The Official What's For Dinner thread:Thursday 1-24-08? Recipe finder in OP. Enjoy! Part 3

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:) :scared:
We are going today to see DH's dad who is back in the hospital. His cancer treatments were going well, but they have discovered it in a new place so we are now back to wait and see.

Gretchen, my thoughts and prayers are with all of you!

Lauren - :scared1: Yes, Kyle is getting his drivers license Monday, I'm petrified. That video had me :rotfl2: , that will be us one day, honey! Also, Glynis' potato salad is incredible if you heat it up. Kyle discovered this by accident.:cool1:

Oh boy! Drinks are in order!

OMG girl, this had me falling off my chair, and that is never a pretty sight! I want you to delete this before my two lurkers come out of hiding and get some do it it now....... I may have to move in with you if they see this and they are let loose with their camcorders. (Are they still called camcorders???)

Is it too late to delete??? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I offered to fix DH a hot dog or a chicken sandwich, but he tried to get his own, dropped the chicken all over the floor, glared at the chicken all over the floor, tosses the poor chicken in the sink and proceeded to clean the poor floor, lost his appetite and had a granola bar :rotfl2:.

Poor Buddy!!! :hug:

It's going to take awhile for me to learn names! :)

Hey Lynne, I'm Lauren...aka Zilla...meaning Bridezilla. I guess I've been a moody witch since planning my upcoming wedding (witch to DF not my WFD friends!!!)...oh boy, tomorrow is 3 weeks...:scared: ...

Lauren - I showed Johnny the video, he works at a retirement center, he loved it and says he's seen a lot of that stuff happen at work.:rotfl:

Tell him to tape them and post for our viewing pleasure...or maybe win 10k from America's Funniest Videos!!! :)

We're going to my in-laws for a cookout later this afternoon. I don't know what we're having, but I'm going to go eat a piece of my blueberry pie before we leave.

Oh boy, aren't they the ones that can't cook??? Did you have enough pie??? :)

I'm also planning on doing them sometime soon. Notice how we go in waves on certain dishes? The velvet shrimp was one I remember a lot of us did. NOW Glynis' pot roast is in a whole other category!!;)

Velvet chicken is also good!!! :banana:

have a couple in a photobucket album, but for some reason I can't get them to show up here.

I wish I could help but I am an idiot when it comes to these things...DF has to basically do that kind of stuff for me...:)

WFD? Today we went for a late lunch to my favorite local Thai restaurant and I had my favorite, Spicy Red Curry Shrimp. We always stuff ourselves when we go there so we'll just have room for dessert later.

I wish DF liked Thai food...maybe I'll get take out from a local restaurant the next time he goes to'll have to tell me what to get since I haven't hadit in years...

I have successfully stuffed myself on those Meatloaf muffins from Glynnis.

Aren't they awesome??? :)

I have a question for those of you who have done the pizza muffins. DH hates pizza, I am taking a cue from Nancy - who cares!!:lmao: Kyle and I crave it - will this satisfy my craving for pizza at least a little??

Since I was on the South Beach diet, it did calm my craving for pizza...yum! Maybe make separate muffins for DH so that he is not reminded of can he hate pizza? :confused3 :) It must be all that great cooking you do!!! ;)
I ended up getting my mat at an Asian market. I should have gotten two so DS and I wouldn't have to take turns using it. I'm still working on posting that sushi picture. :confused3

Can anyone see a picture if they click on the link above? I don't know why I can't get it to work. Help

I couldn't open this but dying to see it...that freakin photobucket is a pain...for me anyway...:)
Well, DF and I are back from our romantic dinner...hah! Now we are in bed on dueling laptops!!! :lmao:

We tried a new restaurant and it was great...very quaint. It was built in the 1800s and the outside looked it but very nice inside. :) I had a crabcake and avacado salad appetizer that came with a balsamic reduction. For entree, I had the hazelnut encrusted lamb...with some kind of mint sauce and carmelized onions...yum!!!

For dessert we both had soft chocolate cake which reminded me of that special desset at Coral Reef....paired with Rosa was to die for!

I took a pic but have to down load it from my phone but I'm a der der which Tom would he has to do it for me!!!

Yes, my dear friends, I'm a der der!!!
Can someone help me figure out how to post a picture? I have a couple in a photobucket album, but for some reason I can't get them to show up here.

Hi Sandy. I don't know if I can help, but here is what I do. I upload my pictures from my camera to my computer. I use Kodak Easy Share software to edit the picture and choose the "Best for Web" option (pictures from your camera take up too much space, as they are high enough quality to be printed out. You have to edit them down to post.) Then I upload them on to Flickr (they have free accounts), click on the picture and scroll down until it says "Grab the URL." I copy that then post it into my posts here.

She has been really good about her diet restrictions and won't touch any thing she is not supposed to have, but the other night when we were at Friendly's she thought she was going to have her scoop of vanilla ice cream. She is a creature of habit and her Mom did not see this coming. Poor little thing just burst into the most heart wrenching tears :sad1::sad1::sad1:. I was not taking any chances tonight and waited until we got home.

Desserts are definitely the hardest thing with food allergies! Nancy, did you ever post Kady's restrictions after talking to the pedi? If so, I missed it.

Oh boy, aren't they the ones that can't cook??? Did you have enough pie??? :)

Yes, they are the ones that can't cook, and even though it was just burgers today, nobody sat down to eat until about 20 minutes after they were off the grill. They were rather dry by then. I definitely should have had two pieces of pie!

Oh, and by the way, with all this talk about names, mine is Laura. I don't have it in my signature, and I am really used to just being called Liam's mom or Caili's mom, so feel free to keep using my user name if it's easier, but Laura is shorter.
This sounds great, but I've never heard of Dubliner cheese.:confused3 Can you tell me where it can be found, and if it's not available here, can I sub any other cheese for it?

Dubliner cheese is an Irish cheese (though that's kind of obvious :lmao: ) that I first tasted at a Food and Wine seminar at Epcot last year! It's made by Kerrygold and they hosted a seminar we attended. Been hooked on it since!

I found it at my local Kroger in the deli/cheese area and Costco actually carries it right now!

Here is what wikpedia says about it:
Our day was a little off yesterday and we didn't make it to the grocery store. That said, I wanted an easy meal tonight. So we are having grilled teriyaki salmon, rice, and a vegetable of some kind. I recently splurged and bought a grill pan and I'm going to try it out on the fish.

WFD at your house?
Good morning all!

I never made it to the store yesterday either. I am going to try today, but I have to get some gardening done or there will be no color in the yard.

Laura- Kady's pediatrician wants her to follow the diet restrictions he gave her. He wants to see how she feels before further restricting her. He said that he has already tested for celiac and she was negative, and she has always done well with soy, so he will not take chances with her nutrition to prove a negative.
I haven't a clue what we are having for dinner. I did buy some cedar planks at my fav Costco a couple of weeks ago. They are to calling me to cook something.

Today we are going to the zoo. I hope I can stand to walk around, some parts of Illinois are suffering from an invasion of the 17 yr cicada's. I HATE those bugs. When I was working a parttime job in high school ,the town I worked in, had them bad that year. They were dropping out of the trees and all over the sidewalk you walked with sounds of crunch crunch and a big umbrella :eek:

Oh by the way my alas is Janice (Hershey with spelled the right way is my dog, hersey the wrong way is how my old computer typed his name)
Thanks to everyone for the prayers and thoughts for DH's father. I'm sure all of you who have ever had an ill family member know all about the up and down emotional roller coaster ride. One minute the doctors have bad news, the next they try to offer some hope. The Non-Hodgkins lymphoma was responding well to the chemo, but they found a new tumor in his spinal column. They have run more tests, but don't know yet what his prognosis from that will be.

We haven't told the children the lastest news. DS is on an end-of-the school year field trip to Washington, DC with his class and won't return until late Monday night. Both he and DD8 are supposed to go to 4-H camp on the 10th, and DH decided he wanted them to have a good time without worrying about their grandfather.

Today is laundry and grocery shopping day. I think dinner tonight is going to be the pork chops I have been trying to fix since Thursday night.

Kathy, Did I misunderstand you on the Nola thread? Is the recipe for the Garlic & Wine Grilled Shrimp Recipe listed here? I can't find it.


No it's not posted here. I'll post it today - It is finger lickin good!!!!!!!

Once again................I have done my job :surfweb:.

:lmao: :lmao:

Dubliner cheese is an Irish cheese (though that's kind of obvious :lmao: ) that I first tasted at a Food and Wine seminar at Epcot last year! It's made by Kerrygold and they hosted a seminar we attended. Been hooked on it since!

I found it at my local Kroger in the deli/cheese area and Costco actually carries it right now!

Here is what wikpedia says about it:

Thanks for the info!!!!

Tonight we'll be having Kyle's birthday dinner, he asked me to make Outback's Alice Springs Chicken, baked pasta with parm & basil and cheesy bread. He also wanted an ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins, so I don't have to do dessert.

He and his GF will be going out to dinner tomorrow night(he'll be driving)!:eek:
Garlic & Wine Grilled Shrimp

This recipe is a basic marinade/basting sauce. You can choose whether you like to grill the shrimp with shells or without, in a grill basket or on skewers. I boil the reserved marinade and use it as a dipping sauce. This recipe is enough for 2 lbs of shrimp.

1/2 c. butter or margarine, melted
1/2 c. olive oil
1/2 c. white wine
3 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 tsp. oregano
3-4 bay leaves
2 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 Tbsp. soy sauce
1 tsp. seasoned salt
1 tsp. pepper

Combine all ingredients, mix well then add shrimp and marinate 4 hours. Remove shrimp from marinade and place in grill basket or thread on skewers. While grilling, baste with marinade.
I plan to buy no meat of any kind for the month of June! Freezer clean out month (gotta defrost).
So, today I've defrosted and breaded soft shell crabs and shrimp to fry for dinner to have with salad and baked french fries. I made the cocktail sauce already also so minimal time spent actually cooking.:banana:

Yesterday was ham steak and corn from freezer, night before chili from freezer over baked potatoes, you get the drift.... I may even make it through July with all I have been squirreling away (leftovers, sales on chicken, pork loins, steaks, shrimp- jeez, found some small lobsters!). Lunch for DH has been soup from freezer, spaghetti (same), mexican casserole (same), etc. Man, I've been slack...

Tuesday night we are going to an outdoor concert of the NC Symphony that is a picnic beforehand- I'm going to roast a pork loin and have it sliced on rolls as one of our items.:)
Gretchen -- I am sorry to hear about your FIL. Hopefully, the next news you hear will be good news again.

Nancy -- At least the dairyless diet is manageable...not easy, but manageable. I am still looking for that cupcake recipe for you. I think I have opened every box in my house, but still no luck.

Kathy -- Happy Birthday to Kyle! I am so glad I don't have to think about my kids driving yet. The very thought makes me go :scared1: I am sure Kyle will do fine, although I would recommend having some wine on hand for while he is out. ;)

WFD tonight is spaghetti, salad and bread. After having hot and humid weather yesterday, today it is rainy and cold, so comfort food is in order.
Kathy -- Happy Birthday to Kyle! I am so glad I don't have to think about my kids driving yet. The very thought makes me go :scared1: I am sure Kyle will do fine, although I would recommend having some wine on hand for while he is out. ;)

I'm all stocked up.:rolleyes1
Hi Sandy. I don't know if I can help, but here is what I do. I upload my pictures from my camera to my computer. I use Kodak Easy Share software to edit the picture and choose the "Best for Web" option (pictures from your camera take up too much space, as they are high enough quality to be printed out. You have to edit them down to post.) Then I upload them on to Flickr (they have free accounts), click on the picture and scroll down until it says "Grab the URL." I copy that then post it into my posts here.
I have Kodak Easy Share too. I can't seem to find "Best for Web". I've never really figured that software out completely. :confused3

ETA: I found the "Best for Web" option and saved it like that, but I still can't get the picture to show up here. I either get the box with the red x or a link that goes to nothing.

Hold the phone... I think it worked. Someone, tell me if you can see something when you click on the link. I still can't get the picture to show up in the post, but I think the link works.
I plan to buy no meat of any kind for the month of June! Freezer clean out month (gotta defrost).
So, today I've defrosted and breaded soft shell crabs and shrimp to fry for dinner to have with salad and baked french fries. I made the cocktail sauce already also so minimal time spent actually cooking.:banana:

Yesterday was ham steak and corn from freezer, night before chili from freezer over baked potatoes, you get the drift.... I may even make it through July with all I have been squirreling away (leftovers, sales on chicken, pork loins, steaks, shrimp- jeez, found some small lobsters!). Lunch for DH has been soup from freezer, spaghetti (same), mexican casserole (same), etc. Man, I've been slack...

Tuesday night we are going to an outdoor concert of the NC Symphony that is a picnic beforehand- I'm going to roast a pork loin and have it sliced on rolls as one of our items.:)

That's a good idea about cleaning out the freezer/defrosting. I think it's time I do it too!

Funny you had ham steak yesterday. We're having it tonight. I thawed mine last night. Might have it with baked beans and whatever else I can find. Taking it easy tonight. :)
Nancy, I finally found that recipe. All it took was a prayer to St. Anthony, and I wasn't even halfway through it when I found not only the cupcake recipe, but a whole stack of yummy egg and dairy free recipes. I'll just post the cupcake one now. (Liam's complaining about wanting dinner...the nerve! :) )

ETA: These freeze really well. I just make one batch at the beginning of the school year and pop one out of the freezer and into Liam's lunch bag any time there is a school party.

Kady's Dairy-Free Cupcakes (the school always puts the name of the child with allergies on the recipe) -- Makes 24 cupcakes

3 cups flour
3 cups sugar
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
10 Tbsp Fleishmann's unsalted margarine, melted
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups cold water

Preheat the oven to 350 and line muffin tins with paper liners.
In a large bowl, mix ingredients together and blend well. Pour into liners, slightly more than halfway up. Bake 20-25 minutes or until tester comes out clean. Frost when completely cool.

You can frost with Duncan Hines Creamy Home Style frosting in either Classic Vanilla or Classic Chocolate, both are milk-free. Or if you want to make it yourself:


2 cups confectioners sugar
2 tsp water
4 Tbsp Fleishmann's unsalted margarine, softened

In small bowl mix ingredients together. If necessary, add more water to make frosting more spreadable. Food coloring may be added.

I have no idea how these actually work, but they come out looking just like regular cupcakes. One very picky little girl commented that she doesn't like these last year at Liam's party, but aside from that one exception, all the children seem to enjoy them as much as regular cupcakes. And they couldn't be easier.
Hey Sandy!

I am not sure if I will explain this right but the "muffins" kind of shrink and the fat winds up on the outside...when you take them out the muffins will look like mine did. I guess it also matters what % of fat the beef has when you make them. Does that make sense??? :)
I have successfully stuffed myself on those Meatloaf muffins from Glynnis.

Sandy I took them out of the pan and drained them a few minutes on a paper towel. I didn't think they tasted greasy at all.
Thanks, I'll try using really low-fat ground beef and see how it turns out.

Today we are going to the zoo. I hope I can stand to walk around, some parts of Illinois are suffering from an invasion of the 17 yr cicada's. I HATE those bugs. When I was working a parttime job in high school ,the town I worked in, had them bad that year. They were dropping out of the trees and all over the sidewalk you walked with sounds of crunch crunch and a big umbrella :eek:
How was the zoo? We don't have cicadas, but we do have lovebugs right now and they're awful. While I was pumping gas a whole bunch of them were landing on me. :eek:

Tonight we'll be having Kyle's birthday dinner, he asked me to make Outback's Alice Springs Chicken, baked pasta with parm & basil and cheesy bread. He also wanted an ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins, so I don't have to do dessert.

He and his GF will be going out to dinner tomorrow night(he'll be driving)!:eek:
:bday: to Kyle! I'm sure he'll do just fine with the car. :car:

I haven't made Alice Springs Chicken in a long time. I'm going to have to do that after the pizza meatloaf muffins.

liamandcaili ~ Thanks for helping me figure out how to post the sushi picture. I finally got it to work. :yay: It was driving me nuts. :upsidedow

WFD? Grilled-baked bbq chicken thighs, some kind of pasta, and broccoli.
Garlic & Wine Grilled Shrimp

This recipe is a basic marinade/basting sauce. You can choose whether you like to grill the shrimp with shells or without, in a grill basket or on skewers. I boil the reserved marinade and use it as a dipping sauce. This recipe is enough for 2 lbs of shrimp.

1/2 c. butter or margarine, melted
1/2 c. olive oil
1/2 c. white wine
3 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 tsp. oregano
3-4 bay leaves
2 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 Tbsp. soy sauce
1 tsp. seasoned salt
1 tsp. pepper

Combine all ingredients, mix well then add shrimp and marinate 4 hours. Remove shrimp from marinade and place in grill basket or thread on skewers. While grilling, baste with marinade.

Kathy, Thanks for this recipe it's sounds delish! I'm gonna try it sometime this week! DH & I were craving really nice shrimp last night but I didn't have any big ones in the freezer. So I decided to boil some of those frozen king crab legs from Sam's instead. Have you tried them? They tasted so fresh, I was really pleasantly surprised! I boiled them like we usually do with all the regular seafood boil seasonings but still served them with lemon & butter! Oh, it was so good!

That was WFD last night: Salad, King Crab Legs & baked potatoes. Clueless as to WFD tonight.

I have Kodak Easy Share too. I can't seem to find "Best for Web". I've never really figured that software out completely. :confused3

ETA: I found the "Best for Web" option and saved it like that, but I still can't get the picture to show up here. I either get the box with the red x or a link that goes to nothing.

Hold the phone... I think it worked. Someone, tell me if you can see something when you click on the link. I still can't get the picture to show up in the post, but I think the link works.

:cool1: :banana: :yay: Sandy, I'm so glad it worked!!! They are beautiful, I am totally impressed with your sushi rolling skills! WOW!!!:thumbsup2 I going to have to go get another mat & try it, but I don't know if I can do it as well as you did! Do you have any tips on cooking the rice?
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