Warriors WISHing for Spring!

Well done Jeremy and Pam. Remember, slow-n-easy on the come-back Pam.

Our work is done for the Space Coast. Kathy will start the race with our daughter, Nicole, and use the half as a prep for Disney. With lots of off camber areas on the roads, Kathy has to take it slow. This is the first half for Nicole and I am sure they will pass the time talking.

I am not sure what I will be doing. I really wanted to go ALL OUT but the last month has not been the greatest for me as far as serious training. Depending on how I feel, I'll either start walking with the women and then take off or find a pace group and walk behind them. Last Saturday with the temperature around 80* I walked my best 5K in 27:50 so I am hoping to walk a 2:12 half if I'm feeling really good.

Have a great weekend u-All.
CONGRATS on the Turkey Trots to Jeremy and Pam.
Best of luck at the Space Coast!!!

I did a 4 mile run yesterday morning at 12:10 min/mile pace - which would be my ideal race pace (I doubt I could sustain it for 26.2 at this point because my training hasn't been great this fall). I'm feeling more confident about my ability to finish the full marathon in January. I ordered a marathon outfit - hot pink sparkle skirt to wear over black tights or shorts and a black tech shirt with princess theming. Our hotel is paid in full and I'm feeling stronger and better! I'm going out for 6-8 miles tomorrow and then next weekend is my 20 miler. Yikes!

Oh my word, can't believe how long it's been since I've posted on here!

Sarah huge congratulations on the new warrior bun! I hope things have been getting easier pregnancy wise.

Pam I always wondered if glucosamine and chondritin work! Either way whether it's healing or the magical supplements I'm really pleased that you are able to get back to running! So excited that it's almost time for you to start princess training. Your comeback 5k is done and you did really well :goodvibes

jeremy great work on your 5k PR a couple of weeks ago- 2mins off and running the whole thing is fantastic.

John I loved reading your cycling chase with the iron man! Made me giggle because at some point we've all raced someone without them realising too :)

Amanda glad to hear that your son's doing better and it's amazing that having kittens has really helped him out. I bet you love them too :love:

Jim You did well to get out a 12.7miler with no fuel! Sorry you were so sore, why can't bodies remember how to run long distances! Your pace for the 10k was brilliant, never mind this 'old guy' talk and your wife's walking pace is crazy!

John, kathy and Jim good luck for space coast!

me managed to do a run of 4 miles this week, so I'm making very slow progress. Can't wait for the santa run.... I never thought I'd miss racing so much! (I'm sneakily looking into half marathons for spring :rolleyes1)
Good Morning Warriors,

Finished the Space Coast 1/2 Marathon. Walked with my daughter, Nicole. This was her first 1/2 marathon and we took it easy. The farthest she has walked was 7 miles. It was just a great day. John took off and was able to walk it in 2:11:12 He did a fantastic job.

Jim sorry we never saw you there, but I did see Tracy.

6 weeks to Disney

Happy Monday Warriors!!

Finally home from a nice, albeit slightly frustrating and disappointing Holiday weekend.

Kathy - I saw some Wisher's from afar, but never made it over your way pre-race. Wasn't feeling all too well and spent more time hovering around porta potties. TMI,I know. Especially since I had to duck into one 200 yards into the race & lost some time there.

Overall I thought it was a really well organized race. A couple of very minor issues that did not detract from anything. I did think the course was a bit lumpy & uneven which caused me some major issues late. Anyway, I pulled out a 2:06 time. I was cruising at a 8:55 pace until about mile 9, then my hips REALLY tightened up & I gave a lot of time back from there to the end.

And I LOVED the ice water soaked rags they gave out at the finish. A nice little piece of heaven.

I'll do this one again if it fits in my schedule.

Still in recovery mode & I work tomorrow, so I'll probably try to get out on my bike on wednesday.

Otherwise the weekend had it's ups & downs. The holiday started off with a bad house fire that I felt I made a major error on. My bosses said I was not responsible in any way, but I cannot convince myself of that. No injuries were involved ('cause no one was there), but still..............

Went on to have a nice T'giving dinner at my SIL's. Went house hunting in Celebration on Friday, put our Celebration condo on the market today & found out this evening our FULL PRICE offer on the house we liked (loved)(adored) was not accepted. Bummer. BIG bummer.

Soooooooooooo, we are leaving our condo on the market and the house hunting continues.

Back to work tomorrow to see what sort of !(*#$^@( awaits.

Have fun & stay safe!!!
John, Jim and Kathy - Congratulation on the Space Coast.

Kate - Glad to here you're continuing to get healthy.

Amanda - Nice job on the 4 miles.

AFM - Had a good Thanksgiving with the family. But the Thursday race/Black Friday/Rain, has messed up my schedule. I normally run M/W/F. After Thursday, I ran Sunday. Then I ran today. Today was a short day on the treadmill. I'm hoping to get out tomorrow morning and then get back on schedule. They're calling for snow tonight, hopefully no accumulation.
Hi Warriors,

I'm getting into my training plan for the Princess and the knee is holding it's own. My trainer tells me I am running differently (spending more time on the "good" leg and less on the "new" knee.) I can't feel that I'm doing this so does anyone have an idea on how I can fix this?
Good Morning Warriors,

Just signed up for the Derby Festival 1/2 marathon for April. :cool1:

We will stay at the Marriott, as this is the host hotel. Of course all discounted rooms are already taken.

Now we have a walk in
Jan Disney
Feb Make a Wish 5K - Fort Lauderdale
March First Watch 1/2 marathon relay - Sarasota
John has a Dualthon - Manatee River St Pk
April Derby Festival 1/2 marathon - Kentucky

We will be busy. We hope to eventually join Team Spina Bifida to help support our 2 Granddaughters.

Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.

Hi everyone.

It's been a strange couple of weeks. My running is mostly on track. Not on any formal plan at this time but working on base for spring. I haven't decided on a spring race yet. I think I've got it narrowed down to 1 of 2.

1) Kenyon Earth Day Half Marathon. April 22, 2012. Small Local Race. (260 or so half marathoners and 118 full marathoners).
Advantages: Close to home, the start is about 7 miles from my house, The turnaround is about 2 miles. Cost. Half Marathon is currently $30.00. For the most part, I know the course.
Disadvantages: I know the course, Other than the first 4 miles I run at least parts of the course all the time. There are some, but not a huge number of people my pace. No Medal, Coffee mug and Pine Tree instead.

2) Capital City Half Marathon: May 5th Large City Half Marathon with quarter marathon and 5K the same day as well..
Advantages: Half Marathon is the premier event. The course is different from where I normally run. My current PR is 2:52 and there is a 2:50 pace group the could be useful for the first part of the race. More crowd support.
Disadvantages: Slightly more expensive ($65). Further away, About an hour away. I'm currently schedule to teach on the 5th but the class probably won't go for low enrollment, and I've got permission to attend and find a sub for the day if the class is a go.

Right now, I'm leaning towards the Capital City.
Wow Kathy! That is busy! I will be cheering for the half marathon by the Grand Floridian so hopefully I will see you and get to yell for you!!!
Jeremy - Both sound like good options!

I finished my last long run before the marathon. My training hasn't been ideal but it should be good enough. 2 weekends ago I did 20.4. Today I cut my run short due to calf pain and "only" went 15.3 miles. I'm looking forward to the experience. We also convinced my parents to come to marathon weekend. We're paying for their hotel and they need to figure out their transportation. I'm happy to have more spectators!!! It means a lot to me to have them there (even though my mom drove me crazy last year at the half!)

Amanda - Sounds like your training went about as good as could be expected. It would have been nice to have a second 20 miler. That being said, a lot of metric marathon plans peak at 30km (18 miles). So I agree your goal at this point is to get (stay) healthy until the race.

If the races had been a couple of weeks further apart I might have considered doing both of them. Doing the local race as a supported training run and the one in Columbus as the goal race. I keep thinking about saving the local race for the year I may plan on a spring marathon and do the half marathon as a tuneup race for that. Yesterday I went out for a Long run. It wasn't that long 5.5 miles but I did 4.5 mile of it without walk breaks. That's a new all running personal best for me.

BTW, does anyone have any ideas what we want to do with the tread come the new year. I'm thinking we want to start a new thread for 2012, and given 2011 was only about 16 pages we keep it as a single thread.
Happy Tuesday Warrioirs...................

Been a bit absent lately. Jim World is a very topsy-turvy place as of late. Some good things, some bad things, but overall just a LOT of things going on.....

I'm trying to cram a bunch of late training in before the marathon weekend. My training has not been very high in quality, quantity or intensity for the last couple of months (see the above paragraph............).

I did about 8.5 miles both yesterday and Sunday. Will probably do a 10-12 miler this weekend and then start working down from there.

Still trying to figure out next year's "wanna' do" list. If I can get the accommodations I want, the DL 1/2 is pretty definite, and maybe a few Florida events. There is another 1/2 about 15 miles south of me the week after WDW. I may try to really push hard to see if I can pull that one off.

Just for fun. :lmao::lmao:

And still trying to talk myself into the IM Florida 70.3. Not quite committed yet.............

Everyone stay safe!!
Hi Warriors! Stopping by to see how everyone is doing. I am still planning to do Goofy in a couple weeks.
Merry Christmas

I just got home from Christmas Eve services at church. This morning I ran a 5K. It used the same course as the 5K I did in November. In November I did the race in 36:30 without walk breaks. This Morning I did run 5:00/walk :45. I finished in 33:59, a 2:31 PR.

Christmas here is going to be a little bit boring. Our family get together is going to be Dec. 29th. So, that day will be the big day for us.
Happy New Year

We will be leaving for Disney on Thursday 5am.
Thursday - Expo
Friday - I am volunteering and John is walking
Saturday - John , DD and myself will do the 1/2
Sunday - John will do the full

We are taking the motorhome to Epcot for all 3 races. I have to be there for 4am on Friday and no busses are running at that time plus we took the motorhome last year and it was great.

Does anyone know the bus routes for the Expo? We know from past experience that the busses do not go from the campground to the expo.

We will not be able to be at the meet because of our daughter coming over at that time but hope to see some of you at the races.


We leave NY on Thursday afternoon and fly down to Disney. At the last minute I convinced my parents to come so they can watch me run my 1st marathon. We're staying at GF and I couldn't get the discounted rate for them on Thursday night so they'll spend one night at the Dolphin. I'm treating them for the rest of the weekend at GF and I bought them discounted park tickets, too. They are living on social security so it's nice to be able to treat them!

Kids are running in kid races on Friday so we'll be at the Expo bright and early to pick up race packets. We're having issues figuring out how to get my mom on her ECV to the Expo so she can watch the kids run but I think we've figured it out.

Saturday my DH is running the half as his 1st race ever. His training has been less ideal than mine but he's going to give it a go. We'll cheer him on from the GF and then head off for a half day at the parks with the kids. It looks like it'll be warm enough for an afternoon swim so we'll meet DH after his race at the pool!

Sunday is MARATHON DAY for me! I'm nervous and excited. I got a Garmin for Christmas and tried a 3 mile walk yesterday to learn how to use it. All I can say is that it's awesome and I will love having it for the race!!! My calf is a little tight today but not hurting so I'm going to continue to rest it this week and hope for the best.

I'm already thinking about my training plan for 2012. I want to increase my overall mileage (my goal is 600 miles for 2012) and try to get a few half marathons done. I really hope to go Goofy in 2013!

I wish all the Warriors a year of health and wealth and blessings beyond your wildest imagination!

Amanda I just got a whole world of excitement reading your last post. That's so lovely of you to treat your parents and it's amazing having family there to cheer you on such a massive occasion. I got such an extra rush at grand floridian and the final straight when i saw (and heard) my mum! I hope your garmin enjoys his first race too... oh and your hubby :rotfl: I don't think anyone EVER does a full training programme as they set out in the beginning so you will be as prepared as all the other runners at that start line. Remember that and believe in all of those miles that you've already put in! :goodvibes Wish you all the best for it.

Kathy what a fab itinerary!!!! Whooooo. I really hope you have a great time. Sorry I don't know the bus schedules, we stayed at POFQ amd they came every half hour but that was a couple of years ago.

jeremy hope you had a great (albeit quiet) Christmas and that the 29th was very exciting.

Go Lily best of luck for the goofy, you will ace it :yay:

Jim would it help if one of us just filled the ironman form in for you :rotfl2: You know as a gentle nudge? :laughing:What a huge challenge and so fantastic that you're considering it.

Oh and Happy New Year! I hope this year brings you all that you WISH for. I've started a 12 week training plan for a half. I'm happy to drop out though if things start going wrong! 6 miles this morning and 100 lengths in the pool yesterday- I am loving pool time!
Happy New Year! And a special :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: to everyone headed down to WDW for marathon weekend!!!

Kate: Yay for a new training plan! Hope everything goes as planned and that you're able to run the event!

Amanda: Good luck for your first marathon! I'm sure you'll do awesome - it's such a fun course that the miles just fly by. Well, except for miles 21-26, but I don't think those are every any fun. :lmao:

Kathy: Have a great half marathon! The buses leave about ever 20-30 minutes from the resorts. Last year, we were at the Poly for breakfast so we just caught the bus from the Poly after we were done eating. Another year, I was at the MK for morning EMH so I walked over to the CR from the MK to catch a bus to the expo. You could probably easily do the same from one of the Epcot area resorts if you go through International Gateway. I would just go to a park and then walk to the closest resort (MK and CR works particularly well) to catch a bus - they're very frequent! I guess you could also just take a boat to WL or CR from the Fort, if you're going to be at the campground on the day you want to do the expo. :goodvibes Lots of options.

Lily: :woohoo: for your perfectly Goofy self! Hope it goes smoothy!

AFM.... I'm plodding. :lmao: I'm at least getting to the gym at the YMCA a few times a week, and doing some cardio (bike or elliptical - I learned my lessons with my knees and arches during my last pregnancy!) or swimming. Keeping active, but I'm already slowing down. We have our ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby on Tuesday, so that's pretty exciting.

I'm so jealous of everyone heading down to WDW this week! I'm so sad to be missing marathon weekend this year, but it's definitely for the best. I think we'll be skipping next year as well, but I've made Goofy 2014 my next WDW running goal. :lmao: I'm hoping to do some tri's and a few halfs between then and now, but I'm not expecting much for 2012. We're also thinking about joining DVC later this year so we'll see what happens with that... :goodvibes
Happy New Year everyone. I decided to start a new thread for us for 2013 Herehttp://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?p=43603960#post43603960
Kathy - Have fun at WDW, and good luck in the half marathon.

Amanda - Good luck in the Marathon. I got my Garmin shortly before my first half marathon. I have the 305, and I found the basics are real easy to use. The one thing I need to keep reminding myself, is races tend to be long according to the Garmin because of weaving, bad tangents, technology limitations, etc. If you have a goal time, you need to average a few seconds faster per mile (according to the Garmin) and it's worth double checking things at the mile markers.

Kate - Hope your training goes well for your next half. I haven't starting a training plan yet for my next half marathon. I'm still about 16 weeks out though.

Sarah - Glad to hear the pregnancy is going smoothly.

AFM - I finished out the year fairly smoothly. Our family get together was nice. I did 5 miles with my nephew on the 30th. He beat me in the 4 miler on Thanksgiving, but he was having trouble on the 30th. I slowed down more than I normally would for an easy run.

With that run I finished 2011 with 703 miles. I don't remember what my goal for the year was back in January. I'm currently scheduled for the Capital City Half Marathon on May 5th. That's the only race currently on the calendar.


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