*** UPDATE POST #85 *** Disney if for families. WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!!!!

Ok - I know that it's public so what's the problem? I didn't use profanity and if everyone else can say what they did, then what is wrong with what I said?

Thank you for your prayers- we need them and appreciate them all.

you have to remember you are posting on a PUBLIC message forum.

Prayers for your sister.
meaning, all opinions may be posted, not just ones to your liking. While it isn't everyday there are many people who come and post as "trolls" (not just on the cruise section, but all over the boards)...so many times, long time posters may be on the defensive. While I can see that both you and your family are angry, what did you expect DCL to do, or what would have been your ideal outcome - did you write to them later at all? I believe your mom said you didn't purchase trip insurance (and I am not sure myself what that covers/entails) What was the outcome? Did your mom lose the trip? I am very sorry, there have been other families that have not purchased trip insurance that have had similar things happen to, it is unfortunate.

whether or not it is Disney - I hope your family is able to cruise again and your sister is in remission.
Ok - I gotcha - I thought you meant that I had posted something that was against the rules. We did write to Disney - to each of the Board members and the President of the Cruise Line. We have not received any response from them. As of right now, we have her credit card company working on it. The outcome was that Disney Cruise Line took the position of refusing to re-schedule, which was all that we asked. We didn't want a refund- we just wanted to reschedule for a time when we all could go together. That's the really sad part. Yeah, for now, we count it as a loss.

meaning, all opinions may be posted, not just ones to your liking. While it isn't everyday there are many people who come and post as "trolls" (not just on the cruise section, but all over the boards)...so many times, long time posters may be on the defensive. While I can see that both you and your family are angry, what did you expect DCL to do, or what would have been your ideal outcome - did you write to them later at all? I believe your mom said you didn't purchase trip insurance (and I am not sure myself what that covers/entails) What was the outcome? Did your mom lose the trip? I am very sorry, there have been other families that have not purchased trip insurance that have had similar things happen to, it is unfortunate.

whether or not it is Disney - I hope your family is able to cruise again and your sister is in remission.
Several days ago made a post about my daughter who is fighting cancer. I was amazed that some of you readers thought I was making up a story to stir up touble for the DCL. I didn't know what a troll was until I read several posts. As I have stated earlier, I should have taken insurance and I have learned a lesson. For you people who doubted my story, we did provide DCL with documentation from the hospital here in Tennessee where we live and my daughter was a patient. Some of you people have children, would you make up such a horrible story about your child? All of the money in the world would not make me tell such a vicious lie. I feel sorry for anyone who would do that.

Take care Marie and mickeypoohmel...I am a 17 year survivor of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, stage 4, transplant, back when transplants were still experiemental....I am a miracle, and it can happen. Your daughter/sister is in mine and my family's prayers!!!

Thank you Cheryl for your note. Did you go into remission after stem cell transplant? My daughter was cancer free for 5 months then they found another tumor in her abdomen which was lymphoma and she has had another round of chemo. They may give her some of her sisters white cells to boost her immune system. I am happy that you are doing well and hope you continue to do so.
Thank you Cheryl for your note. Did you go into remission after stem cell transplant? My daughter was cancer free for 5 months then they found another tumor in her abdomen which was lymphoma and she has had another round of chemo. They may give her some of her sisters white cells to boost her immune system. I am happy that you are doing well and hope you continue to do so.

I had my own bone marrow, after they "washed" it so we could use it; they weren't using stem cell yet, which to my knowledge is a better thing!!

I had a year worth of chemo/radiation until the main tumor was shrunk from the size of a grapefruit to a sliver of a tumor. I was never considered cancer free going into the transplant. I was at Dana Faber in Boston MA, and if I didn't have the transplant, there was no hope for me.

I was considered "cured" after my 5th year of remission, by my oncologist. I still see him every year for a check up, and he is extremely happy with all my counts.

God Bless

from the start, i had no intentions of responding.....because i
felt...the orginal poster..was fill with anger & disappointments,
& @ a time of great stressors....

if i missed the mark,would only increase the pain & add to
the confusion. and iam no dcl offical or even an expert. all
i could add...is what i think dcl is , by my family defintions.

dcl isn't prefect...since it is a place of buisness, run by people.
however, i do not expect prefections, nor am i. in facts, the
closest...i ever come, is connected to my wife.

what changed my mind? you asked for prayers. :flower3:
i believe in the power of prayers, & one's faith.

so i hope by praying, your daughter 's health is restore or she
finds her comfort levels...& the strength...to actually do a
dcl cruise. yes, i adding a lil'prayer that you don't give up
your disney dreams. pixiedust:

iam sorry you did not find the support you was first looking for.
this isn't disneyworld....but i read & re-read..many of the repsonses.
i don't think anyone was deliberatly trying to make things worst.
if you go back...even the negative posters were saying exaclty
why they were fearful.

then i think, what you are going thru. :faint: having death threatens
all your hopes & dreams, & then your disney investments....i don't think
anyone here disagree, you are deserving of a better fate. [ & from
reading in-betweens the responses...everyone here was rallying
for a recovery.]

first things first, i hope she find renew strength..that we are praying
for her. then...once again, i hope you & the whole family....celebrate
her well being @ the best place in the world. the future is not written,
& there's something..to be gain...by believing & allowing others to
support all your needs. enpowerment..is uisng all your energies for
positive outcomes. :grouphug:

as for giving disney another try? you need to decide for yourself.
but i think..it should be a family 's decsion. sure it's a company, and
they have policies. [ i do think going with the travel group was
the biggest road block]. but they are also in the people business,

( funny, so iam..but we're on opposites ends- :rolleyes1 )...& their
objectives....are to seek approval ratings. thru my experiences, i find
disney employees...are just like eveyone else. however, their
system was designed...to encourage & motivate toward giving
customer service. they really accessorized the positive , maybe
to a fault...when it comes to corrective measures. * so if i am
making any comment ....near a negative preception, i leave the
person "out."

back in 2002...we came really close to where your @ now.
take..this fairy...&,. what it was about....something i saw on the
ship..and a disney offical saying it never happened. though ,i was
right...i feel~ashame,..making as much noises i did..compare to
what you & your family just went thru. later, i read posts here,
~~that were very insightful...toward the person i dealin with...
[ he follows co. "outlines"..to the point, of lacking feelings], but
..*we waited , and...instead of one person making the choice,
we did it as a family....& as it turned out..the very best decsion
...for all whole family...,

the way i see "it" today...the disney world...as we kno it, is a "stage"
waiting for the magic to happen. sometimes, the differnce is in
those participating..and those waiting for "it" to discover them.

me?..iam no big disney fan...rather...a secret admirer. that's
because..my world....has alot depression, desparation and agonies.
it's not a popularity contest....but it does have a lot french~talkin.

we take our family to disney....for the good things. even when
we come across those with "troubles", we try to move on unless
they persist...but we don't let others...determined...what disney
menas to our family, that we do for ourselves, ..* no matter the
source..of inconvience.

so iam stil praying..you don't give up, and you don't let no one
decide "what" your future disney dreams..will be, except those
coming form your daughter + family,God bless. :mickeyjum

ps, not required, but i 'll sure..be a happy "grumpy"..if someday
soon...i come across a trip report...from....you, covered from
head to toe..with star dust, pixiedust:
Thank you so much- she/we can certainly use the prayers! She is fighting this and I hope and believe that she will win. But, hearing about experiences like yours certainly make me feel that much stronger in my belief!

Take care Marie and mickeypoohmel...I am a 17 year survivor of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, stage 4, transplant, back when transplants were still experiemental....I am a miracle, and it can happen. Your daughter/sister is in mine and my family's prayers!!!

Thank you for your thoughts and well wishes. Just so you know, I have no problem with people having differing opinions. My issue was with those people that were rude and obnoxious to my mother when she made her first post. She doesn't usually post on forums and couldn't even remember how to get back to this one. I had to help her. I have always been taught by my parents that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and if it's different from yours, that doesn't mean that it's wrong. My responses were posted in defense of my mother and I responded to each one that I felt attacked her. I would like to know what your opinion is, personally. So, please feel free to share it. :)

I wish you all the best! I have an opinion,But Ill just keep it to myself. Youll be in our Thoughts! Best wishes!
I checked with the Protection Plan people on the exact coverage that would have been given if my mother had purchased the insurance plan. The representative that I spoke with told me that there would have been no coverage. You see, we would have wasted the money to take the insurance because they have certain rules in fine print. We, not being doctors, did not know that my sister was not cancer free. The rules (in fine print) state that the only way that coverage applies is if the person covered has been cancer-free for 60 days prior to the trip. My sister will not be considered cancer-free until she has been clear for 3-5 years. So, we would not have benefited from having the insurance. It was a no-win situation in any direction that we turned.
I checked with the Protection Plan people on the exact coverage that would have been given if my mother had purchased the insurance plan. The representative that I spoke with told me that there would have been no coverage. You see, we would have wasted the money to take the insurance because they have certain rules in fine print. We, not being doctors, did not know that my sister was not cancer free. The rules (in fine print) state that the only way that coverage applies is if the person covered has been cancer-free for 60 days prior to the trip. My sister will not be considered cancer-free until she has been clear for 3-5 years. So, we would not have benefited from having the insurance. It was a no-win situation in any direction that we turned.

There are a number of private companies out there that will insure against existing conditions. I just purchased a policy for my daughter that covers her during her pregnancy while traveling. It's not cheap. But better than having a medical problem or cancellation that isn't covered. It really does pay to investigate these types of things when planning such an important trip. And as stated before, be sure to book with a DCL travel expert or directly with DCL next time. Expedia and other such sites have some of the worse cancellation policies and rarely give an inch when enforcing them. Who you purchase from when booking a cruise makes a world of difference. Hopefully your credit card company will be of some help.

You and you entire family are in my prayers.

PS - My DM has quite a time with the internet too! :)

PPS - If someone responds to this, please forgive me for not responding for some time. I am having surgery tomorrow and may be away from my computer for a week or so. Not trying to be funny, just don't want people to think I am being rude.
You are absolutely right. But, my mother was not trying to be ugly in posting her post. She was frustrated, yes, but she was trying to tell other people what had happened to us so that maybe someone else wouldn't make the same mistake. I, on the other hand, am very upset with all of the people who said ugly things about her. And, let me reassure you, I would be happy to say what I've posted on this website to any of their faces.

I do not feel that it was necessary for them to be so rude about it. I invite anyone who cares to, to email me personally for more information but I also think that those who were so rude should apologize.
Unfortunatly the internet is full of liars, I am truly sorry.
You are so wrong there, dear. They did not bend over backwards. Not that I have to prove it to anyone but we do have her medical records and we did submit them to Disney. No, we aren't going to kill our rep. We may be from Tennessee but we have standards. The rep was a heartless person and all I can say is that what goes around, comes around. One day, it may be their daughter, sister, mother, etc.

Disney isn't as great as you all think. I used to be a Disney fanatic, too, but after dealing with them over this, I wouldn't go back to Disney if you paid my way, gave me spending money, and paid me a daily rate on top of it all.
No you dont have to prove anything to anybody.
Who says we all think Disney is great*(It has shareholders):rolleyes: I bet all travel comp would be like this, they are there to make money.
meaning, all opinions may be posted, not just ones to your liking. While it isn't everyday there are many people who come and post as "trolls" (not just on the cruise section, but all over the boards)...so many times, long time posters may be on the defensive. While I can see that both you and your family are angry, what did you expect DCL to do, or what would have been your ideal outcome - did you write to them later at all? I believe your mom said you didn't purchase trip insurance (and I am not sure myself what that covers/entails) What was the outcome? Did your mom lose the trip? I am very sorry, there have been other families that have not purchased trip insurance that have had similar things happen to, it is unfortunate.

whether or not it is Disney - I hope your family is able to cruise again and your sister is in remission.

I hope all the family can find good health and happy times,this will not happen by slagging of Disney over forums.If I was going through what you guys are going through I wouldnt even care what a bunch of strangers think on a forum!
I think that it is truly asinine and absurd for anyone on this board to tell you how you should feel or what they would have done if they were in your shoes. That's the whole point! They have no idea how they would react in that type of situation!!!! I heart goes out to you and your family! :grouphug:
I had my own bone marrow, after they "washed" it so we could use it; they weren't using stem cell yet, which to my knowledge is a better thing!!

I had a year worth of chemo/radiation until the main tumor was shrunk from the size of a grapefruit to a sliver of a tumor. I was never considered cancer free going into the transplant. I was at Dana Faber in Boston MA, and if I didn't have the transplant, there was no hope for me.

I was considered "cured" after my 5th year of remission, by my oncologist. I still see him every year for a check up, and he is extremely happy with all my counts.

God Bless


Sincere congratulations to you and my heart goes to you and your family. I lost my father last April to 14 1/2 years fighting Non Hodgkins Lymphnoma. He was so proud of that number. He would have loved to known you. He had more complications from Chemo than the cancer itself.

Take care.........
Sincere congratulations to you and my heart goes to you and your family. I lost my father last April to 14 1/2 years fighting Non Hodgkins Lymphnoma. He was so proud of that number. He would have loved to known you. He had more complications from Chemo than the cancer itself.

Take care.........

Thank you. I feel truely blessed each and every day that I walk this earth!!!

I checked with the Protection Plan people on the exact coverage that would have been given if my mother had purchased the insurance plan. The representative that I spoke with told me that there would have been no coverage. You see, we would have wasted the money to take the insurance because they have certain rules in fine print. We, not being doctors, did not know that my sister was not cancer free. The rules (in fine print) state that the only way that coverage applies is if the person covered has been cancer-free for 60 days prior to the trip. My sister will not be considered cancer-free until she has been clear for 3-5 years. So, we would not have benefited from having the insurance. It was a no-win situation in any direction that we turned.

When you and your family is ready to start planning your next cruise call Travelguard about getting insurance. That was the only company who would cover cancer as a PEC when I was shopping for my MIL who has had stage 4 colon cancer since 2001 and probably before. She has been on chemo and/or radiation since her first surgery that year. The only thing that TG required is her doctor's statement that she was physically capable of traveling at the time the cruise was booked and the insurance was purchased. I called and spoke with his nurse and she had him post a letter saying just that in her file in case we needed it for proof, which we did end up using since she had to cancel due to her chemo scheduling being revamped due to complications.
To all of you who have prayed for my sister and my family, thank you. Things are not looking so great right now. Please keep us in your prayers.
oh I am so sorry. Many prayers and thoughts for your sister and all the rest of the family too.
Always believe in the power of prayer. We will say a prayer for your family. Know that there are people out there who care.:)


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