What is appropriate Disney etiquette? Ms. Emily Post Advocates welcome….

djm99 said:
My brother proposed to his wife while they watched the Fireworks show in Epcot. The whole family was there in tears (we'd didn't think he'd ever find anyone).QUOTE]

I don't think I want to know! :rotfl: but I am very glad you were all wrong. :love2:

and I agree with you about the PDA's.
little kisses, hugs, arm around waist, holding hands = awwww!
making out, hands in SO's back pocket and elsewhere = ick!!!

On a related note, yesterday I took my 2 yo nephew for ice cream. An older man came in w a lady and he had his arm around her. My nephew says to me "a man and his sweetie!" It was sooo cute!
Ok, ive just spent the last 2 hours reading all these posts and cant believe nobody has mentioned my pet hate!
Dont you just hate it when you are standing waiting for the bus (sometimes for a long time) and when the bus arrives, so do hoardes of wheelchairs.....no thats not my hate. My pet hate is when the wheelchairs go on first (and rightly so!) they always have hoardes of extended family board with them!! :mad: :mad: . I have no objections to one family member boarding but not as you sometimes see, families of 5 and 6.
The fact is that if mine and other peoples kids have stood patiently in the heat for 20 minutes or so waiting for a bus, why should a whole family be allowed to stroll on at their leisure just coz one of their party is in a wheelchair??!!
I am disabled myself, and my disability means i dont sweat from one side of my body, therefore making me mighty hot in Florida (im from Scotland, not much heat here im afraid!), but if i can stand in line for the buses, then im sure these "extended families" could do the same!
i am sorry if this was already mentioned, but when there are elderly people or mom or dads with babies please be nice and give them your seat on the bus.
coffeeandfags said:
Ok, ive just spent the last 2 hours reading all these posts and cant believe nobody has mentioned my pet hate!
Dont you just hate it when you are standing waiting for the bus (sometimes for a long time) and when the bus arrives, so do hoardes of wheelchairs.....no thats not my hate. My pet hate is when the wheelchairs go on first (and rightly so!) they always have hoardes of extended family board with them!! :mad: :mad: . I have no objections to one family member boarding but not as you sometimes see, families of 5 and 6.
The fact is that if mine and other peoples kids have stood patiently in the heat for 20 minutes or so waiting for a bus, why should a whole family be allowed to stroll on at their leisure just coz one of their party is in a wheelchair??!!
I am disabled myself, and my disability means i dont sweat from one side of my body, therefore making me mighty hot in Florida (im from Scotland, not much heat here im afraid!), but if i can stand in line for the buses, then im sure these "extended families" could do the same!

You are brave - you are asking for it!!! :rolleyes1
I think part of what needs to be considered is keeping the party together. What if the rest of the family joins the lineup "already in progress" and can't get on the same bus with the rest? It's one thing to ask extended parties to go on rides separately, but I think it might be a bit extreme asking them to go to different parks/resorts separately. When DS was in a wheelchair with a 40lb cast, DH and I got on with him. Mind you, we weren't taking up 3 seats on the bus, either. Is that, actually, more what you were concerned about? Not so much the getting on the bus, but was everyone in the party taking a seat? You might have a point there, although, as has been posted on these boards many times, it's not always obvious who needs a seat and who doesn't.

Mortlives said:
Mind you, we weren't taking up 3 seats on the bus, either. Is that, actually, more what you were concerned about? Not so much the getting on the bus, but was everyone in the party taking a seat?

Yep, that makes me really angry when they grab all the seats at the back thinking nobody will notice them!!
Your situation with your son is understandable, but what i was more referring to is parties of say 10 or 12 people getting on because "grandma" is in a wheelchair. Surely one person could get on with "grandma" and the rest join the line. If they have to wait for the next bus then C'est la vie!! Im sure if loads of small children can wait in line for the bus, then "grandma" and her helper can wait at the next park/resort for the rest of the family!

No offence to grandmas by the way!!!!! Just trying to make a point.
coffeeandfags said:
Yep, that makes me really angry when they grab all the seats at the back thinking nobody will notice them!!
Your situation with your son is understandable, but what i was more referring to is parties of say 10 or 12 people getting on because "grandma" is in a wheelchair. Surely one person could get on with "grandma" and the rest join the line. If they have to wait for the next bus then C'est la vie!! Im sure if loads of small children can wait in line for the bus, then "grandma" and her helper can wait at the next park/resort for the rest of the family!

No offence to grandmas by the way!!!!! Just trying to make a point.
This is sometimes not what it looks like.
If the bus line is full when we get there, we often wait off to the side until that bus has left and then we go up to the wheelchair loading area before the next bus comes. If there are 15 or less people waiting when we pull up, they would all be getting a seat even if we get on first, so that's kind of our "rule of thumb" to enter the boarding area. When we travel with my DH, DD in her wheelchair, older DD and elderly MIL and FIl, we all usually stand except for MIL and FIL (who are in their mid 70s and both have hip and knee problems that prevent them from standing on the bus). Because neither of them can stand in line, they will sometimes sit on a bench and join us when the bus is arriving.
Also, occasionally, we were waiting for the bus, but when it came there was a wheelchair access problem - it was not an accessible, the ramp/lift did not work or the tiedowns had a problem. Because we couldn't get on that bus, we might pull out of sight until the next bus comes along and then (from what the people waiting can see), we pull out of nowhere, even though we were really there before they were.

DH, older DD and I will sometimes sit if there were few enough people in line when we got to the area so that we would have gotten seats if we had been in line. If we have seats, we often give them up if someone who looks like they need a seat more than we do gets on.

AND.... we have encountered people making rude comments like "they (DD in her wheelchair) shouldn't be allowed on the bus. Her wheelchair takes 3 seats that people could sit in" (I guess a response would be, I will give you the seats if you take my DD's disability. Another response would be - we were here before you, her wheelchair is taking 3 seats, but 2 of us are standing, so you wouldn't have gotten those seats anyway.).
Just clean up after yourself. I think that is my biggest peeve at the parks. I mean would you really leave dirty napkins, plates, spilled food, etc . . . all over your dining room table, or where ever it is you eat? Respect yourself, the people around you, the CMs and ultimately the park by taking care of the mess YOU make. :teeth:
Thanks SueM, i guess thats kinda cleared it up a bit as to why they always turn up in hoardes at the same time as the bus!!! I must admit, because of my own disability, i do the same myself unless it looks like the line is gonna get too long......and ive had the comments too when my girls stand in the line while i grab a seat on a bench then join them later.
I suppose thats partly why it upsets me so much, because i AM disabled and often in a lot of pain, then all these able-bodied people appear from nowhere and get straight on.
Oh well, as i said before..... C'est la vie!!
SueM in MN said:
AND.... we have encountered people making rude comments like "they (DD in her wheelchair) shouldn't be allowed on the bus. Her wheelchair takes 3 seats that people could sit in" (I guess a response would be, I will give you the seats if you take my DD's disability. Another response would be - we were here before you, her wheelchair is taking 3 seats, but 2 of us are standing, so you wouldn't have gotten those seats anyway.).

Isn't it sad that anyone has to endure snide comments (for ANY reason)? The fact that someone makes you feel bad enough that you have to "think up" responses beforehand is pitiful. It's just too bad that people take out their frustrations or unhappiness on complete strangers. :(
hi there
just a quick one about tipping etc. As i am from australia, we dont tip so its very easy for us to either forget to tip, under tip or over tip.I asked a waitress what the policy for tipping was, but she was annoyed that I didnt know etc. Its not that we are cheap and dont like to reward good service, its just foreign to us. I just wish that if you are serving me and notice my funny accent then you would be a little more patient with the tipping thing.
I have a few;
1. If you feel the need to stop dead in your tracks, don't get mad when you are rammed by a stroller of wheelchair, they don't stop on a dime.
2. When you see someone yelling at a child or bringing a crying child into a line for a ride, don't judge, assume that parent knows their child better than you who have never met them and move on. For example, last trip my 6 year old dd wanted to ride Splash Mountain. We had to do the baby swap since we have a 1 year old. She rode with me, crying the whole time because she was nervous, but did not want to leave the ride, she was extremely adamant that she wanted to ride. We rode, she loved it and wanted to go again with her dad. She once again cryed the whole time, but refused to exit and rode the whole thing. You wouldn't believe the looks we got, as though we were simply terrible parents!
3. The lines do not move faster simply because you stand as close as humanly possible to the person in front of you, respect personal space.
4. Have fun and smile, even at the end of the day. Everyone's tired and hot, but smiles can be contagious. :)
illiram said:
Isn't it sad that anyone has to endure snide comments (for ANY reason)? The fact that someone makes you feel bad enough that you have to "think up" responses beforehand is pitiful. It's just too bad that people take out their frustrations or unhappiness on complete strangers. :(
:) thanks
Sue, just curious and you don't have to answer. How old is your daughter? The reason I ask is if my mother had said that to someone after I turned, I dunno, 12 or so, I would have been pretty embarrassed. I can stand up for myself and don't need her to speak for. Not flaming, just curious.

Edited to add: I CAN stand up for myself, not can't.
This is my first post to the DIS boards...I've been lurking quite a while :rolleyes1
This thread is hysterical with the exception of a few topics that I will not comment on (no thankyou necessary).

I have a son DS4 who coughs as if he is trying to expell an entire organ system. He has always been like this so I am very used to it but I DREAD him getting a tickle in his throat in a public place! He sounds like he has whooping cough or bronchitis. I always get nasty looks from people around me. :blush: Sometimes I will say something like "sweetie, just take a big breath, no need to be so dramatic" but then people look at me like I'm being insensitive! I just can't win. Either I have to let people look at me like I'm a horrible mother who took her DS off his deathbed to drag him around or I have to let them think I'm an insensitive jerk who doesn't care that her son is hacking up a lung. :confused3

It really is pretty funny at this point since it's been going on forever. I have to admit, if I saw it going on and didn't know the circumstances.....I'd be shooting the dirty looks myself :rolleyes1
coffeeandfags said:
Ok, ive just spent the last 2 hours reading all these posts and cant believe nobody has mentioned my pet hate!
Dont you just hate it when you are standing waiting for the bus (sometimes for a long time) and when the bus arrives, so do hoardes of wheelchairs.....no thats not my hate. My pet hate is when the wheelchairs go on first (and rightly so!) they always have hoardes of extended family board with them!! :mad: :mad: . I have no objections to one family member boarding but not as you sometimes see, families of 5 and 6.
The fact is that if mine and other peoples kids have stood patiently in the heat for 20 minutes or so waiting for a bus, why should a whole family be allowed to stroll on at their leisure just coz one of their party is in a wheelchair??!!
I am disabled myself, and my disability means i dont sweat from one side of my body, therefore making me mighty hot in Florida (im from Scotland, not much heat here im afraid!), but if i can stand in line for the buses, then im sure these "extended families" could do the same!

No flames here!! I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU!!! But . . . I think the people in the wheelchairs should wait in line like everyone else. When their turn comes to get on the bus, they should get on first, but shouldn't be allowed to CUT in front of others!!! We watched a women try and try to ride her scooter into the bus, but couldn't get it straight enough to ride up the ramp. Well what does she do?? She gets off and pushes the scooter up the ramp!!! I was livid!!! :earseek:
I am a paraplegic. I don't have a choice, I have to use a wheelchair. I would gladly wait in line. I don't think I am better than anyone nor do I think I'm entitled to be loaded first. That's totally WDW's doing, not mine. I am perfectly able to wait in line and don't mind doing so.


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