Super Bowl Predictions?

Yes yes we all get it. Brady is the GOAT, Pats are the best, Pats fans are the best and most well behaved...

I’m just giving you guys a hard time. I could have filled in that sentence with Giants too. I mean, not this year... or the last but still :rotfl:

I’m pulling for the Eagles just because I dislike Brady on a personal level. But I love Gronk and hope he’s able to play so:confused3
You're kidding, right? So if Brady blows an ACL this (or "next"...LOL) week, you're cool walking into Super Bowl LII with Brian Hoyer? You think you'd have the same odds of winning? Wentz played at an MVP level all season and seems to be on track to be an elite QB. An elite QB is far more valuable than a wide receiver. Put Edelman on the Browns, or Jets or Jags...he's no longer a great receiver. Gronk is a bit of a different story simply because of his size, but I'd argue he's still nowhere near as valuable as Brady (they won last year w/out Gronk). Losing your star QB is far more devastating than any other position on the field. The Eagles still have plenty of great weapons, but the key one is missing.

As for no riots, fires, etc... as Cannot_Wait_4Disney outlined, yeah...they have. We Philly fans like to have fun with the "bad reputation" they have, but reality is that they aren't alone.

The cheating thing...meh. They cheated, they got caught. They aren't alone in cheating, I'm sure. There's nothing to show they're doing it this year, so I don't worry about it.
If Brady eats a tomato that may throw off his game too...he’s very delicate when it comes to inflammatory foods.
Yes yes we all get it. Brady is the GOAT, Pats are the best, Pats fans are the best and most well behaved...

I’m just giving you guys a hard time. I could have filled in that sentence with Giants too. I mean, not this year... or the last but still :rotfl:

I’m pulling for the Eagles just because I dislike Brady on a personal level. But I love Gronk and hope he’s able to play so:confused3

How can a Giants fan cheer for the Eagles?
There were plenty of dog masks. And no arrests, even with the huge amount of people outside after the game. And yeah, can see where even the greasy poles didn't stop climbers.

I hope it is a good Super Bowl. Green to win would be awesome.
I predict that this game will be picked apart a million different ways until next Sunday (or this Sunday +1?). :p
As a spin off, what kind of damage do we predict in Philadelphia if the Eagles win??

I have lived right outside the city for about 5 years, but have lived in the area my whole life, and these fans are ANIMALS (even worse than in the past). I can tell you right now no crisco is going to keep fans off of street lamps.
As a spin off, what kind of damage do we predict in Philadelphia if the Eagles win??

I have lived right outside the city for about 5 years, but have lived in the area my whole life, and these fans are ANIMALS (even worse than in the past). I can tell you right now no crisco is going to keep fans off of street lamps.
My office is in philly. I’m assuming I’d be working from home for quite a while if they win :)
lifelong diehard Cowboy fan, either way I lose....Eagles 1st SB or Pats with their 6th. The salary cap was created partly because of the Cowboys and my team can’t win in the playoffs nowadays but yet the Pats soldier on.....
1. Uh...yeah...this Sunday is January next Sunday is February 4th. So actually, they are playing next Sunday. Just sayin'

2. Who ever said anything about Brady not knowing how to play?? I certainly don't recall saying that. If you watch the Patriots and have watched Brady, one thing that's noticeable about him is that he's not all. He may well be the G.O.A.T, that's hard to argue, but he's not mobile. And contrary to what people seem to think, he has lost games. It has happened. One thing that gets him off his best-of-all-time game is pressure in his face...early and often, straight up the middle. The Eagles have one of the best, if not the best, defensive lines in the NFL. There's no denying how great he has been for a very long time, but he's not Superman.

3. Yes, because we all know that fans in Boston would just politely golf clap when they win titles. Philly fans have passion for their teams, not many other cities can say that.

4. Yeah, and ?? He probably is. Doesn't mean they shouldn't play the game.

5. Careful what you wish for. The Eagles are a far better team than the Vikings.

In the end, the Patriots may well win this game. Remember, the Eagles are riding in with a journey-man back up QB. Take Brady out of the game and put Brian Hoyer in and you'll get the idea. That's going to make it one incredibly hard challenge for the Eagles. But I don't think they are dead meat by any stretch.

Where do you get that the Eagles may have the best defensive line in the NFL? They only had 38 sacks on the season. The Pats don't have a great pass rush and had 42 sacks on the season. Plus the Pats just beat the best pass defense in the NFL and the 2nd ranked defense in the NFL. Surely you don't think the Eagles defense is as good as Jacksonville's? You can't compare the Eagles secondary with the Jaguars, it's not close. I think the Eagles have a solid defense, but not close to what the Pats faced this year.
I just heard of a second Eagles fan in the past week that punched a police horse and got arrested. That isn't a good look.


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