The Running Thread - 2018

ATTQOTD: I had to check last year records on my Nike App to find the extreme temperatures I ran in.
Coldest -19C or -3F
Warmest 29C or 85F
I prefer cold, although not that extreme, because it is possible to dress accordingly and running warms me up.
QOTD: How many weeks do you dedicate to prepare for any one race?

Depends. It was like 4-5 months preparing for my marathon just because it was a new distance for me. However, with some of my more recent 5Ks and 10Ks, I was aiming more for better times and probably used about a month of two of incorporating speed work and workouts replicating the course elevation.

QOTD: What is the warmest temps you have gone out for a run in? What about the coldest? Which would you prefer of the two extremes?

Warmest = ~100 degrees (F)
Coldest = -6 degrees (F)

These are face value temps taking in no consideration for wind chill and/or humidity. If I HAD to pick one of the two, I'd probably take the hottest. You can stop, hydrate and walk a bit if you needed. I wouldn't stop during the cold temps.
A flat 50k doesn’t need much more training than a marathon. A hilly 90k takes a whole lot more work to prepare for.

I figured you had some reasoning behind the statement but any ultra is still an ultra. And a 50k may take the same training as a full marathon but those aren't exactly easy either. :teeth:

I really want to do the BAA 10k next year!! My running store group got to hang out with Des Linden for a little bit - it looked like a fun, well-supported race!
It's my fourth year in a row running it. It's such a great race, you need to do it. I saw Des running, I saw Meb as well. They also both spoke after the awards ceremony too.

QOTD: What is the warmest temps you have gone out for a run in? What about the coldest? Which would you prefer of the two extremes?

ATTQOTD: The warmest run I have ever been on has to be around 95 around 5PM, which probably had a heat index around 100 ish. The coldest run was during a 5k run. It was 21 that morning. Thats cold for my area! The coldest I have ever felt during a run was when it was raining, very windy and in the low 40's. Never warmed up on that one. I would take the cold extreme over the hot though.

When I was training for TOT I wanted heat and humidity to get used to the potential for those conditions in FL so I ran in 97' and high humidity. Coldest was 8' at night so there wasn't any sun to even try to warm up. :sad:

I would pick the cold because if you dress right you will eventually warm up. If it's hot, you only gotten hotter.
I have mixed feelings about yesterday evening.
Good - We moved the TM into the dining room and the dining table to the back porch so I can run in the AC.
Bad - Started running and it immediately started slowing down and losing power. Finally (after an hour and taking the cover off and messing around with the motor DH not me!) we figured out that it was on the same breaker as the AC in that room and wasn't getting enough amps(?) so we plugged it into a heavy duty extension cord and plugged it in in another room and it worked fine.
Good - I was finally able to run 4 miles on the TM and keep going on my plan!
Good/Bad - Someone dumped an adorable puppy out where I live and it showed up on my front porch last night. I DO NOT want a 3rd dog! She kept us up all night and I am exhausted today. Her name is now Daisy and she slept in my bed and has a vet appt. this afternoon. Sigh.
QOTD: Keeping with our theme yesterday and also a timely suggestion from a fellow poster we have the following question. Ladies, will you run in just a sports bra if it is hot? Gentlemen, will you go shirtless? And if not, why? Do you find it offensive? Or just not for you?

ATTQOTD: I keep my shirt on because I'm way to chunky to be out public without a shirt. It shouldn't matter, but it does. Not a big deal and for those who do it, both men and women (sports bra), I am not bothered by it.
QOTD: Keeping with our theme yesterday and also a timely suggestion from a fellow poster we have the following question. Ladies, will you run in just a sports bra if it is hot? Gentlemen, will you go shirtless? And if not, why? Do you find it offensive? Or just not for you?

When I was younger (much younger), I would go shirtless, but back then, (i) the sports fabric wasn't what it is today and (ii) I was in good shape. I never go shirtless now because others might find it offensive, and the clothing is technically much better. I do not find it offensive at all if others run shirtless (or just a sports bra for ladies). In fact, a few weeks ago, my daughter and I were out for a run and about half way through she said she was really hot, so I suggested that she take off her shirt and just run in her sports bra. She wasn't sure, but thought about it for a while, then did it, and she felt much better. I think people should run in whatever is comfortable for them.
QOTD: Keeping with our theme yesterday and also a timely suggestion from a fellow poster we have the following question. Ladies, will you run in just a sports bra if it is hot? Gentlemen, will you go shirtless? And if not, why? Do you find it offensive? Or just not for you?

Once it gets into the mid-40s I run shirtless. I get really warm when I run and it is just more comfortable for me. Even in the 30's a lot of the time I'll start in a shirt and end up losing it if it is a race. My comfort is more important than what some stranger thinks.

The only exception is when I run trails. I run in a singlet to minimize the surface area for ticks.
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I won't run in just a sports bra because I am not comfortable with that- and more area for sunburn. No offense to people who do, or guys who run shirtless. I do occasionally roll my tank up to vent, but if I see someone coming I roll it back down. I always get funny looks because I tend to run warm so even in the mid 40s I am running in capris and a tank top.
ATTQOTD: I used to - when I was leaner and didn't live in FL. More exposed skin = more real estate in need of sunscreen, so for that reason alone I wear a shirt. The fact that it covers the mid-life flab is a bonus. ;)

ETA: as soon as I posted, I thought to myself: "Really? You wear a bikini in public and truly do not care what anyone thinks of you in it - why is the running bra thing an issue?" I don't have an answer to that, but the need for more sunscreen is a non-starter, so I'm not worried about figuring it out, lol!
QOTD: Keeping with our theme yesterday and also a timely suggestion from a fellow poster we have the following question. Ladies, will you run in just a sports bra if it is hot? Gentlemen, will you go shirtless? And if not, why? Do you find it offensive? Or just not for you?
ATTQOTD: Not offensive, but not for me. I wouldn't wear sleeveless shirts until after college I was so self conscientious. I am over that, but would still not feel comfortable without something covering my stomach. Beyond that, I already whine about the need to sunscreen my back in racer tanks, and I already run out of shirt with which to wipe away the sweat running too close to my eyes. So despite my puritanical upbringing, I would have to overcome the loss of the multifunctional device that is my shirt. Also, I appreciate the reminder that I need new shirts or to do laundry more frequently.

Running device related, with the leak that Prime Day will be mid-July, I was considering ditching the starting-to-fade fitbit for a Garmin Vivioactive 3. Does anyone else have a running wishlist?
QOTD: Keeping with our theme yesterday and also a timely suggestion from a fellow poster we have the following question. Gentlemen, will you go shirtless? And if not, why? Do you find it offensive? Or just not for you?
I never run shirtless - not even when running on the beach. Being shirtless in my family is only acceptable if at the beach or pool side, but not when exercising. When I see men running shirtless I can't help but think of them as attention seekers.
QOTD: Keeping with our theme yesterday and also a timely suggestion from a fellow poster we have the following question. Ladies, will you run in just a sports bra if it is hot? Gentlemen, will you go shirtless? And if not, why? Do you find it offensive? Or just not for you?

ATTQOTD: I keep my shirt on because I'm way to chunky to be out public without a shirt. It shouldn't matter, but it does. Not a big deal and for those who do it, both men and women (sports bra), I am not bothered by it.

My answer is the same as your answer. It shouldn't matter and I wouldn't be offended if I saw someone else with my body shape (or any other) doing it, but my self consciousness would outweigh my physical comfort if I ran in just a sports bra at my current weight. My favorite running shirt basically doesn't have a back (like there's just a giant hole in the back of it and you can see my running bra straps and a bunch of skin), so apparently I'm fine as long as my front is covered.

Related: I have stopped giving a heck about what people might think if I go out in form-fitting clothes. No more baggy shorts that get eaten by my thighs; I'm out in capris and anyone who doesn't like the look of my legs can just deal with it. Ditto sleeveless shirts/tank tops.
I'm new to the running thread, been lurking for just a bit but mostly hang out on the Marathon board while prepping for Dopey 2019.

ATTQOTD: Always a shirt. Not because I care what anyone else will think, but because if I only wore a sports bra I would be looking down at the jiggling instead of ahead at the road :)

My husband runs without a shirt because these Arkansas summers are bonkers hot.
I'm new to the running thread, been lurking for just a bit but mostly hang out on the Marathon board while prepping for Dopey 2019.

ATTQOTD: Always a shirt. Not because I care what anyone else will think, but because if I only wore a sports bra I would be looking down at the jiggling instead of ahead at the road :)

My husband runs without a shirt because these Arkansas summers are bonkers hot.

This was my question suggestion because I am also in Arkansas and am dying!

ATTQOTD: I haven't run in just a sports bra and am not offended by others running in one (or men running shirtless). I am a tad self conscious about my mid section (although that is getting better!) but this ridiculous heat is making me less concerned about my self-consciousness, lol!

I’m also self-conscious, so I never go shirtless. It is my goal to eventually be in the type of shape where I would no longer feel that way about myself going shirtless. I’d still wear a shirt though because of the sun.

I’ve got no issue with others running without a shirt or in a sports bra.

ETA: I do run shirtless on the treadmill in my house. My dog may be judging me, but I give him food so he likes me anyway.
ATTQOTD: Fitting question as last Sunday was Global Sports Bra Day! Before Sunday, I ran in just my sports bra twice, and both times it was because I ditched my shirt half way through my run because it was H O T. But Sunday, I went out without a shirt for 7 miles, around a popular part of my city. It was the most terrifying thing I have done on a run. I felt extremely self conscious. I was really self aware the whole time. I felt scared at some points, almost unsafe. I felt very jiggly. But I did it. Funny part was, it was kind of windy and wasn't even that hot when I was out. Ha. But then I took a picture and posted it on the internet to make it real. Will I run in just a sports bra again? Sure, especially as it starts to heat up. I just hope that my insecurities subside because the emotions I went through were exhausting.

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