The Boa Brigade: New Appointments to the Realm!

Besides have you seen the royal dungeon, Cable TV, Nintendo, and Royal Pizza Hut delivers. :p
Okay, since I'm married to the Goddess of the Collectors Board, does that make me a god? :D

Ed, we still have a ways to go with this thread .... there have been some on other boards that have 200+ replies. Heck, there's one on Resorts with over 500 replies. There have been threads on the Community Board with over 200 PAGES of replies (and figure about 15-20 replies per page). So, this one is long for this board, but not a record yet. Arizona Jeff has the record for the longest thread on the Collectors Board.

Yeah, I know, that's a lot of posts for MeanLaureen to edit. :p
Well Raul, there's always the tower..........

---the cable doesn't reach up there
---there are no electrical outlets
---the satellite dish was knocked off from flying arrows
---the delivery boy says he ain't walkin those steps for any amount of tip
:p :p
Originally posted by perndwler
Well Raul, there's always the tower..........

---the cable doesn't reach up there
---there are no electrical outlets
---the satellite dish was knocked off from flying arrows
---the delivery boy says he ain't walkin those steps for any amount of tip
:p :p
...and you'll finally have that "Jump to your Death" opportunity that you've been begging to get for lo, these many years.

P.S. I hear that if you jump into the moat at exactly the right spot, you'll hit a magic underwater tunnel passageway straight to Australia.
And We ALL KNOW just how MUCH Poppy loves Astrailia!

Someday soon I'll make it to Australia, and then you'll all be sorry.

I'll start every thread with G'day mates.

And love of my life favorite grandchild #2 AKA Heather where exactly is Astrailia?
Lady Robin,

Only her Majesty the Queen can throw one of her royal subjects in the dungeon or banish them to the tower. You just get to sit there and wait! LOL :)
Sir Michael
Hear ye...Hear ye...the Princess has arrived!

Ok, Im alright now, Ive just always wanted to say that.

Sir Ed & Lady Donna...I (being the princess) & Lady Jo Ann, had a wonderful time yesterday...the highlight of the whole adventure was when you were crawling thru the bushes. I can still see it now...:bounce:

Ho hum, the good old days! LoL!!! :p :bounce:

I wonder, when is thy next adventure to be?
Wonder how Australia is this mornin'?

Be it known, that from this day forth, Eeyore64 shall be known as Lady Kathi, the Keeper of the Pond (where the fishies swim) and Shirley38 shall be known as Lady Shirley, Keeper of the Keeper of the Hat. Wear your boas with pride, and spread the joy thoughout the World!:D

Now, onto other business.....

The Queen has noticed the recent arrival of a certain Princess named Amber. First, I say welcome to the Realm of the Boa Brigade! Perhaps Princess Amber can introduce herself to the Realm and explain from whence she came as I am sure I have no daughter named Amber:D

I also request an audience with Sir Eddie so that he may explain to the Realm why he was crawling in the bushes. Was he protecting the Realm from some fire breathing dragon or shark-like creature? Or perhaps looking for a shortcut to Australia? What did he hope to accomplish? And perhaps our own Royal Thespian might act out this scene for those of us too far to witness it ourselves?

Lady RobIn, I know from whence your anger came in regards to Sir Eddie's misspelling of your name, for it is your name which identifies you as yourself!!! But do not dispair...I think you have shown him the error of his ways, and we need not put him in the dungeon...he must be out and about, protecting the realm from certain cads and scoundrels who would see us disbanded and in disarray!

So submitted, on this dreary day in Connecticut....

Long live the Boa Brigade!!
I will have to converse with Sir Eddie about the bushes incident.
I wasn't present and thus I must get the details.

I said to myself self I wonder where this passageway goes and would it not be cool to if it came out ahead of the ladies and princess so I could scare the royal poop out of them.

Since princess Amber tried to scare me in the Tom sawyer caves, but was sadly disappointed after finding out I'm from Miami and don’t scare easily :p

But alas the pathway only took me to a stairway that put me on to the main monorail track, I figured I had 2 minutes that I could run on the track and thus jumping in front of them while yelling Woolly Bully, but those darn security gates have a way of putting a damper on my plans.

So I had to walk back in defeat. Next time ladies next time. :D

I did get some revenge at the haunted mansion when I screamed, and made princess Amber scream like a little girl, and her mom too :p
I thank thee O Great Queen for the title bestowed upon mine self, I shall attemptest to do thee proud!

Lady Kathi
Keeper of the Ponds
Ok I am cracking up here..... I feel so out of it and have no special title... sniff sniff

Congrats to everyone on their appointments and don't forget the camera shots of Raul in his powderpuff unmentionables....

Do you think anyone will mistake Raul for Tarzan??? NOT wink wink

Man now I wish I was coming for the AK event I am really going to be sorry to miss out on this occasion.

all thy news - hath not been reading these words of wisdom in some days now - having gazed too long at the moon! Twas necessary that those who liveth in the farthest reaches of your kingdom have long been without the taste of bread, and since i am but one provider of the bread, your humble servant here hath been employed earning the money with which to purchase the bread. Pray, give me leave to do thoust humble work. Lady Caroline

I would like to kindly thank the royal logo maker for doing such a SUPERB job!
My logo will be up here soon! It's Ariel!

Thank you so much Mike!

I shall soon be one with the rest of the logo-bearing Royal Court!
Ah, I feel so loved!

~Lady Heather:wave:
Using proper Royal would be Sir Michael....not Mike.....

I think a royal spanking is in order..

Lady Nanny Donna
A thousand apologies Queen Leslie. But it was Sir Eddie that told me I was to take the title. :rolleyes:

Next time Sir time we shall see who screamed like the girl! :D

I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

In all of my excitement I forgot my "Prithee's" and "Sir's" and "Lady's"!

Please forgive me! I shant not leaveth my protocaleth againeth!



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