Wk of Jan 8--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

chimera said:
Did anyone send in proof of time last year? When I registered for 2007, my form printed out with a finish time of 3:20, but I was trying to enter 3:00. I've had a heck of a time trying to get a hold of someone to correct it for me. I'll keep trying but afraid I may need to send in proof now since no one needs to know who's responsible for fixing this problem.

You should be able to find an e-mail address in your confirmation that you can e-mail and say that you mistakenly put the wrong time. Tell them your new time and then say your proof of time was WDW Half Jan X, 2005, Y:YY .

I forgot to include proof of time when I registered for DL--so I e-mailed them and said I forgot to include it but my proof was such a such event, on such a such a date in such a such a time. (not sure if it was necessary but did include it so as not to risk being grouped further back due to the quantity registering if that makes any sense).

I think it is good to submit it b/c we had people in our group who put similar times but somehow got placed in a further back corral than teammates who included the exact same time (happened to several). Proof of time ensures that you do not get bumped back due to the quantity registered and that you do get placed in an appropriate corral.
Happy Saturday!!! Thanks for all the well wishes for the interview. I survived. I actually think it went pretty well. I won't know anything for a couple of weeks and then it might be just to find out that there will be another round of interviews. It's all so nerve-wracking.

Did anyone else just spend way too much money on ordering pictures from ASI? I can't believe it is 16.95 for one 5x7. :scared:

Mel - Cheryl is joining me again for the '07 half. We even have a few more members of our family that will be joining us. They joined us at Disney this year as spectators and are now signed up for '07.

I just had a great run. I'm really hoping to start running alot more. I walked the majority of the half this year. There's a 5K in my hometown in April that I'm hoping to be able to run the whole thing. You know even just a year ago I wouldn't have believed that I would be typing those words.

I hope everyone has a great day!
Hi, everyone!
So thrilling to see all the pix. Everyone looks great! Seriously, though, do you think we could have smiled a bit bigger? :teeth: I thought my face would split open.

So glad the official photos are now up. As I expected, my official photos are not so great :sad: except one of me and Rhonda on main street with our hands in the air and HUGE smiles on our faces! That's okay, though, we took some good ones afterwards. There is an awesome one of Howard crossing the finish line with his hands up and no one around but him. Whew, he's HOT! ;) If you want to look for ours, we were both in the half. I am bib 26461 and he is 18543.

Thanks for everyone who asked how Howard's 2nd surgery went yesterday. Everything went smoothly and he didn't have any problems from anesthesia, etc. Thank God. He'll see the doctor next week after more x-rays and they'll remove the stent sometime after that, once they are sure there won't be anymore blockages that hamper kidney function.

[well, I started this about an hour ago but got busy at work. Will say goodbye for now and see you later!] :grouphug:
I missed doing the half so much this year, it looks like you all really had a great time!!

I am signed up for the Minnie and really excited about it. My DH keeps saying he wants to do it with me :rolleyes: I have explained (like a million times) that it is for "girls only". He has agreed to do the 2007 race with me.

I am ready to sign up for 2007 but I am not sure which race I want to do. Part of me really wants to do the whole, but the other part of me is very scared!! We will discuss it a little more and sign up soon!

Lily at BCV! We were at about mile 24.5.


Carrie at BCV!


half marathon mile marker 7...over halfway!


Welcome back to EPCOT!

Great pics, Mel!

Hey Solo! We finished close together. My clock time was 2 1/2 minutes after yours. I bet we saw each other on the course. I don't know what you look like, did you see me :teeth: What were you wearing, maybe I'll remember you!

Congrats on a great finish!

I'm insane!

I just registered for 2007 Goofy :eek:

Now I have one year to finagle the finances! :wizard:

Wahoooo! Way to go Sunny! You know what they say--once it's written down, you'll find a way. Okay--maybe they don't say that, but hopefully you know what I mean.
plutosmyfav said:

I'm insane!

I just registered for 2007 Goofy :eek:

Now I have one year to finagle the finances! :wizard:

Hip-Hip-Hooray! If I don't do NY then I may join you! It was a blast! DH says he won't do it again, but I bet he will. We are already trained, just have to do a couple of double LRs a month. Sunny - You already do double LR too, so just up the milage! :teeth: I LOVED your report! I understand yelling at people and the words not coming out! :headache:
plutosmyfav said:

I'm insane!

I just registered for 2007 Goofy :eek:

Now I have one year to finagle the finances! :wizard:


OMG You are insane! As much as I am I guess, I have been holding off, holding off ...can't register...can't do it...well maybe :confused3

I too have to trim down the budget after the hauling down the family, 4 airline tickets, etc., if I do it, oh, I can't, well maybe... the debate goes on.

Anyway, way to go Sunny! :sunny:

Christa, great picture, sorry I didn't get to meet you!
Your pictures are all so great :earsboy: You guys look like you had tons of fun!

Your excitement is so contagious.

I started the 5k plan this week. Today, I ran 1.5m for the first time ever. I really thought I would have to walk some, but I found that if I slow down I can run further/longer. I also started doing some strength training. I haven't been good about that in the past.

I also started reading MFM. It is not what I expected. It is a great read so far. I put it on hold at the library, but have already ordered one from the local bookstore. I will definitely want my own copy.

Questions: Are most of you runners or run/walkers? Did you just start running marathons?

magslite said:
Today, I ran 1.5m for the first time ever. I really thought I would have to walk some, but I found that if I slow down I can run further/longer. I also started doing some strength training.

Welcome Maggie, you are doing all the right things! Way to go! Your endurance will build up really fast!

The key is to slow down for your long runs, your body will soon learn (and want) to go further next time.

Maggie, Welcome!

I run/walk. Have wanted to run straight through but injuries and what not prevent it. Also, I find I can get along faster with the walk breaks. I figure--why run a fatigued race in the same amount of time that I can run/walk a race. Both still require endurance. I run/walk 4:1 intervals. After a clean season (no setbacks via injury or illness) I may attempt a run season.

I second Colleen--think of your long runs as sight seeing tours. Any work to get you "fast" is done during the week per your training schedule. The long days are to just build up how long you can do it for (endurance).
I walk/run right now. I used to run. but since I gained weight, I haven't wanted to put too much pressure on my joints so that I get injured. As I lose my weight I'll switch to run/walking and eventually (hopefully) return to constant running when I can do it safely!
OK, I'm really, really, really insane...

I just registered Dx for the half and he doesn't even run :rotfl2: I have quite a few months to work on him before he'll need to start training. I figure if I can get him into it, I can justify the trip all the more.

How far will this running stuff take me... I am really getting out of hand :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Colleen-- SIGN UP! Then you just have to do it :rotfl:

I went to the Y and did a little bit of lower body weights, I took it real easy. I ran 5 miles in 46 minutes on the TM. It felt really great.

Hey all - oops, been on here nearly two hours, but I've had three weeks off so pah!!! Sunny, it made me laugh about you not being able to shout at people - I told one person to 'get out of my way' in a most undisneylike fashion, I'd probably have been nicer had Tim and I not been standing in Epcot on Saturday watching the half and heard all these people whining about not being able to cross the road. Tim had to keep telling me to calm down as I was muttering ' they've just gone 12 miles and you can't wait 30 seconds to get to Soarin'. One woman was complaining to a cast member that she'd paid good money to come to this theme park - I was steaming and desperate to tell her that the runners had paid a lot more to run through there - and they didn't even get to go on a ride!!!!. One woman even pushed her stroller in front of a runner as a kind of human shield to make sure she got across, sadly she went the other way or I might have had to trip her up!!! Grr, I'm getting angry even thinking about it.......the poor cast members were having a nightmare (although we did get them spotting the wish shirts with us, they'd see us step forward and say 'who is it now' I'm sure they wondered how I knew so many people!).
me again - Mel, can you tell me how you got into 'lost and found' photos at ASI, I can't find it (it's surprising I ever ended up here isn't it!!!).
plutosmyfav said:
OK, I'm really, really, really insane...

I just registered Dx for the half and he doesn't even run :rotfl2: I have quite a few months to work on him before he'll need to start training. I figure if I can get him into it, I can justify the trip all the more.

How far will this running stuff take me... I am really getting out of hand :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Colleen-- SIGN UP! Then you just have to do it :rotfl:

I went to the Y and did a little bit of lower body weights, I took it real easy. I ran 5 miles in 46 minutes on the TM. It felt really great.


You're sneakier than I am :hyper: .

I somehow just talked hubby into it last year. His exercise plan before training was limited to his fingers on a keyboard and remote control aerobics. And then the man turns out to be a faster runner than I am. THE NERVE! So in my plot to slow him down---I patiently waited 15 years to discover that I had an injury in my knee requiring surgery. I win the pity vote and he runs with me to a picturesque finish complete with smooches. :love2: . And the best part--when they can do their first *real* long run with you (ours was 8 miles, I think)--they all of a sudden look very very *hot* and I ain't talkin' about the temperature. :teeth:

Now--does he know that you signed him?up? :eek: :scared: :scared1: :faint:

:rotfl2: :rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl:
littlegreydonkey said:
Hey all - oops, been on here nearly two hours, but I've had three weeks off so pah!!! Sunny, it made me laugh about you not being able to shout at people - I told one person to 'get out of my way' in a most undisneylike fashion, I'd probably have been nicer had Tim and I not been standing in Epcot on Saturday watching the half and heard all these people whining about not being able to cross the road. Tim had to keep telling me to calm down as I was muttering ' they've just gone 12 miles and you can't wait 30 seconds to get to Soarin'. One woman was complaining to a cast member that she'd paid good money to come to this theme park - I was steaming and desperate to tell her that the runners had paid a lot more to run through there - and they didn't even get to go on a ride!!!!. One woman even pushed her stroller in front of a runner as a kind of human shield to make sure she got across, sadly she went the other way or I might have had to trip her up!!! Grr, I'm getting angry even thinking about it.......the poor cast members were having a nightmare (although we did get them spotting the wish shirts with us, they'd see us step forward and say 'who is it now' I'm sure they wondered how I knew so many people!).

You think they'd wonder what the heck was going on in the parking lot--and oh yeah, noticed the signs coming in.

Guess they don't come to the DISboards much.

My friend *got in trouble* for cheering on Saturday. A man thought she was too loud.

Someone on Sunday didn't like my cowbell. It irritated me that the crowds weren't cheering for people until their runner came in at the finish (as you round the bend and see your first people--they are the ones grrrrr).

It's like helloooooo--this is a sporting event with dog tired people! Not a tennis match for Pete's sake. Yeah--when you run this thing next year, I'll be sure to keep my big loud mouth shut and you can just move it along so I can cheer for the next person. Just not YOU!

Probably the same people upset that it is too loud to meditate at a football game. Well DUHHHHH!


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