TEAM FIVE: Herc's Heroes--Post miles/hours here!

Whats up Heroes, kind of a bad week with a couple of tests and the start of baseball season (Go Tribe!!). I only had two workouts, but one of them was outside so that was nice.

Miles: 16.04
Time: 1:00:00

Im starting a running program this week since it will be hitting 60 degrees outside. Ill do some cycling on my off days to keep loose (and pad the miles;) ) Keep it up Heroes.
HEY! I AM still here...and am so very sorry I have been way lax in reporting miles/hours. I am having a REAL, REAL, REAL slow get-back into the groove. However, I find I am most motivated when I have an event coming up OR if I MAKE me have an event coming up.

With that, DH and I will be doing a 4-miler in Emmaus, PA on 4/13 - AND we are doing a 5K on 4/26 in Charlotte, NC - AND we do the MINNIE 15K on 5/4.

I can't remember my last post, so here is a recap of my March and start of April.

3/14 week = 4.5 miles at 1:15 hours
3/21 week = 5.5 miles at 1:20 hours AND 50 minutes w/o
3/28 week = 4.5 miles at 1:00 hours
4/4 week = 13.25 miles at 3:03 hours

I suppose after the Minnie, I better get me and DH some events to do. We do the Disneyland Half 8/31 I believe. Hmmm...nothing like training in heat and humidity (but I like that way better than COLD - which is anything less than 55 deg to me!):santa:

200 minutes if shoveling and now since the weather has come around a bit and I walk home from work, 15 miles for this week.
Well that was not easy.

Just did W3D3 of the C25K. My legs were hurting! On the 2nd 90 second run I had to walk the last 30 seconds. I don't know how I made the following 3 minute run. I use the Ullrey podcast and I kept waiting for him to say "Just one more minute", it seemed like forever.

I did finish but not much fun today. These are the days I think "What on earth are you thinking? If you think this is hard, try 10+ miles you crazy woman".

*sigh* at least I did it. Maybe I'll do this week over, looking at W4 is scaring me at the moment.


26 minutes
2.1 miles
Uh, I'm back?:rolleyes1
I have been "away" with first, a trip to Disney followed by the nasty respiratory flu, then LTO, and finally a most recent dose of Salmonella food poisoning with a side of dehydration.
I got back on track this morning with the 3-mile WATP for 45 minutes.
Sorry I was such a slacker for so long. :sad2: I hope to do better. :cheer2:
Lara Glad you are back!! Hope things getter better soon.

Totals for last week (ending 4/4)

Miles: 16
Minutes: 152
Body Pump/Weights Minutes: 100

:banana: GO TEAM!!:banana:
Hi Team:cheer2:

My totals for weeking 4/4:

14 miles--3.5 hrs. and 1 hour of crosstraining.

The weather here is looking up so I should be able to do more this coming week:yay:
Just dropping by to update today. Did the 3-mile WATP again for 45 minutes.
Duckie So sorry about your grandmother...
Angie Thanks for the welcome back. I hope, too, that things get better because I am supposed to do the Indy Mini the first weekend of May. I freaked out a while back when I was really sick and also registered for the 5K so now I have to decide which to do. I'd really LIKE to do the half because I'm supposed to be doing it with 5 college friends to celebrate turning 40 this year! There's an 18-min/mile pace which I feel like I probably could do, but is it worth it?? Maybe! Hmm.:confused3
Hi guys, totals for this week:

Monday: Rest - sick :(
Tuesday: 6 mi - 1:06:57
Wednesday: 3 miles - 29:30, plus walking 2 mi - 45:00
Thursday: sick :(
Friday: sick :(
Saturday: sick :(
Sunday: 8 mi - 1:31:48

Total running 17 mi - 3:08:15
Total other 2 mi - 45:00
Here are my times from last week:

Sun. 2.2 miles (TM) 35:00 minutes
Mon. 2.5 miles walking/ 50:00 minutes
Flexibility video 53:00 minutes
Tues. Rest
Wed. Rest
Thurs. 3.3 miles walking
TM 1.81 miles walk/jog 32:00 minutes
Fri. 3.0 miles walking/ 40:00 minutes
Sat. 30 minute walk/mileage unknown
Sorry for being MIA for the last week!! I have not been feeling well at all. I came down with what I thought was a sinus infection. which then turned into a sore throat and cough. I just started feeling better Saturday and Sunday. So I got only two runs in last week!!

Monday I ran 3 miles in 24:20
Tuesday I ran 3 miles in 22:01

However, I did get quite a bit of time in on Saturday. Although I couldn't run I got myself out in the yard with DH completely re-doing our landscaping in the front yard. Saturday I spent 2 hours pulling out plants, and tilling up all the dirt (more like concrete) in the front entry way so that hopefully our new plants would survive. Sunday I spent another 2 hours mixing in top soil and planting 15 new plants and a tree!!

So my total for last week was:

6 Miles and 4:46:21 in total time

Now this week I plan to get myself back in line. I put in 3 today, and have another 16 on schedule!!

I am repeating week 3 of the C25K again. DH and I got out there this morning.

2.18 miles
28 minutes

Morning team! I bought a new bike over the weekend. This morning I drove part way to work then biked 4.44 mi to the office in 25 min. I have 3 miles of running planned over lunch, then the commute home!
Hi, guys. Thanks, Larahb.

My grandmother's funeral is tomorrow. We've been running all over for days getting things together. I'm exhausted and have been unable to get my workouts in because of this, but I think working out will be good for me.

In the meantime, the spreadsheet is updated. Let me know if I made any mistakes.

I'm excited about the Minnie coming up and I will definitely be ramping up the training for that! Woohoo! Only four weeks!

Hey, all, meet me at the new Herc's thread. This one is getting long and slowing down the boards.

See you there! :banana:


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