When Did I Get Voted Off of Skinny Island & Why is This Fat Shadow Stalking Me?

Welcome Ari and Emily!!

I am at +.5 for the week. Not surprising since I didn't track all weekend, spent most of Saturday at DD's softball tournament (although I did bring fruit to eat!) and generally just didn't care so much about eating or exercising. I've actually not cared about exercising for some time now. haven't been able to walk as much during lunch because of weather and general busy-ness. We leave for WDW in TWO DAYS!!! I'm also hitting TOM (always adds a little).
I'm going to try to eat healthy for these two days (we're eating what's left in the house though). Had a great salad for lunch today!
I know at WDW I will be enjoying treats, apps and desserts as we're on the Dlx DDP. I will try not to overeat and do more sampling. Plus all the walking and swimming should help.

Tricia - I'm so sorry about your grandparents' troubles. Hope all improves - that can be so stressful! :hug:
Hope it's ok I join in....

I have lost 21lbs so far with slimming world and have in the last week been going to the gym.
Off to wdw in October (10 weeks), and I so want to be able to get on the forbidden journey ride ahhhhh.

Here goes

First Name and Screen name: hazelandannie. Real name Hazel
What your Goal Is for Fitness: I want to be able to run up the stairs, I wanna lose over 100lbs in total
Food that you Find Hardest to Eat in Moderation: I love crisps
Favorite Good Food for You: I love any fruits and veg
Favorite Form of Exercise: Water Aerobics!
What Your Goal is For Yourself when you get to Skinny Island: I want to see on the outside what I feel on the inside, I want my asthma to go, and want to wear heals not crocs
Family: I live with my partner Annie, we have 2 Ginger cats Bob and Poppy, we run daycare from home.
Hope it's ok I join in....

I have lost 21lbs so far with slimming world and have in the last week been going to the gym.
Off to wdw in October (10 weeks), and I so want to be able to get on the forbidden journey ride ahhhhh.

Here goes

First Name and Screen name: hazelandannie. Real name Hazel
What your Goal Is for Fitness: I want to be able to run up the stairs, I wanna lose over 100lbs in total
Food that you Find Hardest to Eat in Moderation: I love crisps
Favorite Good Food for You: I love any fruits and veg
Favorite Form of Exercise: Water Aerobics!
What Your Goal is For Yourself when you get to Skinny Island: I want to see on the outside what I feel on the inside, I want my asthma to go, and want to wear heals not crocs
Family: I live with my partner Annie, we have 2 Ginger cats Bob and Poppy, we run daycare from home.

Welcome Hazel!!
I have to chuckle at your signature - you're the angel and your partner does the laundry!!! LOVE it!!
Sounds like you already like the good foods (wish I liked veggies more)!
Crisps in the UK are what we call chips in the U.S., right?
I guess that's the bonus of two women living together we split the lady jobs lol, not the bins though that's a mans job she gets that one as she is older....

Yes crisps are chips, and chips are Fries and I could eat both all day long even when I'm stuffed, guess that's why I'm pooh like, but I will be tinkerbell before I know it.

So I am flat for the week. I am not especially happy about it, but seeing that I was +2 on Friday when I checked I guess a 0 is not so bad. Looks like my butt is getting kicked in the magnet challenge.
Today's Journalling:

Bkfst: Kellog's Low Fat Granola, Skim Milk
Lunch: Wendy's Chx Club (Grilled, No Mayo)
Plain Potato
Dinner: Homemade Chx Tacos (homemade shells too)
Fat Free Refried Beans
Spanish Rice
Dessert: Homemade Milkshakes (FF Vanilla Frozen Yogurt, SF FF Jello
White Chocolate Pudding, Redi Whip Low Fat Whip Cream)

Total Calories: 1841

Exercise: 1.7 miles walking

This was a heavy food day for me, I went over in calories and am VERY full.
But my BFF Della is walking with me every morning this week!!!!
:welcome: Hazel! Awesome job with the 21 pounds off!

Emily- Piper complains about the walking (we do 2 miles) but she always says it makes her feel good afterwards. She also gets a silly band for each walk she gets through without complaining ;) Awesome on having your BFF to walk with!

Julie- Very cool getting a new scale, and 1.8 is nothing to sneeze at!

Patrick- 4 lbs is 4 lbs, good for you for getting back on track- and love the quote, btw..I :lovestruc the Muppets!

Sheree- Woohoo for 2 more days!! I'd ask if you had room in your suitcase, but at this point you'd need an army duffel for me to fit! LMAO!

Sara- Just be glad it wasn't a gain!

Good day here..we drove 30 minutes to go "Krogering"..but they have so many more choices than we have here in town! It's the only place I can find the 96% lean beef, and a few other things. Piper and I did our walk this morning, but I need to do some wii fit or something here in a few as the park pool was closed today :(

Tracking- (So far..I have 500 cals left, and while I doubt I'll eat all of them, I need to get at least 250 in, I think!)

Breakfast- Eggbeaters on 100 cal eng muffin w/ LF ham & 2% mozzarella, peach.
Lunch- RF hot dog on thin bun w/ fruit salad & baked cheetos.
Dinner- Salmon, green & waxbeans, rice.
Snacks- Granola thin

Cals- 972 (1440-1790)

July 26th- Done!
Quick tracking post before bed:
B: Life cereal w/ blueberries
coffee w/c & s
L: salad w/ yellow peppers, avocado, chicken and dressing
string cheese, 1/3 apple, pomegranete flavored craisins (YUM!)
S: about 15 raw almonds
D: schwan's fire baked pepperoni pizza - probably about 6 squares

Monday, July 26, 2010
Breakfast: Cheerios (225)
Lunch: Turkey Sandwich (200)
Dinner: Texas Toast (180), Pasta (210) Corn (90), Sauce (60), Meat (130),
Exercise: T-Mill: 50:00: (-412) & S-Mast: (-100) 10:00

Totals: 1645 cals

July 26 DONE!

Another Muppets Quote:
"You can wake up each morning just trying to get to the end of the day, so you can do everything in your power to make this your best day ever.
You can look around and scratch your head, trying to figure out why you're surrounded by such a strange menagerie of friends and family, or you can be grateful for every moment you get to spend with them.
It's up to you."
- Kermit the Frog
Welcome Hazel! Congratulations on losing 21lbs thus far. :yay: <--- This is me being excited, but it also kind of looks like someone working out at the gym, so it could be you too :goodvibes
Hey everybody! I hope you had a good weekend :goodvibes We did, we got some new fur babies :dogdance: We got 2 mini dachschund puppies. They are 9 weeks old and soooooo little and cute! I will post pictures later tonight, I can't at work. Darn filters hahaha.
Tricia - I am soooo jealous! DS & I want a mini-dach. so bad! DH says no more inside dogs though. We also have a 10 yr old spoiled brat chihuahua and she says no too :lmao:

Tracking for yesterday
Monday - July 26th
Bfast: Bagel w/ Cream Cheese
Lunch: Chicken Tender Kids Meal w/ Apple "Fries" from Burger King
Dinner: 1/2 Tuna Salad sandwich, microwave stouffer's mac & cheese

Total Cals: 1263

Personal Update: Went out and bought a new scale today. The old one had been giving DH and myself problems intermittently, and then fairly regularly and the extremely regularly and finally this morning when it told me I was WAAAAAY up, when I KNEW I wasn't...I’d had enough!! I reweighed myself again on that same scale and got what I think was a more accurate weight just before replacing it but the new one is a weight watchers one and I’m excited to begin using it.

Anyway, with the old scale data, I am down 1.8 this week!!
congrats on the loss:banana: let us know how you like the new scale ...does it do BMI too? I'm still using the scale with the dial that spins around. Often wonder how accurate it is?!?
We leave for WDW in TWO DAYS!!! I'm also hitting TOM (always adds a little).
I'm going to try to eat healthy for these two days (we're eating what's left in the house though). Had a great salad for lunch today!
I know at WDW I will be enjoying treats, apps and desserts as we're on the Dlx DDP. I will try not to overeat and do more sampling. Plus all the walking and swimming should help.
Have a fabulous time at WDW!!! The Beach Club sounds like a great place and it's such a good location, can't wait to hear about it:)

B:scrambled eggs, english muffin
L: cottage cheese/strawberry applesauce
D:cucumbers/greek yogurt dip while making dinner...turkey breast pounded out and stuffed/rolled w/ spinach, cottage cheese and feta mmmmmm, 1/2 baked potato w/ low fat scream
S: air popped popcorn w/ butter spray,2 crackers w/ PB smear and sip of milk before bed

July 26 done

:lovestrucWelcome Hazel!!!:lovestruc
Welcome Hazel! Congratulations on losing 21lbs thus far. :yay: <--- This is me being excited, but it also kind of looks like someone working out at the gym, so it could be you too :goodvibes

Thats so funny lol, made me smile whilst plucking up the courage to put my swim suit on and go to aqua fit class, havn't put a swimsuit on in at least 2 years ahhhhhh.

Thanks everyone for making me feel so welcome xxx
Hello all, and welcome to our new members!

I'm trying to distract myself from continuing the binge of crap eating I just had. Ripple chips & french onion dip is a weakness for me, and we had some left in the fridge from having friends over on Saturday. Stressing about my health, and pulled it out when I shouldn't have. About the only good thing I can say is I never ate breakfast, so hopefully that will help cancel it out. So now I'm sitting here, blaring Dave Matthews Band as loud as I dare with a toddler sleeping across the house, and talking to my friends in the box on my desk. ;)

Things have been quite crazy the last few days. DD stayed the night with my MIL Friday night, she took her to swim lessons the next morning. Dropped her off, she and I watched Beauty & the Beast and had lunch, then she went down for an early nap before BIL came to get her to spend the night at his house. Then I had to clean house for the friends we were having over Saturday evening. Had our usual routine of lunch at DH's g-ma's house and grocery shopping on Sunday (slept in and missed church unfortunately). Had to go to my urologist for some routine testing yesterday.

The sleepover Saturday night had been preplanned, but the Friday one with MIL was last minute. I wasn't feeling well and had DH take me to urgent care, so we dropped her off to MIL on the way. Turned out to be nothing, but the x-rays they did revealed a previously unknown abnormality with my spine, totally unrelated to my paralysis. I've known for awhile now that my pelvis isn't sitting right, but figured it was just due to misalignment or at worst a bit of scoliosis. Unfortunately, it seems to be much worse. The nurse called yesterday with the official report from the radiologist, which said

"significant degenerative changes and end plate destruction at L3/L4."

So from what I've been able to figure out, this basically means the disc between my 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae is shot, and the two vertebrae themselves have deteriorated as well. This could just be from sitting on it so much, but it's also possible from my internet research that it could be a bacterial infection called osteomyelitis due to either my previous surgery or my history of frequent UTI's. Thankfully I've already got a doctor's appointment this Friday to discuss the pelvic issue and some mild back pain I've been having (though I'm sure now that if it weren't for my existing spinal cord damage I'd be in a LOT of pain!), but needless to say I'm sort of stewing about things until then, and afraid to do much of anything in terms of meaningful exercise.

But it's hard to be in a bad mood when I'm sitting here listening to DMB, so here's a virtual hug for those who may need it, and in thanks for all the great support y'all always provide. This video always makes me smile, and gets funnier as it goes along.


Now I'm off to the couch to lie down and rest my back a bit. I'll be sure to update after my appointment Friday, esp. since I'll finally get a chance to weigh in again!!
lizzy you are on the prayer list for sure! And thanks for the DMB! I'm a "Jimmy Thing" fan, one of my favorite songs EVER!!

So I have been wallowing around in misery for the last hour afraid to add up my calories for the day. My top calorie count goal for the day.... 1550. I am not supposed to go over that, and went over yesterday. So here I sit after dinner at Arby's and a big lunch feeling fat.

I get on sparkpeople.com to add everything up (seeing as how there is a leftover chocolate pudding in the fridge calling my name.) and here are the totals:

Breakfast: Kellogs low fat granola and skim milk
Lunch: 6oz chopped steak, broccoli, turnip greens, blackeyed peas, roll
Dinner: Arby's beef n cheddar, 1/2 order of potato cakes.

Total for the day: 1541!!!!!

That's right.... 9 calories short!!!

Now, I could've done better. But the veggies for lunch helped A LOT on the count and I was STUFFED!!! I went over in fat for the day, but under in calories.

This just motivates me to NOT eat that pudding ;)

lizzy - sorry you're having health problems - I hope your dr. can provide some relief and answers for you. :hug:
One last bit of tracking for today before I hit the sack and ship out to WDW tomorrow morning!!:yay: Hopefully I can get a little sleep!
B: mini bagel w/ cream cheese, life cereal w/ blueberries
L: apple, string cheese, 1/2 chicken breast, a couple grapes
S: raw almonds, craisins
D: Culvers - cheeseburger w/ lettuce and tomato, a few onion rings (luckily they were too heavily salted or I would have eaten more!), a couple bites of the kid's sundaes.
No food left in the fridge tonight!


"See" you all in about 10 days!!!
I’m Back!! We had a wonderful time in Ashland. It was unusually hot at 100+ but we tried to keep hydrated and in the A/C as much as possible. I’m up 2.4 but I’m glad it isn’t more. I did try to make good choices, but in between the good choices were some BAD ones: Chocolate bar (whole) chocolate buttermilk doughnut, mini DQ Blizzard, etc…back to tracking today to hopefully get back down quickly. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do.

Aimee – Good to see you back. I hope things settle down for you soon and you are able to relax on your vacation. Keep us up to date when you can, we’ll be thinking of you.

Ari – Welcome to the thread – Woo Hoo another CA gal!!! You’ll love this thread, can’t wait to get to know you better. I haven’t heard of Lose it before, I’ll have to check it out and see if it’s any easier to use.

Emily – Welcome as well. I can sympathize with you about wishing I was back to a weight that I “thought” was heavy. If I could hit 140 I would be walking on water!

TriciaR – I’m so sorry about your Grandparents. I can only imagine how terrifying that must have been for you with your Grandmother missing. I hope your Grandfather is feeling better and it wasn’t anything serious. I’ll be thinking good thoughts for a healthy, stress-free week for everyone.

Hazel – Welcome to our group and to the DIS! When in October will you be going to WDW? I’ll be there Oct 2 – 11 (staying at Beach Club Villas).

Elizabeth – I’m so sorry about the new issues with your spine. I guess if you were trying to find the silver lining I would say at least they’ve found the issue now as opposed to much later. I hope the doctor is able to figure out what they can do to help things.

Sheree - I hope you have a fantastic trip!!!
Were going 30th sep - 14th oct, not staying in world going to have a villa this time as a friend is joining us.

So hope I don't have to get a seatbelt extention on plane this time it's so embarassing.
Also so wanting to go on forbidden journey at wwohp but am sure I'm not gonna fit. My partner and friend want to do the hhn but I think mnsshp is more me, any reccomendations.

Eaten well so far today and quit smoking too.
Good morning all!

Elizabeth- I'm so sorry to hear you're having more spinal issues, as Jane said though, I'm glad they've caught it now. :hug: I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts.

Tricia1- I am soooo jealous!! I can't wait to see the pics of the puppies! Piper's Dr has said it's in her best interest not to have any furred pets..we're making due with 4 hermit crabs, but somehow it just isn't the same!

Emily- Every day is a new day..just keep moving forward! I loove sparkpeople!

Sheree- Don't know if you'll see this before you jet this am, but have a wonderful time!

Jane- Welcome back! I have to say..when I saw the words "chocolate buttermilk donut" I started to drool a little..LOL! Never had one, but it sounds cakey and decadent!

Good day here yesterday, it was starting to drizzle when Piper and I set out for our walk...by the time we hit 1/2 mile, the drizzle turned into a downpour! I gave her my baseball cap and we just kept right on going..we both felt silly and really enjoyed it. :goodvibes: A couple cars actually stopped to ask if we were okay, that's how hard it was raining. We did 1.5 miles and were soaked and dripping by the time we got home. We were giggling at the shoes squishing and giggling at how we looked..it was just an awesome time, and one I'm sure we'll both remember for a long time to come! She's still asleep right now, and I think I'm going to let her as our shoes still aren't completely dry.. we'll walk this evening instead!

Breakfast- WW Smart Ones ham & cheese scramble, 100 cal eng muffin w/ brummel & brown.
Lunch- Grilled chicken flatbread marinara w/ mozz. (WW), peach.
Dinner- 94% lean hamburger w/ tomato, 1 slice wheat, and FF ranch, broccoli & cheese.
Snacks- Peach, FF cinnamon roll yogurt, piece of sourdough w/ brummel & brown, strawberry fro yo.

Cals- 1579 (1440-1790)
July 27th- Done!


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