Wk of Nov 27--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

crzy4pooh said:
I have a training question - I have had a major knee issue, so have taken it easy for the last week and a half. I'm really happy to say I can walk without pain now!!! :teeth: I only have a problem when I turn on that foot, or step back wrong. So - I was supposed to do 18 on Saturday - but I'm thinking I should do 10 - 12 this week to see how things are going. Then for the following week (Dec. 10), do I
A. do the 18, followed by a 10, which pushes my 20 to Christmas Eve (leaving only two weeks until the marathon)
B. do 20 (I really want to get to that before race day), then have 3 medium runs of 10 - 12 before the marathon (eliminates a very long run, but allows for more gradual taper)
C. do 12 - 14, then 20, then 2 weeks of 10 (which puts me back on the original plan, but eliminates one of the very long runs)
D. Just go for the 18 this week as per my training plan, and hope I don't cause more injury

Please help!!! ;) Is it better to have 3 or 4 weeks of taper? I've read both. Any ideas???

Thanks everyone for all the help and encouragement! Everyone is doing soooo great!!! :cool1: I can't wait to meet you all in person!!! :wave2:
I agree with Lisa. Do what you can this Saturday.
But then I would go with 18 next week (unless you do it this week) and back to your original schedule. Not real familiar with MFM so cannot help you there. We do the Ron Horton Minimal Effort training and it tapers us 2 weeks (15 on the 24th then 8 on the 31st then the marathon is the next week). We go to 24 on 12/17 then start the taper. If you do 20 on the 24th this only gives you 1 run to taper and I would not recommend that. Better to get to 18 and taper. I don't know how many LRs you have missed though, so it is hard to say. Do what you can then enjoy the marathon. It sounds like you have put in the training time. If you get to 18 you should be OK. Some training programs only get you to 18. Before you take my advice be warned! I am crazy and love the pain!

OK I am in total rest mode today! I have decided to do the 10 with DH tomorrow. It will be his last 10 of his 22 miler. Then do the marathon Saturday as a training run. He is doing 11 today and I was a total baby while he was getting ready to go. Wah, Wah :sad: I need to rest but want to run. This will force me to take the marathon nice and slow. Ron is pacing Bree @ 11 MPM so I think that will work for me. Ron also always runs with the person who is having the hardest time so I will have company if I bonk! Have Christmas shows Friday and Saturday night so I am going to be tired! :faint: Call me crazy! I like the pain!

crzy4pooh - That is so hard. I know the possiblity of missing a L-LR scared the heck out of me. WIth MfM, though, I would not do back to back weeks with L-LRs. I just don't think it would flow wee. Plus, it would make a L-LR, hard week (as opposed to the usual xtra rest day during the week after teh L-LR), then another L-LR. Do what you can this week, but do not push yourself! Remeber, you knee is still healing.

Last thought, that knee will still be healing next week, although it should be better. ABck to back L-LRs just does not seem good. JMO. :wizard:
Lisa loves Pooh said:
So I go to the gym for my 48 minutes of fun...and they have a police chase on Foxnews in southern california--like a dumb butt this guy stops about 4 times (and then eventually restarts again)--including stopping at an intersection to try to steal another vehicle (live tv!).

Now--didn't appear that anyone was hurt--but man that was the fastest 48 minutes on the treadmill in my life. I kept thinking--I hope it ends soon, b/c I can't go forever. It ended just after I got off. Now the California Highway Patrol owes me a big thank you for it not being my long run day. Had I known the guy was just waiting for me to finish--I gladly would have paused to give him time to get out of his vehicle, get arrested without incident, and then resume running.


Try Spike TV for most amazing police videos or Maximum exposure. Some pretty fascinating videos!

WTPCLC -Thanks for organizing and ordering the shirts. I hope they come in time to wear for the Half Marathon but will wear it proudly no matter when it comes.
wtpclc said:
ABck to back L-LRs just does not seem good. JMO. :wizard:

I agree with this wholeheartedly. I think you would rather come into the race slightly undertrained that train too hard too quick and risk not being able to run at all. JMO, as well.

I did my 48 (5/1) yesterday on the indoor track. It felt like I was taking it nice and slow, but I don't think I was quite as slow as I thought I was. No distance or pace since I forgot my lap counter :guilty: I'm sure I was ahead of the sweeper van, though.

Trying my darndest to get excited about tomorrow's 18 miler. I have tomorrow afternoon off, so I think I'll run it then to take advantage of the (relatively) higher temps.

OK, I think that is all for now.
Happy training,
Solotraveler :earsboy:
solo - Good luck tomorrow! Thanks for being the guniea pig and lettting us know it can be done! ;)

Wish I lived... Oh, they WILL be here by that time, I just wanted them well before X-mas travel hit for everyone and in time to do L-LRs with them. :rolleyes:
Did my 30 minutes on elliptical today. Woo woo!!!

Tomorrow a.m., I'm going for 8 mile LR on the treadmill at home. No formal training on Saturday b/c our coach is out of town. One of our teammates is doing their big fundraiser--so I'm getting the LR out of the way.
Hi there - quick weigh in on C4P's training dilemma. I agree with the general consensus of 10 miles this week, 18 miles the next, then 10 miles - but then I have an different opinion.

You sound like you have similar personality to me and have to know you've done that 20 miles to convince yourself you can do this thing. So personally, I would see how I felt after my 18 mile week. If I was okay, no pain etc etc, I would do the 20 miles on the 24th (but probably cut back to taper level on my weekday runs for that week) - a lot of my running buddies here don't taper until two weeks before and so long as you really do taper properly in the next two weeks you should be rested enough - it's not like you're doing it one week out.

If the 20 miler won't give you that psychological boost though then skip it, you'll do fine training to 18 miles - also skip it if the injury flares up after 18 as you might end up mucked up too soon before the race. As normal this post is ended with the phrase 'I am not an expert' but if I was in your situation, that's what I'd do. Helen
Hi guys! I've been MIA for a while now. I try to read the boards as much as possible to stay up-to-date on everyone's progress though. I've had a hard time with motivation recently...but have been struggling through.

I have a question....Would an increase in intensity of workouts cause a weight gain? I've been really good about my eating this week and it is not that certain time of the month. I've unexplainably gained ~2 pounds. The only change that I've made is that I've started more frequent and more intense workouts. Please advise. :confused3

You could be gaining muscle and losing fat. Have you taken your measurements lately to compare? Also, sometimes good habits can take a bit to show results. I would give it at least anothe rweek and see what's happening then.
I've gained about 7 lbs during the course of marathon training, but that's because I have also upped my caloric intake more than necessary. In other words, I have been undisciplined about food because I have been running so much.

Per doctor's orders, I did 4 miles on the elliptical instead of my 16 mile LR. I have decided to skip this weeks LR, and see how my foot feels after a week or so of elliptical. I also did a yoga class yesterday. I figured working on my balance would work on all those secret foot and knee muscles that need help before the next LR. Anyway, the foot felt good during the workout, but is a bit sore today. Nothing a good workout tomorrow won't cure, right? :p

Leigh Ann
Thanks, Carrie!! That makes sense. It's just frustrating to be working so hard and seeing the scale go up. I have not measured but my pants do feel loose today. I was just thinking that I wished that I had remembered my belt this morning.

I've also thought that my body could be going into starvation mode. I'm burning more calories than usual...so my body is trying to hold on to something to make sure I'm not starving myself.
Christy - That's very possible too!

lacool - Yup, I've let my eating get way out of hand too, but it's getting better. Hope your foot gets better soon!
I'm very proud to report that I have finally received my very first "addressed to me" e-mail from Disney. YEAH!!!! I am now officially registered. :banana:
I sympathize with those of you who's eating has been off track. I've been completely out of control -- of course I'm a lot hungrier now than I used to be b/c of working out so much, but I've really gotten kind of bad (bad, bad, girl). I've gained about 5 pounds and know if I don't get it under control, life after the marathon is going to be very difficult. So I'm working on it.

Todally I totally bailed on my run. Didn't want to go in the first place, got out and started and my ankle felt tweaky, then my lower legs, etc. Finally decided after 2.5 miles to just forget it and walk home nice and easy. I've got 18 miles on Sat. and 9 on Sun. coming up and I don't need pain. I think this was just one of those days. Oh well, off to start supper now so I can eat some more. :rotfl:
Speaking of eating--I did find out what happens when you still eat like you are training and then teh training just goes in the toilet (like practically non-existent for a few weeks). IN my case--my butt and thighs found 7-10 pounds. AAAAAAACCCCCKKKKK!!! They need to hurry up and misplace them (preferably not elsewhere on my body).

Now I'm going to go carb-load and eat a cookie. :)
I can definitely vouch for the appetite growing larger than the running requires :confused3 I've been telling people marathon training is not conducive to weightloss! Luckily, I managed to find some willpower somewhere this past week or two. I'm scared to death of ballooning after the race if I'm not super careful. I'll probably return from Disney a good 7-10 pounds heavier! (Yes I am capable of doing that kind of damage in one week, and no, its not just water!!!!)

I went to the Y last night and did 9.2 miles on the TM (Ugh). Then back out 13 hours later to run before lunch today. I kept is short, 4.5 miles. Like Solo, I am not feeling a whole lot of enthusiasm for this weeks impending LR. :rolleyes:

We're in the home stretch guys, keep up the good work :cheer2:

Lynn-- was it you who mentioned Madonna's new stuff? I downloaded Hang Up (both orig and extended mix) and love it! Thanks!

I did my 20 mile LR this morning. It took up the entire pre-school morning and the boy could see my car parked outside the whole time. I think he might have been obsessing about it a little! Yesterday we did the 10 miles with a 10:08 pace and today's pace was 10:57. I was really pleased with that. I am actually not planning on doing the 1/2 at that pace. I'll probably stick to around 11:00 or 11 and 1/2. Anyway, I'm feeling pretty proud.

I actually came home and drank a protien "stir" and took a cold bath (I don't want to talk about it) The really funny thing is, I was thinking at about mile 3 that I was going to post about my "stonker" run today when I got home. It was so cold and windy. I am not sure what happened, but it just seemed to get better. I was definitely pushing it by the end, but I wasn't miserable and it really didn't qualify as a stonker! I discovered a great new snack today Energy drink jellybellies (they have electrolites in them and they tasted GREAT) our adventure racing teammate and wal-mart employee got them at the associate's store, so I probably can't find them anywhere here, but i'm going to search on the internet for them!

I'm planning on doing some serious resting this weekend and I may miss a few runs to cross train next week. my right ankle (it has given me trouble b/4) is acting up and i think it needs some rest. It is not swollen, it just hurts and has crepitis (don't know how to spell it or if i used it right) but basically it kindof grinds or creeks and feel funny.

Hope everyone has great LR's this weekend. Colleen, I hope your rest has helped and that your 20 goes well tomorrow.
MelC and Crzy4Pooh- entry into the St Anthony's Triathlon is now closed BUT there are still slots for the Meek and Mighty Triathlon taking place the day before in St Pete. The distances(and actual order) are 1 mile run, 5.4 mile bike, and 200 yd pool swim. It would be a great, get your feet wet first triathlon. BTW- entry into St Anthony's opened at 9 this morning and I just checked and noticed it was closed. Took about 24 hours last year and less than 12 this year to fill. Wow.

Good luck on your 18 tomorrow Solo. I'll be doing it Sat.

Carrie- thank you again for dealing with the shirts especially when it's being a hassle.

Got to get back to school- we're(my class) is running a review for the first years on how to do history and physical components tonight. Joy- I basically got guilted into it and have no desire to be running a station.
Doing the happy dance! :banana: :banana:

We were able to book our return trip with skymiles--so 4 tix from Orlando to Honolulu--we got 'em for $370 total!!!! (I had to purchase 10,000 miles on my account...but that is half the cost of what the ticket would have been!).

Hubby just also informed me courtesy of his perpetual car rental for his field assignment (that's 6 months of rental car!!!)...we will have enough credits for 2 weeks free rental car in Hawaii.

And 6 nights hotel are free....and the rest I got 50% off of rack rate.

So.... :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Did my training tonight on the TM. 50 minutes -- 3.42 miles (14:37 pace). Very pleased with that. I am convinced the powerbars are a very positive aspect of my routine now. :banana: Have to do 8 Saturday. Kind of freaked out about it, though I know I can do it. I really want to average a 15:00 pace for that.

I know what you all mean about the appetite growing. I called Howard from the gym and had him start something for me for dinner. Literally felt like I couldn't wait those 10-15 minutes to eat. Feel much better now. Am drinking lots and lots of water, too.


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