The Running Thread - 2018

ATTQOTD: It doesn't offend me at all, no matter the size/shape of person, but it's just not something I'm comfortable doing. I've worn just a sports bra on my treadmill and found it really uncomfortable. I have a few tank tops that are really light/have engineered cooling holes and would much rather wear that.
ATTQUOD: I have run in a sports bra in the past but am wayyyy past those days. I was so self conscious about it then, but if I looked like that now, I would be rocking that sports bra at the grocery store, PTA meetings and every possible opportunity. You don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone.

And if someone wants to run in a bra or shirtless, go for it. I would always rather see a shirtless athlete in motion, even with a few extra pounds, rather than a couch potato at the beach.
I have mixed feelings about yesterday evening.
Good - We moved the TM into the dining room and the dining table to the back porch so I can run in the AC.
Bad - Started running and it immediately started slowing down and losing power. Finally (after an hour and taking the cover off and messing around with the motor DH not me!) we figured out that it was on the same breaker as the AC in that room and wasn't getting enough amps(?) so we plugged it into a heavy duty extension cord and plugged it in in another room and it worked fine.
Good - I was finally able to run 4 miles on the TM and keep going on my plan!
Good/Bad - Someone dumped an adorable puppy out where I live and it showed up on my front porch last night. I DO NOT want a 3rd dog! She kept us up all night and I am exhausted today. Her name is now Daisy and she slept in my bed and has a vet appt. this afternoon. Sigh.

Sounds like you lost the battle to keep her before it even started: a name and sleeping with you. DH has a saying ‘don’t name the puppy’; he also will not consider a third dog...not sure why as the two we have consider him their primary person. Glad you have a safe, cool, place to do your evening runs now too.
ATTQOTD: Doesn't offend me at all when other people are doing it, I'm just too self-conscious to do it myself. Pregnancy has not been kind to my midsection. I do have a couple of tanks that are holey/meshy & super lightweight, so I just wear those when it's super hot out.
ATTQOTD: Doesn’t offend me, but after three kids and getting older, I don’t feel confident enough to just be out in a sports bra. Plus that’s way more sunscreen I have to worry about.

Funny story to add about a guy running shirtless....I can’t remember how long ago but a middle aged guy used a picture of himself running shirtless as his campaign picture for a local office in the next town over. I remember jokingly texting my friend saying that she better vote for that dude just because of his campaign picture alone. I think he actually ended up winning!
ATTQOTD: I actually did run for the last quarter mile of speed work in my sports bra on Sunday as my shirt was just getting in the way. I don't see anything wrong with it, but I don't do it often because of where I run. Most of my super sweaty hot runs are during my lunch break. There's been a lot of drama about clothing in our office (someone actually tried to take a picture of my boss' skirt to turn her in, but the moron forgot to turn her volume off on her phone and my boss heard her snap the pic), so I'd prefer not to run in just my sports bra around work because I don't have the patience to deal with that nonsense. But I do have a lot of super cute sports bras and I wear a lot of open back tanks!
ATTQOTD: I'm a middle+ age guy. I feel like the world is a better place if 'we' wear shirts unless at the beach or the pool.

But, I run in isolated areas so I will go shirtless on a run. I've hated to do it, but I've even run a mid-summer race or two shirtless. I wear a shirt right up to the start and put one on immediately after so that only on-course spectators got the Full Monty.

Does it offend me if someone else does it? Nope.
Sounds like you lost the battle to keep her before it even started: a name and sleeping with you. DH has a saying ‘don’t name the puppy’; he also will not consider a third dog...not sure why as the two we have consider him their primary person. Glad you have a safe, cool, place to do your evening runs now too.

Yeah, I know. :( She is very adorable. We named her because we had to give something to the vet for the appt and didn't want her just called "dog" and if she is going to be around my other dogs for any length of time I want her checked out and to get puppy shots. Our local humane society is awesome but they are completely full so they can't take her. Animal control will put her down if no one claims her. So I am guessing I will end up with a third dog whether I want it or not. DD28 (@LikelyLynae) says people just know to drop dogs/pets at our house as that is how we ended up with all our pets over the years. (is there an emoji for "sucker"?) :dog2:

ETA: Tonight she will be sleeping in a kennel in my kitchen. She ended up in our backyard last night because she WOULD. NOT. CALM. DOWN!
ATTQOTD: I normally do not start out in a sports bra, but will end up in one by the end of my runs in the summer heat. My shirt just gets soaked and then it is all stuck to me and I say screw it and remove it. The people passing me will just have to get over it, LOL. I have on more clothes than when we are out on the lake anyway.
QOTD: Keeping with our theme yesterday and also a timely suggestion from a fellow poster we have the following question. Ladies, will you run in just a sports bra if it is hot? Gentlemen, will you go shirtless? And if not, why? Do you find it offensive? Or just not for you?

ATTQOTD: I keep my shirt on because I'm way to chunky to be out public without a shirt. It shouldn't matter, but it does. Not a big deal and for those who do it, both men and women (sports bra), I am not bothered by it.

ATTQOTD: pretty much the same as yours, except I'm female, so I'd still have the sports bra. I would add to your answer that I'm also vaguely jealous of ladies that can look good running in just a sports bra. :)
I'm way too self-conscious to ever run shirtless. I also very rarely feel like I'd be any cooler if I were to take off my shirt. I run in tanks when it's really hot so that gives me plenty of breathableness (yeah I just made up that word).

I do however enjoy seeing all the in-shape men run by without their shirts on, so if that's you then keep it up! And if it's not you and that's what your comfortable with I say keep it up as well!
Hey everybody....long time, no talk about running.

Since I'm only doing 5's and a 10 over the next several months, I want to keep things interesting by starting some kind of run streak. I'm trying to decide between:

-A mile a day run streak.
-A 5k a day(run or walk)
-10,000 steps a day, period.

Have any of you done any streaking? The run kind, not the fun kind. And if so, which one would you recommend, and how did yours go?

I am on day 395 of a run streak. My rules mimic that of the Runner's World memorial day to labor day challenge they sometimes have. One mile per day. Steps don't count though, it has to be an uninterrupted run/walk. Obviously I usually try to go much more than a mile, but having the mile as an option helps for when I need a rest day or I'm short on time. Good luck!
I have mixed feelings about yesterday evening.
Good - We moved the TM into the dining room and the dining table to the back porch so I can run in the AC.
Bad - Started running and it immediately started slowing down and losing power. Finally (after an hour and taking the cover off and messing around with the motor DH not me!) we figured out that it was on the same breaker as the AC in that room and wasn't getting enough amps(?) so we plugged it into a heavy duty extension cord and plugged it in in another room and it worked fine.
Good - I was finally able to run 4 miles on the TM and keep going on my plan!
Good/Bad - Someone dumped an adorable puppy out where I live and it showed up on my front porch last night. I DO NOT want a 3rd dog! She kept us up all night and I am exhausted today. Her name is now Daisy and she slept in my bed and has a vet appt. this afternoon. Sigh.

OMG #peoplesuck

Do you have rescue groups that offer fostering in your area until the pup can be adopted? You could also do the fostering yourself on behalf of the rescue group.

ATTQOTD: I’ve run once in just my sports bra. My shirt was sopping wet and clinging so I pulled it off. I’ve had two kids, two c-sections and two umbilical hernia repairs so my belly may have offended some neighbors. Oh well.
Answer to some old QOTD:

Coke vs. Pepsi: Diet Mountain Dew. Diet coke and diet pepsi are both OK, meh, not great, if that's not available. I won't drink anything that's not diet, either. (PS: I'm also totally getting my native Atlantan card revoked for this answer, BTW.

Temps: I've run in real feel over 100 a lot. I think the worst I had last summer was a 116 real feel (temp I think was like 102). I've already had a few over 100 RF runs this year, more to come. There is a reason they call it HOTlanta, y'all.

Cold: probably the WDW 2017 marathon, 15 at the start with the wind chill. I think I had some short runs near zero last winter. They sucked. I don't do cold. NOPE.

Sport bra: OMG yes. Pretty much every run in the summer, unless its raining.
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OMG #peoplesuck

Do you have rescue groups that offer fostering in your area until the pup can be adopted? You could also do the fostering yourself on behalf of the rescue group.

ATTQOTD: I’ve run once in just my sports bra. My shirt was sopping wet and clinging so I pulled it off. I’ve had two kids, two c-sections and two umbilical hernia repairs so my belly may have offended some neighbors. Oh well.

We do, so I may hit one of them up. They are usually breed specific around here though and Daisy :rolleyes1 is a mixed breed. It's funny because she looks like a cross between our two other dogs, beagle and hound. I will post a pic when I get off work (we are not allowed to have our cell phones at work :( )

D0078129-DD1C-4E8A-A372-AB7178D128BD.jpeg F062AA4F-B574-4321-BD70-870D321E6C1B.png
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I've said this before, I run with a shirt because I like my neighbors.

QOTD: Keeping with our theme yesterday and also a timely suggestion from a fellow poster we have the following question. Ladies, will you run in just a sports bra if it is hot? Gentlemen, will you go shirtless? And if not, why? Do you find it offensive? Or just not for you?
ATTQOTD: I think we had a similar topic back in January...For me, I think this one goes more with the sunscreen discussion than it does with the heat discussion. If I am out on a beautiful warm/hot sunny day, I wanna take advantage of the opportunity to even out my farmer's tan. I really do love the sun, even though I am sure it will eventual catch up to me. I do sometimes feel a little self conscious, but I don't really care what others think. Why should I? And as a guy about to turn 49...again..., I certainly don't have a perfect body but since I am out there running 100-150 miles a month, I am guessing my body is a heck of alot better than whoever might be judging me. Plus, outside of getting sun, going shirtless also means less laundry and less potential chaffing.


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