The World of Wogging.

I'm here too....sorry, been MIA. I have shin splints...ugh! I've been running still but I'm in a lot of pain these last few days. Going to ice my shins tonight and take my run outside tomorrow morning in hopes the impact will be race is on the 17th and I'm starting to panic.....:scared1:

Hope you're all doing well! LL, my Mom has a bone spur in her heal and it's horrible, hope you're doing okay!!:goodvibes
You will to do awesome in your race! I am sure of it.

Still here. Lost 1.2lbs in my weigh in this week. Lots of rain here too so mostly working out inside on the elliptical. Haven't started the couch to 5K program yet but still thinking about it. :upsidedow

The doctor finally got back to me. I do not have a bone spur but I am showing signs of mild arthritis. She prescribed me something for my swelling so I really hope it will help before I go to Disney.
I am joining!
I havent read all the posts! But I am definitely interested in the challenge!

I use to be a great wogger - lost all the baby weight with wogging!

I loved doing it and want to get back to it!

I developed plantar fasciatis after our Jan 2007 WDW trip, and suffer on and off since then.

I think it would be amazing to accomplish this- especially with all you wonderful disers!
I am joining!
I havent read all the posts! But I am definitely interested in the challenge!

I use to be a great wogger - lost all the baby weight with wogging!

I loved doing it and want to get back to it!

I developed plantar fasciatis after our Jan 2007 WDW trip, and suffer on and off since then.

I think it would be amazing to accomplish this- especially with all you wonderful disers!

Welcome.... We are all in various phases of wogging, so this is a great place to check in and report progress. It is helping to keep me motivated to run a little bit more than what I had been doing. Plus I learned that there is such a thing as a running skirt!
You will to do awesome in your race! I am sure of it.


The doctor finally got back to me. I do not have a bone spur but I am showing signs of mild arthritis. She prescribed me something for my swelling so I really hope it will help before I go to Disney.

LL - I am glad you don't have a bone spur, but it stinks that you are having all these problems with your feet/ankles. I really hope things are OK for your trip because you have 150 (my vote) light fixtures to photograph in just 14 Daysand that's gonna require some foot work!
LL - I am glad you don't have a bone spur, but it stinks that you are having all these problems with your feet/ankles. I really hope things are OK for your trip because you have 150 (my vote) light fixtures to photograph in just 14 Daysand that's gonna require some foot work!

:rotfl: Oh, MEK! You always know how to make me laugh.
LL - Sorry your having problems with your feet. Usually my feet start to swell as soon as hot humid weather starts. I'd get off the plane in Orlando and could practically feel my feet start to swell. So far this year my feet have been feeling pretty good. I think the running is actually helping them this time. Hopefully they will have something that will help you out.

I've been wogging fairly regularly the past few weeks, although this week the weather has made it a bit rough. Even though I wasn't having any problems with week 2, I'm repeating week 2 on c25k this week. I forgot to load week 3 on my ipod so I just repeated week 2. It's not a bad thing though, because the humidity just makes the runs that much harder on me.

I usually walk/run ( is a generous term for what I'm doing) about 2.25 miles per session with a pace of about 15 min. miles average. I'm amazed I'm actually enjoying this.
I'm amazed I'm actually enjoying this.

:thumbsup2Yeah - it just goes to show the one can actually enjoy running. Speaking of which ...... I think it might actually be dry enough for me to wear my NEW running shoes today. Very excited, except I went to a girls night out last night and I am feeling a bit "hung over". :sick: Hopefully I will be able to kick that feeling after running.

p.s. I also got my Kohl's card reward for the tack in the heel incident. I might need to do a little shopping.:rotfl:
:thumbsup2Yeah - it just goes to show the one can actually enjoy running. Speaking of which ...... I think it might actually be dry enough for me to wear my NEW running shoes today. Very excited, except I went to a girls night out last night and I am feeling a bit "hung over". :sick: Hopefully I will be able to kick that feeling after running.

p.s. I also got my Kohl's card reward for the tack in the heel incident. I might need to do a little shopping.:rotfl:

Ut oh, hung over and running doesn't feel like the most promising of combos. Be sure you hydrate about an hour or two before hand.
I plan on doing some pilates today and maybe working in the yard. I've got the Race for the Cure tomorrow so I want to be energized for the early race tomorrow.
Ut oh, hung over and running doesn't feel like the most promising of combos. Be sure you hydrate about an hour or two before hand.

Only a major hangover will stop me from running and I don't put myself in situations to get those anymore. A minor hangover usually clears after I run.... which it did today. But I only did 2 miles because, well... because I felt like it! Feeling much better now!
Now that is news to me... I like my comfy old sweats!
Today was spent getting the house in order, and I got an early Mothers Day gift - A wii Fit. In our part of the world, these are very hard to find, so we found one today!
Definitely on the fitness kick!
Now that is news to me... I like my comfy old sweats!
Today was spent getting the house in order, and I got an early Mothers Day gift - A wii Fit. In our part of the world, these are very hard to find, so we found one today!
Definitely on the fitness kick!

Have fun with the wii fit. One of these days I want to have one of those.

I love my running skirts. I like the ones with the shorts underneath. Nice and cool and not chafing like spandex shorts, but the skirt saves me from having to expose myself to the world wearing skin tight clothing. No one needs to see that.
Now that is news to me... I like my comfy old sweats!
Today was spent getting the house in order, and I got an early Mothers Day gift - A wii Fit. In our part of the world, these are very hard to find, so we found one today!
Definitely on the fitness kick!

Welcome! I can't wait to hear what you think of the Wii Fit. I am thinking about getting one... but of course I'd also need a new flat screen tv to go with it! :rolleyes1
Good morning woggers! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Laziness snuck in again this weekend and I didn't drag myself out of bed on Sunday for my run. :sad2:. It's my own fault, I stayed late at work on Saturday to watch the new Star Trek movie. (Loved it!). Sunday I needed to get up early to run as I was taking my mom into NYC to see a Broadway show, and just couldn't do it.

Tonight is yoga class, so hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get my run in.
Happy Monday Woggers!

Hope everyone had a great weekend and a wonderful mother's day if you qualify. I did not run yesterday due to church and an away soccer game. Older DS's game was practically in Atlantic City,NJ so that was quite a bit of a road trip. Left around 1pm and didn't get home until after 8pm. So, no wogging, but I did get to eat in this south Jersey diner with some yummy food. I'll have to figure out a way to work that off today! :rotfl:
Morning Woggers!!
I hope all the Mommy's had a nice day yesterday,the weather here in MA was just beautiful so it was a nice day to be out and about!!

I'm status quo with my work out...haven't run since Wednesday, been icing my shin splints and still in pain. I'm suppose to do the race on Sunday and my Dh has agreed to do it with me, but the question I run this week and hurt myself more? Do I just do the race and not run this week? I'm sooo sad that i'm hurt and don't want to do more damage but I WILL DO THIS RACE one way or another, since I've been training for it. I have to finish for myself....anyone have any thoughts? Or have had shin splints and have any tips? My sneaks are I'm not sure.....just so bummed that here I am days away and can't run......:sad2:

Happy Monday and Happy wogging!!:cheer2:
Oh, Kristen! :hug: So sorry you are injured right before the race! I am not a runner (nor do I play one on tv :laughing: ) so I can't offer an official advice. I'm inclined to say don't do anything to hurt yourself further and come race time just do the best you can. There will be other races to achieve your best time and besides it's about more than the race -- all that training time you should be very proud of! Let us know how you make out! :upsidedow
Oh, Kristen! :hug: So sorry you are injured right before the race! I am not a runner (nor do I play one on tv :laughing: ) so I can't offer an official advice. I'm inclined to say don't do anything to hurt yourself further and come race time just do the best you can. There will be other races to achieve your best time and besides it's about more than the race -- all that training time you should be very proud of! Let us know how you make out! :upsidedow

Kristen, hope your shins feel better before your race. I'll be thinking of you this weekend!

Thanks guys...I'm still hobbling around, I've decided to just take it easy this week (as much as I can with three little boys at home!! LOL!!:lmao:) and not run and come Sunday morning, do the best I can!! My DH will be there with me encouraging me and pushing me if I need it....I'll let you know how I make out. Pray I cross that finish line, that's all I want to do....for someone that hasn't never stuck to a workout program and is trying to do something with what is left of my body after 3 children, this is a big deal to me. Thanks for your encouragement!!

Hope you're all wogging....keep moving....that's all that matters!!!!:goodvibes


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