The Official Teen Cruise Board for Christmas Cruise 2004!

Hey!!! I just got back from babysitting!!! fun fun! not!!!!! Well i am surprised i was home so early because these people usually stay out till like 3am!!! So ya. One of my friends house caught on fire. I'm not sure how bad it is. I'm waiting for keith to call and tell me. I'm so scared!!!!!!!!!!! well g2g one posting?? is no one my new name. :earboy2: my day was kinda boring...i just sat around the house all day...not too exciting. i'm babysittin tomorrow afternoon so i'm gettin paaaiiiiddd!!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc pirate: haha...i need the money to pay my parents off for the Christmas gifts i bought them and my sisters. i have $20 left to make and then i'm DONE!:teeth: :earboy2: and then i getta start savin up for college again... :guilty: which reminds me...the end of next week i getta here the decision from the only college i applied to. :earseek: *crosses fingers* :earboy2:
Well i have a little phone issue. I dropped it in water and the only button that works is the hang up button. and the screen doesn't work either. So I have to buy a new one tomorrow. not fun because i have to pay for it. and phones r very expensive so i'm not really lookin foward to it. well g2g
Well i just bought a new phone. then we ate at the cheesecake factory. my favorite place in the whole world!!!!!!! that was yummy!!!!!!!!!! now i'm at home doin nothin. later i have dance. so thats my very exciting day for ya. so what is everyone else doing???????????????
I babysat the two cutest little boys the entire afternoon. i had fun playing with boy toys. :earboy2: why do they get to play with toy guns and little girls don't?? it's not fair! :( :earboy2: plus i think it was a star wars gun i was playing with...i LOVE STAR WARS!!!! :rolleyes:

pirate: Pirated myself another TOP! pirate:
That makes two in a row. :earsboy:
Hey guys,

I just got back from a 5 day snowboard trip with my church..I was at The Canyons were the big avalanche happened, the day was scary. But otherwise it was a good trip. :cool1:..2 people found dead in the avalanche though. :guilty:
hey everybody

sry i havent been on...i have been really busy and i havent been feeling the greatest(stupid flu) but otherwise i had another bomb threat at my school on monday...thats the second one and we just ended our 1st semester today...its these stupid kids doing it and its scary cuz they keep coming fake and im afraid that one is really gonna happen..(my hs is a brand new built one and its connected with the ms i go to ) its horrible!

so i was off on mon. for most of the day until i could borrow some strange high schooler's cell phone(one i didnt know) and called her...she finally picked us up! and on tues. i went home sick, wed.i was home sick all day, today i went to school but tomorrow i have i went to school for 1 full day this week....yadda yadda yadda...i just go on and on...LOL

so its official...well goin to DL in may. :cheer2: ..sometime...with some ppl i met on the cruise...we're gonna have a big group(no, its not anybody from the boards) and the kids i babysit for might come with us(dont ask me why, but my mom thinks i should ask them to go...but the kids are too sweet! lol)....

this post is very very very very very very very very very very very long...LOL

i have b-ball tomorrow and a game on sat. and a tournment game on sun.(so surprised we aucually made it to the 2nd round of the tourny) im so glad that b-ball is ALMOST OVER! lol :D

i get to go shopping down in chicago on monday since im off then...i have a FOUR DAY WEEKEND! oh yea! lol :cool1:

ok i'll ttyl! tootles! puckerup:
I just got my acceptance letter from the one and only college i applied to...I'M GOING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT WILMINGTON NEXT YEAR!!!!:teeth: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
Hey's everybody doing with the snow?? No casualties yet right?:earboy2: how much did everybody else get? we only got about a foot.:(
gregg, ur so lucky that u only got that much! we got tons of snow in WI and the drifts in my backyard are probably as tall as me! but its kinda cool but sad b/c we would have had a snow day if we got all of this snow on a weekday...but what can u do? we haven't had this much snow in a long time...well as long as i can remember!

everybody is gone...barely anybody talks on the boards anymore..*tear**tear**tear* lol

hey!!!! i just got back from wow in columbia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was soooooo fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we trashed the car. oops!!!! it was soooo gross. somebdy spilled something and it got all crushed!!!! it was so nmasty!!! yeah i had a balst!!! well g2g

ps we didn't get any snow!!
Hey!!!! Today was really long!!!! tonight i have dance!! yay!!!! I'm still so tired from this weekend!!!!!!! well i g2g!!
My five-day weekend is over.:( i don't want to go back to school tomorrow.:sad2: *crosses her fingers and hopes for more snow to fall over night. :earboy2:


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