Wk of Mar 25--WISH Walking/Running Club

Leana – I’d be interested in trying a running skirt.

Patti and Jen – WTG for signing up for the half! Donald’s my absolute favorite character, too!

Dana – Hope your baby feels better soon!

Jeff – Sorry about the stonker. No fun!

Susie – Great job getting your training in!

Christa – Oh, your poor DD! I hope the new medicine works better for her. Allergies are just miserable, aren’t they?

Martha – Great run! Sounds like the weather was perfect for it.

No training to report here. We’re going to try to get out tomorrow at some point.

Good luck to everyone who’s racing this weekend!
Martha - what a great graduation trip!

A good friend and I are going May 13-May 27. We are spending a week in Rome and a week in the Tuscany area (based out of Florence). Ive been to both places a couple of times and I absolutely love these areas. However, I have never been to Venice. I was hoping to go on this trip but my friend was able to use her FF points for hotels and flights so I'm sort of along for the ride. ;)

I'm hoping to go on a Mediterranean cruise next summer ('08) and plan to go to Venice for a few days with my DH, Steve, then. You'll have to give me all the lowdown of this charming city.

When are you and family going to Italy? On a tour or on your own? I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. I'm really looking forward to my trip.
Last time I went to the gym I got some sort of horrible cold 24 hours later. This time, I grabbed the sanitizer spray bottle and paper towels and SCRUBBED the treadmill. So, 30 seconds into running, it loses speed. Are you kidding?! I don't even want to be on a stupid treadmill, but I dropped the baby off at Mother's Day Out and won't have another chance for a long run...

So I very casually hop off, and do the same routine on a second machine-- they should have paid me for coming!! I was proud of myself for not leaving-- and I did 4.5 miles in about 51 minutes. I told myself I wanted to do at least half the distance of the Minnie. Ok, not exactly half, but close enough. :cool1:
There is a 5k down the street from my house tomorrow. I'm debating driving-- it's maybe 4 blocks away-- how silly is that?

Leana- I'll join you in the running skirt interest. I bought two with the Valentines Special. I know people have mentioned it before, but let me emphasize- gym girl, kind of short; marathon girl, crazy short. :scared1: I'm hoping by the time Goofy rolls around, I'll be confident enough to wear the marathon girl, but in the meantime, I may need another gym girl! Oh, and while it was on special, I bought one of the running skirts for DD and she loves it! She's only willing to exercise if she looks the part! :cutie:

Jennifer Drive 4 blocks to run a 5-K? I'd do it!:laughing: Especially down there with all that pollen I've heard about! Also, I never thought about the length of the running skirts! I'd like something an Amish woman might feel comfortable in. What length would that be?
Hi all!
I switched things up and ran my LR today instead of tomorrow. 80:44 OUTSIDE!! The first 2 miles were run in 10:30 per mile. Then I just started running up and down streets. I tried to slow down and think I did but since I was running the streets I don't know how fast I was running.

And you think you should be classified with the SLOW ones?

Christa - I'm so sorry DD is having such problems with allergies. My DD had horrible attacks 3 years ago - her eyes swelled almost completely shut, and we spent days in and out of pediatrician's, ophthalmologist's, and allergist's offices. It was miserable!

Cam - Great job getting out there despite work trying to take over! And CONGRATULATIONS on the 70lbs!

Judy - Keeping my fingers crossed that Monday will bring good news.

I can't even classify myself as slow this week. To be slow you have to actually attempt to run, or at least walk. I haven't even put on my running shoes since last Friday's maiden voyage on the TM. After the family visit over the weekend, I spent a couple of days catching up on sleep, and I just haven't been able to get back into the mood. I'm hoping that tomorrow morning I'll wake up with a new sense of energy and enthusiasm, lace up the shoes, and either hit the road or the TM. I'm not beating myself up too much since I'm not doing the Minnie; I don't have anything on the calendar until January at this point, so I figure a week off won't hopelessly derail my training, but I do need to get back to it before I lose any momentum. [Insert words of encouragement here!]

Have a great weekend!

Christa: I know I'm a racing machine, and I actually had planned to do a 5k immediately followed by a 21 mile bike race type thing they have a few hours away from here, but I've been flying a lot lately including tonight and last night back to back (12 hour days) and am thinking that it will make a lot more sense to get a lot of rest and then just do a sort of mini duathlon on my own from my house than having to drive multiple hours each way to get to a race and pay $50 to do it. :confused3

I think tomorrow I'm going to do identical distances to the Whistlestop version of the Powerman Alabama duathlon that's coming up next month, that being 2.7 mile run/17.2 mile bike/2.7 mile run, and based on that decide whether or not to push it up to the 5 mile run/32.9 mile bike/5 mile run longer distance... That race is way up in Birmingham which is quite a drive, so still not positive I'll be making the trip. That and I never really know when Uncle Sam is going to send me someplace and it could be at the drop of a hat... Which means no early registration anymore and eating a lot of extra race day fees. :sad2:
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

My LR was shifted from today to tomorrow because I'm running a 15K race tomorrow as my LR. Yesterday I had my 60 min yoga x-training, and when I got home from work I had the 5K training with my princesses, DD6 princess: and DD9 princess:.

They were really into running today. I had found a running game on kidsrunning.com (Krista, I think I had just found that site last week - thanks for sharing). It was called the butterfly run. The girls had these cutouts of butterflies, and it was supposed to remind them of how to run. We went to the park near my house with a nice flat field (where the x-country races were last year). We sprint down the middle of the field (that's the sprinting lane the body of the butterfly), then if you turn right you are in the jogging lane for one wing of the butterfly, and if you turn left you are in the walking lane for one wing of the butterfly. You get back to the body and you sprint again. We did that for 20 min, and the kids really liked it. It just let them run and walk when they wanted to, and my DD6 could just sprint and walk to her hearts content. That was running for her.

I did it with them, and boy my booty hurt on the sprinting parts. I hope I can make it through my 15K tomorrow. BTW, this 15K is one my princesses and I volunteered at last year. Last year I volunteered at the H2O stop, and this year I'm running, yay!
I am about to go out on my 6 miler. We are hoping (actually desperately praying) for rain tonight to wash some of this pollen away. DS's asthma is really acting up right now. 5 weeks from right now I will be waking up in WDW getting to spend time with some of my favorite peope :goodvibes I have made final pmt to Anthony Travel & confirmed ME!!!!!:cool1:

Krista-thanks for that website. DS9 loves it! And DS6 came by the computer when I was reading your post & he said "look at that doggie" I told him it was Hines. "He said he loves Hines!! He's cute! " Just to let you know Hines now has fans in North Alabama;) I loved the poem too.

Cam-you are doing awesome girl!!!!!!!:thumbsup2

Martha-you are so not slow!! You are going great!:cheer2:

Christa,Colleen & Steve- I am so glad you guys are showing the youth of America how its done!:woohoo:

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!
Morning all--Well, looks like my LR will be on the TM this morning. I don't mind rain, but the severe weather will keep me inside!

Krista--Loved the poem. I got all teary eyed when I read the part about stopping and giving your family a hug and kiss--b/c that was one of the best parts of my 1st marathon, the support of my family. Yeah, I'm a sap!;)

Dave--Good luck with the 15K tomorrow!:thumbsup2 I love reading the stories of you and your DDs!

Well, better get ready to hit hte gym! Have a great Saturday all!
Susie: We are leaving May 22 for Italy. We fly into Milan just for overnight then on to Venice for 4 day. Then Florence for 4 days and Rome for 4 days. We have hotel reservations in all 3 places now. We'll overlap for 5 days but I don't think in the same places.

TXAng: I do hope you get out today and that it's nice weather.

Jennifer: great job on 1/2 the Minnie!! :banana:

Jackie: I do have to admit that the 10:30 pace is the fastest I've ever run. I've never trained for speed. Just crossing the finish line was enough for me. Then I got a running partner for the Minnie who wants to run 10:30 pace and in a moment of insanity I said "Sure!" So now I'm training. I've got my trainer helping me and DH. So to actually say in a training run that I'm running race pace is, well, kinda scarey!! But early May in Florida is going to be hot so all bets will be off.

Matt: you GO! And good luck!

Dave: it's so great your DDs are sticking with the running! All too often kids will lose interest way too fast so it's really good to hear how much they enjoy it. And I LOVE the butterfly running. What a great idea!

Tiff: I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get some rain to reduce the pollen count. I just luv that time of year when all the cars are a disgusting color of green!

OK, so it is cooler this morning so my strategy of going out after work last night was a good one. I'll do some biking today to keep my legs loose otherwise it's the usual Saturday routine. Cleaning litter boxes, the garden, going to the dump...you know--everything that makes a person's life worth living! :lmao:

Good luck to all racing this weekend!
Morning all--Well, looks like my LR will be on the TM this morning. I don't mind rain, but the severe weather will keep me inside!

Krista--Loved the poem. I got all teary eyed when I read the part about stopping and giving your family a hug and kiss--b/c that was one of the best parts of my 1st marathon, the support of my family. Yeah, I'm a sap!;)

Well, better get ready to hit hte gym! Have a great Saturday all!

I am a sap too! My favorite part of WDW this year was getting to hug my DDs at Boardwalk. Well DD 9 hugged me, but DD6 said I smelled too bad and was too wet to hug.:rotfl: Good luck on the LR! How far are you going?

Dave - I love that running game. I am going to take DDs out to do it today.

Matt - You are a racing machine! WOW! Now did I read right when I read that you flew??? Is that flying running and biking or in a plane?:banana: I ask b/c you are fast man! And have the coolest name (my DH's name is Matt!).:rolleyes:

DD9 is doing better today. I ahve started her on the new meds and she is responding well...of course we did have some rain to so that helped too. Tiffj, lots of :grouphug: for your DS and rain to wash the pollen away!

Just sitting here :surfweb: and watching DD6 and Dh play go fish. :rotfl:
Jenn - Congratulations to you & your mom for signing up for the half. Will you be staying on property?

Vic - How do the shoes feel?

Susie - Have fun in Italy!

Jen - That's great that your family workouts together.

Stephen - Sorry to hear that you're having trouble:sad1:

Christa - Your poor DD, alergies are the worst. DH suffers from them all the time.

Walked an hour on my tm this morning, so now I'm ready to face the crowds at the Rec. Center. Tonight is the last night for organized soccer..thank heavens!
Christa--that is too funny about your DD--we were at the park the other day and Emma told me that she was sweaty, but that I was sweaty and stinky!:rotfl: Kids, gotta love 'em! And I'm sitting here watching DD and DH coloring!

Well, I got my 7 miles in this morning. 63:02, 7.02 miles. Felt really good, even though I was on the dreadmill. I tried a HammerGel this am, and I really liked it. Much better than GU and much easier to eat than the shotbloks I am so fond of. Well, off to shower and "discuss" packing with DH. We are leaving for Florida next sat., and he wants to talk "strategy"! ha!:rotfl: I realize now that packing for 2 kids under 4 is a science--how to get all their stuff in one suitcase, along with all the other paraphenalia-comparable to rocket science!:rotfl: Have a great Sat. all!
Apparently reading about everyone else's good runs is exactly what I needed. Got up this morning and decided to hit the TM even though it's gorgeous outside. (Feeling a little guilty about demanding the new one and then not using it...) I've never run more than 3.5 miles on the TM, so I decided that I'd try for 4 this morning. When I finished 4 in 50 minutes (I usually run a 14:00 mile on the TM) decided that 5 seemed like fun, so ended up running 5 at 12.30/mile! I might have done more, but I have to pick up DD at work, and the dog was looking desperate. (Now she's lying in front of the laptop so I have to reach over her to post - I think she wants my attention!) Anyway, it was a great return to running!

Oh, Judy - realized about 10 minutes into the run that you're missing from the TM - apparently your injury has affected your running with me? I have to return you to your place of honor on the new one!

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!

Did 5 miles at the park this morning time w/ the heart rate monitor on 'easy' day was 59:59 including a 5 minute walking warm-up so I'm feeling pretty good about it. Glad it is over because we're going to see "Meet the Robinsons" this afternoon. I'm going to sneak in some Gummie Bears in a pre-portioned bag so I don't overspend and overeat at the theater!

Jackie- Wow! Great use of the TM!

Stephanie- Good job on the run!

Krista- Thanks for the running w/ kids links.

Dave- I'm looking for that butterfly training program to try w/ the kiddos tomorrow!

Christa-I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has kids that think she's "yucky" after a run!:sad2:

I'm missing a bunch of you but hope everyone has a great day!
My training this week:
Monday 2 miles
Tuesday 4.4 miles (was supposed to get to go outside, but it was too windy)
Wednesday 1.7 miles
Thursday 8.4 miles
Friday off
Saturday 3.4 miles

This morning I spilled blue powerade (testing it out, since I've heard that's what's at the Minnie) all over my training log book! Now I have 9 months of wavy pages to look forward to!
Good morning TEAM!! Well, actually afternoon. I finished my 5 miler about an hour ago, it was an okay run. My inserts didn't bother my shins/calfs, but my ankles were hurting quite a bit. Maybe the pain is working it's way down my leg and foot and will work itself out! :laughing: I did the first mile on the treadmill as it was raining outside. Stephen called down when it stopped, so I ran the remaining 4 miles outside while there was a break in the rain. It was SO humid outside, I was so hot and gross feeling after taking 2 steps. Please tell me that I'm not the only one who isn't pretty when they run! :cutie: My face and arms get red and my hair frizzes from getting wet because I am sweating. Not a pretty sight!! :) I was okay with my overall time of 55:28--11:13 on the TM and then 44:15 outside with a 11:03 mile ave. I think I'm going to do one more week of r4/w2 and then switch to r4/w1 and hopefully get back to r5/w1 for the Pig.

Dave--The butterfly run sounds fun! Good luck on your 15K tomorrow.

Christa--:wizard: for your daughter. I'm glad she is feeling better.

Stephanie--I am SO emotional. It's not funny. I cry when I'm happy, sad, mad, overwhelmed, when I hear a sad song on the radio, when I watch something that touches me on the TV. I cry ALOT!! I think I cried the entire 26.2 miles of the marathon. So I understand what you are saying. And yes, I cried when I read that poem. :)

Tiff--You DS sounds too cute! You are invited to come to my house at any time and see Hines.

Vic--I thought about you while I ran. Can't wait to read your race report.

I better get off here, Stephen is bugging me to go to Lowe's. We need stuff for spring cleaning, although I don't know why as it's supposed to drop to 20 degrees and snow next weekend. :sad2:
I got a little break and thought I would post a quick update. Boy you would think with all the cleaning I am supposed to do that the baby was going to be eating off the floors as soon as he gets home. :lmao: Hopefully Lynnda doesn't hear me typing or more stuff will be added since I obviously have extra time.

Thursday night - Did 4.25 miles with a 10:36 pace. It is definately getting warmer around here and I can tell my pacee is dropping a little. Hopefully I can find the nice interval period that doesn't hurt too bad.

Friday - More cross-training in the form of going up to the attic, cleaning the house, and doing various errands. I think I walked at least 4 miles going back and forth through the house doing various tasks. I did get all the bottles washed so I guess the baby can eat now with my assistance. I thought for a moment I was going to get out of the nighttime feedings. ;)

Today - Snuck out this morning for a 6 mile run with a 10:52 pace. Lynnda didn't hear me leave so I was safe for a little bit. However, when I returned, the entire house was up and ready for me to get back to work. Things go so much faster when I have a 3yo helping out as well. :rolleyes1

Good luck to all those that have races today and to those who are just going out for training runs this weekend.

Hi everyone. Although I haven't posted here for quite a while, I have been keeping up with the training...actually WE have been keeping up with the training. Since signing up to run the Donald in '08, my wife has gone from 3 mile walks, with a few moments of jogging here and there, to where she can go 5 or 6 miles with a r3/w3, and she always throws in a continuous run of about a mile.

I've been getting in between 20 and 30 miles of road work a week. I just got back from my LR of 11 miles. I signed up for a 1/2 Marathon in Columbus in 2 weeks, so this is the last LR I'll be doing before the 1/2M. Taper offically starts.......NOW.:banana: :banana: :banana:

Keep up the good work all.
Thank you, everyone, for the congrats on the weight loss. Geez, it has been so slow, and I have so much more to lose! I keep telling myself "Slow and steady wins the race" Well, maybe not. But it DEFINITELY gets you to the FINISH line, right? And God knows, for me, that IS winning.

Cam—glad to see you’re hanging in there and good job with the 3.2 miles IN THE WIND. And way to go with the 70 lbs!! Can you come over and teach me how to actually lose weight? I haven’t lost anything in a loooong time.

Now, Steve, that really made me smile! If you had over 100 pounds to lose, I could see having some advice to offer you, but since you are already so fit, I have no sympathy for you!

May I ask how long it took for you to loose 70 pds.? My niece is getting married the end of May and I hope to drop at least 15 pds. by then. Way to go!

Monica -- I started trying to lose when I came home from the hospital after my heart surgery on 1/6/05. I was appalled when they weighed me at the hospital for purposes of figuring out anesthesia. When the surgery went so well, I was determined to start getting healthy, so I went back to weight watchers and my 70.2 pound loss was from 1/18/05. Good luck on your efforts! I lose very slowly, sometimes not even a pound a week, but I am also not making the sacrifices I'd have to make to lose very quickly. I eat very normal food, 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks a day, and have convinced myself I'd rather do it slowly in a manner I can live with for the rest of my life, rather than to take a lot off quickly and then revert to eating habits that put it all back on. I guess the fact that I've been staying within a 4 pound range for quite a while means I have the whole "maintaining" thing down pat! :rotfl2:

Count us in for the 1/2 Marathon! We just signed up! Patti (mom) and Jenn (daughter). We are currently working on the couch to 5K program, and our first 5K is the end of May. Hopefully, we'll be able to find a 10K this fall to prep us for the 1/2 in January.

Welcome Patti & Jenn!! Congratulations on registering for the Donald! You are going to have so much fun and just think about how awesome it will be to get your pictures taken with Donald while you are wearing your medals after the race! :cloud9:

My run yesterday stunk SO bad :sad2:

I forgot to reset the Garmin, it was hot, my leg was sore, I forgot my inhaler, waa waa waa waaaaa... I think I pulled a 12-minute mile, about 1.5 min slower than usual. Perhaps I'll be more encouraged this weekend for my long run, when I'll prob run at POFQ at WDW

Hey, Jeff! It is great to see you here and we have all had our fair share of stonkers! Just think -- if you didn't, you might forget to appreciate the great runs! :cool1: BTW, I hope the Easter bunny is good to you. Oh, and please come back and tell us about running at POFQ. Howard and I have a date to run there on 7/21 in the early morning and then go to the food court for beignets! Let me know what you think of the running trail there. If you want to preview it, there is a map on disneyrunning.com

Anyway, I am still planning on CDC in August and last I checked I will not be alone!! . . . I am very excited that so many of you will be there too!
YAY, Maggie! Can't wait to see you in Chicago. We are going to have quite the contingent there!! And I just heard from a little birdie that one of my favorite WISHers (I have like 75, though, so no secret leaking there! :rotfl: ) may be joining us. OMG, I am so psyched!!

What I've done this week (I'm trying to be accountable here):

Sunday - Mountain bike trails - 4 miles.

Monday - Rest day

Tuesday - XT - 60 min. strength training, 30 min cardio.

Wednesday - 4 miles on treadmill.

Thursday - XT - 60 min. strength training, 30 min cardio. Later that afternoon, DH, Steve wanted to go walking. So, 3.4 miles walking with a little running (I have to to keep up with him!) 13:45 average pace.

Today - mountain bike - 10 miles.

Wow, Susie -- you are totally racking up the miles!!! We'll miss you at Minnie weekend, but you'll have an awesome trip and come back and do a trip report for us! :hug:

I did get in around 6 miles with sis...her 1st 1/2 is 14 days away! And I get to run it with her! . . .

Cam - 70 lbs! YOU ARE DA WOMAN! I am so proud of you!:cheer2: :flower3: OOOOH, Girl, I saw a girl wogging on the trails that looked just like you from behind. I thought, what is Cam doing in NC?:confused: I ran up to her and, of course, she wasn't you.:sad1: But I pretended like she was and that we had a mini WISH meet!:banana:

Oh, Christa -- I am so sorry your DD is having such a rough time. I was relieved to read today that she is doing better with the new meds. Poor sweetie. Give her a hug from us, okay? And, you made me smile when you said you were thinking of me during your run. I really wish I could have been there. You'd have to settle for a leisurely stroll, though, if you were with me. I can't even dream of running as fast as you walk, chickie! How cool that you'll be doing your sister's race with her. I bet you two will have such an awesome time! We'll be cheering for you both! :cheer2:

Krista -- That poem made me cry. But happy tears, I assure you!
Great job on getting outside during a break in the rain! You are such a trooper to push through the pain with your inserts. I can just imagine the pain ultimately being in your toes and then just gone! :rotfl2: It really is great that you are getting used to them and hopefully they will be THE answer! :goodvibes:

Jennifer Drive 4 blocks to run a 5-K? I'd do it! . . . Especially down there with all that pollen I've heard about! Also, I never thought about the length of the running skirts! I'd like something an Amish woman might feel comfortable in. What length would that be?

Okay, this had me cracking up!! I'm the same way. I wear compression shorts under my running skirt that go to my knees. It looks ridiculous but they are so comfortable! The shorts prevent chafing and the skirt covers all the bumps and bulges so that all the other race participants don't go :scared1: I really do urge our WISH ladies to try the running skirts. They are so comfy and flattering and feminine!

[I can't even classify myself as slow this week. To be slow you have to actually attempt to run, or at least walk. I haven't even put on my running shoes since last Friday's maiden voyage on the TM. After the family visit over the weekend, I spent a couple of days catching up on sleep, and I just haven't been able to get back into the mood. I'm hoping that tomorrow morning I'll wake up with a new sense of energy and enthusiasm, lace up the shoes, and either hit the road or the TM. I'm not beating myself up too much since I'm not doing the Minnie; I don't have anything on the calendar until January at this point, so I figure a week off won't hopelessly derail my training, but I do need to get back to it before I lose any momentum. [Insert words of encouragement here!]

Okay, Jackie -- here are your words of encouragement. Hmmmm. . . I'm not real good at this. . . . hmmmmm. . . . Okay, here goes -- you have worked so hard to build a base of fitness and you KNOW you LOVE it when you get out there and train. It's okay when LTO or WTO for a while, but sometimes carving out the time for a workout is just what we need to relieve the stress and feel good about doing something good for us. So, I can't wait to hear that you've found/made time to do SOMETHING for you! :yay:

Dave -- That game sounds great! How wonderfully generous of you to find ways to motivate the girls in such a positive, fun way! Your efforts will really keep them wanting to do these training sessions! And kudos to you for coming so far, from a volunteer to a participant! You have literally taken yourself off the sidelines and into the game in such a HUGE way, Dave, and I am so happy for you and so proud to know you! :hug:

Apparently reading about everyone else's good runs is exactly what I needed. Got up this morning and decided to hit the TM even though it's gorgeous outside. (Feeling a little guilty about demanding the new one and then not using it...) I've never run more than 3.5 miles on the TM, so I decided that I'd try for 4 this morning. When I finished 4 in 50 minutes (I usually run a 14:00 mile on the TM) decided that 5 seemed like fun, so ended up running 5 at 12.30/mile!

Oh, how cool is this!!!!! I just got to your most recent post and see that you DEFINITELY did not need anyone to kick your butt, Jackie! That pace is so outrageously awesome! You must have felt so great!!! Yes, just as I expected, I am feeling so HAPPY to read that you did something good for yourself, that you carved the time out and made yourself a priority. :goodvibes:

Did 5 miles at the park this morning time w/ the heart rate monitor on 'easy' day was 59:59 including a 5 minute walking warm-up so I'm feeling pretty good about it. Glad it is over because we're going to see "Meet the Robinsons" this afternoon. I'm going to sneak in some Gummie Bears in a pre-portioned bag so I don't overspend and overeat at the theater!

Kiena -- GREAT pace! How was the movie? It looks so cute!

Hi everyone. Although I haven't posted here for quite a while, I have been keeping up with the training...actually WE have been keeping up with the training. Since signing up to run the Donald in '08, my wife has gone from 3 mile walks, with a few moments of jogging here and there, to where she can go 5 or 6 miles with a r3/w3, and she always throws in a continuous run of about a mile.

I've been getting in between 20 and 30 miles of road work a week. I just got back from my LR of 11 miles. I signed up for a 1/2 Marathon in Columbus in 2 weeks, so this is the last LR I'll be doing before the 1/2M. Taper offically starts.......NOW. . .

Denny -- Congrats on burning up those miles! Enjoy the taper -- you have definitely earned it. WOW to DW!!!!! What awesome progress!!! :woohoo: I bet you are so proud of her! Isn't it nice to know that you have inspired her?

Alright, I must confess I have nothing good to report, training-wise. I have been sick since my wog Thursday night and could not drag myself out of bed this morning to go to the Y. :sad1: My stomach has been sick and I have a terrible headache and severe lower back pain. Very strange combination of symptoms. It occurred to me this morning to wonder if I might be getting an ulcer -- work has been pretty stressful. :confused3 Thank God I have this physical outlet and eat pretty healthy or I imagine I'd be down for the count.

Well, I am probably working through the night tonight to meet a noon deadline tomorrow, and then will try to get a jump on some other deadlines for the week. I'm hoping that if I do get home to sleep for a few hours, maybe I can come back dressed in running clothes tomorrow and stop at the gym on the way home late tomorrow afternoon. In the meantime, I'll be popping in here to hear how all our WISH racers did this weekend and looking for some inspiration.

Love You guys, Mean It!!! :grouphug:


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