What do you wish you could tell someone?

Thanks Anna. I know we don’t always agree on all things but that means a lot to me. Hard not to affect your life when that happens. Every mom loves their kid so you ask “why not me?”

I grew up with a mom who showed no real love or affection towards me. She died before there was even a chance to reconcile or ask why so I understand the pain. Not every mother (parent) is capable of love. It really does suck that it affects us even later in life.
I grew up with a mom who showed no real love or affection towards me. She died before there was even a chance to reconcile or ask why so I understand the pain. Not every mother (parent) is capable of love. It really does suck that it affects us even later in life.
I’m sorry to hear. Yea I guess some people shouldn’t be allowed to procreate. Haha
I'll do a lighter one...
To my neighbor,
Please STOP yelling 'Hi [my name]' whenever you are outside and see me. Every time you do so, which is every time you see me, I am not aware you are out there as I have my back to you and it startles me and makes me jump, which you see yet you still do it every time.
Mom, what is/was so wrong with me that you couldn’t love me? That not talking to me for years and years was ok with you. How could you do that to your kid? And now that you are approaching your later years, how can that not bother you? That you will die without us ever speaking or seeing each other again.

So sorry. I identify a bit. I am the oldest of 4 sisters. Growing up my mother had two favorites and two that she couldn’t stand. She disliked me the most. She started liking me more after I went off to college, then got married and had kids of my own. Has, at times, in her own inadequate way apologized for my childhood. She is older now and starting to show signs of dementia. She appears to now prefer me and doesn’t think very highly of the other 3, particularly the 2 she liked the best. It doesn’t help. Too little too late and now just unfair to other people.

I recently told my sisters that having had her as a mother has made me go through life not expecting anyone to ever like me. I am always surprised when someone seems interested in being my friend. There is just something so important about that first relationship that really makes things difficult when it doesn’t go well.

This thread has been a difficult one to read. So many things left unsaid. So much pain.
More like - women shouldn't be raised to think that their only use is a baby-making factory and maid/chef service. Not everyone needs to be a parent to have a good life; many have better lives without kids at all.
100% agree with this. I think “back in the day” that was your option.
I don't think it's a mistake if it's something he strongly believes in. Most colleges are saying they won't hold those kinds of things against applicants. Does the college you teach at it consider it a negative?

Plus, at 12 I assume he’s not in HS, so it’s not going to show up on as part of his HS records.

I don't think the college I work at would consider it a negative. But I'm not so sure about the magnet high school he really wants to get into, which he's well-qualified for academically. There are many bright students who want to get into that school, and if it comes down to a student with no disciplinary action on their record and him, I'm not sure what would happen.

In our district the "permanent record" starts in 6th grade. 6-12th grade courses go on the transcript that is provided to colleges and universities and some (but not all) 6th grade courses count toward the cumulative GPA. That's actually becoming increasingly common these days - I look at a lot of kids high school transcripts for my job, and lots of them include middle school grades now.
"Just because our kids play together out of convenience doesn't mean we have to be friends. I don't need to know your entire life story or the trashy drama that surrounds you and your boyfriend. That is why my kids are not allowed to play inside of your house. And your daughter is more than "a free-spirited child". She is a disrespectful, whiny brat... And if you ever hug me again I'll shove you off my stoop. :teeth: I'm not a hugger."
To my father...

I wish you would have met your grandsons. They're pretty great kids. You're getting older and time is running out. I have reached out to you countless times. I don't want there to be any regrets. I think my kids could learn a lot from you. My love for animals comes from you, which I have passed on to my kids. My type A personality comes from you (which one of your grandsons inherited too). The way I live my life trying not to judge others and just being a good person and working hard...all comes from you. So many things you said to us growing up I remember and these words I have passed on to my kids. You are such a good, kind person. I don't understand. We were very close when I was growing up. I don't know if it's because I chose to live with mom when you divorced, but Lynne went to live with you and mom would have been all alone. I wonder if you think about me at all. I wonder if you're curious about your grandsons. Your oldest grandson is graduating from high school. One of the twins is going to make the honour roll this year. The other twin is doing very well in school despite his challenges and is starting to find himself in art and photography. I know they would love to meet you just once, but I think you think it would be too awkward and that to me is just sad.

It is devastating to be rejected by a parent, even as an adult, especially with no explanation. I will always wonder what it was that I did as a 15 year old that made you give up on me.

*the last time i reached out to him was at Christmas. I did not receive a response. We are moving soon and so I will try one more time. And then I know I have to move on. It is incredibly difficult. A heavy weight on my chest.

"Just because our kids play together out of convenience doesn't mean we have to be friends. I don't need to know your entire life story or the trashy drama that surrounds you and your boyfriend. That is why my kids are not allowed to play inside of your house. And your daughter is more than "a free-spirited child". She is a disrespectful, whiny brat... And if you ever hug me again I'll shove you off my stoop. :teeth: I'm not a hugger."
Tonight is your last night living at home. You are moving out tomorrow. I will hold it together until you leave & then I am going to cry .
I am so proud of you & happy for you. This is the natural order of things. I'm crying typing this.
You better call & visit your mom!

Aww, I feel for you. My daughter graduates grade 12 in June and it won’t be long before she talks seriously about moving out. A big part of me will leave with her because for 10 years, it was just the two of us.
To a “wife I do not know”:

I sat beside your husband in the St Louis airport one morning. He called you telling you the medical conference got extended a day because there was so much interest in x y z medical thing. He said how much he loved and missed you and the kids!! He’s so sorry he can’t get a flight home for two more days!! he’s checking constantly for flight updates but so far, they’ve all been booked solid. Be sure to give the kids extra hugs and kisses!! He said he missed you more than you know but that so far, the conference has been great. He’s learning a lot!

As soon as he hung up, he called
“ Annie” who was at work in Chicago. Told her he arranged to come and see her after all! He’s waiting for a stand by ticket to Chicago. Can she take a couple of sick days? “I’ll be there as soon as I can, baby!” He’s willing to skip the last day of the conference and was able to add an extra day! He’s so excited to see her AGAIN!

So “ wife I do not know” I have thought about you and your kids. YOU DESERVE BETTER.

Why do you think he did this? Unhappy with his wife, but doesn't want to rock the boat? Maybe he loves them both.
Aww, I feel for you. My daughter graduates grade 12 in June and it won’t be long before she talks seriously about moving out. A big part of me will leave with her because for 10 years, it was just the two of us.
Same here :) I have an awesome son, funny, smart, caring-everything you could hope for & I now will need to get used to no longer being under the same roof. New chapter & I really am so happy for him... I won’t let him see my crying when he pulls out of the driveway, I promised myself!
This might sound dumb but I'd just really like to tell a friend that I kind of have feelings for her. Though I know I won't be able to say it.
If you think there is any chance of your feelings being reciprocated, do it! Otherwise you will always wonder what might have been.
Unless she is married, engaged or is in a strongly committed relationship, there is no shame in wearing your heart on your sleeve.
There is nothing dumb about falling in love with someone.


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