String's Atkin's Journal (Please Comment)


<font color=blue>DIS Veteran<br><font color=red>I'
Jun 26, 2003
Hi, my name is Beth, I'm 32 years old, and I've always had a problem with my weight. How did I get here? There are a lot of factors, of course.
1.) I'm an emotional eater. I eat when I'm sad, angry, frustrated, or bored. If I'm happy, I deserve a treat. My Mom is a great cook, and so am I. I specialize in Italian.
2.) I am sedentary. If I have a spare moment, I want to be curled up with a book.
3.) I spent 6 months on absolute bedrest during my pregnancy. I dont regret this. I have a beautiful and healthy 3yo DD.
4.) I lack stick-to-it-tiveness. I have tried dieting in the past, but I haven't lasted more than a couple of weeks.
5.) My work schedule is really hard. I am a stay at home mom M-F. I work 12 hour night shifts on Friday and Saturday nights. DH watches Kate on weekends while I sleep. This means I'm up at 7AM friday until 9AM Saturday. I have been relying heavily on caffiene and carbs to get through weekends.
Those are most of my issues. So why am I finally doing something? It is time. DH is also dieting, so there is no more sabatage.

So here goes:
Height: 5'9''
Weight: (I can't believe I'm typing this) Initially 268.5#. Currently249#
Initially, I want to reach my 10% total weight by my bday in January. Ulimately, i want to weigh between 175-185 #

1.) I have joined Curves. I am going 2x a week while DD is in preschool. I try to supplement this with walking.
2.) I have started Atkins. This is a struggle for me. I LOVE CARBS! I am following the plan with only a few detours so far. I am back on induction as of today because I totally lost it yesterday. This is the longest I have stuck with a program so far.
3.) This journal. Yesterday I realized that I need acountability as well as support. I will achieve this by posting to this journal for all to see. I will be honest with myself and you about the good and bad.

Thank you for the support I have already received here. WISH is wonderful.


You've had some great success so far - keep up the great work. The people here on the WISH board are so supportive and helpful, like we're all in this together.

It is great that you hubby is onboard with your program - I know I couldn't do it with my DH's help.

Your schedule is a tough one. My sister is a L&D/NICU nurse in Salt Lake City. After nearly 20 years of work, she is finally on weekdays - 3 twelve hour shifts and on-call for life flight. I don't know how she's survived being a Mom and working the graveyard and weekends for as long as she did. (Well maybe she didn't - she's on husband #3 now.)

I was wondering if you could give me the rundown on Curves? I have one near my home and was wondering if a more sturctured exercise program would actually work for me. (I have a strange work schedule too and working excercise into my schedule has been difficult.)

again welcome and keep up the great work!

hi beth!

glad you are here. sounds like we are very similar in our stats and goals. i used to work weekend nites as a nurse for 8 years when my older boys were younger i know how hard that is........i am now fortunate that i can stay at home with my 3 year old son.

it looks like to me you have identified where you wt loss came from very well.

may i suggest that you make some short term goals and reward yourself when you meet them........make those goals very concrete. dont weigh more than once per week. eat frequent small meals. take a pic of yourself now in a bikini and retake your pic every 4 will be amazed at the changes you will see in a pic that you cant see day to day. i have done this over the last year and it is inspiring to me to see how different i look......drink tons of water....this will totally help you lose wt. and make you feel better.

carbs are definitely my prob too......but i can tell that i am not craving them like i used to after one week of induction. commit yourself to one week........that's all and see how much better your cravings's amazing.

glad to see that your hubby is there with ya........there will still be tons of intentional and unintentional sabotage, not just from your must recognize it and rise above it.......there are usually people in our lives that love us as we are and dont want us to change........but we have to love us too........and be aware of when it is happening. no one can sabotage us if we dont let them do excuses.

oh a few more comments on exercise that have helped me.......try to exercise first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and then wait one hour to eat after working out for max fat burning. when you walk try to do it with intervals........walk slower for 2 mins, moderate for 2 mins, fast for 1 min........then repeat for 3 more cycles..........for a total of 20 mins. interval training has been shown to burn more cals in the hour after you stop exercising than just plain old walking. it also helps you build up speed and endurance faster.

hope i dont come across as ms. know it all.........i just wanna help ya get the max results you can have with the most minimal effort.

i'll be watching your progress..........dont let me down!!!!!!!
So glad you started to keep a journal. I so much enjoy reading everyone's posts. The insight and encouragement available on WISH is priceless.

I can't believe how similar our situations are! Not the work schedule, I am a 9-5er. I am an emotional eater like you. Food has always been a rewarder, protector, friend and even punisher for me. I weighed 282.5 (5' 1" tall) when I started the South Beach Diet on December 1, 2003 and started my journal. Please feel free to take a look when you get a chance, if you'd like. It's called Lisa's Journal, Life on the Beach or something like that. My initial goal is to lose 10% of my body weight or about 28 pounds. South Beach and Atkins are pretty similar and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to make it through the Phase I (it's like induction) but in 3 days I'll be finished. I absolutely don't miss the carbs and even on Phase II I am not adding back too many.

My husband is doing the program with me so that helps alot. Is your husband doing Atkins with you? Having the support of your family is so encouraging. I think that's one reason I have been so successful so far (lost 11.5 pounds the first week!) because my husband is doing this with me.

I look forward to reading your posts and remember we can all do this together! Oh, congratulations on that 15 pound clippie!
Littleducksmom, I appreciate any hints and help available. Keep e
'em coming. LAinSEA and Zeraspride, thanks for the encouragement. Lisa, I'll check out your journal today. Laurie, Curves is a 30-40 minute workout. The place has either 8 or 12 machines with impact boards between machines. You spend 30 seconds at each station. You do 3 circuits and 5 minutes stretching after. It is all women. In fact, there seems to be 2 types at the one I go to. The first group (me) is there to get a good workout. The other group goes for socializing. You get what you put into it. The faster the reps you do, the more resistance. So you can do just range of motion or work out. I really likeit. The problem is that the hours are very limited. check the one by yours to see if it fits your schedule. Also, there is always a trainer on site.

Today is going pretty well. String cheese for breakfast with water, salas for lunch. Lots of water. Planning salmon, salad, and steamed asparagus for dinner. Did my Firm tape while DD napped. Cravings aren't too bad today. I'll check in later.
Okay, so I've now been awake for 27 hours. Please excuse any typos. Obviously had to work last night, and it was horrible!

Friday brreakfast: water and 2 string cheese.
Lunch: saladwith grilled chicken. water.
Venti coffee with cream (on the way to work)

Here's where the problem came in. I wasn't hungry before work, so I made some very yummy chicken salad and lettuce wraps to take to work. I was so busy that I never took a break. I didn't get to eat until I got home. I was starving. I also barely got anything to drink. Now I am proud of my self because my coworker brought in panera bagels for the unit. I RESISTED. I downed 3 glasses of water, and ate my chicken salad as soon as I got home. Unfortunately, I now have to go directly to bed because I do it all over again tonight.

exercise: doing CPR compressions for 40 minutes. (think crunchers)

Plan for work tonight: I'll bring along some string cheese and an atkins bar. If I don't get a break, I can still eat that in 5 minues. I'll also try to drink more water tonight.

Well, I'm off to bed. Have a great weekend.

hey ya beth........ooooooooh i bet your arms are sore from all that cpr......i used to work as a charge nurse on a cardiac stepdown unit for 8 years and responded to codes on all units except the icu's....i know about them horrible nites.......sorry that your eating didnt go as planned....been there too many times.......ugh!!!! least tonite you can slam down them bars.......hey whatever it takes.

i hope tonite's shift is better for you. i'll be looking to see how it goes when i check in tomorow.......thank goodness you are done for this week of work.

OMG! I did my weigh in last night before going to work. I wasn't expecting much, and frankly would have been happy to break even because I cheated early in the week. Well, I went back on induction. I also was really good about working out this week.
I did a happy dance with my DD. I also get a new clippie!

Now, about yesterday. I had a much better day.
4:30 pm Breakfast: Glass of water, cup of tea, and 2 deviled eggs.
10PM Piece of string cheese and water.
230AM chicken ceasar salad water. followed by a 20 minute walk.
6AM Atkins chocolate decadance bar.

I drank a ton of water. I also tried a diet rite soda made with splenda. I liked it, and it will make a nice break from water.

Littleducksmom thanks for the check in.
woohoo!!!!!!!!!!.........look at you.........7 lbs......super job!!!!!!!!!........sounds like your last nite at work went much better , thanks to better planning.......

you are doing great and i am proud of you!!!!!!

What an awesome job!!! You are doing so well. I'm glad I was able to come over and check on your progress. You must be feeling so great right now and you deserve to feel that way. Keep up the great work!
Ok, time to be honest with myself. I set myself up for disaster. We had our annual family holiday reunion yeaterday. It started off badly with me only getting 3hrs of sleep, running late, and not being able to eat before going. i was doing ok until my Mom pulled out the cream puffs. I had honestly blocked these from my mind. She makes them once a year. Remember, I said my mom was a good cook? Well, this recipe she won't share until her deathbed. Thes things are the size of softballs, filled with homemade bavarian cream, doused with homemade hot fudge, and whipped cream. Ugg...I ate one. Felt so sick afterwards...
It's done, nothing I can do about it now.

I've had 1.5 gallons of water, and done the WAATP 1 mile video twice.
Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs
Lunch: salad with ranch dressing
Plan for dinner: salad, steamed broccoli, and a burger pattie with mushrooms and swiss.
If I nees a snack, I've got string cheese on hand. I also hope to do another WATP before bed. I really like that video.

So while I've had a major setback, I'm proud of myself for starting back up so quickly. In the past, I probably would have given up now. NOT THIS TIME!

I also need to be realistic. I'm going to have trouble with the holidays. My goal is to keep my 25lb clippie through the holidays. I want to maintain my weight through January 1st. It will be a struggle, but I know I can do it! Come Jan 1st, I'm shooting for that 30 lb clippie.

Thank you littleducksmom and Zeraspride. Your support means a lot and I will make you (and me) proud!

Just me again Beth. I read your latest post and wanted give you a big :hug:. Falling off the wagon is not fun but getting right back on again is such an accomplishment. The way you described your mom's cream puffs, I don't think many of us could have resisted. I added a bowl of cereal to my meal plan and 1/2 a yogurt this morning and I felt like someone had shot me up with drugs. I felt funny all morning. I vowed to myself that I would not mix those two items in the morning again. I just don't think my body can take all that sugar at once. Then what do I do tonight? I have my first small, very small dish of ice cream and feel again like someone injected me with drugs. Yuck. The container claims no sugar has been added but it tasted awfully good while I was eating so there had to be some sugar in there somewhere! I don't know if with this new way of eating our bodies just can't take this stuff but I don't like this feeling at all.

Don't mean to take over your journal. Just wanted you to know that I can sympathize with you. I also really admire your positive attitude. This is a way of life for us right? So we can't allow ourselves to get too upset over the occasional misstep.

You are doing so well and I'm sure you'll be able to maintain your clippie. I hope to get my 15 pound clippie next Monday so I've got to get busy myself! Onward and downward my friend! ::yes::
Well, I'm finally starting to feel better. I did the 1 mile WATP again tonight. DH wanted to try it. The real bonus is that my DD likes it too. She asked if we could do it again in the morning. It is amusing to hear a 3yr old say, "Feel the burn" I wasn't very hungry at dinner, so I only ate 1/2 the burger, my salad, and part of the broccoli. I've had another 4 glasses of water. Not too bad.
Well, today wasn't too bad. I found I wasn't hungry, and had to remind myself to eat. I also did Curves today, and 1 WATP tape. I drank about 2 liters of water. I also had a diet rite soda. I'm going to watch myself on those. I could easily substitute too much for my water.
Breakfast: A cup of tea, water, and string cheese
Lunch:Deli turkey wrapped in swiss cheese with mustard, water
Dinner: A Pork chop with dijon sauce, garlicy zucchini, and water.

My only gripe about today is that DH is crabby that I've lost more weight. I'm trying very hard not to turn this into a competition. We're both extremely competitive. I want this to be a positive change for both of us, but he;s not helping today. I'm exhausted, so I'm off to bed. I'll check in with everyone tomorrow. Have a great evening.
Today is going well. I went to Curves. I know that you're supposed to take a day off between workouts, but DD stops school today. I won't be able to go to curves for 2.5 weeks. I plan on doing WATP and step tapes.

Breakfast: 2 slices bacon, cheese cubes. water, and tea
Lunch: crustless ham and cheese quiche.
Dinner: Headed to TGIF's, I don't have to cook!:bounce:
It sounds like you are doing very well. I'd like to get the recipe for that quiche dish if you don't mind sharing. It sounds good. Thanks!!!!
One of the things that drives my family crazy is that I never follow a recipe. I'll try.
3 eggs whisked with about 1/4cup cream. I added 1/2 cup of shredded colby/jack cheese. (Might substitute swiss next time) Added cubed ham (1/4 cup) and some broccoli(1/4 cup) pepper and parsley. I din't add salt because of the ham. I poured it into a greased corning ware. It baked at 350 for about 35 minutes. I couldn't finish it.

Next time I'll make it with 4 eggs, and serve it for dinner with a salad. Good portions for 2 people. It was tasty. You could experiment with meats and veggies. Have a great one.
It sounds yummy! I can use all the lc recipes I can get my hands on. Have a good afternoon.
I looked temptation in the eyes and didn't blink. Went to TGIF last night, and they brought me the regular garlic chicken meal with mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes are my ultimate confort food. I didn't eat any. They just brought me out the mixed veggies that go with the atkins version. I didn't eat the potatoes, but still enjoyed the meal and was satisfied. A breakthrough! The chicken was good, but high in sodium. I must have drank a gallon of water last night. Very little sleep as a result.
Yesterday was just an average day. I did the WATP tape twice, 25 crunchers, and climbed the stairs about 100 times. I also shoveled snow. I don't think I've ever wished to shovel heavier snow before. I didn't do so well on my water consumption yesterday, and do I feel it today. I woke up parched. I've already had 3 glasses of water today.
Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs and a cup of tea
Lunch: Just an atkins bar and string cheese. (out christmas shopping)
Dinner: Steak, green beans with bacon and mushrooms, salad with peppercorn dressing.

Ugh, I stayed up until 12:30 wrapping presents, and I've got to work tonight. I'll be paying by morning.(2 double shifts)

If I don't check in, have a great weekend.


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