Super Goofs March Challenge

I hope you feel better soon Lisa!


Saturday...30 mins on bike/7.04 miles

Monday...45 mins on bike/9.79 miles

Have a great Tuesday everyone!!

Ditto, I blame this all on my SIL Wendy. It either rains or snows on her B-day yearly. Just as a LOL, you in NH are due for snow that evening, we will be coming home to 40s and sun....:cool2:

Now, what to wear, what to wear.....:rolleyes1
looks like I didnt post my
1.5 miles/24 mins

New ones
1 mile/18 mins

1.5 miles/24 mins

40 degrees is fine with me, I'm now used to it being a lot colder, but I dont think we need to bother with the rain/snow. Let's have a nice day for our meet!
Since my running has been sporadic lately I am really struggling to run for any distance. So in order to get back where I once was I am redoing the Couch to 5K program (starting with week 3)

So my numbers for so far this week are

Saturday: 25 mins and 1.85 miles
Monday: 28 mins and 2.08 miles + 15 mins of strength training.

I have a 2 mile race on Saturday morning so I will use that as my first run for week #4 (and if I am reading this right, that will be for April???) and unless my world falls apart I will be doing my Power Pump and Bike riding tomorrow morning and my final Couch to 5K (for this week) on Thursday.

The race on Saturday is the end of our Running Stores "season" and I am feeling sad knowing that the races around here are about to become few and far between, it just gets to hot!:scared:

I will be doing the Minnie 5K in May, but after that I don't have anything planned until the 1/2 (although our season will start again in August or September).

I hope everyone is finishing on a great note! I am off to get Braden his allergy shot and then to Bible Study, but I am hoping to catch up with everyone tonight!!

Today I did total of 105 minutes of exercise.

Warmed up for 20 minutes on the bike for 5 miles.

The rest of the time was spent on strength training and exercising with my "bean".


Tomorrow is c25k, w6w2. I am looking forward to it!
Sorry I have not checked in. I pulled my knee a bit over the weekend, so that combined with a few other things has me forgoing ALL exercise this week. Hopefully I will be feeling better and be back to my normal routine on Monday. was 42 and sunny when I got home from work!

4 miles/62 mins

it was SO nice to be outside!

Lisa, are you feeling better?
Good morning Super Goofs! I had a VERY long and VERY sick day yesterday. I managed to clean my house in shifts between naps. This virus is very bad. I hope no one else gets it. I have done NADA since Sunday. Not even yoga my head is so full. Today is another day. Today I will feel better. Today I will walk if nothing else. I know I will be fine by the half, I just need to get my sea legs (road legs?) under me again. By this weekend, 5 miles is on and will be done no matter what.

I have everyone up to date to here. You are all doing so well. Carla, I am sorry about your knee. I hope you are better soon. Glad to see Laurie is back on the road to recovery (no pun intended). Everyone is doing well getting out there and doing what works for them.

Greay Bayers: It does not look like I am going to have my WISH shirt by the race so I am going to have to figure out my running clothes and let you know. I do have a lime green Bondiband that I will be wearing with my new Katie Holms bob cut. Hey, if she can run a marathon without sweating it will work for me too....right....:lmao:
Hi Everyone!

Lisa - sorry to hear you are SO sick. Yuck. I will appreciate my health today as I think of you. (Do you ever think about that when you are sick? about how we take the healthy days for granted?) And hey! I just cut off all my hair too. They literally cut off my pony tail. I hope I can still run. (Samson reference there)
Also funny that you mentioned Katie Holmes. One of my TNT runners at the Disney Marathon had only one goal - beat Katie's time in the marathon. SHe was so happy when she did. And when some of my buddies were ragging on me for "lazing around and taking so long to finish" Mary Defended me with "At least she beat Katie Holmes' time!" She did look way to prefect to have just run a marathon......

I am sorry team, I meant to get more strength and stretching in the last two weeks. I am a Stephen Minister at my church and its been one crisis after another so I have been busy with that. Plus worrying about my Dad's surgeries. Then one of my Aunt's died this week after a battle with cancer.

I promise that I am going to get back on track next week. At least, I hope things will start to calm down by then.

Lisa, get better soon.

I exercised for 50 minutes today, total.

10 minutes warm up on the nordic track for 0.7 miles.

Tomorrow is a rest day for me and then saturday is c25k, w6w3.


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