The World of Wogging.

I love the wii fit. At first I thought there is no way this device will assist in fitness. I think I was wrong. I viewed it as a game, and a fun one at that!
It has Yoga, Strength Training, Aerobics, and Balance training. I started with balance and learnt I have zero core muscle strength! I knew I was outta shape (in fact Piglet :lovestruc said I looked like him on our last trip- :rotfl:I took it as a compliment as I was wearing pink)
Anyhow back to the wii fit...
I completed a full "workout" and worked some muscles I didn't know exisited and learnt my wii fit age was much higher than it should be. I wii fitted Sunday and Monday night. In fact I am very proud to report I am sick with sore throat and head cold and I still wii fitted! :rotfl:The last " trick" was the running! There I was running in one spot with wii remote in hand in our TV room, trying not to trip on the coffee table. I learnt I am not a runner especially with an itchy sore throat! Maybe if I had a running skirt I would have looked the part ;)
The best thing about it is it got me off the couch and motivated to get going!
I still have not told anyone of my desire for the marathon :rolleyes1
Thanks for the Wii Fit review. Sounds like I simply must have it! Congrats on working out when you don't feel well. And I will confess I am relieved to know that a running skirt is appropriate Wii attire too. ;) Now I can shop for a Wii, a TV, a new tv stand AND a running skirt! :lmao:
Thanks guys...I'm still hobbling around, I've decided to just take it easy this week (as much as I can with three little boys at home!! LOL!!:lmao:) and not run and come Sunday morning, do the best I can!! My DH will be there with me encouraging me and pushing me if I need it....I'll let you know how I make out. Pray I cross that finish line, that's all I want to do....for someone that hasn't never stuck to a workout program and is trying to do something with what is left of my body after 3 children, this is a big deal to me. Thanks for your encouragement!!

Hope you're all wogging....keep moving....that's all that matters!!!!:goodvibes

Kristin -

Sorry you are injured. I hope you are feeling better today. Your exercise program should be a big deal to you! I hope you do awesome in the race! It really doesn't matter how fast or slow you run, its the sense of accomplishment you will get when you cross that finish line! Keep us posted!
Have you found since joining the DIS boards you spend more money?

Park shoes, Park Bags, mini travel items to take into the park, new wardrobe for the parks, and now wii fit, tvs and running skirts required for the training to run in the parks. :rotfl:

The problem is I still have not found the perfect anything!

We're making progress though! :goodvibes
:stitch: 'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theatre admission and the babysitter were worth it." ~Alfred Hitchcock

By now, most of you have figured out I like movies. A lot. Perhaps an unhealthy amount. Nevertheless, I think it's fun to talk about movies, especially now that the summer season has started. Wolverine has been released, so has Star Trek, with many more big blockbusters soon to come.

So this week's mixer topic is, predictably enough, summer movies! The start of the mixer, posted on the 'Ohana thread, is here.

What summer movies are you looking most forward to, and why? Also, how do you like your summer movies?

Feel free to talk about how you choose your flicks: based on directors, your favorite movie star, a beloved genre? And what is your ideal movie experience? Midnight movies or matinees? Chain theaters or independents? Drive-ins? What about the movie-going extras? With or without snacks? Buttered popcorn or chocolate?
Good Morning Everyone!!!

Just a quick update...had my race yesterday, in the pouring rain (ugh!!) but I did the 5K and in better time than I expected AND I can't wait until the next one!!!:cool1: I'm pretty sore this a.m. and have bloody ankles from blisters (the rain rubbed my socks and sneaks SO bad during the race), but it was great and even though it was by far NOT the easiest thing I've ever done, I did it!!! Yay!!!:banana: Thanks for everyones support!!! There is another race late June.....considering is everyone else doing?

Take care and happy wogging!!
That's fantastic, although the bloody ankles sound awfully painful! It must have felt wonderful to cross that finish line.
Good Morning Everyone!!!

Just a quick update...had my race yesterday, in the pouring rain (ugh!!) but I did the 5K and in better time than I expected AND I can't wait until the next one!!!:cool1: I'm pretty sore this a.m. and have bloody ankles from blisters (the rain rubbed my socks and sneaks SO bad during the race), but it was great and even though it was by far NOT the easiest thing I've ever done, I did it!!! Yay!!!:banana: Thanks for everyones support!!! There is another race late June.....considering is everyone else doing?

Take care and happy wogging!!

:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:Congratulations on finishing your race! :woohoo: Races are interesting because there is so much energy mixed in with the pain. But if you are laready looking forward to your next race that is awesome.

Ran Saturday/Sunday. Still love my new shoes and used my Kohl's card (from my stab wound) to buy a cute pair of sandals. And I still have $48 left. Saw some cute running clothes there (including a few skirts), but need to inventory what I already have and give the small stuff away!
Morning woggers! How is everyone doing today?

I finally got out last night for my first wog in a week. I was feeling very lazy and was trying to come up with any excuse I could for not going out, but I forced myself out the door. I'm so glad that I did. I ran for 3 90 sec. intervals, and 2 3 min. intervals (intermixed with walking). It felt so good! Tiring, but still good. It definitely went much easier than my first attempt at 3 mins. of running.

Today is my yoga day, so I'll be out wogging on Friday. They are letting us out of work early so I'm excited I'll be able to go out at a normal time. :cool1:
Hey gang can I join in.

I am a walker, hoping to be become a wogger. I have walked 5 1/2 marathons, a 15K and 13K and it can definaley be done. I am also about 40-50 pds overweight and in my 40's so it can definatley be done.

I have my longest event to date in Aug a 30K, with my first full marathon in Sept and I am going Goofy in 2010.

Look forward to chatting with you all
Hey gang can I join in.

I am a walker, hoping to be become a wogger. I have walked 5 1/2 marathons, a 15K and 13K and it can definaley be done. I am also about 40-50 pds overweight and in my 40's so it can definatley be done.

I have my longest event to date in Aug a 30K, with my first full marathon in Sept and I am going Goofy in 2010.

Look forward to chatting with you all

:welcome: Happy to have another wogger on the team! I've been wondering about walking races so thanks for saying it's possible. Ever done a Disney race? Goofy in 2010?! :worship:
:welcome: Happy to have another wogger on the team! I've been wondering about walking races so thanks for saying it's possible. Ever done a Disney race? Goofy in 2010?! :worship:

Thanks for the welcome.

Yup I have walked the Disney 1/2 marathon twice, Princess 1/2 marathon once, Tot 13K once and the MInnie Marathon once. DH also did his first full marathon walking at Disney. We have also signed up for the Goofy which will be more then likely walking.

It is definatley doable.

:stitch: 'Ohana Monday AND Tuesday Mixer :stitch:

Stop on by the 'Ohana team thread, where the mixer starts here!

I know this weekend is a vacation weekend for many of us, so we'll be running the mixer tomorrow (Monday) and Tuesday. This mixer question is a ringer, folks, but hopefully still fun:

What did you do for Memorial Day/Weekend?

Provide us with plenty of details & hopefully photos of your activities, gatherings, celebrations and how you observe the day (and spirit) of Memorial Day. :thumbsup2
Hey gang can I join in.

I am a walker, hoping to be become a wogger. I have walked 5 1/2 marathons, a 15K and 13K and it can definaley be done. I am also about 40-50 pds overweight and in my 40's so it can definatley be done.

I have my longest event to date in Aug a 30K, with my first full marathon in Sept and I am going Goofy in 2010.

Look forward to chatting with you all

Welcome! That's so exciting that you've walked all those races. While I can walk for longer distances, I can't quite do it with any speed. I know I would be swept at a a Disney marathon if I tried at this point.
Hey gang can I join in.

I am a walker, hoping to be become a wogger. I have walked 5 1/2 marathons, a 15K and 13K and it can definaley be done. I am also about 40-50 pds overweight and in my 40's so it can definatley be done.

I have my longest event to date in Aug a 30K, with my first full marathon in Sept and I am going Goofy in 2010.

Look forward to chatting with you all

Hello fellow Ontarian! How inspiring to here how you have walked your marathons! I think I needed to hear this to get myself in gear and going!
I am so new to this but LOVE the thought of accomplishing a "race" even. You always hear about runners, never walkers or woggers.

How long does it take you to walk there races? I am so lost when it comes to this!
Thanks for the congrats guys!!!:goodvibes

I'm off to the doctor's at 2 to check my shins, I did nothing but walk (and some serious hills at that) last week and they are KILLING me...hoping it's not something more serious, but it's time to get to the bottom of things!

Hope you guys are doing well with your wogging! My friends asked me today if I wanted to run that race the end of June, I would really like to, but need to see how today goes! Wish me luck!!:)


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