Wk of July 1--WISH Walking/Running Club

Judy - Since Cam doesn't need the Kitchen Sink until after the Full, I'll be more than happy to go with you after the Half! No reason to delay if you don't have to... and then you could go again with Cam on Sunday! Hoping the roller coaster ride ends soon.

Cam - GREAT news about the trophy!

DH and I are getting ready to go for a walk. Has to be very low-key. Just got back from donating blood, and I'm not going to pull a Howard! Plus, I have unusually sore muscles after my race yesterday - I think all the hills discovered muscles that I hadn't used yet.

Judy--I sure hope everything is now set for your surgery. Sorry you've been getting the run-around!

Cam--and if Judy and Jackie have the kitchen sink after the half, I'll be more than happy to join you after the full--I mean, we will be right there, would be wrong not to indulge, don't ya think?
Hello everyone,
I hope some of you will remember me as I've been MIA now for a while here. I'm proud to report that I've been going strong with my training though and with time getting closer and closer to the big Marathon day, I wanted to check back in here. I'm hoping to get more active on here again as training gets more serious. When are most of you starting your traingin plans? I've been looking at several different plans to follow but haven't officially picked THE one yet, however I think I'll be starting a more regimented plan in the upcoming weeks (any recommendations?). For the last 5 months or so I followed a Hal Higdon plan and got up to a LR of 10 miles (I did about 3 of them). I then tapered back down a bit as vacation and work loads made things a bit more challenging. It was encouraging to know I can make it at that distance but also daunting to imagine what 20, let alone 26.2 will feel like. I hope you all have been doing well and I look forward to catching up with you all again.
No training to report...although I do want in on this kitchen-sink-after-the-Half thing!


American Inventor called my sister tonight. They love Molly and apparently can't get enough of her. They are flying her out to LA the last week of July to tape more of her for the last episode of AI. And they also knew that Puma has been wanting to talk to Molly about her idea.
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Judy - my fingers are crossed everything goes well tomorrow morning - and that you can get this darn surgery over for once & for all!
Kristi!! WOOHOO for your sister!! Now, tell me why they picked the bra lady??? :confused3 I have seen more bras like that on the market since they aired that!! Good Luck, cant wait to watch!!

Did someone mention ice cream after the Half??? I"M THERE!! (only I dont like my flavors to mix, so I guess that lets me out of a Kitchen sink,but I'm sure I can fudge it up some!! ;) )
OK, I will remain calm.

My pod's office arranged for me to get a pre-op physical from another doctor at the hospital, since my regular doctor is on vacation. I go at 9:00 tomorrow. Assuming he finds nothing wrong that would prevent it, my surgery is back on for Monday.

Can you believe this??? :headache:

I know what I really need. A Kitchen Sink! :thumbsup2 Honestly, after the Half this time, I'm having one! :yay:
Judy, You know your WISH Team will be there for you as you work your way through that Kitchen Sink.
:teeth: :wave:

I WISH you speedy time through tomorrow and then Monday that it all goes well.

Calendar is up-to-date Howard.

Cam, Congratulations on that trophy! This is fantastic news!

I put in some steps today. Slowly...2.75 miles 47:26 time for a 17:15 pace. I am within the pace for CDC and ready to get to the Pilates tonight before bedtime.
Ok I haveta ask, what the heck is a kitchen sink?


here's the description from the menu at Beaches and Cream at the Beach Club
Kitchen Sink - scoops of vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, coffee and mint chocolate chip, smothered in every topping we have $21.99

YUMMO!!!!! I've been dying to try it ever since I saw it on the Travel Channel!

No training for me yesterday, have 5 miles on the schedule for today. We'll see what I actually get done. TGIF all!

eta:Angietuck--Where are you?????? Are you lurking???? I"m assuming WTO, but check in when you can!
Hi TEAM....sorry I haven't been around, but I'm still having pain in my left heel & knee....BUT.....I'm still doing the Heavy Half in Leadville. I'm hoping to meet up w/Martha (Red Dragon) and her sister later this afternoon, if not today, then definately tomorrow. It's so exciting meeting one of my WISH team members in person! How fun is that?:banana: Well wish us luck tomorrow!:yay: :woohoo:
Good Morning everyone!

I covered 3 miles this morning, not a great pace for any one mile, but I got the steps in. I have re-occurring shin splint issues. Luckily they didn't happen at the 5K on July 4.

Judy ~ I can assist with the Kitchen Sink too. I am doing the Goofy and will be burning plenty of calories to justify diving in with you all. :thumbsup2

Good luck to anyone RUNNING/WALKING/WOGGING in an event this weekend!

Happy Training! Have a great weekend!


Last night I got in 3 miles with Sadie (dog). My pace was pretty good. My runs were in the 11's and some 10's, walking in the 17-18 (Am I the slowest walker ever??????). I felt good, the foot felt good.... it feels like I am getting back on track (please don't let me get jinxed!!). I think running with Sadie helps. She likes to keep my pace moving.

I would love to do a Kitchen Sink... but I know my girls wouldn't like all the toppings on it. So if there is an empty chair during Marathon week... I'll be there!

Stephanie - I was wondering about Angie also. I was planning to post a call out to her, so I am glad you did. I know she was suffering from back pain also.

Cam - That is a wonderful thing. Display that trophy with pride. The same thing happened to me last fall at my 10K. I placed second in my age group and got a medal, but didn't stay for the awards. The next day I checked online and there my name was. OK, there were very few in my age group... but who cares. It's a lovely suprise that makes it all worth it!

Have a great day all. I am at work... again. I can't wait for tomorrow. Well, tomorrow AFTER my long run! We are supposed to have HIGH temps and humidity tomorrow, so I am not sure how my running will be affected.
Kristi -- How awesome for Molly!!!! We'll be keeping our fingers crossed for her! :goodvibes pixiedust:

See, Judy? Your friends are all here for you!! So, I think the plan is that we all celebrate our teammates' 1/2 marathon finish on Saturday with a kitchen sink and then celebrate the full marathon finishers on Sunday! Yeah, I can handle that! :lmao: Hey, sometimes you have to make sacrifices for your friends, KWIM?

So glad to know that in just a little over 6 months we will all be together in my happy place!!!!
Thank you so much for all the congratulations remarks!
Here is the listing of winners for the walking category at the race:
Sue Simmons NEWARK DE 56 F 6 37:16 12:02
Beth Brown WILMINGTON DE 54 F 7 37:22 12:04
Cam Keener WILMINGTON DE 43 F 16 41:26 13:22

As you can see, I was considerably behind a couple of very talented walkers who have a few years on me and still managed to kick my patooty! Congratulations to both of them!!! :woohoo:

But, if you want to see something truly remarkable and worthy of :worship: here is who I want to be when I grow up:
Female AGE GROUP: 70 - 99
Place No. C NAME City St Ag S FiveK Pace
===== ==== = ======================== ================= == == = ======== =====
1. 241 Becky Yencharis CLAYMONT DE 87 F 1:09:56 22:34

Go, Becky! We LOVE you!!
Good morning team!!!!

Just a quick drive by.....got in my 3K last night after watching Big Brother...any other watchers here.

I am suppose to rest day, 3K on Sat and 9K on Sunday but we have a BBQ to go to tomorrow and don't think I will be up for 9K after maybe being a bit dehydrated:confused3 So I am doing to do the 9K tonight, rest tomorrow and get the 3K in on Sunday.

WTG on all the walks and runs yesterday and today and good luck to our fellow WISHer's on events this weekend.

So, I think the plan is that we all celebrate our teammates' 1/2 marathon finish on Saturday with a kitchen sink and then celebrate the full marathon finishers on Sunday! Yeah, I can handle that! :lmao: Hey, sometimes you have to make sacrifices for your friends, KWIM?
Chad will be thrilled to hear about this. His favorite thing is the Kitchen Sink!
So, we will support our teammates both days! :rotfl:
Hockeychic - KIM ME ME ME!! :banana: :rotfl2: Big Brother was my first reality addiction - which became my first message board addiction! (I just knew some internet savy person/s would be in the know after all cameras 24/7 = 3 hours of CBS tv ... hmmm so truly if you cant watch or want to "know" what goes on in the house...


(I posted the link of the "Live feeds" no discussion, very detailed, bless their hearts! www.tvclubhouse.com has everything tv, esp reality, so if you miss anything, start clicking! - but it all started with big brother!!)
I got in 3.2 last night (took 57:37) I know I was slower 'cause I was fighting a headache, and it was HOT, but I'm proud of myself for getting the steps in.
I was fine while I was out, but after my shower, my foot swelled up and now is quite painful, any ideas what I might have done to it?
Good morning everyone!

Just wanted to say Great Job for everyone's training. Sounds like folks are working hard and putting in the steps! :thumbsup2

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend.

Dana - Smart move to hold back on the running. Drink, drink, drink (water, not suds!)

Kristi - Great news for Molly! Give her my best!:wizard:

Judy - Good luck with the surgery!:wizard: You'll be back better than ever! Hang in there during recovery. I know it's driving me crazy, but I'm counting the days till I get back out on the road.
Every queen should have a royal taste-tester. I'll volunteer to taste-test the kitchen sink for you when I go to WDW in Aug. :) (Maybe I can change my YARC name to "Royal Taste-tester" - Oh WWDa-a-ave...)

Cam - Congrats on your trophy!:banana: You go girl!:cool1:

Also, thanks for posting about Becky. Before I became the Broad Street Run Expo Director, I used to work one of the water stations at the 7 mile mark. I would bring my young nieces and nephews to help hand out the water. We always got a kick out of Bcky when she would get to our station. She always had a smile and had her hair in two red pigtails. The kids loved cheering for her and thought she was cute (for a 70-something woman!) Glad to see she's still putting in the steps!

Also, thanks for posting about Becky. Before I became the Broad Street Run Expo Director, I used to work one of the water stations at the 7 mile mark. I would bring my young nieces and nephews to help hand out the water. We always got a kick out of Bcky when she would get to our station. She always had a smile and had her hair in two red pigtails. The kids loved cheering for her and thought she was cute (for a 70-something woman!) Glad to see she's still putting in the steps!


Terri -- How cool is that!! Becky still has red hair :hippie: that she wears in 2 pigtails with the cutest running shorts and tee shirts and baseball cap. She is the tiniest little thing and looks like a doll! As a matter of fact, I first met her more than 10 years ago at our church when she came to the Christmas Pageant that I wrote and directed with a doll in arms and came up to tell me how much she and her "friend" enjoyed the pageant. What a sweet lady. :love:
Good morning Racing Team -

I am just back from the hospital for my pre-op and I have been cleared for take off. To use the examining physician's words exactly....I'm a "pretty healthy specimen!" :thumbsup2

Many thanks to all those who volunteered to help out with out Kitchen Sink effort. So do I see the beginnings of a mini WISH Meet at B&C??? ;)

Where's Christa with that picture of her eating one??? :hyper:

Kristi - OMG that is SO exciting! :cheer2:

OK I have to close up shop here since I'll be out of the office for a week. I will be on-line at home though, because I HAVE to keep up with my team mates. Just disregard anything I might post on Monday since I'll be under the influence and it might not be comprehensible. :crazy:


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