The What's for Dinner Thread - August 2014 (recipe index in OP)

My crock pot is at work. DUrign tax season we take turns bring the ingredients for lunch and whiel we work, lunch is cooking. It is a nice treat in teh winter months.

That would have never worked out where I worked in the past. I was always the weird one who would be eating something in the lunch room and everyone would comment, "What is THAT?" Our office used to throw pizza parties, and eventually someone got the idea to let me be in charge and instead of ordering pizza I would choose various international (or regional American) cuisines. We had Indian, Japanese, Corned Beef and Cabbage (for St. Paddy's Day), Chinese, Greek, I can't even remember what else.

Sounds like a nice way to bring people together in an office and keep everyone fed!
That would have never worked out where I worked in the past. I was always the weird one who would be eating something in the lunch room and everyone would comment, "What is THAT?" Our office used to throw pizza parties, and eventually someone got the idea to let me be in charge and instead of ordering pizza I would choose various international (or regional American) cuisines. We had Indian, Japanese, Corned Beef and Cabbage (for St. Paddy's Day), Chinese, Greek, I can't even remember what else.

Sounds like a nice way to bring people together in an office and keep everyone fed!'d be nice to have YOU doing that in OUR teachers' room!
Tonight--Ma la zi ji (numbing and hot chicken) with rice
Tomorrow-- minestrone and homemade bread of some sort
Monday-- salad, rice, strange flavor chicken (bang bang ji si--I'm on a Chinese kick)
Tuesday-- burritos (camping, so maybe I'll premake the filling)
Wednesday-- hot dogs (camping)
Tonight we're having something Fran calls Jan Bergner's Sausage Casserole. It's a rice based casserole with Lipton Chicken Noodle Soup, breakfast sausage, celery and onions, baked in a Dutch oven.
That would have never worked out where I worked in the past. I was always the weird one who would be eating something in the lunch room and everyone would comment, "What is THAT?" Our office used to throw pizza parties, and eventually someone got the idea to let me be in charge and instead of ordering pizza I would choose various international (or regional American) cuisines. We had Indian, Japanese, Corned Beef and Cabbage (for St. Paddy's Day), Chinese, Greek, I can't even remember what else.

Sounds like a nice way to bring people together in an office and keep everyone fed!

WE have a small office of 6 people, one of which is our boss....who would rather chew glass and die than touch a vegetable! LOL! It is generally Marisa, Lea and I and now that our ERica is onboard she will add in. the InstaPot a type of crock pot?

It is a pressure cooker thing. I just saw a picture of brownies my neighbor made/ I am buying pans tht will fit!

Marisa bought soem ramicans to make lava cakes.
It is a pressure cooker thing. I just saw a picture of brownies my neighbor made/ I am buying pans tht will fit!

Marisa bought soem ramicans to make lava cakes.
....I love, love, LOVE lava cakes! I'll bet they come out amazing using the ramekins.
......ohhhhh HAD me till the 'peanut butter' part.....I love peanut butter, but I want MY lave OOZING with melty CHOCOLATE.
Drakes-Funny-Bone.jpg of my all-time favorites growing up as a kid.....and STILL a fave!
Drakes-Funny-Bone.jpg of my all-time favorites growing up as a kid.....and STILL a fave!

These were my favorites too. We called them funny bones. They don't sell them out here and I used to have my parents bring me boxes of them when they would come visit. I would freeze them. Now I have developed a peanut allergy and can't eat them anymore. :sad:
Good Morning everyone!

Hope y'all are doing well.

The craziness is about to begin for my fall adventures. And of course, I have not lost a pound since surgery and might have put 5 on. Ughhh.

Cooking has been on going but with not as much flare I used to. I seem to be stuck in a rut of just doing the same things over and over again.

WFDT? Last night was fresh snap beans, cucumber and bell pepper for me, and David added a chicken breast. Tonight is Asparagus (Roasted), cucumbers, and bell for me and David will add a grilled pork chop.
Good Morning!!!!!! Brandi- I love your Fall adventures. I know it is frustrating to be battling a few pounds but I think that you have been through a lot. Give your body permission to finish healing, then address a pound or two.

So I have been busy. I am full time now, and learning a new aspect of my job. Yikes! What comes easily to so many is not easy for me, but I thin I will enjoy it a lot once I am more comfortable juggling things around.

I have been cooking sporadically, and have been using the Instant Pot. My husband hates it. Well, he actually does not hate it, but he is not a fan. I do love it for yogurt, and have ben making it for the girls, who love it, and for me. Buddy glares at yogurt. I guess it is not ice cream! LOL!

Tonight I think we are going to Red Robin. There is a local fund raiser there tonight, and so he plans to grab the three girls at Marisa's and meet us there, unless he works late.

Please keep our little community in your heart. One of the young sailors lost in the Pacific is from our town. I am heartbroken. We are such a small town, and his loss is devastating.
WFDT? I'm not sure, as I'm still trying to figure that one out.....however, I made an awesome 'concoction' of sorts on Monday, with our first goo-gootz [baseball bat squash] from the garden.....BTW, just got back Sunday from a week in Puerto Rico....what an awesome trip! All the cousins got to really bond and it made my mom happy to see the entire family, getting back to Monday's dinner:

I sauteed [in EVOO] 3 finely chopped garlic cloves with thinly sliced pork (I guess it is like a piece of boneless rib meat) and chunks of chicken breast. I set that aside after about 15 minutes and sauteed a SMALL finely chopped white onion with the squash [peeled, seeds removed, and cut into small chunks] till the squash became translucent. I got a small cooked smoked ham steak [precooked] and cut that into small pieces. I added that, along with a can of cannellini beans. I added the meat that was set aside, along with about 5 oz of cooked penne (GF, of course!) and mixed all ingredients together. Finally, I added heavy cream and grated parmesan cheese, and sprinkled on some freshly chopped parsley before serving. I served it with crusty Italian bread.....YUMMY!



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