husband didn’t make any arrangements.

Watching coverage on CNN. Cocoa Beach looks so ominous looking out to sea. Black. And some idiot was swimming :sad2: I recall a few years ago just before hurricane hit a teacher was out there surfing and died.
Ah Sue, I always tell my kids, if there is something dumb to be done, there is always some one dumb enough to do it. Why in the water when any storm, dumb. Sad loss of life for that choice to surf though. Nice you got a new, smaller suitcase. I like that size, as I can put up in cabin or check in.

Relaxing, as routine to start tomorrow. Ah, 28 day countdown for me, and sad to miss Sue and MonyK, and Tink this month. Thinking more and more to go end of September next year, instead of beginning of October.

Pasta with bbq chicken. Mixed some tomatoes in there too. Should have added cheese, but thought about that after eating.

Yeah, reports of the Bahamas very sad, and saw MCO will be closed tomorrow and most likely Wednesday too. Hope Schumi’s flight on Thursday is on time and arrives without any delay.

Stormy day, but a very sunny day is on tap for tomorrow. Shades are ready.
Greetings from the ER. Side pain with nausea. What a fun way to spend the holiday. I just got back from a scan and am waiting on results. My guess is another kidney stone.
Ah Sue, I always tell my kids, if there is something dumb to be done, there is always some one dumb enough to do it. Why in the water when any storm, dumb. Sad loss of life for that choice to surf though. Nice you got a new, smaller suitcase. I like that size, as I can put up in cabin or check in.

Relaxing, as routine to start tomorrow. Ah, 28 day countdown for me, and sad to miss Sue and MonyK, and Tink this month. Thinking more and more to go end of September next year, instead of beginning of October.

Pasta with bbq chicken. Mixed some tomatoes in there too. Should have added cheese, but thought about that after eating.

Yeah, reports of the Bahamas very sad, and saw MCO will be closed tomorrow and most likely Wednesday too. Hope Schumi’s flight on Thursday is on time and arrives without any delay.

Stormy day, but a very sunny day is on tap for tomorrow. Shades are ready.
Sorry, I got the 30” that’s the big size luggage. It will come in esp handy for Florida vacays during winter when you have to pack clothes for all weather conditions More roomy so stuff isn’t so squished. It just boggles the mind st some people’s choices. Dinner sounds good! We had sausages on the bbq, fried potatoes and salad. A simple dinner tonight.
Yes, it’s too bad we’ll miss.
Greetings from the ER. Side pain with nausea. What a fun way to spend the holiday. I just got back from a scan and am waiting on results. My guess is another kidney stone.
Hope you’re feeling better soon. Is this the usual symptoms you get for stones? I’ve never had them but a few of my friends get them. Do you have to get ultrasound treatment? Hang in there.
Ack, Charade, prayers you are not in pain soon. And results help you not have that pain again.
Greetings from the ER. Side pain with nausea. What a fun way to spend the holiday. I just got back from a scan and am waiting on results. My guess is another kidney stone.
Oh no! Hope it goes fast!
Glad you decided on a suitcase Sue. When I brought my spinner home DH immediately went out and got his LOL.

tiana.JPGPrincess Tiana says "hi" She's over her "ticking biological clock" for now. Love her fluffy cheeks!
Still at the ER. 2mm kidney stone has been confirmed. They gave me morphine for the pain, but it didn’t do a bit of good. They gave me something else a few minutes ago and it seems to be helping.
I just sent dh out to get himself some food since he hasn’t eaten anything since lunch.
Hope your pain level gets under control quickly!

Drugs are your friend at times like this
I have been released!

I bet you are happy you can go home and sleep in your own bed tonight.
Hope you stay pain free tonight and the next day and the day after that, etc.

Do they think the stone will pass on its own?
Sue, Darwinism at its best with these folks that think they can beat nature. Happens here every year......yes, Tom Cruise seemed ok (not great) but quite normal then all of sudden when all the weird stuff came out 20 years or so back, went right off him......but still like those movies. Glad you’re happy with the new luggage!

Charade, hope you are pain free now. It’s a truly dreadful pain...glad you got home.

Dull this morning.........and forgot to bring bacon out for this morning.....still, won’t starve I’m sure........

Busy day ahead.......and got electrician coming to fix one of our outside lights that just died a few nights ago......he can squeeze us in so might as well get it done today......

Have a great Tuesday all......... :wave2:
Ha ha, Schumi I must admit, natural selection came to mind!

I’ll keep the light on for Charade. I can’t sleep.
432448 Yep, that time of the week, when Mac may do her Taco Bell run.

Charade, I hope you are pain free now, and happy you got released, so could sleep in your own bed. Hope that stone goes away quick.

Squilz, neat go cart picture. Thanks for sharing.

Sue, ah, large suitcase. Yeah, have not had that size luggage in many a year I have a rather large one, in older one's closet, as it stores his sweaters and stuff, that he rarely wears. Easier than shelves, as his closet is small.

Schumi, nice to get repair done so quickly, and woot! One more sleep before trip begins. Exciting. And I am sure something lush ate for breakfast, even without bacon.

So, Good Morning all! Happy Tuesday. And yes, the going home commute will be about 10 minutes later. First day of school for the area kids. Hello September.

So time for tea. Since those rain making clouds are gone, a very dark commute and sweater already on. Cool feeling inside, and 66 out. Clear day, so waiting for the sun to come up.

Later homies. I need tea.
Morning Sans family :wave2:




Taco Tuesday for sure........Mac’s day for the Bell


Vacation time is coming for Schumi and Tink


You will be Orlando bound before you know it.


If you see any hitchhiking minions take them home.

I’m looking at all the stuff I’m taking, my Universal popcorn bucket, mug, travel electric grille,

You pack an electric grille in your luggage for vacation at Resort.........what do you cook on it.

Dinner in oven/prepped: decided on italian style turkey meatloaf, rosemary/garlic roasted red potatoes and sugar snap peas.

Wow.....your dinner sounded yummy 😋

Greetings from the ER. Side pain with nausea. What a fun way to spend the holiday. I just got back from a scan and am waiting on results. My guess is another kidney stone.

Charade sorry to hear you had to go to ER.....kidney stones are terrible. Hope you are able to pass it and are comfortable in your bed at home now.

Go karts in the mall was AWESOME!! Saw lots of friends, made new ones. We'll be going there a lot.

Sounds like fun.

So time for tea. Since those rain making clouds are gone, a very dark commute and sweater already on. Cool feeling inside, and 66 out. Clear day, so waiting for the sun to come up.

Later homies. I need tea.

Lynne....hope your commute into work was not to bad this morning and your tea was tasty.

Well I got a lot done yesterday.......or at least I think I today is catch up in the office day and maybe a lazy afternoon nap.


Quick good morning. I finally made it home at midnight. It took me a little while to get to sleep despite having so much pain medication. Caspian was back to his normal routine and actually slept through the night. I’m feeling much better today, so I am headed off to work. Thanks for all of your well wishes.
Checking in to say I am a-okay. I haven't been able to scan through the last pages since I've last been on, so I apologize.

Nothing exciting as happened yet other than being more windy than I thought even though it's not here completely yet (while they report less, for the past couple of days it feels like 20-30 mph on the beachside). I have been away due to preparing. And now I am working remotely from a hotel room. Now it's time to wait. @Robo56 I believe now more than ever your couple should be fine, as things for awhile seemed very intimidating, but now things seem less intense, as the winds have drastically decreased. However, we shouldn't put our guard down. Hopefully your home will be fine as well. All we can do now is hope for the best and wait. <3
Glad you checked in here disx

Know you had lots to do in preparing for Dorian

Good to read you were able to move to a hotel
All the homies appreciate you checking in to give us a heads up you are now in a safer place

We have other homies in Florida in the past and have them on our thoughts also


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