TEAM FIVE: Herc's Heroes--Post miles/hours here!


Sorry about that disappearing--my modem wouldn't connect. My personal tech guy (my brother) came to fix it and we logged on last Wednesday--a shaft of light appeared from the sky and a chorus of angels began to sing. We thanked him and walked him to the door. But...we couldn't log on again after he left. The modem KNEW he had left the building. We had to wait until Sunday night to get a new modem installed and running, and I had nearly 1000 email messages to sort through (!), not including spam folders.

So here I am.

Last week I finally got past my virus and beat back the asthma, so I'm back on track now....

Yesterday I only walked a mile for about 20 minutes--it was cold and windy, but I was moving. I'll pick it up--I swear!

And for the past week, all I could think of was, I am missing Allyson's trip report!

Hope you had a blast.


Sorry about that disappearing--my modem wouldn't connect. My personal tech guy (my brother) came to fix it and we logged on last Wednesday--a shaft of light appeared from the sky and a chorus of angels began to sing. We thanked him and walked him to the door. But...we couldn't log on again after he left. The modem KNEW he had left the building. We had to wait until Sunday night to get a new modem installed and running, and I had nearly 1000 email messages to sort through (!), not including spam folders.

So here I am.

Last week I finally got past my virus and beat back the asthma, so I'm back on track now....

Yesterday I only walked a mile for about 20 minutes--it was cold and windy, but I was moving. I'll pick it up--I swear!

And for the past week, all I could think of was, I am missing Allyson's trip report!

Hope you had a blast.


:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: Duckie is back!!!

Poor Dana has been running into lots of road blocks trying to get stuff posted. Please let me know if you two awesome princesses need anything from me on getting things back to normal.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Thanks, Dave. :lovestruc

Dana, I tried to PM you, but you don't have a PM box. :( So, welcome to the team, and thank you for stepping up in my (unexpected) absence. New modem should mean no problem (knock on wood!).

Hooray, Heroes! :banana:
I don't think I officially posted my total miles and time for last week 3/15-3/22

14.4 miles
142 minutes

Can someone PLEASE tell me what all we are supposed to be posting here. Just running/walking or XT also??? :confused3 Since I started very late in the game I never really got the rules and I don't want to be missing out for our team :cheer2:
Angie: Super Goofs captain popping in here to answer your question as your captains are not on right now.

You are supposed to report anything that you do for exercise. This means shoveling snow, push mowing lawns, raking leaves, etcetera. You get the gist. No housework or anything of that nature. You can also count the hours you participate in an organized sport (softball, hockey, basketball, etcetera).

You can count miles if you can measure them for your activity and hours:minutes too. You can count hours:minutes for anything you do that you cannot track your miles (pump class, shoveling, etcetera).

I hope this clears it up for you. If you any more questions, please feel free to PM me and I will try and get the answer for you.

HERCS: Glad to see you are under full leadership again. Now we can kick your butts in an organized manner, LOL!!!!!!!!!!
3.18 mi in 35:31 and it felt great this morning! Yay, it feels like my running is starting to come back to me!:banana:
Ok... for this morning I did 30 minutes of strength (arms and legs) and ran 3 miles in 23:21. So I guess that puts my total for today as 3 miles and 0:53:21!!

Ran for the first time since I got the flu this morning. Ran 3 miles in 33:37. It hurt, but I'm alive. :lmao:
Shan - Awesome job on the run!! I am glad you are feeling better and can't wait to hear how well you do this weekend!!

Now that our Captain is back.... I wanted to re-enter all of my information from the past two weeks. I think I was working so hard trying to make sure that everyone else's miles and times were accurate that I screwed my own up and I just noticed it!!

Week of Mar 1-7
Mon - 3 Miles 00:25:26
XT 00:30:00
Weds - 4 Miles 00:30:03
Fri - 3 Miles 00:23:33
Total: 10 Miles 1:49:02

Week of Mar 8-14
Tues - 4 Miles 00:34:38
Weds - 4 Miles 00:29:04
Fri - 3 Miles 00:25:47
Total: 9 Miles 1:29:29

Week of Mar 15-21
Sat - 5 Miles 45:10
Mon - 4 Miles 00:30:03
Weds - 4 Miles 00:29:04
Fri - 3 Miles 25:46
Total: 16 Miles 2:10:03

Ducky - I hope this helps!! By the way.... do you want us to enter daily or just post a total weekly... or is it ok to do both? Let me know!!

As for today... I ran 3 miles in 23:21

Good morning Heroes. With Dana and Duckie working together and the power you have on this team I think you guys will be hard to beat.

Of course the Donald's Defient Dashboards are claiming that they are going to kick everyones butt.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Thanks, Dana!

Woohoo, another Hero for the Hercs!

As for when to post, I have a confession to make. I don't keep a workout journal.


I post here when I work out so that at the end of the week, I know I didn't miss anything (and I confess to putting in my Saturday LSW for the next week so I don't forget where I left off the next week--i'm too easily confused!). Then, I post my total (I think).

I love when people keep us up-to-date on how the workouts are going for celebration/commiseration, and I can tell if someone DID work out during the week and is just lagging in posting a total as opposed to missing (such as I was). Weekly totals, for Saturday through Friday, are easiest for me to tally when in the format of xx.xx total miles (and yes, those elliptical miles count, Moonie!) and the time in Hours:minutes, which is how the spreadsheet takes them.

I am so proud and humbled that the cool kids let me play on their team--with REAL ATHLETES!

Fingers crossed that I'll be at the Minnie (dh decided two weeks ago that he needed to sell our house RIGHT NOW and dropped some serious cash on a complete kitchen remodel--floors, cabinets, countertops...and guess what? We're not selling!) as DH and I are working out the specifics. I suspect I'll need to step up my side business to make the cash so the trip doesn't get charged....

Matt, our warrior hero, you amaze me, as always. :cool2:

XTerratri, great job on the miles to kick off March! Woohoo! :banana: Those are some VERY impressive miles!

Moonie, I am proud to call you teammate. Your year leaves me speechless, and to get under 4 on your second marathon in two months--you are a superstar! (for anyone not sure what I am talking about, check out Moonie's blog--she inspires me to be better than I am). :woohoo:

Cdn Gal Eeyore, our friend from the white north.... Those are some committed workout hours you are putting in. No whining from you about snow or ice or wind... I'm embarrassed for complaining about walking in 50 degree whether with some raw coastal wind when I see what you do! (And Banff is still on my secret list of summer adventures). :banana:

Lenshanem, way to go on those consistent workouts. :cool1: No taking a week off for you! I will be more focused, I promise. :)

GirTheGecko, that is some serious snow shoveling time you are putting in. Spring is here--I'm hoping for your sake warm weather is on the way! :goodvibes

UTGuitarist, we all know what it's like to keep up with the schoolwork. Good that you aren't just forgetting about keeping your body moving, too. I don't think I could ride a bike that far in an hour, so you have my admiration. :)

Allyson--I need to read your trip report! I can't wait! :) popcorn::

AngieTuck2, thank you for joining us and getting those workouts in each week. It's great to have you here! :cool1:

Dana, thank you for everything you've done, stepping in while I vanished from the net. All that paperwork, and you still got your steps in! Way to go! :yay:

MaryJ, I feel like I said hello and then ditched you--thanks for posting in the chaos, and great job getting the workout in last week! :)

A special welcome to Whistle Pig, who probably feels inducted into chaos, also. Jump on in--the posting's fine! :thumbsup2

As for me, I need to get off the sofa again! I had a hard time getting my asthma back under control after that nasty virus, but I went for a walk yesterday and I'm planning to get in some floor time today. :)

Thanks, everyone, for wondering where I went. I'm okay. :) Stupid modem!

Have a great day, everyone!

Team 1:Donald's Defiant Dashers - 1135.34 Miles 200.10 Hours
Team 6: Ohana - 1260.22 Miles 279.55 Hours
Team 3:Hakuna Matata - 915.64 Miles 252.82 Hours
Team 4: Super Goofs - 816.70 Miles 206.71 Hours
Team 5: Herc's Heroes - 650.61 Miles 94.40 Hours
Team 2:Buzz's Brigade - 591.95 Miles 146.58 Hours
Team 7: Walt's Warriors - 500.73 Miles 101.97 Hours

This is a list of where everyone stands so far on their monthly totals. Since I have just been thrown in here I have a couple of questions.

1) How does the time vs. miles thing work? I mean DDD is in the lead with Miles.... but Ohana is in the lead with Hours. We have about 50 more miles than Buzz's Brigade but they have about 50 more hours than we do.

2) What are we able to consider miles or minutes? I saw that one of our team is including shoveling, what about football practice with my son where I run with him, or something like that. Is there a FAQ... if not we may need one!! ;)

3) What's the deal with races? I read something about double mileage. Is that double mileage and double time? or just double mileage? Also, does that include biking races and tris or just running/walking?

I want to be able to help our team in ANY way possible to get our mileage and/or time up, but I don't want to break any rules doing so.

Team 1:Donald's Defiant Dashers - 1135.34 Miles 200.10 Hours
Team 6: Ohana - 1260.22 Miles 279.55 Hours
Team 3:Hakuna Matata - 915.64 Miles 252.82 Hours
Team 4: Super Goofs - 816.70 Miles 206.71 Hours
Team 5: Herc's Heroes - 650.61 Miles 94.40 Hours
Team 2:Buzz's Brigade - 591.95 Miles 146.58 Hours
Team 7: Walt's Warriors - 500.73 Miles 101.97 Hours

This is a list of where everyone stands so far on their monthly totals. Since I have just been thrown in here I have a couple of questions.

1) How does the time vs. miles thing work? I mean DDD is in the lead with Miles.... but Ohana is in the lead with Hours. We have about 50 more miles than Buzz's Brigade but they have about 50 more hours than we do.

2) What are we able to consider miles or minutes? I saw that one of our team is including shoveling, what about football practice with my son where I run with him, or something like that. Is there a FAQ... if not we may need one!! ;)

3) What's the deal with races? I read something about double mileage. Is that double mileage and double time? or just double mileage? Also, does that include biking races and tris or just running/walking?

I want to be able to help our team in ANY way possible to get our mileage and/or time up, but I don't want to break any rules doing so.


Dana, there are really *two* competitions: one for most miles, and one for most time. There was a huge debate before we started, and it was decided that time only penalized the quick people, and miles only penalized the slow we decided to do both.

Somewhere there is a "faq" of sorts from The Great Panda, and he delineated what we could count. I think practicing a sport, even if you aren't on a team, counts. Dave said we could count shoveling snow (or dirt, I suppose, if we had a lot of dirt shovelers) but not vacuuming/dusting and, my personal favorite, no dog grooming (I tried to make an argument based on ESPN coverage, but it was vetoed. Which is actually okay because we keep the dog cut short so there isn't much grooming). Beer drinking and poker are also no-go on the time factor. Anything you do with your body power, including swimming/biking/elliptical, counts for both time and distance. Driving TO and FROM the gym are also excluded (I was thorough in checking what I do).

And organized races count for double distance but not double time. Dave felt it would be a good incentive for people to keep plugging away and to support their local causes. So far it's been successful in getting people to think about doing that 5k that they were on the fence about.

let me know if you have more questions--knowledge is power! :)

Hey! Just popping in to say...take a are getting very sleepy....sleepy...sleepy:goodvibes
You guys rock! How much fun this game is!
Well gotta go...have dance rehearsal....HaHaHa...another hour for ohana.

Can you tell I am in taper madness....just ignore everything I do this week.
Hey! Just popping in to say...take a are getting very sleepy....sleepy...sleepy:goodvibes
You guys rock! How much fun this game is!
Well gotta go...have dance rehearsal....HaHaHa...another hour for ohana.

Can you tell I am in taper madness....just ignore everything I do this week.

See I told ya you guys were going to be fierce again. The other teams are starting to trash talk y'all.

Hi Gator, do good in your race. GO WISH RACERS!!!:cheer2:

Visiting Panda:hippie:
For my job, I shovel every time I open, and I'm usually the steady opener. But, I really, really, really do want warm weather so I can do some trail/track running now that Lent is over. Can't wait! I am off on a short trip, so I can have some Lent rest/recovery time. Then the treadmill (or trail) and I can have some quality time together.
Dana, this compitition is designed so that everyone has a chance to contribute to their team with two seperate competitions going one for hours and one for miles. The time doing the miles counts for hours.

I believe that we all need to get a little more low tech and get closer to a life of getting our hands dirty again. Our "Good Life" has led to a nation of overweight, out of shape people. So my challange is to get out and do some manual stuff as well as your workouts, examples are:

Shoveling snow, instead of hiring it done
Washing the car/truck, instead of the carwash
push mowing the yard, instead of the riding mower

The requirement is that it is sustained effort and gets your heart rate up. Every hour you exercise or do the manual stuff counts for hours. Every mile you go on somethat is measureable in miles: run/walk, bike, treadmill, stationary bike, swimming ect... counts for miles.

Of course classes like yoga or exercising along to a tape counts for hours. Any time doing a team sport is considered hours.

To encourage people to do the races, every mile that is raced counts double. The other reason for racing is helps us put out that little extra effort.

Low effort things like housework or washing dishes don't count.

So basicly the idea is to give everyone all the flexiability they need to get in the best shape ever this year.

Visiting Panda:hippie:
Went out and did Week 2 of the Couch25K again today and DH joined me (he is off this week!).

30 minutes
2.4 miles

Allyson :)
Hi team!

5 miles in 56:30 over lunch today! I'm aiming to get a run in before the dentist tomorrow and then I'll have gotten all three mid-week runs in!


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