Wk of July 1--WISH Walking/Running Club

So do I see the beginnings of a mini WISH Meet at B&C??? ;)
Mini? HA!!!! :lmao:
This will probably be the biggest WISH meet ever! :rotfl:

I am glad you are having your surgery. Just get it done.
Then you will be in tip-top shape for ToT!
I'll be thinking of you Monday morning... :hug:
Good Luck Judy - glad your all set tho!

I got 2 miles in... a nice steady pace - definately hot out there!
OMG!! I don't think Erica and I together could eat a kitchen sink.:eek:

However if any of the guys wanna carbooooo load on some electrolyte replacement hops and barley beverage, while the gals cool off with an ice cream over-load. I'm not sure it would be safe to be around those wild ladies with a sugar high like that. Might have to slam a few margritas down them to mellow out the craziness.

I went out this morning for a 4 miler on my hills. I'm still a bit tired from the weekend, it took me 3 miles to get in a grove, up to then it was a struggle and my time will show, 52:42.

It felt weird going back to work yesterday. I miss that atmosphere of positive vibes that everyone had at the games. I'm fortunate that I have a lady like Erica, she is so positive and such a free spirit. I can never stay down long with her around.:love:

I signed up for 3 races this morning:

21st is the Sunset 2 mile walk race

28th is the 5K run (which I will racewalk) this is the one I was dead last in last year. They have a walk race but I want redemption for last year, I WILL NOT BE LAST!

Aug 11th the Franklin 5K walk race, prize money!!

Then I'll just have 2 races till the ToT party.

Have a great day everyone.

Judy I will be thinking about you on Monday.:wizard: :hug:

WTG on signing up for more races Dave. Erica sounds like a wonderful person can't wait to meet you both. As for the hops and barley Mike would definatley be in but me I at at the kitchen sink with my spoon....oh and the Margarita will be good....lol

Kristi, sorry I missed it early How wonderful for Molly she must be beyond excited. Please post when she will be on AI again so I can catch it this time.

Pungodingy: Congrats on getting your workout in.

Eeyore45: Not sure who my favorite is but the long haired blond girl has to go. Thanks for the links

Thanks everyone for the advice to get past my post 4th dehydration!! I was actually feeling much better yesterday evening and should have run then.... but..... I decided to hold off until this morning.

We got to the rail trail this morning and I told Michael he probably needed to run first to avoid the heat, and then I would push him and his brother for my 4 miles. He started complaining before we even got to the starting line and about a half mile in he was done... had a serious 6 yr old break down.... nothing felt good, he was miserable, I mean he was even fake crying (ya know just screwing up his face). So I told him to sit down and I would run my 4 miles and we would head home. At about mile 2 he decided that he really did want to run, so when I was done with mine he ran 2 miles. He did really good, but decided from now on he's gonna take my advice and run first. It got REALLY HOT, REALLY FAST!! He made his best time yet. 13:40 for his first mile, and finished 2 in 28:10. He was running faster just so he could get to the car quicker and get out of the sun!! He even sprinted the last 200 yards, and I could hear him telling himself that he could get to the finish and get out of the sun!!

My time was 30:16 for 3.5 miles. I didn't count the first half mile I ran with Michael, but I figure that makes 4 for me and 2.5 for Michael today. I usually do my LR's on Saturday, but DH has to work tomorrow. So thankfully my rest day due to Budweiser isn't throwing my schedule off too much. I'll be able to rest tomorrow and go out there to get my run in on Sunday. 7 miles againg this weekend!!

"O" and by the way!! I want in on that kitchen sink!! Let me know when and where!!

Judy - Good luck with everything on Monday. It sounds like you have been put through the ringer with this surgery, but it'll all be over soon.

Kristi - It sounds like Molly has made quite an impression with everyone. If she is going to be on another show let us know. I missed the first one!!

WW Dave - you are one racing fool!! I have one race planned between now and Disney, the Marine Corps Half in October... and I am only running it for the proof of time!!

Last night I got to the gym & did 45 min 9.1 miles on the recumbent bike doing Hills Plus on level 4. Today has become a rest day. Sean’s(DS) DGF was in a car accident last night. She is ok, just very banged up & sore. I am staying with her this afternoon into tonight so that she is not by herself while Sean is at work. This weekend we are scheduled for an 8 miler. Since do to injuries we haven’t gotten over 5 miles, we may scale back the 8 miler to a 6 or 7. Gonna see how we feel.

Leana – How was the golf tournament? Hope your enjoying your day off today. That’s great that you have company for your Seattle race.
Becky – Good luck with your move. Hope it goes smoothly.
Kim – I’ve been using the weight machines at the gym the last couple of weeks. I think strength training (whichever kind you do) definitely helps.
Cam – Congratulations on the trophy! That is awesome. :thumbsup2 Have you found a special place to display it?
Judy – Ohhhh, Thank You…Thank You…Thank You, you made my week! I actually had Sean when I was 25. I’m 46 now.:rolleyes1 I’m so glad everything worked out for your surgery on Monday. Don’t worry about getting out of the habit of training….we’ll all be here to motivate you & kick your butt :cool1: back into gear if you need it. Sending you lots of prayers & pixiedust: for a speedy recovery. Oh…and I’ll be happy to help you with that kitchen sink too. :lmao:
Megan – Glad to hear you are seeing some good results with the sit ups.
Kiena – Hope your are enjoying your camping trip.
Eeyore45 – Have you decided to do the 5k? I think you should go for it.
Jackie – Glad you didn’t pull a “Howard” ;) Hope you enjoyed your walk.
Kristen – Welcome back! My training plan begins August 27th.
Kristi – Very cool for Molly. She must be so excited.
Lily – Great job getting the steps in.
Monica – Good luck in the half. pixiedust: for your foot & knee.
Howard – pixiedust: for the shin splints.
Jen – Hope you are able to get out there tomorrow morning early for your LR before the temps get too high.
Angie – Good job getting in the steps. Hope your foot is feeling better.
Dana – I think sometimes kids just need to learn things for themselves.:idea: Very cool that Michael has already learned to motivate himself to move faster. :thumbsup2
OK - I took the plunge - I just signed up for my first race! July 29, Montrose Harbor Chicago IL 5K... I looked at the results from last year - I know I can do this, so I'm going to enjoy it - I picked the shirt with "Lime green strips on shoulder" :rotfl2: Its a women's only race - so I thought it might be a good one to start with!
Kristen - Welcome back - was wondering where you'd been!

Judy - Glad you got the go-ahead. Will be thinking of you on Monday, while counting the days to the Kitchen Sink meet! (Wonder if they'll let us make an ADR for that???)

Monica - Good luck this weekend! Hope the pain holds off. Tell Martha hello!

Never did make it out for the walk last night, which is probably good. I did my 100 crunches, and when I stood up I was really light-headed. I don't usually react to donating blood, but apparently the crunches were more than my body was up for, so maybe walking in 90 degree weather wouldn't have been such a great idea.

Tomorrow's run is supposed to be mile repeats - thank goodness we're starting at 6:30 since the forecast is for 96 tomorrow! Next week has a couple of 99's in it - I see the TM coming back into action. Remind me why I do this?

Hi everyone!

TGIF to all of you but it's already Saturday here in Japan! I got in a good 5 miler with my running buddy this morning. We're having to head out by 5 or 5:15 in the morning now to avoid the killer heat and humidity here. I just got back from a 2 week vacation in Hawaii with DH where I only ran one time the entire trip. Fortunately we did a lot of walking but my little break definitely set me back a bit as my 5 miler was at a pace almost 1 min slower than my usual pace. Hopefully I'll be back in full swing in a couple weeks though! Glad to see everyone is still plugging away - great job!

Sorry I lost track of reading the posts and I can't catch up now!!! Stay away for a day and its all lost. I did want to say to Cam and Howard that you guys are both doing great and the improvement is showing!!! Way to go!!

I got out for a 2 mile run today and I was able to run for a longer period and only walked 3 times (at 1/2 mile, 1 mile and then 1 1/2 mile and then I had to wait on the draw bridge to go down but at least when I got there it just started to go down so I didn't have to wait that long) Tomorrow I probably will go out for a 2 miler with my dh and then a long run - hopefully 3.5 miles on Sunday.

I do want to post a sad story that happened just south of me - a jogger got hit by a train, she was listening to her IPOD. I still don't understand the details in the story because I would know that if a train came up you could not only hear it but feel it just in case your IPOD was up that loud. Luckly she survived but I am sure she won't be jogging ever again. Just one of the many reason's I do not wear my earphones when jogging - I tuck them in my bra straps and turn the volume up - it works for me and hopefully will keep me safe and aware.


Hopefully this will help others stay safe and aware.
I do want to post a sad story that happened just south of me - a jogger got hit by a train, she was listening to her IPOD. I still don't understand the details in the story because I would know that if a train came up you could not only hear it but feel it just in case your IPOD was up that loud. Luckly she survived but I am sure she won't be jogging ever again. Just one of the many reason's I do not wear my earphones when jogging - I tuck them in my bra straps and turn the volume up - it works for me and hopefully will keep me safe and aware.


Hopefully this will help others stay safe and aware.

I don't know how you wouldn't be able to hear it, but goodness that is a truly sad story. I only run with one ear in .... so that I can hear the cyclists yell "on your left" before they pass me!! Also helps when I am listening out for cows or dogs!!
Hey Everyone! Remember me? haha! :lmao:

I'm sitting here holding our new baby! :cloud9: I'll post pics soon. Our little surprise turned out to be a BOY! He was 6lbs 4oz. I went for a normal check up with the doctor on June 13th and my blood pressure was 160/100 so they wouldn't let me go home! I didn't have anything with me- no clothes or ID or anything!!! So they induced and during labor my bp went to 230/110 yikes! Luckily everything else went perfectly. We named him Kane Isaac, which makes his initials KID. :laughing:

So I guess now I'm back to dieting and exercising. I ONLY put on 80lbs during the pregnancy. :headache: So I'm really gonna need you guys to help get me healthy again. :cheer2:
Just one of the many reason's I do not wear my earphones when jogging - I tuck them in my bra straps and turn the volume up

Alright WWDave - Here is my official entry form for the YARC: (apologies to everyone in advance)

How do you know a woman is well endowed? When you burry your head in her chest you can no longer hear the stereo. :laughing:

I guess the above bra strap trick solves that problem!

Judy - Best of luck Monday. Enjoy the anesthesia. I've had the good fortune to observe a few surgeries over the years. One thing that makes me laugh every time is when the anesthesiologist tells the patient to count backwards from 10. I've never seen anyone make it to 8. It's 10, 9, lights out! AND THEY WAKE UP EVERY TIME!!!!

As for the Kitchen Sink... I was thinking one would be the perfect mid-marathon snack. Just sit right down there on the side walk in front of the Beach Club where we were scream-teaming last year. Perfect! That'd beat the heck out of the pretzels the TNT coaches were passing out to their runners.

Speaking of artery-clogging goodness... Kim - I keep meaning to ask you, do you have poutine (french fries with cheese curds and gravy) in your neck of the woods? My dad's family lives in Quebec about 2-3 hours northeast of North Bay and I always try to get some poutine when we visit. To me, that's Canadian food. They should add it to the menu at Le Cellier!

O.K., I haven't been posting much but still have been training. It's been real tough keeping consistent though. One day I'll fly, a couple days later I'm lucky to crawl. Makes no sense. I guess I'll blame the weather but it's been hot long enough that you'd think I'd adapt by now.

I did a 9-mile LR Friday AM. It's pretty bad when DW happens to check out the Garmin and says "Problems with your run today?" Uggh!!
:welcome: WISH K.I.D.!!:welcome:

Oh, my goodness, Dena!!!:scared1: We're sooooo glad everything worked out WELL!!! We're here for ya!! :goodvibes Anne
Alright WWDave - Here is my official entry form for the YARC: (apologies to everyone in advance)

How do you know a woman is well endowed? When you burry your head in her chest you can no longer hear the stereo. :laughing:

Yep, your made in the shade for "YARC" Glory.

By the power infested in me by Queen Judy:snooty: , beautiful and mischevious ruler of the court of "YARC", You are to be known from this day foward as Mike, Crown Prince of Chaos.

Now bow to the Queen and on her behalf your lady will be recieving her present at 5 PM today.

I concur legal Drugs:banana: "the pause that refreshes". Judy you will do fine, people generaly do recover from a little footsie nip and tuck.

Ok, I'm slinking off now before I get in any more trouble.

Dena: Congrats on the new addition to your family and so glad you and Kane are doing well. Can't wait to see photos.

Mike: Yup we do have poutine, I agree I don't understand why it isn't on the menu at Le Cellier yet there is Cheddar Cheese Soup.... never had that in my life how did that become Canadian food. Poutine, Beaver Tails and Timmy's (Tim Hortons) that is Canadian food, oh and Labatts, Molsons and Alexander Keith's:rolleyes1

Was suppose to do a 9K last night, did a new route planned out by our local running room. Alot of hills which I am not use to. However, once we where done we new there was no way was it a 9K well we drove it out it was only 6.1K.....maybe that was a good thing as there was alot of steep hills.

Hope you all have a great day.

Dena - Congrats on the little one!! You only gained 80 lbs? Seriously, I gained about that much each time I had a baby and had the high bp to go with it. Congrats again!!

Morning team. DH is out for his LR, so I have kiddo duty this am (I get to go out tomorrow). I did get 5 miles in yesterday. Then I decided to do a little weight work. When I walked in the weight room, it was me and 3 firemen. And the firemen were lifting LOTS of weight, felt a little silly with my 10lbs dumbells, so I left!

Dena--Congratulations! And welcome baby Kane!!!!! Can't wait to see pics!!!

OptiMike--:rotfl2: Interesting idea about the kitchen sink--however I think if I've gotten that far in the full and sat down to eat, that would be it for me--think maybe we could have pacers that would come along side us so we could indulge on the go?:rotfl: Sorry the training has been up and down, hoping it's been more up than down.

Well, I should go and fix some breakfast for the troops. Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm working AGAIN, but I guess we gotta pay for those plane tickets we bought yesterday.
Good morning again team.....another training alert question.

For those doing the Goofy.....how do you train??? DH asked me this morning what you wuold have to do so I thought I would come to those who have done it and ask. Do you follow a normal marathon training program with 2 LR on the weekend??? I couldn't think of how it might go.



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