Wk of Jan 8--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Sunny= great pics! You rock! Sorry I didnt get to meet you at TE.

MelR- O.k. I'm going to Hobby Lobby tomorrow. I have been thinking about making my own shadow box. Great idea!

Christa-feel better :wizard: I can imagine sneezing under water is not good :scared:

Went to the DR today about my foot. I was thinking it was just my tendonitis acting up. It still may be, but she is sending me for a bone scan on Tuesday to make sure I dont have a stress fracture or ligament problems. She did say she wasnt going to tell me to stop training, just may need to adjust how I train. I'm glad she understands.

Mel-good luck on the shoe hunt. I just bought some more Asics Kayano, but may get something different for Minnie.

Here is a pic. I'll post a link to the album when I can figure it out!! I'm obviously smiley o'miley there in the middle (This was the finish line!)
MelRhoads said:
here is a link to the album

Melissa, I LOVE the pics! You me and Bree are cheezy runners! As soon as I get our pics up, I will post a link. Ron should have his up soon.

Sunny - Love your pics too! I am so proud of you!

Hey guys! Here are the pictures of the Goofy. We took most of the 1/2 b/c Matt (DH) was hurting during the full and would not give me the camra. :guilty:
Goofy Pics
The first few pics are of the Charlotte marathon and WDW 2004. I could not get them off the loop :confused: Then the pictures show from 1st to last then from last to 1st. The WDW 2006 start under the 2006 Marathon caption. You have to scroll to the left for the start. I think. This all has confused me.
Melissa-- Awsome pics! You are too much! What a smile. You three look great! I'm going to try to get my pics up soon. There not race pics, just general trip pics.

Christa-- I love your Goofy pic! Congrats. All you Goofeys are really amazing :worship:

I posted my marathon report here:

Its really long :teeth:
I am loving seeing the pictures and hearing the stories! It is really getting me geared up for my marathon this year. I can't wait!!!! Who knows maybe someday I'll get to run the Disney one. :)
Jodi said:
Christy - Good luck!

A question for all you big dogs out there. This was the first 1/2 marathon I have ever run, let alone the furtherest I've ever run. I finished in 2 hrs 14 mins. & felt pretty ok afterwards. I want to sign up for the full next year, but am wondering how hard of a transition it would be from the 1/2 to the full. I mean, it's one thing running 13 miles & feeling ok, but having that be only the half-way point is a totally different thing.

I spoke w/ 2 people who ran the full for the first time (they had run half b-4) & they said the difference between the 2 is like night & day. The full wasn't really "fun" like the 1/2. Am I being way too overly optimistic thinking I could run the full?

I've had some issues w/ my knees this year, but plan to let them completely heal for a while now. I just don't want to bite off more than I can chew. I mean, what if I do the MFM training schedule & when that LR surpasses 13 miles (the longest I've done) I can't do it? I dunno, just don't want to sign-up on what might be a false sense of confidence b/c I'm still on a high from the 1/2. Maybe I should just work on a better time for the 1/2 & forego sp? the full.

Thoughts anyone?


In retrospect--I say register for both--then the training can decide for you instead of what you locked yourself into.

Also, if you have knee issues--have them evaluated to find out why it is an issue.

Yes 26.2 is double the work and double the trouble--but the end result is double the fun.

Again I say from John Bingham (to our TNT Pasta Party)--It's Disney for Pete's sake! What's the rush?

You don't have to be the fastest runner--and improving your half marathon times doesn't do anything really to assure you that you can complete a full marathon. It just means you ran 13 miles faster the next time.

To ease up on the knees--and if you really wish to conquer the distance--consider doing intervals to accomplish the task. Your Mickey medal won't know the difference. :teeth:
I'm having photo stress. Here are a few:

WISH Team: Sunny, Rhonda, Lily, Cam, Carrie






Cam & Howard:



Look, MelR, I'm learning to climb :rotfl2:



Medal Pride :teeth:



Pluto's My Fav!!!!!! :cool1:


More to come....

Lisa loves Pooh said:
Sunny--love the symmetry in the top photo: Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Donald, Mickey.


I just picked that up, too! And it wasn't planned. Just another magical happening :flower: I'm sorry we didn't get out the cameras before you left.

And thank you for the wonderful keepsake card :hug:

Saw a sports ortho about my problem knees yesterday. The good news is that it's not a torn meniscus. Tha bad news - degenerative arthritis. May eventually lead to knee replacement, but we both agree that I have a lot of miles in the knees before that happens. I told him what I am trying to do and he encouraged me to ga ahead with training as long as it's not too painful. He also gave me a steroid injection in the knee which has providid a pretty good amount of relief for now. I'm not so sure how I feel about the whole idea of steroid injections on a regular basis, but I did want to find out first hand what it would do and I am somewhat surprised by how much it has helped. I was able to move in ways I haven't for literally years today! Feels so good that over the weekend I'll be setting up my training and race schedule for this spring! And yes, Chimera, I'm even seriously considering joining your for the Sarasota half! I'm probably :crazy: for even considering it, but the long time that the course will be open will insure that even little :dog: me will be able to finish well within the allotted time. DH and I will have to talk this weekend - he does not know any of my race plans yet!

I've seen a lot of race pics now. Thanks to all of you who shared your pics. It looks like everyone was having a great time! I did spend the evening with Lily in MK on Wed - I think they head home Sunday. She says "hi" and will check in as soon as she can once she is home.

Howard, Cam, I think if I read post dates correctly the surgery was today. Hope everything went well. Please check in when you can.

Sunny - great photos!!!
Nancy--that's not soo bad. A sister of a friend of mine has some type of arthritis. (I forget which). She just did the Ironman in Hawaii (finished even!).

My concern with pain (thanks to all my coaches warnings) is to know the source and to know what will happen if you can continue and at least with arthritis, you feel the pain b/c you have arthritis and not b/c you are damaging your knees (if that makes any sense).

Good luck to you and glad that for now no surgery is required!
Did anyone send in proof of time last year? When I registered for 2007, my form printed out with a finish time of 3:20, but I was trying to enter 3:00. I've had a heck of a time trying to get a hold of someone to correct it for me. I'll keep trying but afraid I may need to send in proof now since no one seems to know who's responsible for fixing this problem.
MelR, Christa & Sunny - loved all of the race photos!!

Mel - I has ran the WDW full in 2005, so I just used that as proof of time for this year. I think it said you had to submit proof if you plan on a sub-5:00 for the full, and I had ran a sub 5:00 in '05, so they just used my WDW 2005 time. I also mailed in proof of a 1/2 marathon time to be used for 2005 placement. Not a big deal. I registered in February and didn't send in proof of time until September.
xterratri said:
So am I still allow to be a member of the WISH club if I'm going to be a tri geek:)

We wouldn't have it any other way :hug: All you tri geeks are inspiring me to give it a go...

MelRhoads said:
I saw sunny on Tues night. She said she had a great time. She was going to come home today (i don't know when.)

Honeybee - I did not know about the refilling the bottle thing. I can't imagine what my bike bottles are like BLECK :crazy2:

Thanks, Christa and others for asking about me! I thought I read through the thread carefully when I first got home, but I missed many posts :confused3

As for running for time... well I didn't come close to making my final goal (4:15) but if I subtract teh time I spent off the course cleaning my phone, I made my initial goal (4:30)! So I'm happy.

As for water bottles. I never even thought about it, I refill mine all the time with barely a rinse. Yuck! I never thought about the germs. I guess I will start to be more careful!


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