Spring into a New Beginning- APRIL 2017 WISH Lifestyle/Weight Challenge


I feel like I have been on a "diet" (i.e. trying to lose weight) constantly since 2008. The sad thing is that I still haven't made it to my goal weight. The good news is that I am usually hovering between the BMIs of 24.8 to 26.1. So not really that overweight.

you really aren't overweight. You may struggle with some vanity weight, but this is not overweight and remaining at this weight I consider huge success. About 70 % of adults in most countries are either overweight or obese, remaining healthy weight and persistently working to achieve this is huge success

I think that's how it is. It feels that you are on diet, but in reality remaining healthy weight for many is persistent effort, adjusting and trying to find what fits us as things change. Someone said is maintenance losing same 3 kg again and again. It kind of is to be honest!

Maybe you didn't reach the goal weight but you have been successful developing healthy lifestyle
The first time I lost a lot of weight I was so good at self control. I could eat just a couple bites of dessert and be fine. I think it was just having DS10 that gave me the motivation. Now I am so bad at portion control and eating. I am just at a different place in my life. So I am trying to swap bad foods for good ones similar to @Lady Marie. I also don't want to do exercise videos all the time like I did years ago so running works well. Something different everyday and I get alone time.

You mentioning exercise videos actually got me thinking that I really want to do them again!! So, I did earlier this evening and now I fell like I really accomplished something!! Thank you!

you really aren't overweight. You may struggle with some vanity weight, but this is not overweight and remaining at this weight I consider huge success. About 70 % of adults in most countries are either overweight or obese, remaining healthy weight and persistently working to achieve this is huge success

I think that's how it is. It feels that you are on diet, but in reality remaining healthy weight for many is persistent effort, adjusting and trying to find what fits us as things change. Someone said is maintenance losing same 3 kg again and again. It kind of is to be honest!

Maybe you didn't reach the goal weight but you have been successful developing healthy lifestyle

Thank you for the support! I try to see it that way, too. I just wish I would maintain at a lower level!! I know the lower I get the harder the maintaining will get. But I just wish I would maintain between 24 and 25 instead of 25 and 26 for a while. However, the thing I learned is that the maintaining does get easier over time, so maybe I will finally get lower some time this year.
I have been slacking at getting on the board and responding. I have no idea what kind of industrial strength infection I caught but we're on day 9 of battling it with day 3 of antibiotics and steroids with not much improvement. So I'm playing a bit of catch up right now.

What kind of things have you tried that didn't work for you? How long do you try something before you decide it that it isn't working?

Bonus question: Do you prefer Disneyland or Disney World? If you have never been to one, do you have plans to visit?

I've now tried Whole30, Paleo, and Atkins and they were epic fails lol I have to have carbs in my diet. I try to give things at least a few weeks before deciding it isn't working. In the case of Whole30 I got to 10 days. I've also tried doing couch to 5k programs and my body just does not like running. I hurt both knees, my foot and my ankle in the process of trying to do it. I didn't even like running, I just wanted to like it so that one didn't work out so well either.

I love the nostalgia of Disneyland and Carsland in California Adventure but I will always prefer Disney World. It's bigger and has so much more to do. Plus my anxiety doesn't reach panic attack levels from my claustrophobia since there's more room to move around.

What have you invested in that has helped your journey the most? Do you have anything that you would like to try but are not sure it is worth the investment?

Bonus: Walt's brother Roy had a big part in Walt achieving his dream. How many brothers or sisters do you have and where do you fall in birth order?

I bought myself a fitbit about a year ago but I didn't feel like it was registering what I was really walking. I bought an ankle band for it off of etsy a few months ago and I love it! It registers my real steps and I feel motivated to walk more and increase my steps more often. It's so small but it's been great. I really wish I could invest in an elliptical or exercise machine for our bedroom but I'm not sure it would actually get used or if it would just turn into a laundry basket. So for not I just walk the dog 4 times a day and try to get at least one Kinect game in with my daughter for a half hour.

I have one sister and I'm the oldest. However, I also have 3 sisters in law and 1 brother in law and I'm right in the middle of everyone when you combine them all.

How is everyone celebrating? And for those of you that don't celebrate Easter, Do you have a spring holiday that you do celebrate?

My extended family celebrates Easter, my husband and I do not though. So after everyone else is done at church we go to my aunt's for a potluck brunch. My mom always dyes eggs with my daughter the day before Easter and does a little hunt with her at her house. Luckily my husband had to work yesterday so I got to go home and rest.

How has your healthy lifestyle evolved over the years?

It's kind of done a huge 360 degree turn over the last decade or so. I used to eat really healthy and lost about 60 pounds about 10 years ago. Once I got married things slowly crept up to a higher weight with going out more often and being less active as we settled into married life. The once I got pregnant I didn't actually gain any weight but my body shape changed a lot and I haven't been able to lose weight in my stomach region which is the problem area for me. Then we had financial issues so it became buy to survive so it was the cheapest and not so healthy foods. Now we're in a slightly better place so I'm just trying to make sure we all eat balanced meals, less snacking and more fresh and local products when possible. And I try to make sure I move around as much as possible when I'm done with work and get my daughter involved. It's a work in process.

Whew that was a lot. Teach me for forgetting to check in daily lol
How has your healthy lifestyle evolved over the years?

Due to health issues and schedule with having children I am no longer doing the amount of workout that I did 15-20 years ago. I have had to change my eating to make up the difference. Still trying to find that balance while getting all the nutrients and micro nutrients that I need each day.
Happy Tuesday everyone! I am feeling great today. The scale moved down, that is always a plus. And I hurt everywhere from my workout yesterday, so I know that I did something that was really needed. Hopefully I will get my act together and do the second workout tonight. The Wednesday is a running day. If it isn't snowing in the morning like today! :scared1:

Had a great lunch, the place we went to had a chickpea and eggplant stew as a daily special. Filling, warm and yummy and not high in calories at all. I need to try to make something similar myself soon.

@HappyGrape I need to thank you for your reply again. I went back and re-read it a few times yesterday and it really helped me to get a new perspective at where I am standing and what I want and I feel so much more motivated again! :thumbsup2
When the contract for Oswald was up, Walt went by train to New York City. There he met with Mintz and Universal to renegotiate. Things did not go smoothly. Walt asked for more money but Mintz would only offer enough to cover the cost of making the films. Mintz threatened Walt, if he didn't take the deal not only would he lose Oswald but also most of Walt's animation team. Walt rejected the offer and vowed never to work for anyone else again. On the train ride back to California Walt started drawing. He came up with a mouse. Walt wanted to name him Mortimer but his wife didn't like the name. She suggested he be named Mickey instead.


Even when things looked bad for Walt and he was losing everything he managed to make something that would be even better. And he couldn't have done it without Lily. Who do you have in your life that is there to support you through thick and thin?
My husband is the biggest supporter at home then my mom. This group is too. I have lost more and stay on track more often with being on here.


Another day and they still have not caught this guy. No one has seen him since the murder on Sunday and no one has heard from him since shortly after that. How do you just fall of the face of the Earth? We have decided that we will take the kids to school until he is found or know to be out of the area. I don't want them standing out at a bus stop. Things in the area have gone back to normal for the most part. People are being more alert and there seem to be more cops around.

Things at home are ok. My daughter hasn't mentioned it so we are going with she feels ok. We are going by her lead on how she is feeling. We don't want to bring it up if she is fine. She is sick again. She has a really bad cough that is making her throat and stomach hurt. thankfully we had the good cough meds from the doctor from when she had this in January. They are really helping. We all seem to have a little cold or something. My son told this morning that he can't hear out of his ear. SO it sounds like he has some congestion going on and my husband and I have a little bit too. I do want to go workout but I don't want to over do it either. Right now I don't want to going walking around the neighborhood just because we do not know what is up with this guy. We might just take it easy today and see what happens tomorrow.
It's a light Tuesday over here at work for me so I'm trying to get caught up on some personal stuff at work. One thing that I've learned to control, and it reminds me of the healthy living, is my finances. My secret? Not having any debit/credit cards on me. I carry a prepaid debit card for gas that, in the case of an absolute emergency where I needed to swipe a card, I could put money on from checking/savings but I don't use it for anything other than gas. I had my debit card in my wallet for 4 days the other day for the first time in a couple months and spent over $100. In 4 days! Insanity. So that got me thinking, what exactly is my "debit card" when it comes to living healthy? One, my debit card. Half that money was spent on fast food junk I didn't need. Two, putting myself in social situations where food/drinking is involved. I'm an all or nothing person when it comes to socializing. I'm not good at having one drink or one piece of pizza. But I can't very well remove myself from social situations. And almost all social situations revolve around food. For example, this weekend I know I'll be going out with a friend for her birthday to get donuts. Even in situations where I can pre-plan, someone asks where I want to go eat, if I want another drink, etc and all that planning goes out the window. I don't like saying no, especially because I don't really "want" to say no to the extra pizza or another beer. So I'm just not really sure how to control it.
I am going to do an early woohoo. They caught this guy. He was found in Eria PA. Not really far from here. It would nice for a day trip. He was found at McDonalds gave a little car chase and then he shot himself. I feel like we can really get back to normal. I will be going for my walk tonight.
I am going to do an early woohoo. They caught this guy. He was found in Eria PA. Not really far from here. It would nice for a day trip. He was found at McDonalds gave a little car chase and then he shot himself. I feel like we can really get back to normal. I will be going for my walk tonight.

So happy that that stressful time for you is over!

Walt had to evolve his business so it would grow and stay current. How has your healthy lifestyle evolved over the years?​

I have DEFINITELY evolved my "diet" over the past 9 years of this journey. I've always been a fairly healthy eater, but I started out just wanting to find a way to maintain the "food status quo"..... I wanted to lose weight while still occasionally eating cheesecake and potato chips and macaroni-&-cheese.... so I found so many light recipes that were tasty, but not particularly healthy. But I also KNEW that things needed to change. As my weight went down, I found I was happier and happier putting off the "treats" longer and longer because the weight loss was MORE exciting than the food! And I realized more and more that I feel better when I FUEL my body rather than FEED my emotions! I still reserve one meal a week as a "treat", but I try hard to leave it at that. It truly gets easier and easier over time to say NO to tempting foods when it is NOT treat time. I say no on a daily basis to chocolate and cupcakes at school. And I never miss them.

Even when things looked bad for Walt and he was losing everything he managed to make something that would be even better. And he couldn't have done it without Lily. Who do you have in your life that is there to support you through thick and thin?

My Mom and my daughter.... without a doubt, all the time, every day!


Hey friends! Just so sorry that my life has been interfering with my Disboard time!:rolleyes: I've just been so busy that I've sort of scattered when it comes to keeping up with "regular life" stuff! I have school vacation next week, but in an effort to bring in a bit of "fun" money, I've agreed to sub for about 8 WW meetings.

I read a bit here when I can (when I have a spare minute here in the office at school), but I have to be ready to jump and move at a moment's notice, so I haven't been taking the time to reply. Hoping and praying that life slows down soon....I'm exhausted! :crazy2:

Love to you all!.................P
9 year old has a rabbit that in rabbit years has hit the teenage years and she ( the rabbit) wants only one thing-a boyfriend. Yes my life has come down to dealing with a hormonal rabbit. Seriously looking at breeding her in hopes that she will mellow out some if not we are going to have to have 12 year old show her at fair and 9 year old show 12 year old's 3 year old rabbit. 12 year old was taking 9 year old's rabbit out to put in the grass run when hormonal rabbit bit at her and jumped up onto the shelf above the cages. We had to have DH get her down because he could reach her without reaching over his head. Who say life is boring. Not around here.
Who do you have in your life that is there to support you through thick and thin?

This is hard because while my DH supports me he is one of those people who can eat everything in sight and not gain an ounce while I do much as glance at a potato chip and put on 5 pounds and does not get the struggle. I would have to say a number of my co leaders in the 4-H club and even some from other clubs. I had a lovely talk with another leader about miss hormonal rabbit and how to handle things. I showed but mine were 2-3 years old when I got them so they had mellowed out quite a bit.
Who do you have in your life that is there to support you through thick and thin?

This would absolutely be my husband. My husband and I have been through so much in just shy of 8 years. I can see why people get divorces so easily, married life is rough. I'm just glad that we have each other to rely on. He's the Carl to my Ellie.


I'm so happy to report that for the first time in 10 days I woke up feeling like a functioning adult. I think these antibiotics are finally killing whatever felt like invading my system.
Who do you have in your life that is there to support you through thick and thin?

I think my answer would be my sister. As kids we had our good and our bad times, but then as adults we ended up being in London for 6 months at the same time. She was doing a Masters degree, I was doing a course in English law. During that time we spent a lot of time together and really is the foundation of our friendship as adults. The great thing about her is that she knows me so well.

I'm off to the airport to pick up friends and then on to WDW. I'll try to get back on later to chat :)

Hope you had fun!!

I'm so happy to report that for the first time in 10 days I woke up feeling like a functioning adult. I think these antibiotics are finally killing whatever felt like invading my system.

Wonderful!! Get well soon!


I am quite happy with myself for yesterday: After dinner I had a snack attack. But after the attack was over, I tracked what I ate and then went outside at 9pm to walk for one hour. I ended up with still a 500 kcal deficit for the day (which is my goal)! So, my streak of green or blue days (within my goal or under it) is not broken!

Today I packed a snack for the afternoon (carrots, cucumber and a hard boiled egg) because I know that the snack attack after dinner happens when there is too much time between lunch and dinner. Tomorrow I am planning on bringing lunch because I know that there won't be an opportunity to go out with colleagues. So, I can easily just bring someting instead of relying on a sandwich from the bakery.
It's that time again,
Woohoo Wednesday!!


What are you woohooing today? It can be anything big or small, we are celebrating it all!​
My secret? Not having any debit/credit cards on me.
This is very smart. Credit cards do make spending so much easier.

I am going to do an early woohoo. They caught this guy. He was found in Eria PA. Not really far from here. It would nice for a day trip. He was found at McDonalds gave a little car chase and then he shot himself. I feel like we can really get back to normal. I will be going for my walk tonight.
Thank God! I saw the beginning of the video where he was talking to the elderly man (it was on the news) and I wanted to cry. I hope you enjoyed your walk.
And I realized more and more that I feel better when I FUEL my body rather than FEED my emotions!
I love this! Looking at food as fuel is an eye opener.

This is hard because while my DH supports me he is one of those people who can eat everything in sight and not gain an ounce while I do much as glance at a potato chip and put on 5 pounds and does not get the struggle. I would have to say a number of my co leaders in the 4-H club and even some from other clubs. I had a lovely talk with another leader about miss hormonal rabbit and how to handle things. I showed but mine were 2-3 years old when I got them so they had mellowed out quite a bit.
My DH is the same way, supportive but can't really identify with my struggles.

This would absolutely be my husband. My husband and I have been through so much in just shy of 8 years. I can see why people get divorces so easily, married life is rough. I'm just glad that we have each other to rely on. He's the Carl to my Ellie.


I'm so happy to report that for the first time in 10 days I woke up feeling like a functioning adult. I think these antibiotics are finally killing whatever felt like invading my system.

Woohoo for feeling better!

I think my answer would be my sister. As kids we had our good and our bad times, but then as adults we ended up being in London for 6 months at the same time. She was doing a Masters degree, I was doing a course in English law. During that time we spent a lot of time together and really is the foundation of our friendship as adults. The great thing about her is that she knows me so well.

Hope you had fun!!

Wonderful!! Get well soon!


I am quite happy with myself for yesterday: After dinner I had a snack attack. But after the attack was over, I tracked what I ate and then went outside at 9pm to walk for one hour. I ended up with still a 500 kcal deficit for the day (which is my goal)! So, my streak of green or blue days (within my goal or under it) is not broken!

Today I packed a snack for the afternoon (carrots, cucumber and a hard boiled egg) because I know that the snack attack after dinner happens when there is too much time between lunch and dinner. Tomorrow I am planning on bringing lunch because I know that there won't be an opportunity to go out with colleagues. So, I can easily just bring someting instead of relying on a sandwich from the bakery.
Sounds like another woohoo!! Awesome job :)
I saw the beginning of the video where he was talking to the elderly man (it was on the news) and I wanted to cry.


Who the hell thinks that it is a good idea to show something like that as part of a news program?? No wonder there are issues with rescue serviced not getting through the crowds of people who think they need to life stream an accident...


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