Something About Nothing #3..........

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thanks... :hug:

That's the problem...'nothing' is going BESIDES the schedule...and not MY schedule :headache:

What's wrong Barb?

I missed most of the day of work today....I went in for 3 hours and had to come home and go to bed. This cold or whatever it is is getting the best of me.....
Its supposed to be nice this weekend - tell him to start walking to get ready for vacation or something. I know when I am outside and walking/gardening/whatever, I have a tendency to smoke less.

And how are YOU doing with your 'walking'....hhmmmm....:scratchin

forgot to mention, one of the commercials for seedy lawyers on tv ... in our market is looking for peeps to sue re Chantix (sp) as to side effects? what's up with that?

I don't know, but Mike told me to watch out for signs of suicide ...


DANG Did we get evicted or what? We didn't get to finish out our lease. . . . Phamton locked my stuff in there. Guess I get new crap now.

:lmao: I know...I lost a few pair of flipflops there. Any reason to go shopping tho :cool1:

wwessing said:
When it stays light out longer, I have a harder time getting dd's to go to sleep. It's REALLY not fun when it's still light at 9:00pm. They think they should be outside playing, not inside wasting daylight . . . or twilight. . . or bright moonlight.

Had family dinner last night. Parents came and dd20 with my grandson who I haven't seen for 2 weeks. DH told dd that grandson was staying with us next weekend. She was like, uuumm, ok, Friday - Sunday!!!!!

So, we just started with the corned beef and the chicken was seconds for those who wanted it. . cept me, I waited on the bird.

Foster dog should be going home this week sometime. She's cute and all, but demands too much time and attention. . . besides, I'm tired of replacing shoe laces and she's started chewing on the couch cushions.

I like the longer light...Bubba is okay with it too...NOW...younger (like Tricia's boys' ages) was a problem tho :headache:

Proud of you for stickin' with the healthy're doin great!! (was there an alli coupon on their website? :confused3 Thot I heard....)

Glad you get to spend the weekend with grandson....the reward for NOT strangling your kids :thumbsup2 ....Lose a doggie, gain a grandchild... (I thought you sent puppers to Tricia's :confused3 )

We got kicked out of the old place early, huh? Did we forget to give that first month/last month deposit thing? Or was it just so full of junk, no more would fit?

:lmao: :confused3 I was surprised we got kicked out early too....We coulda had one more day...(that's how I left behind some flipflops...rushing to get all my stuff....)

I had a heckuva time convincing the boys that it was bedtime last night ("But, Mooooom... it's not even all the way dark...") and then everyone was dragging this morning. I hope that means good bedtimes tonight.

It looks like I'm hosting Easter dinner this year. Time to clean up. Although, compared to my oldest sisters house, the state things are in right now could be called clean.

I made my Ob/Gyn appointment for next week.

Okay, I guess that is all my random thoughts for now.

My random thots about your random thots: We had problems getting Bubba to bed when he was your boys ages....Being light out when it was time to go to bed, wasn't happenin'..... But, he rebounded perfectly and never had issues getting to sleep or getting up....I think the older you get, the more adaptable you are.... You know how young kids try to squeeze every second of playtime out of the day they can ;)

I'm having Easter dinner here too...not cleaning up...just for Mom. If she don't like the looks of the joint, she can stay home :p

I think I'm the only one who doesn't mind the OB/GYN :confused3 She delivered my Bubba and she is the worlds BEST doc! I'd drive 3 hours one way to visit her ::yes:: (I actually look forward to seeing we chat like long lost friends...:laughing: )

Last night DH asks what is up with your eyes?? They have been red for like 2 days now . I just think time for new contacts so I throw out the old ones and well I got up to go to work .... Well I can't open my eyes and guess what the DR says ......PINK EYE !!!

So now I am home and not allowed near my job for at least 24 -48 hours . Another week with no work .:mad: So how many adults get this ?? Really I am just about done with the sickies nonsence . Between this ,the dentist and well the normal womenly event we all get I am done for the month. And it is only the 10th .

Sorry to hear you have all the 'crap' going on at the same time... :hug: But, be positive and just get it all done and over with at once... I had it when I was a teenager (also had laringitis (sp) at the same time.... :rotfl: THAT was fun....

Bubba had pinkeye a couple times (toldya when he gets sick, he gets 'weird' stuff :sad2: ) He was 1.5 yrs old and we were at my in-laws in FL on vacation. He didn't have red/pink eyes, so MIL kept telling me he didn't have pinkeye. BUT, he did have the 'crusty' eyes... Finally after a day or so, I called home to his pediatrician and they called stuff in to local CVS. So, here's my poor baby on EYE DROPS at the ripe old age of 1.5! :sad2: THAT was fun to give him those.... Laid him on the floor on his back, DH "straddled" him over his chest and I had to hold his arms down while keeping his head still between my knees...oh joy! And the best part of this??? He was due for eyedrops just before we boarded the plane to come home....yeah...imagine THAT scene :rolleyes1 (by the way, the doctor said you CAN have pinkeye and NOT have any redness or pink eyes... :confused3 )

I was thinking that we had 16 pages to go! Somebody's credit must be bad for us to get kicked out early.

Okay...who ran up the credit card and got us kicked out early?? Have a feeling it just wasn't Jennifer....think she knows better.....

THANK YOU!!! :worship:

What's wrong Barb?

I missed most of the day of work today....I went in for 3 hours and had to come home and go to bed. This cold or whatever it is is getting the best of me.....

You ain't allowed to be sick in the new's ALL CLEAN AND GERM FREE! :eek: Back to bed

What's wrong....well, I was up at 7:15 this morning, went to work then came home and didn't have a chance to sit down till 9:30 tonite (not including eating the 20 minute dinner w/ the boys and the soccer game)... I didn't even have time to do my workout :mad: I hate this schedule.... :headache:

Mike and his sister must have to pee every 12.6 minutes. It drives me nuts. When they're together, they're worse. They could pee 5 minutes before we go somewhere, then have to pee again immediately before we leave. My BIL and I love to commiserate over that. There is something about going on a ride, or getting in a car, or going to Church that triggers something like Pavlov's dog.

Forgot to mention....easy to cure him of the 'potty' issue....tease him he pees as often as a woman! :lmao:

Maybe it is all this moving . Ya know they just don't forward mail the way they use to .:rotfl2: :lmao:


And yes, I have all of my shots, so please let me in the house…it’s pretty cold out here! :cold:

we're in the's warm here ;)

anyone bank with Citibank?

Got me a Citibank Visa when I was like 19 or 20...first credit card I got on my own w/o co-signer :goodvibes Since it's been changed to CitiMastercard....that happens to be the card we use for online purchases...never a balance on it, so no need to look up online...sorry can't help.... :hug:

I just renewed my Universal Preferred Annual Pass! :woohoo:

Good and Lawrence are goin' on Dragons... :thumbsup2

So I see my sister followed me over here.....after making fun of my online social life.....:

Hello Pot? .....This is kettle..... :lmao:

KStarfish82 said:
So the DF wretched his neck today and couldn't go to work.....some people and their excuses! ;)

Take it easy on the ole boy :rolleyes1

Jaws /akdar 592
Sharon 574
Wwes/ky 531
Tlinus 525
Buba / Rose P 467
Lori 444
Rv 436
Yp 433
Marcie 421
T&A 413
Dm 217
Damo 101

Hey lookit me... "Miss Know NOTHING about NASCAR" .... :banana:

Hi Patty!

How about P-Fin?! :rotfl2:

::yes:: I love it...I nominate PFin! :thumbsup2 Anyone second???
P-Fin??? Ummmm...ok?!?!?! I guess it's up there with Punky (like Punky Brewster) I have no clue...that's what ya get when co-workers have too much time on their hands!!!

Well, I'm off to bed...

Nighty night all!!

i'd be afraid for a dolphin with the landshark problem we have around here
:3dglasses yippie-yi-yo

I wouldn't...IIRC, sharks are afraid of dolphins.... I know, I know...I don't get it either :confused3

And lookie at Jennifer with her Post-It Note guy! :woohoo:

I keep the Post-It Note dude in business :headache:

Tomorrow is Easter Bunny shopping day, so I may not check in until later.


Have yourself a wonderful time shopping tomorrow.... :rolleyes1

where's the night shift?

Just me.... Lori just got home and Alison is sick... (how funny is it I get to meet them BOTH this summer... ;) )

Found out the Dumber called out sick at 7 pm on Friday when he was due in at 1030 pm and the only one assigned to work midnights that night. Sounds like his excuse didn't qualify. call out on a midnight tour AND over a weekend at that last moment is a definite call for some ball busting. As punishment, they took the rest of his midnight tour away from him, and only gave him one "night" off but had him come in at 6:30 the next morning for day tour on Saturday. Hope he learned his lesson. Where I work is NOT a place for sissies, that's for sure. Now, I get to work with RIP#1. Which is sadly better than working with Dumber. :lmao:

:eek: :lmao: Good for 'em!!! He deserves it..... I'm guessing getting the 'midnight shift' taken away from you is a big deal....big bux lost? :confused3

Blame it on the trouble makers breaking in the new place early. We had to move out of the old place early & sign the papers here to keep them out of jail. :sad2: Someday Mac's just going to have to make an example out of them & let them see how they like spending the night with the other criminals. :laughing:

Yeah Janet.... :snooty:

tarheelmjfan said:
Remember you still owe us a Mommy/Bubba story. :listen:

CRAP!!! I DID forget! :headache: I will try to remember in the morning...I have a 10:30 appt for my car to be inspected...the joint happens to have you KNOW I'll be lookin' to kill some time... :thumbsup2

tarheelmjfan said:
Okay, I'm going to ask one more time..... What's up with the Landshark? Please, describe!

Honestly :confused3 I don't drink it (or much 'beer' for that matter).... it's popular at Margaritaville...and both Janet and Tracie live in PA and distributors are just getting it in now....guessin' it reminds them of UO???

I just can't keep up with you people :)
I haven't been here since Friday, had a 22 hour day Friday with my day job and a sound gig in Allentown (about an hour drive). (From the time I got up at 5:30AM Friday until I got home and into bed Sat at 3:30AM). Anyway, then I had a long session in the studio Saturday, and yesterday I had a Gospel band with a 9 member choir, haven't recorded that style in a while, they were great, but it was a lot of work! So, after the weekend, then going to my day job today, I came home and crashed! I knew there would be a lot to Ketchup on, but WOW!!!!!

Anyway, I'm alive and lurking!
G'night all, time to crash again.

:scared: What a work schedule :sad2: Mo money for vacation tho :banana: Didja ever get airfare comin' home...or are ya stayin in FL? :laughing: See what happens when you don't come home often enough?....we move :p
Good night homies going to bed I guess in a jittery mood cause smoked my last smoke for the day which I guess isn't too bad when ya consider I am a 2 pack a day guy and only smoked 1/2 pack today so hopefully I can keep it going so keep your fingers crossed :lmao: :lmao:
Honey, I'm home! We had a fabulous and very successful show & weekend! Thanks for all the well wishes.

I need to head to bed but wanted to let you all know I am home safe.

Talk to you all tomorrow! Sweet sleep everyone!

:yay: Welcome were missed!

Oh boy! Phamton sure didn't mess around....she locked up before MAC could even get home last night....that joint is locked up tight!

I heard mac got locked out, but her cat got locked IN, so she broke into the joint to get her and got arrested for breaking/entering and trespassing :confused3

P-Fin??? Ummmm...ok?!?!?!

Nite PFin....
Good night homies going to bed I guess in a jittery mood cause smoked my last smoke for the day which I guess isn't too bad when ya consider I am a 2 pack a day guy and only smoked 1/2 pack today so hopefully I can keep it going so keep your fingers crossed :lmao: :lmao:

Slow and steady with the smokes's not easy, but you can do it! :thumbsup2 Nothing good about smoking and you'll add years to your life....something MaryEva and the boys will be grateful for :goodvibes steps! :thumbsup2 I think you've set a very realistic can definately do it :goodvibes (at least at work you're busy and don't think about's when you're not at work ya gotta find something to keep ya busy....)
Hello to all!

Hopefully there's some room in the new house for me! I guess I get stuck with the kiddie bed though, huh? Sorry, Kstarfish82, you're no longer the youngest...hehe. I just hope our housemates don't make us share a room with bunkbeds! :lmao:

Hmmmm...who could my sis be??? :confused3
:welcome: :welcome: :welcome:

to the newest homie on the block here:


ok, i have been mia due to a personal problem the last 24 hours, but was able to set this continuation thread in motion before i had to check out.

now i'll read up and find out who sis is..........

be sure to come back and play with us.

we are a nice bunch of homies and eagerly welcome all newbies here
Whew.... ....thank goodness you're home Raven....

Was just letting the pets in from outside ;)

I'll let you get the lights and locks (going "green" in this house....remember?)

Will catch you all in the morning.....

Have a good night!!

:cloud9: we go again! :woohoo:

number 1.........

I call dibs on the room overlooking to pool!

this one threw me for a loop.
did not expect her in the top 3 for sign ins.....
but glad she did!

Dibs on the room w/ private bath and someone help me move my waterbed...pleeze :flower3:

this was a given, knew she would be either #`1 or 2 in the new thread.

I want the room that is soundproof.

Don't ask.

was surprised, thought tracie would be in position 1 or 2 not 4th......

the notes relate to who i was thinking of making the top 3 for posting here once the new thread went up...

evicted again?

to dolpin peep, careful all your shots?;)

jodie - always happy to add my special brand of
to any thread lol

i love that smilie!
you are so good....

Good morning homies I see the new home is up and running,
Couldn't get on last night due to my cable service was working on the internet but atleast one good thing this weekend was that I have managed to cut my smoking in half and maybe if I keep going at this rate I can quit all together soon :cool1:

i hear ya on the cable service.
mine went out yesterday.
that and an issue at home kept me away until now.

just hearing you talk about smokes makes me want to :smokin:

Oh what the frick - I missed the moving van again....
This stuff is awfully heavy to be lugging around
Happy Monday (not) -

be back later

well, the moving van pulled out of the driveway a lot sooner than i thought it would be....

that took me by surprise also
and i paid the rent up to the 25th of the month........

i need a refund!!!

forgot to mention, one of the commercials for seedy lawyers on tv ;) in our market is looking for peeps to sue re Chantix (sp) as to side effects? what's up with that?

i read that people on Chantix have to go on viagra little blue pill..........for reasons.........:rolleyes1

Rut-Roh.....I guess I better not run into you guys whilst drinking - because that is when I tend to smoke more
. If he really quit quits for vacation, I would feel awful that I am tempting him

if i am drinking, i will be with you on that.....

We got kicked out of the old place early, huh? Did we forget to give that first month/last month deposit thing? Or was it just so full of junk, no more would fit?

i sent phamton a pm yesterday telling her i was setting up #3 for us so when we turned 250 pages, all would be set up for us.
i had no idea that she did it at that time.
i guess i just assumed she would wait until our number came up.
with phamton being busy, she probably had to do the link then in order to set up the new digs for us.

the one thing i fretted about today was did we get moved..........
now online and see that we did.


I missed the move :confused3 .

Well thanks to Barb. for the cheat sheet :thanks: I have made a copy and will keep it handy :thumbsup2

You will never believe how this B-Day has turned out . Well went out with DH and kiddies on Saturday . Sunday had dinner at mom and dads house . Last night DH asks what is up with your eyes?? They have been red for like 2 days now . I just think time for new contacts so I throw out the old ones and well I got up to go to work and :teacher: . Well I can't open my eyes and guess what the DR says ......PINK EYE !!! :mad: :sick: .

So now I am home and not allowed near my job for at least 24 -48 hours . Another week with no work .:mad: So how many adults get this ?? :confused3 Really I am just about done with the sickies nonsence . Between this ,the dentist and well the normal womenly event we all get I am done for the month:rotfl2: :lmao: And it is only the 10th .:scared1:

:wave2: :welcome: Dolphinlover !!

well, which party are you inviting all the homies to?

i have never had a childhood disease.
i shutter when i hear of a kid having one and i'm exposed to it.
i'd probably end up in the hospital......

I was thinking that we had 16 pages to go! Somebody's credit must be bad for us to get kicked out early. :rotfl:


yea, i thought my credit was good......

Shipping banana bread, huh? But then I'd have to answer yes to the, "Does this package contain anything liquid, fragile, perishable or potentially hazardous" question. What do they do if you say "yes"?

ask brab what to do.
she will know what to say............

due to all the smilies, i'll never get all posted with the quotes if i don't break it up and post this part now.

will continue ...........
even with breaking the quoting up, i had to delete 7 smilies in my last post to get it through.....

but, i do love the one of janet's is a hoot........and the bs sign....

Ok, is anyone else getting email notifications about 3 hours after the fact?

i am not receiving any except a few from sunday now.
maybe i was bad and being punished.
i went to church, i can't be all that evil.
but my twin sissy sure is.
she sat in the back pew and smoked in drank in church on sunday.
i was totally embarrassed.
at a sbc church to boot......

3 Hours you are lucky . I was getting them a day later . Sometimes I still am .:confused3 . Maybe it is all this moving . Ya know they just don't forward mail the way they use to .:rotfl2: :lmao:

i love that line...:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I just renewed my Universal Preferred Annual Pass! :woohoo:

good boy!!!

todd, can we renew over the phone or on the internet?
my renewal should come up on oct 1st this year and i won't be home at that time.

Hey everyone!

So I see my sister followed me over here.....after making fun of my online social life.....:

So the DF wretched his neck today and couldn't go to work.....some people and their excuses! ;)

ok, let's get even.
let's call her patty with an

i'll just say hey, homie patt


Welcome Patty!!!

Blame it on the trouble makers breaking in the new place early. We had to move out of the old place early & sign the papers here to keep them out of jail. :sad2: Someday Mac's just going to have to make an example out of them & let them see how they like spending the night with the other criminals. :laughing:

jail, yes, i know that word.
i have stories i could tell you about that but ............


i'm having one of those days also.
i feel your pain

I just can't keep up with you people :)
I haven't been here since Friday, had a 22 hour day Friday with my day job and a sound gig in Allentown (about an hour drive). (From the time I got up at 5:30AM Friday until I got home and into bed Sat at 3:30AM). Anyway, then I had a long session in the studio Saturday, and yesterday I had a Gospel band with a 9 member choir, haven't recorded that style in a while, they were great, but it was a lot of work! So, after the weekend, then going to my day job today, I came home and crashed! I knew there would be a lot to Ketchup on, but WOW!!!!!

Anyway, I'm alive and lurking!
G'night all, time to crash again.

mike so good to see you here.
did you see on the csw thread about the survey?
a new one that was listed on other boards but not on csw this time.
i took it and hope they read it.

sounds like you are really busy with the recording groups.
i would have loved to have heard the gospel group you mentioned.
i'm many pages behind also but will read all of them.
i can't refer to all the postings but try for some.
uh....still waitin' mac.... :bored:

i would have been here if at all humanly possible.
but am here to lock up tonight.
in fact i will be here all night........:eek:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
where do you come up with those great pics???
they are a hoot.:laughing:

Honey, I'm home! We had a fabulous and very successful show & weekend! Thanks for all the well wishes.

I have to try to catch up from page 208 in our previous home. Don't know If I will ever get that done. And there are already 5 full pages here!

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well. If anyone took cliff notes for me please forward them my way.

I need to head to bed but wanted to let you all know I am home safe.

Talk to you all tomorrow! Sweet sleep everyone!

we missed you!
i was hoping if some didn't see the link for this thread, they would figure it out on the UO boards when i called us #3...........
i did it that way for all the blondes........

Oh boy! Phamton sure didn't mess around....she locked up before MAC could even get home last night....that joint is locked up tight!

even with my evil sister sissy who can pick locks can't get back into that home.....
and that was one of her many talents she has.......

yup, i got locked out also and never knew it.
just roamed the streets all night until 6:30 this morning trying to get in.....

:yay: Welcome were missed!

I heard mac got locked out, but her cat got locked IN, so she broke into the joint to get her and got arrested for breaking/entering and trespassing :confused3


does the stripes make my butt look fat?

Whew.... ....thank goodness you're home Raven....

Was just letting the pets in from outside ;)

I'll let you get the lights and locks (going "green" in this house....remember?)

Will catch you all in the morning.....

Have a good night!!


clicking my red shoes together chanting, there is no place like home, there is no place like home.

sweet sleep homies.

hey jodie, if you are working the night shift drop back in.

i'm going surfing now.......(
before i start surfing and until forensic files comes back on, i need to answer a question.

i think mary asked about me.

my brother that i am close to and love dearly lives in honolulu.
he moved there in 1990 after he left Thailand

we try to see each other every other year.
last september he came to st louis area/ illinois side though, and stayed with the folks/
it was his turn to come to the states but we had our dates mixed up.
i told him january 07 the florida dates i had and would not be available.
you guessed it.
he came 2 days before my scheduled trip so i couldn't have him up to my place. his plans changed and he had to go to boston on business first.
we didn't get to see each other last year.

i promised him i would come see him this spring.

other than that my bottle of jack is now empty and i have been using spell check.
i leave on the 18th and will be gone 8 days
jodie didn't come backc aarouendk yet?

i lodkced the doore and the catee is in the baseermnent;\

see youser in somew houres for monw
jodie didn't come backc aarouendk yet?

i lodkced the doore and the catee is in the baseermnent;\

see youser in somew houres for monw

Hey, Gemma, please stop logging in as Raven and posting under her screenname. It's TOO CONFUSING FOR ME!!!!!
jodie didn't come backc aarouendk yet?

i lodkced the doore and the catee is in the baseermnent;\

see youser in somew houres for monw

One more thing .... Katie, are you OK? It would seem you are locked in the basement. Don't forget to rub the lotion on your skin and put it in the bucket ....
off to work believe it or not.

hold on to your hats, this is going to be a fun ride.......

i see metro

what happened to fletcher and jennifer this morning......:rolleyes1
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