Teresa's WISH Jouranl (Comments Welcomed)

Thanks Beth! I appreciate you posting with everything you have going on.

Today was a pretty good day, until dinner. We took my oldest DD out for dinner after her first volleyball game and went to Country Buffet. Not my favorite place, but figure I'd be okay with a salad. I did start with a big salad, but then had some white rice, orange chicken, carrots, and some other grilled veggies. Really not too bad, except for maybe the orange chicken, but then had to have some soft serve ice cream with chocolate chips :rolleyes: I wish I had done my cardio today, but just walked 60 minutes on the treadmill since I couldn't get myself to do anything else. Tomorrow I will do weights again and then get my butt on the cardio machine. I can't wait for weight in next week since I should show a loss by then :worried: :worried:
Today has been a pretty good day. Got up and weight myself ( I know I know:crazy: ) and lost a pound. It's amazing that Tuesday I was 199 and today, after finally starting my TOM, I'm down a pound. Not counting it until my offical weight in next Tuesday, but I just wanted to see if it would really make a difference (and it does). Hoping to be down at least 3 pounds by next week, but we'll see what happens. Was very busy today around the house, so no munching going on. Did have a beer with the neighbor going over fantasy football scores (I'm in 1st place!!!:Pinkbounc ). Did great with my Sept exercise challenge (2260 minutes), but know I won't be able to commit that many minutes next month with the kids being home on spring break. We'll see what happens..........
Hi Tera,

You have done an amazing job with the exercise challenge. Congratulations. Congrats on losing that pound. Good luck with the Fantasy football. wtg!

Have a great weekend,
Hey Tera! Just wanted to see how you were doing!

Glad to see that you maintained...and then lost! Keep going girl!!

Today has been a pretty good day so far. Went to WW and lost another 2.6 pounds this week for a total of 11.6 pounds. Only 56.4 pounds to go to my first goal. I got my new clippie too!! :flower1: :flower1: Pretty soon I'll get my 15:p

Measurements as of today:

Weight 196.4 (was 199)
Waist 35 (was 35.5 and was 37 inches when I first started keeping track in Aug)
Hips 45.5 (same but was 48 inches when I first started keeping track)
Upper Arm 14 (still the same) Darn arm won't shrink !!
Thighs 28.5 (was 29)
Calves 16.5 (same)
Chest 37.5 (was 38)

So 5 1/2 inches gone since August!!!!! Going to keep doing what I'm doing....

Thanks again for the support and encourgement:sunny:
Hi Teresa!

I just read your journal and you are doing a great job with your program! I am jealous because I have been stuck at a 5 lb. loss for so long, but it is because I have not been consistent with my program...Reading your journal is very motivating, thanks!!

:cheer2: :cheer2: :thewave: :rockband: :thewave: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Clippie party at Tera's! Congratulations on the lost poundage and inches! You are doing an incredible job. That 15 pound clippie will be yours in no time.

Have a great one,
Thank you Jean, that is so sweet of you to say. Just keep sticking with it and you'll start losing those additional pounds in no time. I keep thinking that my body will get bored with program I'm doing (exercise and food) and I'll hit that plateau, but hasn't happened yet, so I'm sticking with what works, LOTS of water (at least 100 ounces a day) and plenty of exercise (at least an hour 5x a day). I'm hoping to just keep losing that 2 pounds a week for awhile.

Thanks Beth for the party:tongue: Hoping to have that 15 pound one in no time and then we'll have a BIG
party:drinking1 :jumping1: :drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1 :jumping1: :drinking1
Hey Tera,

Are you :boat: with all the water you are drinking? I certainly hope you won't hit a plateau, but if you do, I know you will break it.

take care,
Thanks Beth! Figure I'll drown before I hit that plateau:hyper:
Yesterday was a pretty good day for exercise and eating. Went to the gym and did about 20 minutes on the weights, but I think I need to work out with those longer. Did 40 minutes on the cardio machine and walked for an hour on the treadmill. By the time I came home and took my shower, it was time to go to help out in Katie's class. Was up there till the end of school, then headed to Jessica's volleyball game, then the costume store. By the time we got home, it was 6:30 and had no time for snacking during the day. I was starving last night, so I had a weight watcher meal, plus a bowl of Special K then my Skinny Cow ice cream, 2 weight watcher carrot cakes and bag of chips ahoy (100 calorie). Sounds like a lot, but was still under my total points for the day. Today I'll head to the gym, then my house is in desperate need of cleaning. Wanted to weight myself, but fought the urge :crazy: :drinking1 LOTS of water today!!
Hi Tera,

No wonder you were starving after that workout. I am impressed that you managed to come in under points. That is incredible.

Hope today was less busy,
Thanks Beth, but after reading your posts, my life seems so much easier :crazy: Today was definitely less busy... went to the gym and did 20 minutes cardio and walked on the treadmill for 80 minutes. I enjoy walking on the treadmill, until my MP3 player dies :earseek: Trying to get as many minutes in now since my kids will be going on fall break starting the 15th and know I won't be able to spend 2 hours at the gym :(

Spent most of the day decorating the house for halloween. Just to let everyone know, we have a annual halloween party that has gotten pretty big over the years. This will be year 7!! I put a lot of time (and money) into this and my house looks like the munsters:p Went to our schools book fair tonight and our PTO sponsers a sub dinner. I had a veggie sub with a bag of chips and diet coke for 7 points. Got home just in time for CSI:D
Today wasn't too bad of a day. Went to the gym and did weights for about 15 minutes and then walked on the treadmill for 5 miles. Did good with my eating since I was busy cleaning and decorating around the house for halloween yet again. After kids got home from school, we headed to the airport to pick up DH from his business trip, then headed to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner. Had a big salad with little ff dressing... sweet potato (plain) and then fat free ice cream. I was totally STUFFED!!! I had 18 points going into dinner, so I think I did pretty well. Thank God for exercise points!!!! Since DH was gone for a week, I'll be working off some of those extra calories tonight ;) Probably will head to the gym tomorrow with DH and play racquetball and then need to post my minutes for the exercise challenge.
Hi Tera!

Keep up the great work...I bet you'll have your 15 clippie by Thanksgiving for sure!:Pinkbounc
Thanks Michelle!

Well today was week 7 weight-in and I lost another 1.2 pounds for a total of 12.8 pounds!!! I was disappointed at first, but then I thought, I LOST another pounds!:bounce: Almost 13 pounds in 7 weeks is pretty good. My problem is I've been focusing too much on my TOTAL goal instead of the little goals they teach you at WW. I'm only 7.2 pounds away from my first 10% goal with WW and that's what I need to focus on. I have 6 weeks to get there and should have no problem. Then I'll go from there.

Only got in 45 minutes at the gym today with bowling later this afternoon (I usual count 30 min towards my exercise goal), but yesterday I did 20 minutes on the weights (really increasing my resistance) and 2 hours on the treadmill (I told you I like to walk :D ). Tomorrow is another day I can get atleast an hour and a half in, but then it'll be tough since the kids are on fall break. Eating has been good and haven't felt deprived at all.... yet. Need to pick up a WW cookbook next week so I can start making actual meals instead of doing their meals every day.

Our halloween party is in less than 3 weeks and I want to look GOOD in my costume :p
Thanks Michelle! Am pretty thrilled myself. At first I was disappointed, but after thinking about what I've lost in such a short time, I'm very happy. I would REALLY love to have my 15 clippie next week, but that might be pushing it at 2.2 pounds, so we'll see.

Today was a good day... only worked out 45 minutes at the gym, but bowled later this after (did VERY well). Drank LOTS of water and snacked very little. After bowling, I had a PTO meeting and then came home to have a drink (or two) with the neighbors. Drank 2 Mike's Hard Lemonade and 1/2 beer. Thank God I ran out of hard lemonade, because it could have been ugly:crazy: Tomorrow plan to get a good workout in, including weights. Need to get as many minutes in as possible since kids are going on fall break.

Things I need to do:

Drink LOTS of water
Watch snacking
Keep focused on small goals

You are doing an incredible job! Your dedication to exercise is really paying off. It is definately the long run that counts. You are going to look great for your cruise.

Have a great day,


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