What is appropriate Disney etiquette? Ms. Emily Post Advocates welcome….

Well, it was for an alcoholic beverage. I actually didn't think that at the parks they expected tips for serving drinks (it was one where they mix drinks not just serve you a bottle) but then I saw a glass container that had dollars in it and the guy in front of me put one in. I think the guy noticed me digging through my change purse cus my drink was $5, but I only had $4 and was looking for 4 quarters which I had instead of breaking a 20, but then he took my i.d. and started flirting with me about how it was a great picture of me and blah blah blah. I know it's a typical bartender's ploy to get tips, but I felt compelled to tip him after he called me pretty. That's kind of a cheap tactic, but it worked I suppose. You were probably ok not tipping at the coffee carts.
peacefulgirl said:
You making me think, when I got a coffee at the carts, I didnt see a tip jar, I didn't think they even excepted them.... are you telling me they do ?????

No, the castmembers at the soda, beer, coffee stands throughout the parks cannot accept tips.

The only walk up drink places that do, that I can think of are the outside bars at PI, and the Margarita bar at the dock at Downtown Disney Marketplace.

opps, forgot the poor bartenders at the full service bars at the 2 waterparks....sorry guys!
MHG26 said:
Well, it was for an alcoholic beverage. I actually didn't think that at the parks they expected tips for serving drinks (it was one where they mix drinks not just serve you a bottle) but then I saw a glass container that had dollars in it and the guy in front of me put one in. I think the guy noticed me digging through my change purse cus my drink was $5, but I only had $4 and was looking for 4 quarters which I had instead of breaking a 20, but then he took my i.d. and started flirting with me about how it was a great picture of me and blah blah blah. I know it's a typical bartender's ploy to get tips, but I felt compelled to tip him after he called me pretty. That's kind of a cheap tactic, but it worked I suppose. You were probably ok not tipping at the coffee carts.

You are correct, at Disney owned parks the folks serving coffee, bear, and sodas at the kiosks cannot accept tips. You didn't say which park you were at.

As stated before, and I left out 2 places. The only outside places that serve drinks that I can think of in WDW that accept tips are the outside bars at PI, the outside full service bars at the water parks and the Margarita Bar at the dock at Downtown Disney Marketplace.
I have two children who have been taken to Disney since they were three years old. I have tried to teach them what I call the "Remember you are not at home but in a hotel rule". This means we whisper if we are outside any room or walking down the corridors of the hotel (inside or outside)-whether it is day or night. I always try to think of the baby napping in the afternoon or the person who likes to sleep late one day after a night at Pleasure Island or a few exhausting park days. Then there is always the adult or child who becomes ill and needs their rest. There must be others out there who do the same and perhaps some will will think this is a good idea and begin doing it. We also try not to scream or talk loudly in the room. I just wish others would do the same. My kids are older now and comment on how some adults talk so loud when it is so late . Yelling goodbye etc. Good manners can come in handy while on vacation. Please don't flame me, but I really have come across some rude people. I don"t mean the excited child who is at Disney for the first time and can"t possibly be quiet(that is to be expected)-been there too! :earboy2:
eeyore0062 said:
No, the castmembers at the soda, beer, coffee stands throughout the parks cannot accept tips.

The only walk up drink places that do, that I can think of are the outside bars at PI, and the Margarita bar at the dock at Downtown Disney Marketplace.

opps, forgot the poor bartenders at the full service bars at the 2 waterparks....sorry guys!

Thanks so much !!!! I feel so much better! :)
"I have two children who have been taken to Disney since they were three years old. I have tried to teach them what I call the "Remember you are not at home but in a hotel rule". This means we whisper if we are outside any room or walking down the corridors of the hotel (inside or outside)-whether it is day or night. I always try to think of the baby napping in the afternoon or the person who likes to sleep late one day after a night at Pleasure Island or a few exhausting park days. Then there is always the adult or child who becomes ill and needs their rest. There must be others out there who do the same and perhaps some will will think this is a good idea and begin doing it. We also try not to scream or talk loudly in the room. I just wish others would do the same. My kids are older now and comment on how some adults talk so loud when it is so late . Yelling goodbye etc. Good manners can come in handy while on vacation. Please don't flame me, but I really have come across some rude people. I don"t mean the excited child who is at Disney for the first time and can"t possibly be quiet(that is to be expected)-been there too!"

Who in the world would flame you, thedisneymom?!
I want to hug you!! In fact - here ya go: :hug:
Blessings to you & others who are courteous & thoughtful,
I think I spot your halo from here :angel: *smile*
thedisneymom - what a wonderful thing you are teaching you children. Empathy for others can go along way.
Thank you! I still have to remind the kids who are like adults now-it seems more now than before!
Drizzo64 -I see you are not to far from me! :flower1:
eeyore0062 said:
No, the castmembers at the soda, beer, coffee stands throughout the parks cannot accept tips.

The only walk up drink places that do, that I can think of are the outside bars at PI, and the Margarita bar at the dock at Downtown Disney Marketplace.

opps, forgot the poor bartenders at the full service bars at the 2 waterparks....sorry guys!

I've given tips that were happily accepted at the beer/wine kiosks in Epcot (I don't think they were expected, though).

Not a walk-up kiosk, but the bartender at the Rose and Crown seemed thrilled at the tip DH left her--I wonder if people forget to tip there?? It is indoors and is a full bar, so you would think people tip, but perhaps with all the international visitors, some people may not know to tip.

My WDW etiquette tip is obviously repetitive here--don't let your kids yell and run in the resort hallways--even if there are outdoor corridors, common courtesy is to remind your kids to use their indoor voices and manners.
hubby_of_newtodisney said:
If you see a cleancut, 200lb plus, 30 something male at the Boma buffet, DO NOT GET BETWEEN ME...errr I mean ....HIM AND THE DESSERTS! :earboy2: :earseek: :jumping3:

I am laughing so hard I cn hardly type!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE don't say the words along with the narration!!!

It's very impressive that you can recite the words in the Haunted Mansion stretch room or whereever--but I don't really want to hear you, I want to hear Disney's version.

(sorry if this one's been said before, but this is a pretty long thread and my dial-up connection is slow today....)
dj2 said:
PLEASE don't say the words along with the narration!!!

oooh that's a good one. I'll second that!
MHG26 said:
If the CM gives you the card to hold for you to carry to the front of the line so they can time how long the line is taking, don't just toss it on the ground. If you don't want the "responsibility" then tell the CM you would perfer not to do it so they can give it to the next person or if you change your mind part of the way through, try to pass it to the person in front or behind you. I can't tell you how many people I saw just toss these on the ground. Timing the lines is important for everyone so they can provide accurate info for people riding.

Oooh, I never knew what this was about! I've been asked to do this before and did it, but was always wondering why. Hehe, thanks! :earboy2:
Between Last night and this afternoon I have read all 13 Pages some comments

Hc rest rooms--- If thiers a line out the door wich their frequently is im using it if it comes open I wouldnt call it a handicap but i have a condition where when i have to go I have to go. or it could be messy I never know when it will hit it just does--- so if im in line and a stall is open im going in. Same as if the line looks like it will be quite a while and I dont think my stomack can handle waiting ill go in the companinon restrooms I realise its wrong but I would rather break this commen courtesy than have to leave the park go back to the hotel and be compleately embaressed.

Waiting in line for Characters-- I am an adult But I am a big kid at heart and I am going to wait in line just like anybody else and do not apreciate people saying things to me (only has happened when freiends were with me since looking at me you would think i was 12) on My next trip to the world I will be waiting in line as I always have I want photos with the Characters in my mickey and minnie hats with my new Husband.

Like i stated up above I look like I am 12 (I am extremly Short under 5 feet) please if you see me looking at the Pins dont reach over my head wait till i step aside I dont look very long if its a matter of you need it now and cant posible wait ask me to step aside

an incident of etiquett--- I understand this is disney its for the children but its for everyone to enjoy as well Parents please if your children get a cold and are just miserable while in the parks take them back to the resort for a rest---- they will feel better and hopefully not be sick the entire vacation but if you push them the entire time you will be miserable they will be and the folks around them who dont want to spend thier vacation with miserable children when i was a cm I would look at a child who looks miserable and say " No tears this is a Happy place" and that usually put a smile on their face so if your child is upset try and help them please. its thier vacation as well
I ran into a big no-no/disrespect thing while I was there 2 weeks ago. Like I've mentioned, I am a paraplegic and use a wheelchair, so needless to say when I take the WDW buses I have to use the lift/ramp located near the back. In most cases, the bus driver's close the front door and come help me aboard and strap down my chair. Now most of the time the outside of the wheelchair door is marked DO NOT ENTER or EXIT ONLY. What killed me was while the bus driver was busy w/ my chair, people would climb on the lift/ramp and get on the bus.

HELLO?! The main door to the bus is closed and it's obvious why. What are people thinking?! I had to give props to the drivers who made them get back off and wait for him to open the other doors. Furthermore, if you can read English, the DO NOT ENTER signs are plain as the nose on your face.

One time I was waiting for bus and another bus pulled up. Both doors open but there was a huge DO NOT ENTER sign right where you could see it. This man uses it anyway and gets on the bus. The bus driver called out the guy, made him get off and get on using the entrance doors. I nearly laughed!!

So folks, please respect the signs, wait your turn, and don't get impatient when a wheelchair has to board.
Just a comment about people talking tooloud--what others may think is someone yelling may be my hubby who is deaf in one ear not realizing he is talking to loud--well at least until I tell him he is.I think the biggest rule should be not to be too judgemental or jump to conclusions about ANY given situation. I really believe if ppl policed themselves as much as they do others the world would be a much better place..........
Ok, I agree with 99.9% of the stuff here, but i gotta say this. It is a family place. While you may feel that a child screaming means we should leave so you can "eat in peace" it's just not gonna happen. So any one going from 4/23/05-5/01/05 if ya see a screaming kid in a restraunt, it's prolly mine!! :rotfl2: Cause he yells and whines everytime we go to eat. Don't get me wrong I cannot understand how some people could do the things they do, I would never force my child on a ride or beat him or scream at him, but guess what hi IS gonna sit there for dinner :earboy2:
Please do not carry on a long conversation on your phone or walkie-talkie while I am in the restroom stall next to you.

Please do not allow your children to run and scream down hotel hallways or outsie hotel rooms at any hour. I may be trying to get my baby to nap.

Thank you for your cooperation!



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