Something About Nothing............ #14

Carole, just had to let you know that you are not crazy (I think?) LOL I have always had self cleaning ovens and have never used that feature!!! I clean the oven, but mostly my husband cleans it. He does a much better job than me.

Also I laugh every time I read "mousakka". I always think of Mufasa, the Lion King character. They sound the same to me and I think you are eating Mufasa:rotfl2:the Lion.

Okay, I"m out of hear :)

lol.....we are very alike in a lot of ways!!!! I do love cleaning to be honest, although I always think I hate it.....odd maybe?? I`m not OCD in any way, but some think I am a little with cleaning, but I can leave some things and ignore some things....but not for long haha.

I`ve never seen the Lion King......I know, who hasn`t seen it (me) I kinda know the story bu that`s about it. Yep, not a Disney movie fan at all generally......Now I`ll get me

Mousakka is very nice, but very rich!!
Quick Friday stop in!!!

I don't want to jinx my day at my homecare/healthcare job - but if I'm posting here - it's a smooth day!!!!

Dinner was a bust last night :sad1: I tried a pesto chicken recipe - and it seemed like it was missing something. I won't make that one again. Try with another recipe when I come across one. It didn't turn out at all like I thought it would. I am not sure what is on the menu tonight - it will be just dh and I. The boys are heading out to their Gramp's house to watch their we are empty nesters this weekend :lovestruc. But with me working all weekend - I don't know much I will enjoy our alone weekend.

Got to the gym last night after whipping up the not so great dinner. It was busy last night for some reason - and I didn't get a dreadmill in ideal proximity of one of those large ceiling fans that blow nice cool air onto you while your sweating. I did walk at an incline - and my calves feel it today :rolleyes1

Another mild but overcast day here. Countdown is at 35 days - until I feel that warm humid air hit my skin again ::yes:: I am beyond ready for a vacation. Still waiting for homecare to approve my vacation request. I'm starting to get a little anxious. They need to get their ducks in a row for me to use my vacation time granted to me.

Well, I should probably go work on a few things this afternoon yet. Things keep hitting my desk - but easy little fires to put out.

Have a great day everyone.
Planning to go meet Kyle in the morning and see him do his 100th race in one event, weather is supposed be decent so we will be happy to go, cold wet and rainy we might have thought really we`d still go!!
Good lucks!
Yep, not a Disney movie fan at all generally......Now I`ll get me
:rolleyes1Lol. Can recite the movie’s dialogue, one of the DVDs that jr usually had in the player as a small kid. the broadway show (touring company here) put on one of the best productions I’ve seen, of the goosebumps variety. Of course, you’d have to be invested in the franchise i’m guessing.
Every time i get a chuckle

RIP Carl Weathers, his entrance to Living in America song in Rocky 4 one of the funniest moments in the franchise.
Good evening. I’m having a quiet night stitching while dh is at his martial arts class.

Dh has his annual communications conference in Vegas in April. B and I have decided to have a stay-cation that week. Today I bought tickets for our local symphony orchestra for a concert that week. They are doing a “back to the 80s” concert. It should be fun.

what is this steam cleaning sort of oven?popcorn:: I’m a messy cook, self cleaning one is a need not a want for me.
I haven’t heard of steam cleaning ovens, but I regret not buying a self cleaning oven the last time we had to buy one. I won’t make that mistake again.

Thot of you when I was drafted to make an Elvis stitch cape for one of GD upcoming race costumes & headpiece. Going with the viva Las Vegas white one.
That sounds very complicated. I am glad I never had to make dance costumes.

Nice to hear. I cringe hearing how some people talk to the staff in dr’s offices.
Fortunately most of our clients are great. Some aren’t very chatty, but that’s okay with me.

We call them bungalows, maybe called Ranch Style over there,
I would love that style of house. I am so over stairs.

Planning to go meet Kyle in the morning and see him do his 100th race in one event
Good luck to him.

Still waiting for homecare to approve my vacation request.
Hope they get on that quickly. Vacation time is crucial.

Back to stitching, but first, a snack.
Quick Friday stop in!!!

I don't want to jinx my day at my homecare/healthcare job - but if I'm posting here - it's a smooth day!!!!

Dinner was a bust last night :sad1: I tried a pesto chicken recipe - and it seemed like it was missing something. I won't make that one again. Try with another recipe when I come across one. It didn't turn out at all like I thought it would. I am not sure what is on the menu tonight - it will be just dh and I. The boys are heading out to their Gramp's house to watch their we are empty nesters this weekend :lovestruc. But with me working all weekend - I don't know much I will enjoy our alone weekend.

Got to the gym last night after whipping up the not so great dinner. It was busy last night for some reason - and I didn't get a dreadmill in ideal proximity of one of those large ceiling fans that blow nice cool air onto you while your sweating. I did walk at an incline - and my calves feel it today :rolleyes1

Another mild but overcast day here. Countdown is at 35 days - until I feel that warm humid air hit my skin again ::yes:: I am beyond ready for a vacation. Still waiting for homecare to approve my vacation request. I'm starting to get a little anxious. They need to get their ducks in a row for me to use my vacation time granted to me.

Well, I should probably go work on a few things this afternoon yet. Things keep hitting my desk - but easy little fires to put out.

Have a great day everyone.

My last pesto chicken was ruined as I over toasted the pine nuts and we could taste it, haven`t made it in years now I think about it, not a favourite dish.

Oh dear, I hope they get your approval for vacation out soon, you don`t need to be worrying about that!! But, it is getting close!! Hope you can still have a nice weekend despite working.

Good lucks!

:rolleyes1Lol. Can recite the movie’s dialogue, one of the DVDs that jr usually had in the player as a small kid. the broadway show (touring company here) put on one of the best productions I’ve seen, of the goosebumps variety. Of course, you’d have to be invested in the franchise i’m guessing.

Every time i get a chuckle

RIP Carl Weathers, his entrance to Living in America song in Rocky 4 one of the funniest moments in the franchise.

Weather is decent at least, not long till we leave, I know he`s hoping for a good run time too this morning.Funny thing is I was watching one of those internet clips of animals people post, and one was of a dog watching the sad scene in LK.....poor dog was inconsolable and I said to Tom that`s the most of the LK I`ve ever seen!!! I`ve heard the show is one of the best around though.

Maybe another get me coat moment......I`ve never seen a single Rocky movie :blush:

I hate boxing and don`t like Sly Stallone, so maybe not a surprise, so I had never heard of this gentleman, he was very young to pass though.

Classy guy, great sense of style & a twinkle in his eye. Cut from same cloth as Billie dee Williams. Don’t make them like that anymore

Now I do know that gentleman!!!

Good evening. I’m having a quiet night stitching while dh is at his martial arts class.

Dh has his annual communications conference in Vegas in April. B and I have decided to have a stay-cation that week. Today I bought tickets for our local symphony orchestra for a concert that week. They are doing a “back to the 80s” concert. It should be fun.

I haven’t heard of steam cleaning ovens, but I regret not buying a self cleaning oven the last time we had to buy one. I won’t make that mistake again.

That sounds very complicated. I am glad I never had to make dance costumes.

Fortunately most of our clients are great. Some aren’t very chatty, but that’s okay with me.

I would love that style of house. I am so over stairs.

Good luck to him.

Hope they get on that quickly. Vacation time is crucial.

Back to stitching, but first, a snack.

That sounds like a nice plan for you and your daughter while your husband is away, like the sound of that.

I think we`re a good few years away from looking for another bungalow again, but it`s something we`ll seriously consider when we downsize in the future, I think in years to come I won`t miss stairs either.

Hope you enjoyed your evening.

It`s not sunny out, but mild and dull which is perfect for the runners we`ll be watching today, they are a very committed bunch of people that go out in all weathers.

Having a quick breakfast of a slice of toast then will have a brunch when we get back, thinking pancakes or french toast, bacon, poached eggs and regular syrup as we don`t seem to have any maple left. Then tonight, Indian takeout, we tried to book a table but even quite early they are fully booked, so takeout it will be.

Washing and ironing today too, not very exciting but hey ho....then movie night again tonight for us, so a very quiet Saturday for us....roll on the better weather so we can get back to outdoor living when it`s nice enough! Friends are saying the same thing, but it is getting lighter in the mornings and evenings now.

Have a lovely Saturday 😊



Ah nothing like DH bring noisy as he wakes up around the time our alarm would have gone off. Um, it’s a Saturday. No matter. My time to get into that drain the hot water shower. And rightly so. We have a high weather system set up. Sunshine all day for days. Clear nights? Yep. And at 32 degrees right now. And from my 5 day predictions, clear overnights give early mornings in the low to mid 20’s, starting tomorrow. At least with that Winter sunshine, warming to mid 40’s today, and most of next week. Okay with me. Enjoy rocking those shades. 😎

So tea, and seeing what to change to watch, given not much new at this time of day. No much going on for us. DH said given the clear weather we get this weekend, today is a good day to clean out the garage. So, since my car is usually the closest to the garage, I’ll ask little one if she wants to go somewhere, so DH can back his truck there instead. Older one works today. So his car won’t be home by the time DH wants to get out there.

This, hope all get some rest this Saturday, and yay for Pumpkin, for that vacation countdown. I hope you have no issues with that requested time off.
Did a daytrip to SW with DW Wednesday. Going with my brother and his kids on the 10th, then 2-3 days in UO for Mardi Gras.
Watching Epic Universe updates has us super excited.
Hoping for a soft opening for APs.
Made coffee and vanilla fudge brownies with a ginger, chipotle and szechuan peppercorn ganache for the kids to ward off a cool spell and deluge this weekend.
Hoping everyone is well.
Quick Saturday morning stop in! I'm trying to ignore the special project - "that just keeps giving " :rolleyes2 They keep changing and asking for additional information/numbers. It seems never ending. It's funny - that the mangers need this info - they have all the information in our shared drive - but yet can't figure out how to calculate and put it onto a spreadsheet. I had to explain the spreadsheet to the manager so he could present it next week:rolleyes1 And they get paid the big bucks

Quiet night last night. WE tried taco bell last night. It wasn't too bad. If we were having Mexican for dinner - I would probably go with a different place - as the one place I love to go to has a delicious burrito bowl. But it's close to my full-time job - and for a quick lunch it might fit the bill with a small quick basic taco.

Dh was watching the hockey All stars Competition. He was happy to see McDavid win the competition. It made me want to go see a game again. He really is amazing to watch on the ice - especially when he does one of his signature break aways and the others don't even know he already on the other end nearing the goalie ;)

I can't remember who was talking about cleaning ovens. I do like to use the self cleaning part. I will only use it for short periods of time. It gets too hot and uneasy to let it do a full cycle. My new oven have a steam clean option - which I will be doing on my next weekend off - as with all my xmas baking - it is needing a good cleaning again. I use both the self clean part and a good part of elbow grease as well. Which reminds me - I need to find / order more of those pumice cleaning stones. They work amazing on the oven.

Well...I should get working on a few things here. Go work on that project that just keeps giving :(

Have a great day everyone!!!
Good afternoon. My little project of moving a few things out of the spare room and into the closet became a project of going through bins and deciding what to keep, donate, or throw out. I finally have the room organized the way I want it and will be using a corner for craft supply storage.

Maybe another get me coat moment......I`ve never seen a single Rocky movie
I haven’t either. I have no interest in boxing.

It seems never ending. It's funny - that the mangers need this info - they have all the information in our shared drive - but yet can't figure out how to calculate and put it onto a spreadsheet. I had to explain the spreadsheet to the manager so he could present it next week
Typical. I constantly have to explain stuff to my boss. Some of it is stuff she trained me to do years ago. I guess it’s easy to forget when you are not doing it anymore.

I have been very productive today. I did a load of laundry, organized a room, and have dinner in the crockpot. Time to relax.
Quick Saturday morning stop in! I'm trying to ignore the special project - "that just keeps giving " :rolleyes2 They keep changing and asking for additional information/numbers. It seems never ending. It's funny - that the mangers need this info - they have all the information in our shared drive - but yet can't figure out how to calculate and put it onto a spreadsheet. I had to explain the spreadsheet to the manager so he could present it next week:rolleyes1 And they get paid the big bucks

Quiet night last night. WE tried taco bell last night. It wasn't too bad. If we were having Mexican for dinner - I would probably go with a different place - as the one place I love to go to has a delicious burrito bowl. But it's close to my full-time job - and for a quick lunch it might fit the bill with a small quick basic taco.

Dh was watching the hockey All stars Competition. He was happy to see McDavid win the competition. It made me want to go see a game again. He really is amazing to watch on the ice - especially when he does one of his signature break aways and the others don't even know he already on the other end nearing the goalie ;)

I can't remember who was talking about cleaning ovens. I do like to use the self cleaning part. I will only use it for short periods of time. It gets too hot and uneasy to let it do a full cycle. My new oven have a steam clean option - which I will be doing on my next weekend off - as with all my xmas baking - it is needing a good cleaning again. I use both the self clean part and a good part of elbow grease as well. Which reminds me - I need to find / order more of those pumice cleaning stones. They work amazing on the oven.

Well...I should get working on a few things here. Go work on that project that just keeps giving :(

Have a great day everyone!!!

I was put off ever going to TB a few years ago when someone in the States told us what grade the meat was they served thanks!! Going somewhere else is a good call.

A mix of the steam and elbow grease is a good idea. I do mine ever week, whether it needs it or not, but you do still get a build up especially when you open roast things, they splash.

I only know of a pumice stone to deal with hard skin on

Good afternoon. My little project of moving a few things out of the spare room and into the closet became a project of going through bins and deciding what to keep, donate, or throw out. I finally have the room organized the way I want it and will be using a corner for craft supply storage.

I haven’t either. I have no interest in boxing.

Typical. I constantly have to explain stuff to my boss. Some of it is stuff she trained me to do years ago. I guess it’s easy to forget when you are not doing it anymore.

I have been very productive today. I did a load of laundry, organized a room, and have dinner in the crockpot. Time to relax.

It`s nice to get things organised like that, I always enjoy that too.

Yes, never got the attraction of boxing, horrible thing to see.

Been a nice weekend so far, enjoyed our time watching the run as it wasn`t too cold, spent the day doing little jobs but got distracted for almost 2 hours with a call from one of my friends, we can talk!!! And the Indian restaurant called us back and said they had a table but it was ridiculously early at like 4.30, so we still had take out around 7.30ish and it was very nice. Very spicy, but that`s what we like.

Had a scary movie fest, Insidious 1 and 2 and a cocktail or three....made a Tequila Sunrise for Tom and I had something made up with Tequila, doesn`t have a name but it was nice.


Today we`re having another day where we don`t need to go out, so slept late, will do a brunch later similar to yesterday for both of us, the usual French Toast, bacon, syrup, poached eggs and will plate up some fruit. The friend I was on the phone with yesterday might pop in for that too. Dinner tonight is beef short ribs, they`ve been marinading all night in ale and herbs, will put the slow cooker on in half an hour or so and they`ll simmer along all day in the stock and ale, will do mashed potatoes with carrots and baby corn.

But, generally a lazy, lazy day for us with lots of tea I`m sure.

Busy week ahead, but on Wednesday I`m catching up with a friend I haven`t seen in a long time with one thing and another, so I`m very much looking forward to seeing her.

Shower time I think.



Happy Sunday!!!​
It was a quiet evening last night. I came home to a cleaned house - and a meal almost ready to eat :lovestruc Dh cleaned, did the grocery shopping and got a meal ready. I'm extremely glad that I have the next 2 weekends off! I am needing it. Next weekend to the city to see the kids and gd - then a whole weekend (even a holiday weekend to boot)to just be around home puttering and doing things around the house.

It's a little chilly again here. We are now in more normal temperatures for our area. The winter coats and mitts have been put back on again :sad2:. The struggle of living in Santa land. I always start dreaming of warmer areas when temperatures start to tank. My body sure knows that the temperatures have dropped :sad2: I told dh we will need to have a plan for being away in the hardest parts of winter when we hit that golden age.

Well, I should get started on the " special project".

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all.

Took my leg out for a test drive yesterday, managed to get almost a mile in before it started to bark. Then it yipped rest of night lol. Will get there, literally, baby steps

really nice walk around a small lake a half hour from home with more ducks that I could count. So much nicer than just the boring track.

Stopped for a couple things at the nearby store. Hard salami was on sale. Left the mr to complete the checkout while I checked out the lottery machine. He comes up to me afterwards and said the bill was well over $100. Thot he was kidding, only a couple of miscellaneous things. Quick inspection later…

original sticker underneath

Need to remember to make sure the credit goes thru on the debit card

I regret not buying a self cleaning oven the last time we had to buy one. I won’t make that mistake again.
was at the point I’d just run the feature once a month. Push a button, wait for it to cool down and wipe up any ash that settled on bottom. Easy peasy
That sounds very complicated. I am glad I never had to make dance costumes.
Hardest part is that fancy material. Either the wild stretching of some of it or the sequins that are difficult to even hand sew pieces together.

In the past I made several 3D sort of costumes. One I liked the best was an Ernie (from sesame street). Was a good two feet wide, my DS face peeked out thru the mouth. it’s been passed down to many kids to use over the years, not sure who has it now
My last pesto chicken was ruined as I over toasted the pine nuts
I cheat and use walnuts as I always have on hand and they are so much more forgiving than pine nuts when toasting.
Now I do know that gentleman!!!
Years ago we was signing autographs at MGM Star Wars thing. I had missed getting one of the limited tix. Was at an outdoor booth near the lake. i managed to position myself in front of the booth in between two of the lucky ones for a quick photo. :banana: As close as I’m ever Going to get lol
DH said given the clear weather we get this weekend, today is a good day to clean out the garage.
i’d have run as soon as I heard that
Made coffee and vanilla fudge brownies with a ginger, chipotle and szechuan peppercorn ganache for the kids to ward off a cool spell and deluge this weekend.
Define cool spell;) Did you get a free beer at SW? Everytime i see one of those emails come in have to point it out to the Mr. He has bitten on a quickie trip in the past for the concerts lol
And they get paid the big bucks
Dh was watching the hockey All stars Competition. He was happy to see McDavid win the competition.
he played for the Erie Otters in HS. They used same arena that my DSs indoor football team at the time utilized. His family would drive him all the way down from Canada. They always ran very late in concluding practices. :rolleyes1 He was treated as a chosen one even then. Saw him on the ice many times, obvious he was a real phenom.
I was put off ever going to TB a few years ago when someone in the States told us what grade the meat was they served thanks!!
I’m of the mind that while it may be very tasty to many (I get it, enjoy a McDonald double and fries now & again as a treat); it’s acknowledged as lessor sort of USDA grade meat.

Due to diet restrictions of family members, have looked most of the places we favor up as to nutritional content over the years. large majority of other fast food, CS & even TS places here skimp in the same way, more or less as to quality. Taco Bell is notorious for having a good % of by-products ala hotdogs, saturated fat & the way it’s served/toppings doesn’t help the cause any In my book.
I was put off ever going to TB a few years ago when someone in the States told us what grade the meat was they served thanks!! Going somewhere else is a good call
Yup...I don't think we will be back soon.
he played for the Erie Otters in HS. They used same arena that my DSs indoor football team at the time utilized. His family would drive him all the way down from Canada. They always ran very late in concluding practices. :rolleyes1 He was treated as a chosen one even then. Saw him on the ice many times, obvious he was a real phenom.
I believe he was treated that way! There is definitely a difference between him and the other players. It's hard NOT to be amazed when seeing him play and make one of his signature moves.
Stopped for a couple things at the nearby store. Hard salami was on sale. Left the mr to complete the checkout while I checked out the lottery machine. He comes up to me afterwards and said the bill was well over $100. Thot he was kidding, only a couple of miscellaneous things. Quick inspection later…

original sticker underneath
YIKES!!! I'm glad the store is honoring the price.

We have a " scanning code of conduct" here. When there is a price discrepancy - we always get the better price. We have had a few good wins over the years. We are always watching when items are scanned in.

Well, I'm still procrastinating on working on the " special project" :rolleyes2 Off to send out the schedules for the health care aids.
Last edited:
It was a quiet evening last night. I came home to a cleaned house - and a meal almost ready to eat :lovestruc Dh cleaned, did the grocery shopping and got a meal ready. I'm extremely glad that I have the next 2 weekends off! I am needing it. Next weekend to the city to see the kids and gd - then a whole weekend (even a holiday weekend to boot)to just be around home puttering and doing things around the house.

It's a little chilly again here. We are now in more normal temperatures for our area. The winter coats and mitts have been put back on again :sad2:. The struggle of living in Santa land. I always start dreaming of warmer areas when temperatures start to tank. My body sure knows that the temperatures have dropped :sad2: I told dh we will need to have a plan for being away in the hardest parts of winter when we hit that golden age.

Well, I should get started on the " special project".

Have a great day everyone!

You`ll enjoy your next couple of weekends off especially since you`ll see the family, that`ll be lovely.

Winter clothes time!!! I do like my winter coats and boots, but not the weather that goes with it!!

Morning all.

Took my leg out for a test drive yesterday, managed to get almost a mile in before it started to bark. Then it yipped rest of night lol. Will get there, literally, baby steps

really nice walk around a small lake a half hour from home with more ducks that I could count. So much nicer than just the boring track.

Stopped for a couple things at the nearby store. Hard salami was on sale. Left the mr to complete the checkout while I checked out the lottery machine. He comes up to me afterwards and said the bill was well over $100. Thot he was kidding, only a couple of miscellaneous things. Quick inspection later…

original sticker underneath
View attachment 831319

Need to remember to make sure the credit goes thru on the debit card
View attachment 831320

was at the point I’d just run the feature once a month. Push a button, wait for it to cool down and wipe up any ash that settled on bottom. Easy peasy

Hardest part is that fancy material. Either the wild stretching of some of it or the sequins that are difficult to even hand sew pieces together.

In the past I made several 3D sort of costumes. One I liked the best was an Ernie (from sesame street). Was a good two feet wide, my DS face peeked out thru the mouth. it’s been passed down to many kids to use over the years, not sure who has it now

I cheat and use walnuts as I always have on hand and they are so much more forgiving than pine nuts when toasting.

Years ago we was signing autographs at MGM Star Wars thing. I had missed getting one of the limited tix. Was at an outdoor booth near the lake. i managed to position myself in front of the booth in between two of the lucky ones for a quick photo. :banana: As close as I’m ever Going to get lol

i’d have run as soon as I heard that

Define cool spell;) Did you get a free beer at SW? Everytime i see one of those emails come in have to point it out to the Mr. He has bitten on a quickie trip in the past for the concerts lol


he played for the Erie Otters in HS. They used same arena that my DSs indoor football team at the time utilized. His family would drive him all the way down from Canada. They always ran very late in concluding practices. :rolleyes1 He was treated as a chosen one even then. Saw him on the ice many times, obvious he was a real phenom.

I’m of the mind that while it may be very tasty to many (I get it, enjoy a McDonald double and fries now & again as a treat); it’s acknowledged as lessor sort of USDA grade meat.

Due to diet restrictions of family members, have looked most of the places we favor up as to nutritional content over the years. large majority of other fast food, CS & even TS places here skimp in the same way, more or less as to quality. Taco Bell is notorious for having a good % of by-products ala hotdogs, saturated fat & the way it’s served/toppings doesn’t help the cause any In my book.

Baby steps will work Janet and your walk sounds lovely with the ducks.

What kind of hard salami is $80?? Is it something special?

That`s the best way to use those steam cleaners, bit of both regularly and your oven will be shiny forever 😁

That`s a good idea but I don`t like many nuts, regular nuts are something I`d never eat. Don`t mind flavoured spicy types or pistachios, but Tom loves all kind especially almonds and walnuts, poor guy never gets them as I never buy them. But yes, pine nuts are so easy to over roast.

Fast food should be a now and again for sure, but none of it especially the cheaper end appeals much to us at all. I`m always glad Kyle never wanted to eat any of it, when it was kids parties at McDonalds he went but ate very little and ate properly when he came home....he`d rather have had brocolli lol.....

And love you photobombing Billy Dee!!!

Brunch was nice, we all wanted French toast with everything else, so didn`t have to make pancakes too, had a nice time and my friend stayed a couple of hours and had a good old chin wag with her.

Didn`t feel hungry till around 6.45, so had our short ribs and veg, didn`t bother with making mashed potatoes, so it was enough. Now about to have a cuppa and a chocolate biscuit, a kit kat caramel I think.

Final two episodes of The Killing tonight, I still think Seattle appeals to me despite all the rain for some reason.

A week of mixed weather ahead for us, doesn`t look good for walking just yet, shame as it is milder than usual for this time of year.

Time for tea 🫖
What kind of hard salami is $80?? Is it something special?
None that I know of, deli just made a pricing error. A whopper of one
Final two episodes of The Killing tonight, I still think Seattle appeals to me despite all the rain for some reason.
Wish we had spent more time in Seattle. A unique place. over four days on two trips thru the area; nothing but blue skies Lucky us.
And love you photobombing Billy Dee!!!
I need to look for that nugget of a pic. Was dismayed to see him in a scooter. Turned out he had both knees done and looked hale & hearty st the event the next year
Friends are flaking out on a March UO trip so we will solo.
Boo to them. Did a specific band lure you in for your dates?


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