Super Goofs March Challenge

Got in my first run in awhile today...and my knee felt pretty good.

2 miles/22:00 minutes

Great job to everyone for getting those workouts in!!
Sorry for the MIA. I had a total LTO day. Here are the totals for this week. Please let me know any corrections so I can update the spreadsheet.

PrincessRunner: 27.70/4:55
Escape: 18.00/3:15
ArelysAdriana: 3.00/2:26
CreativeBeth: 28.50/6:50
CruelladeMom: 24.30/4:35
DirtyBunny: 6.20/:42:45
Donac: 0
FloridaGirl: 5.00/:55:28
GroovyGirls: 15.00/7:10
HockeyGirl: 2.00/:22:00
Jmasgat: 18.70/4:48
lllovell: 0
LynnieLou: 14.00/5:46
MickeyHead: :35:00
Nukeman: 12.00/2:00
Pungodingy: 7.00/2:25
Raenstoirm: 38.59/3:20
SAP1227: 10.84/2:10
SuzanNews: 25.48/3:30

I will be doing the spreadsheet tomorrow sometime. I had to put my run off today due to wind chills into the teens. Tomorrow is mid 30s and sun so 8 miles looks more doable. Taper madness starts Monday!!
Great job to everyone last week!

Today, I got in 3 miles in 32:00. My knee is feeling great so far, hopefully it stays that way!

Hope everyone has a great Easter!!
During my lunch break today at work I was able to squeeze in some running and geocaching.

3 miles 40 minutes
30 minutes of strength training ( I was bored at work)

Good Grief! I'm falling down on the job here. Lisa, please add these hours to last week's totals.

Friday - 3 miles, 1 hour

Steve (nukeman) -
Thursday - 3.25 miles, 1 hour
Friday - 2 miles, 1 hour

For today (Saturday)
12 miles (8 running/ 4 bike) / 2.5 hours

7 miles / 1 hour
Just popping in to wish the Super Goofs a....


Enjoy the virtual jelly beans!!!
updates for my totals:

Wednesday...30 mins treadmill/1.18 miles

Thursday...30 mins bike/6.16 miles

Friday...30 mins bike/6.50 miles

Thanks for the updates Super Goofs. I will get these on the spreadsheet later today. You are all doing so well, keep it going!!

This week's challenge ties in with last weeks. Last week, you were to try and work in 5 minutes of stretching either before or after your workouts. This week, your challenge is to continue the 5 and add 5 more either before or after.

Are the challenges helping anyone? If not, I can stop them. I know that I sometimes need a little motivation when I do my workouts. This team has kept me accountable for getting them done and I am in hopes that they will help make me a better runner too!!
Nice work this week Super Goofs. We are a little down from last week but currently third in the March standings. The Hercs are getting caught up and this is subject to change.

Miles: 277.90
Hours: 60.16

:cool1: :banana: :yay: :woohoo: :cheer2: :dance3:
1 mile/18 mins

2 miles/33 mins
1 hour picking at and shoveling the ice out of the driveway (sore arms, but not much progress...)

I like the challenges, but will admit I am not good about stretching, I am trying to get better about it though!!

I have 2 meals today, plus the Easter Bunny brought me a "Bunny Big Ears" ('cause we all know the ears are the best part) Planning to get out and walk some off in-between...luckily the wind has died down, and though it's cool, it's nice and sunny, so it may just work out!

...and my best news of the week, I finally started losing again...after being "stuck" for several weeks, I dropped 3 lbs in one week...YAY!

Happy Easter everyone, don't eat too much!
No worries mates - I have another race on the 30th that will add a bunch of last minute miles! Or does that count toward next month?

However, I will be down on miles this week as I prep for the race so I will ask everyone to try to get a little extra mileage in for me this week.

Extra mileage - extra stretching - Hey this is SUPPOSED to be a challenge!
Cecilia - it will be my goal and pleasure to get some extra miles in for you this week. It's the least I can do since you do a lot for us! Also, I'm sending you lots of :hug: and prayers your way for you and your family. I watched my dad go through several rounds of cancer and I know how heartbreaking it can be. May it give you some comfort to know that others are thinking of you during this difficult time.

Angie - :banana: Way to go on your weight loss! :dance3: I've got to lose some more weight! My goal is to do the Goofy in 2010 and I really, really want to be 40 pounds lighter. I better get crackin'.

Laurie - sending more :wizard: for your knee. Glad it's doing better.

Lisa - sending some warm temps your way. Just think, when we're all complaining about the heat here in the South, you'll have great temps!

Kristi - I know what you mean about the smaller races. I'm always last or close to last. That's why I don't enter too many local races. Very few walkers in those and those that do walk tend to walk a lot faster than me. Ha!

DH, Steve (nukeman), won't be getting as much exercise in for about a month. He's having to work an outage at his work (nuclear plant) which means he'll be working 60-80 hour weeks with one day off during the week. However, once that's over with, he'll be getting in a lot of miles on his bike. One of his goals is to ride in a century race (100 miles) in July.

Hope everyone is having a great Easter!
Good Morning and Happy Easter!
7 miles in 1.20. Dropped my poor dog off at home at the half way point and I really picked up the pace. Poor puppy- she is a lot of fun to run with and she has a blast!
Good luck all!
Good morning everyone. I am off today with kids having a Teacher's Workshop day, DD having a doc appt and just really not wanting to work...:lmao: The wind has FINALLY died down here. I thought I was going to blow away yesterday. I did my 8 miles in 1:23 which is SUCH an improvement for me!! My last two 8 milers were 1:35 preWDW and 1:45 post-WDW. If I could maintain this pace for the full 13.1 (which I can't) I would shave 15 minutes off my previous time!! :scared1: I am pretty proud of the speed I have gained in just 3 short months.

Now here is the good/bad SIL has decided to run Great Bay with us. It is her birthday on the 5th and she used to live in Newmarket so after months of prodding she decided (nothing like last minute). That is the good news for me as I will have someone to run with in my chase for the rest of the team. Now the bad news for all you gamblers who are betting on when I catch everyone...Wendy runs a 9:00-9:30 mpm average. Yep, I'll be coming up on you faster now. However, when I finally catch you, I will not be able to talk to you and will really be hoping that we are walking cuz I don't think my knees or feet will be talking to me anymore!!!!!!!! :mad: So...if we are a half hour start behind you, working around the crowds, what are the bets???

Oh, and Angie :thumbsup2 for the scale budging. I swear we Northern girls have weight retention due to the cold temps!! :rolleyes:
Hi all,
Quick check in from beautiful Zion National Park. Sitting here drinking coffee looking at gorgeous sandstone peaks. Anyway, after a dreadful flight out here (3 hr delay--arrived at Vegas hotel at equivalent of 5 am), we did our first real hiking yesterday. 2 great trails (Angel's Landing, Hidden Canyon) for a total of about 8 miles, 5 hours. (1500, 850 ft changes in elevation, exposed sections of trail with iron chains to grab onto lest you slip and fall off the side of the cliff-great fun!)
Today we don dry suits and walk up the river into a slot canyon-should be neat!

Sounds like a blast! Have a great time!

The weather is finally getting warmer. It was in the low 40s but I could feel the warm air coming!
Did a whopping 4.7 miles in 1 hours- yikes! I will blame it on poor Bella- I was dragging the poor dog towards the end but when I slowed down to a walk for her she picked up her trot- go figure. I'll get her back into shape.

I also rode for 1.5 hours. Fun! Fun! Fun!

Good luck everyone this week.
princessrunner, please add the following to last week's totals:

Tuesday the 18th - 1 and a half hours at the gym, plus 30 minutes of stretching
Wednesday the 19th - 20 minute stretch, 3 miles in 47:05
Thursday the 20th - 30 minutes of stretching, 2 hours of roller skating

And today I did 3 miles in 46:48 with 30 minutes of stretching.

Saturday I did c25k w5w3,

25 minutes and 2 miles. total exercise time is 60 minutes, the rest of the times was spent exercsing.

Sunday: 55 minutes total, warm up for 10 minutes on the TM for 0.5 miles, remainder of the times was spent exercising.

Monday: c25k w6w1 2 miles for 35 minutes. 25 minutes of exercising, for total times of 60 minutes.
Good morning Super Goofs. Not feeling so super this morning. I have caught DS6's yucky cough, fever, nastiness. Doing my best to keep going and keep this stuff at bay but right now I feel like I am losing the battle. Oh, and I checked the 15 day forecast on Accuweather and it says 40 degrees and RAIN for Great Bay. What's up with that???? :eek: Guess I better waterproof my new sneaks before the race!! My SIL is gonna LOVE me...:sad2:

I put off my run yesterday due to not feeling 100% but today I figure WTH right. I might as well run and get in my 40 minutes. It is going to be sunny and in the 40s today. Rain/snow mix tomorrow which is great for XT. Then back on schedule. I am determined not to let this bug get me down and hinder my training. I LOVE having asthma and just being a magnet for every respiratory thing my kidlets bring home!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone has a great day. Get those workouts in, the end of the month is looming. And, Cecilia, the month ends on the 28th so the race will be on next month but it will all even out at the end of the year!!!! :upsidedow


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