Wk of Sep 7 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Hello Tracy! Aloha Jeff!

I have been so busy since DL that all I have been able to do is lurk once in a while! :sad1:

Hopefully I'll be able to actually read some more and catch up!

Hope everyone else is doing great! :flower3:
Tracy, Pat, Susie, Steve, Jim, Marcia, Michelle, Lynne G, Scott H, Robert, Linda, Jen, Butch, Cryssi, Steph, Greg, Thunder Matt, Cheryl, Becky, NJ Lou, Chris, Wendy (did I miss anyone ?).

Sigh, it's been 2 weeks since we all converged on Disneyland. :dance3:

As for me, Guru Les has been flattened by a nasty cold, so I've been given a reprieve from running for my life for 3 weeks now. I can breath normally while out running. :rotfl2: I did about 9.5 miles tonight after work. No pain in the hip, so it was just a tweak last Sunday. Nice solo run, about a 9 minute pace, and beautiful sunset. Sorry, I didn't have the camera with me.

Have a great Aloha Friday everyone!
My second suggestion takes some explaining. Sometimes, we get mental triggers that make us stop. I train on a trail, and when I started running there, I parked about 2 miles from where I start now. Three years later, I still find myself stopping at that spot. It takes a mental push to keep running at that point. This is why alot of runners can not run loop courses. The urge to stop and rest is over-whelming. This might be what happens to you if you are running a regular route. Try a new route and see if you run farther.

Good Luck!

Thank you for explaining this! I completely feel sometimes like this is happening to me. It'll take too long to type it out but I have wondered about this. I am glad to read that it actually does happen and its not just me! LOL!

Debra good to see you! Hope things are going well for you. Sorry work is keeping you so busy. Whose idea was work anyway? ;)

Duckie, hope you feel better. My kids have all come down with the stuffy nose/cough thing already. Usually it finds us in October but this year by week 3 of school it has started. EEEEK!

Shan, I am sorry to hear that you are still having difficulties. :guilty:

Everyone, keep up the runs and training! Have a great weekend!

I decided to go with the Marathoning for Mortals Half Run/Walk plan for my training. For September I am just doing Week One over and over. This is the end of doing it twice now and it is going well. I ran today with DH, we don't do that too often, and it was really good till the end. His route is much hillier than mine and it killed me at the end. But we did 3.1miles and I finished in 39 minutes so I was happy. I'm just happy to be sticking with it! January is going to be here before we know it!

Allyson :)
Joan - We have teh run lite 2+. Really like it. dh uses teh bottle upright and I put tehm sideways. Nice that it's flexible to do either way. The 8 o zbottles are much easier to deal with tahn the 10 oz. Anything else you want to know?

Tracy - SO glad you are feeing better!

I biked 23.6 lsat night. To/from teh camground my ILs are at. It was a nice ride. Made me happy to use teh new bikes purely for fun.
Does anyone have any tips for treadmill running? My calves are in pain when I use the treadmill, but not so much when I run outside. I stretch before each run too...
Just swinging by to tell everyone to have a nice weekend! :grouphug:

Finished up week six today of my starting all over program. ;) I'm slowly getting back - average pace this week was 12:04 and that was with my walking breaks. Next week the program has me increasing my running times to R10/W1 so wish me luck! Knee held up again today. I'm icing it without fail.

Later! :hippie:
Shan: Congrats on the knee and good luck with the next week!!

Yeah!! Jeff and Marci are doing 2009 Marathon weekend. (They got talked into it or at least Jeff got talked into by Marcia who he can't let one up him on the Coast to Coast medal.!)

Nothing for me today, out in the morning and then to the hospital to visit my friends little one that is sitll in the NICU.

Just stopping by again...

Hoping the Texas Gulf Coasters are holding their ground or are out of town. Prayers going out to all of you.

Our gas prices in South Florida are going up do to the stopping of some of the refineries. Ugh...gas up because of this and that and because the planets are not in alignment. Can we please use other sources of fuels out there?????

Hey team,
Thanks Tracy, for letting everyone know I won't be in Florida in January. Unless something miraculous happens, like I win the Publisher's Clearinghouse sweepstakes. Or I could always just "bandit" the run, LOL.


See everyone in January...we must be "GOOFY"

See everyone in January...we must be "GOOFY"

Nope, I just fell into a trance when you mentioned Goofy 2009. :eek: It's always your fault.

So, does Honolulu marathon fit into your training schedule? If not, you better run a marathon that day. :p 12/14/08 if you haven't marked your calendar. :lmao:

Tracy, do what I did today, rode my bike to work.

See everyone in January...we must be "GOOFY"

Nope, I just fell into a trance when you mentioned Goofy 2009. :eek: It's always your fault.

So, does Honolulu marathon fit into your training schedule? If not, you better run a marathon that day. :p 12/14/08 if you haven't marked your calendar. :lmao:

If I understand this correctly this means that Mooshu and Jeff are coming in January. YAY!
Yippee! I get to meet Jeff! :yay: Wow, Jeff and Debra in one fell swoop--2 legendary WISH'ers (well , at least to me). I wonder if I will be able to stand all the smiles, good cheer, witty repartee and ice cream!

Hope everyone in Ike's path is hunkered down and comes through the storm well.

I took the dog out this am for a wet 2 mile walk--will take myself out later for a wet 3 mile run. First time running outside in ages. Kinda looking forward to it in a weird way.

But first, haircut and clothers shopping (UGH x 10) Wouldn't life be wonderful if we could just wear our pajamas to work?

Got out at 6 this morning for my first time ever doing 10 miles. I don't think I did too bad - finished in 2 hours. I got lucky and got pushed through the first half of the run with a veteran of my marathon training group. She gave me some good tips to remember and also pushed me harder then I push myself. She turned to go back when her normal group since she had already been out 30 mins before I started. I woke up late because my alarm clock didn't go off but I still made it there on time. First time ever I had to stop in the middle of my run and use the bathroom - I don't want to have to do that again! LOL Also it was my first time getting chafed - yep my bra in the front rubbed me a little raw but not too bad - it just stings a little (when I think about it!!) So I am starting to feel like a real runner now. LOL

Hope everyone has a great weekend - have great training runs and do great in any races this weekend.
Hi Everyone!

Well that powernap (ie surgery) yesterday must have done me good. Today I ran 8 miles and felt wonderful the entire time! No residual effect from the anesthesia, no problems with the stitches, nothing! I felt strong and pushed hard the entire run. It was awesome.

Now I am off to see how the texans are doing. I sure hope that they weather this monster ok.

Have a great day everyone!
Jeff and Mushu and Debra (and me of course!) all in Jan of 09!!!! Ice cream will runneth!! Jeff: would love to ride my bike to work but bike on I-75 aren't allowed.

Tricia: Don't you just love that first rubbed raw spot of skin you get!! That lovely tell tale sting in the shower. Ugh. Try Neosporin. It won't be that last, even when you think you have put all the GLIDE on in the right places.

I went out and did 3 miles this morning before meeting my friend to see her baby in the NICU. I did my best 3 mile training walk this morning with a time of 41min 20sec!!!!!!! That's a 13:45min pace. The last 1/2 mile I did a pace of 11:95!!! Wow. That made my day. :cool1:

Take care all especially the Gulf Coast Texans!!

Racey Tracy (Jeff's FL personal assistant) Mount Trashmore Girl, Dirty Girl, Pinky Pistol Shooter and Wet Noodle Lasher. (I think that is all of them, oh wait I forgot Chatty Tracy - per Jeff.)
I'm just curious as to how far along everyone is on their training for the WDW events? 1/2 marathoners, full marathoners and Goofy people...How many miles are people running? If you are training for the Goofy are you guys running long back to back runs on Saturday & Sunday? And how many days/miles during the week are you running?

There are a lot of online training programs, Hal Higdons, John Bingham, Runners World, etc...which one do you follow. Just curious:confused3

And YES! I kind of talked Jeff into running WDW, but it wasn't too hard to do that....he did make me feel kind of like a slacker when I told him I was signing up for the marathon...so I changed to goofy last minute..right when I was sealing the envelope to mail in our deposit!:rotfl2:
Mooshu - I am doing the full but have a half on Nov 9 and I am up to 10 mile long run on Saturday and should be doing 5 miles on M, 6 miles on Tu, 4 miles on Th - BUT I have been getting all that in - I have been taking it easy with the shin splints due to bad shoes 2 weeks ago - this week I walked 2 miles M, ran 2.9 on Tu, walked .5 miles W, ran 3 miles F and then 10 today. Next week I will try to stick with what's scheduled.


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