Warriors WISHing for Spring!

Amanda-those little critters can work wonders. :thumbsup2 As for you, rushing to completion of a distance can result in crashing instead. Keeping in tune with your body is extremely important when coming back from a problem so please be careful.
Howdy Warriors!!

Today I did a 12.7 mile long run, which is the longest I have run since the WDW Marathon waaaaaaaaaaaaay back in January. Hips hurt. Feet hurt. I have been bad and neglected the body. Otherwise I would not be in such pain right now. It was kinda' warm, but I ran with a CamelBack today, so I had plenty of water, but took no fuel.

Ugh. But it's just learning the art of long runs again. The Space Coast will be a fun way to build up on this.

Tuesday - Dentist, Physical Therapy & a bike/run day if I can fit it all in. Work tomorrow.
John - Thanks for the concern but I promise I'm going very slowly on ALL of my runs, long and short. I want to stay injury-free so I can finish!!!
Jim - Sorry you don't feel better. Take care of yourself!

Good news for me is that my back doesn't hurt much after my run yesterday. I still feel slightly stiff/sore as my baseline but I definitely don't feel worse after my run!

6.2 mile slow run today @ about 9:30 pace. Legs still a wee bit tired from Sunday's run.

Doing a 10K on Saturday with my lovely Bride, then Space Coast next Sunday.

Hopefully getting on the bike for a little bit tomorrow.

Guess that's it!

Have fun and stay safe!!
Amanda-sounds good, keep it up. :thumbsup2

Jim-should be a fun Space Coast. :cool1: Be careful on the bike.
Wow Jim! Your slow run is my sprint! :lmao:
Thanks John! I was hoping to be better trained for the marathon but I will be happy to just finish at this point.

Hi all

Thanks everyone for your support.

JimB - Good to hear your back in multisport training. Sorry to hear about the long run. I know sometimes they just don't go right. My 15 mile training run started out that way. As weird as it sounds, a couple of fartlek really help with the hip pain.

John - Nice job on the walk and bike ride. Even if 2:15:54 isn't what you wanted. Who knows, you might have some extra speed come race day. I know I do things on race day I could never do any other time.

Amanda - Good luck in the rest of your training. Are you planning on Walking, Running, or run/walking the WDW Marathon. If you're planning on doing some running in the marathon, you should try and factor that into your long runs. I know Jeff Galloway recommends extended periods of walking as a way of getting caught up on a plan. For example in you 17 miler possibly walking 10 then either running or run/walk the final 7.

AFM - I'm getting ready for a 4 mile Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. I haven't run continually for 4 miles yet so I'm planning on doing run/walk for at least the first mile or 2 before deciding how I want to finish. The race is the same one I did last year so I know the course at least a little. It's got a fairly significant hill (for me) in the first mile, followed by rolling hills in miles 2-3, then downhill to the finish.

Yesterday, I did a 1.5 mile tempo run/walk and ended up going a little faster than I planned. I followed that with straight through running for a mile before doing some acceleration drill and cool down.

According to McMillan Running Calculation, based on last weekends result, a 48:00 is possible. I'm hoping to get a sub 50:00. Last year I did a 51:50.
I'm glad to hear that you're doing so well Jeremy! Good luck on your 4 mile race!
I walked the 14 miler instead of run/walk because my back injury. I was still having a fair amount of pain, especially when running. The plan for this weekend is run/walk for all 17 miles.

Good Luck with you weekend plans everyone!

I'm planning to get in a Saturday run too- but it will just be 3 miles or so. My training plan for the Princess starts next week.
That's exciting Pam! After having surgery and going through recovery I'm sure it feels good to be able to do 3 miles!!!

Ran the FIRST St Augustine Marathon Weekend 10 K this morning.

8:29 pace for a 52:30 total time. Not too bad for an old guy like me.

My lovely luscious bride walked her first 10K ever & pulled out a 12:39 pace. Awesome she is!

Hopefully this event lasts more than one year. Other than starting 15 minutes late due to traffic concerns, it seemed pretty well organized. A 1/2 & full marathon is tomorrow. First year out and it is a BQ certified course.
Ran the FIRST St Augustine Marathon Weekend 10 K this morning.

8:29 pace for a 52:30 total time. Not too bad for an old guy like me.

My lovely luscious bride walked her first 10K ever & pulled out a 12:39 pace. Awesome she is!

Hopefully this event lasts more than one year. Other than starting 15 minutes late due to traffic concerns, it seemed pretty well organized. A 1/2 & full marathon is tomorrow. First year out and it is a BQ certified course.

Smokin times for both of you!!!!!!!:thumbsup2
Congrats Charles and Bride!

I enjoyed my 3 miles yesterday once I got going!

Have a good week everyone!
Howdy Warriors!

In a bit of taper mode this week for the Space Coast on Sunday.

Did a 54 minute bike ride of 16.5 miles today. Tossing in some "run muscle resting" cross training.

Work tomorrow. Stuffing my face Thursday. Probably a short 3 miles on Friday.

Have a great holiday all!
Wishing all the Warriors a very happy Thanksgiving

Jim hope to see you at Space Coast. My DH (John Vn ) and I will have our WISH shirts on

Kathy -

I don't have a wish shirt, but I will be wearing a "non"-wish flourescent green NIKE shirt with a few black mesh panels in the back.

If I can find them I will co-ordinate that twith my ever-so-fashionable matching fluorescent green shoelaces. On either silver/blue or silver/orange shoes.

See ya there!
A very Happy Thanksgiving to the Warriors!
I hope those racing this weekend have a wonderful experience!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Jim,Kathy, John Good luck in the Space Coast.

Amanda- good to hear your recovery is going well.

AFM - I ran my Turkey Trot this morning. Let's just say I killed it. My goal was 48:00 - 50:00. I ended up finishing in 46:12. I posted a full set of race results here.

After an iffy Summer/early fall, with the Ohio State fair 5K, and Disneyland Half Marathon, where I ended up finishing at at a walk, this fall racing season has been great. Don't have any more races scheduled at this time. I'm still trying to decide on a Spring half marathon.
Did my Turkey Trot yesterday (5K) and although the weather was the usual cold wet and overcast (we were told early in the week it was supposed to be 50's and sunny) I'm happy with my time. Since I'm just starting back running from my surgery (about a month now, 5 weeks now) I was sub 40 for the 5 k not what I'd hoped for but what I realistically expected so I'm happy!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!


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