The World of Wogging.

Just checkin' in to see how everyone's doing....still no running here, too much pain, but hoping to get back into at least walking this week! Hope you're all doing well!!:goodvibes
The weather has been making me a bit lazy. It's very easy to come up with excuses not to run when it's raining out.

Yesterday I was in a mood to go for a run something terrible. It's my usual day to run, but I was taking part in a Zumba class to benefit a charity.

I need to get back on track tomorrow.
Hi Woggers!

How is everyone doing?????? Haven't stopped by in a while. I haven't lost my enthusiam for wogging, rather I've been catching up on all the great TRs out there now. It is taking up WAY TOO MUCH of my time.
:stitch:'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

This one is JenG's very good question to the cousins, excerpted, about the difference between building a base and training for a race. The mixer starts here on the 'Ohana thread.

What is the difference between maintaining or building a base and training for a race? I've only been running for a year and I've either been taking time off running or training for a race. What is just building a base?

How is your approach (mental or otherwise) and exercise routine different when building your base versus training? Do you run less? Do different exercises? Approach the run differently psychologically?
I didn't know if this thread was still going! :laughing:

I am walking about 2-3x a week. About 20-30 minutes. I want to be up to 5x/wk but the rain keeps getting in the way!
Trying to keep this alive... we're all too busy reading TR and PTR! Anyhow onto marathon and wogging talk.
I have been walking, I got a pedometer and tried it out today... so I will have some better results to report other than time and the amount of sweat I had... hope everyone else is keeping happy and healthy.

Hello Woggers!

I am a walker/racewalker who recently started jogging. Trying to better my Half Marathon times to get better corral placements. I have been sidelined from the jogging part as I developed posterior shin splints on my Right leg. I haven't jogged for about 3 weeks and the PT is coming along nicely.
So hopefully soon I can start adding it back in to my "routine" as my training for the Spacecoast Half Marathon starts at the end of this month.

Thanks for keeping this thread going!!:thumbsup2

Sounds like you're doing great!! I've gotten back into the swing of things, did 11 miles on the treadmill last week and hope to keep it up again this week. It feels so's just making the time to get on there! And with three little ones at's either at 5 a.m before they get up or 9 at I mixed it up some last week and wogged when I could.

Hope you're all doing well and keeping up the good work!!! I'll keep checking in!! Hoping to run another 5K late September (if my shins allow me...if not, I'll walk it!).

Have a great day!!!:goodvibes
I'm still hanging in there too. I came down with a cold last week, and missed my last run. I figured I needed to listen to my body and get it some rest. I had every intention of getting up and running this morning, but ended up falling back asleep and not having enough time. I'm hoping to try to get it in after my yoga class tonight, but if not I'll just do it on Tuesday. I've just been so exhausted lately.

I'm hoping too to try to do the 2010 Princess 1/2 marathon. Money is going to be the biggest issue, but I'm still hopeful I'll be able to pull it together to go.
Hi - we are just west of Toronto.

I got up this morning and went for my walk. I did finally tell my family my goal, and they were all very supportive - after they asked you can walk, wog, jog a marathon? And instilled doubt on me - so I logged on here to see what the latest news was and see no one had posted for awhile. I love my time when I walk, I listen to my Disney music to motivate me.

I too find it hard to find the time so it is 5 am, or 9 pm!
You can most definatley walk a marathon....just have to keep a 16 min mile pace and you are good!!!. Plus all us cool kids hang out at the back of the pack;)
You can most definatley walk a marathon....just have to keep a 16 min mile pace and you are good!!!. Plus all us cool kids hang out at the back of the pack;)

I have been doing the research! I developed shin splints last weekend - and on Saturday my pedometer read i did 6 steps in 30 minutes:confused3 that made me very frustrated, so I reset and headed home and had to estimate the time and distance.
Anyhow it appears to be working now and I am tracking my progress!
I also disclosed to my family my goals and have their support - which I was always surprised. I have been fighting joint pain and being quite lazy for the past year so this change has taken some will power!

Hoping this thread keeps going and that we will all keep each other going.
I have been doing the research! I developed shin splints last weekend - and on Saturday my pedometer read i did 6 steps in 30 minutes:confused3 that made me very frustrated, so I reset and headed home and had to estimate the time and distance.
Anyhow it appears to be working now and I am tracking my progress!
I also disclosed to my family my goals and have their support - which I was always surprised. I have been fighting joint pain and being quite lazy for the past year so this change has taken some will power!

Hoping this thread keeps going and that we will all keep each other going.

Last year when I decided to do the half marathon, I told everyone EXCEPT DD and her DH. They have both done half marathons in the past and I thought for sure they would laugh at the thought of a 50+ woman doing her first half marathon. When I finally broke down and told DD, she almost cried! She said she was so proud of me! Good to know that you have your family's support as well.


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