The Chicago Meet

Marsha, there used to be a Ritz-Carlton at Water Tower Place (fancy mall on Michigan Avenue), but it isn't listed on the Ritz's web site any longer. Any Chicagoans know what hotel is there now?

I'm perfectly happy at most Holiday Inns. The one and only Econolodge I stayed at (in Eaton, Ohio) was a DUMP! I love GREAT hotels at CHEAP prices, and that's why I like Priceline! :)
Oh Poor poor Patrick...the queen has spoken.... wiping brow and taking a deep breathe here. Would have had to admit I have never mowed a lawn before...I bet it would have been interesting looking to say the least...

Gee Patrick that was a quick kill.... You couldn't even try to talk her into it? Gee, I thought the cardboard boxes could be made to look like a mini Ritz...what do you think?

Man and what an could have sat with a beer in your hand while I did all the chores for the meet...of course I would make sure Ellen would got at you for working the guest to death.

TC give me time...I will talk to Ellen tonight.... then I will let you know about our money making scheme... just remember I was there

I do not think the person who responded was the Marsha we know...Nope no way...Holiday Inn? Nope, no way Jose. Roughing it for her is the Marriot Coutyard...I can not see her at a Holiday Inn. Nancy the Econolodge even less...rotflmao.....
I'll tent it as long as we can have a campfire and make s'mores. :) :D :) ;)
I'm anxious to hear what Ellen has to say to all this! :D
I do have to draw the line at a cardboard box, though. They don't do too well if it should rain.
I'll bet we can fool Glo with an inflatable Marsha in a cardboard box and still get your lawn mowed. LOL!!!
Hey I have 6 months to work on Marsh, I bet she would do it for me, I do not ask much :) I was thinking of looking around and borrowing an old used RV- I could park it in the drive way and Marsh could sleep there! People could use the portable toliet in there also! That would win me the bet and help spruce up the neighborhood;) :D I could be in serious trouble after this phone call tonight:p ;) I am not afraid, I am not afraid:rolleyes: :D :D :D
Excuse me but how did I go from being the Queen to a blow-up doll.. LOLOL.. I am still not staying in a tent or a cardboard box.. I will give in at a Marriott, but that is it.. LOLOLOL
Patrick, you are cruisin for a bruisin.. RV.. are you crazy?????????????Moi.. I shudder at the thought.. I will be at the Hilton and Towers.. at least that is what Tom said, on Lakeshore Drive if anyone is looking for me.. LOLOLOL
An inflatable Marsha doll??? OMG...I am not going to comment at all..Marsha you let them get away with that??? Patrick what have you been drinking my OMG...rotflmao over here...I think I would know the real

OK, I will concede even to an RV in the driveway, but it can't have a real bathroom has to have the pump never ever happen. Are you kidding??? I will do the lawn in a bikini and cause a disturbance of the peace..if she does that...omg....

Marsha, you tell him.....
Marsha, I would pay for your airfare and all expenses to be able to document Glo in her bikini on my digital camera!!!!
Hmmm, I am tempted just to make Ms Glo bounce around, I mean, run around in a bikini on Patrick's lawn.. but I cannot lower my standards and stay in a used RV with everyone using my bathroom.. BLEAH!!!!!!!
Hey, everyone be nice here- OMG I do not want people running around in bikinis, I have a reputation to maintain around the area here:rolleyes: ;)
.........a blow up Marsha, Glo in a bikini-doing yardwork, no less, Brian taking all the pictures...............
This is all sounding too interesting to miss!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
"As the DIS Turns" :eek:
Can't wait for the next episode!:D :p :D :p how do we up the stakes?????

Marsha I knew I could count on you.... :p on you Brian...bad bad boy.....I do not think they make bikinis in my and I do not want to be arrested for indecent exposure..... :eek:

Ellen, we could use your help

Patrick, you have a reputation??
I do not think they make bikinis in my size....

I think if we wash one on the hot cycle, we can shrink it down small enough. ;) :) need more material John, not less dang Now behave or else...geez!!!! Barb stick up for me
Of course, Glo, honey, anything for you! :D
John, that wasn't very nice. ;) Glo's a great lady and would look fabulous in a bikini! :) :)
*was that good, Glo?* :D :D :D
Gee thanks so much for that

Ok, I spoke with the head of the household at PatrickIL's house....gave her the inside scoop on this thing... Funny thing she already knew the names of some you guys...hmmmmm....I dunno me think Patrick has been talking... and I do not want to hear about the accent again...I already told then my accent is nothing compared to others on this board, and she knew exactly who I was talking Maaaaaasha your reputation preceeds you.

Ok, no tents in the back yard and no bikinis sorry Brisully...maybe next year at DIS I could hear Patrick still trying for thr old RV in thr driveway, but that was shot down too...So I am pretty much out of the woods...hehehehehe!!! Ellen sounds like great fun...hey found out that Patrick's DD and I share the same birthday!!! Wooohooo Erin!!!!
I think Crissup was complimenting Glo with his bikini comment! Glo has lost so much weight that it would be hard to find one small enough to fit her. Isn't that right, John? ;)


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