woman carrying gun - maybe for good reason

yes, 1. no permit and 2. it was in her handbag, and 3. even if she did have a permit and allowed to carry, how does one FORGET they are carrying a gun?? (with a magazine of ammo?).. even at 63 her memory CANT be that bad.

ok ok.. ONCE i went to a party and took a bottle of wine as a gift, as a forethought, i threw a corkscrew into my purse just incase she didnt have one.. well, i DID forget about it because three days later when I went to court to contest a speeding ticket, guess what showed up on the x-ray machine. LOL. ok.. yes, i can forget i have a corkscrew.. BUT A GUN???

and #4... carrying a purse into a a park....at least one that hasn't been cleaned out and organized so that only the necessities.. i'm not OCD, but what woman just throws her everyday over-the-shoulder-crap-holder.. i mean purse, on and walks right on in to a DisneyWorld park, without going through it?

and #5.. she said she only regretted that she had embarrassed her daughter.. uh.. ok.. that's like the one blonde joke that had the man calling her a stupid *itch, and she looks at him, all mad and says "hey.. i'm not stupid."

Wake up!
Did she forget the gun was in her purse or did she not think about the fact that she was going someplace where she shouldn't be carrying? There is a difference. (Ignore what she said; people say stupid things all the time in front of the media, assuming the media even quoted her correctly).

Besides that, why should she have to remember? It's her purse, her business; her security. Just because she was taking a gun in to WDW doesn't mean she leaves her purse laying around for anyone to get in to. Maybe she is very conscious to adhere to basic gun safety (if you have a gun in a purse, you never put that purse down).

We have gun laws because politicians believe that criminals will listen to laws about guns even when they don't listen to any other laws when they are breaking them, thus turning otherwise law-abiding citizens in to criminals like this grandmother.
Did she forget the gun was in her purse or did she not think about the fact that she was going someplace where she shouldn't be carrying? There is a difference. (Ignore what she said; people say stupid things all the time in front of the media, assuming the media even quoted her correctly).

Besides that, why should she have to remember? It's her purse, her business; her security. Just because she was taking a gun in to WDW doesn't mean she leaves her purse laying around for anyone to get in to. Maybe she is very conscious to adhere to basic gun safety (if you have a gun in a purse, you never put that purse down).

We have gun laws because politicians believe that criminals will listen to laws about guns even when they don't listen to any other laws when they are breaking them, thus turning otherwise law-abiding citizens in to criminals like this grandmother.

Wow, 3 posts and a name of 2ndAmdt. Not that I disagree with anything you said, I just found it interesting. Carry on......
Did she forget the gun was in her purse or did she not think about the fact that she was going someplace where she shouldn't be carrying? There is a difference. (Ignore what she said; people say stupid things all the time in front of the media, assuming the media even quoted her correctly).

Besides that, why should she have to remember? It's her purse, her business; her security. Just because she was taking a gun in to WDW doesn't mean she leaves her purse laying around for anyone to get in to. Maybe she is very conscious to adhere to basic gun safety (if you have a gun in a purse, you never put that purse down).

We have gun laws because politicians believe that criminals will listen to laws about guns even when they don't listen to any other laws when they are breaking them, thus turning otherwise law-abiding citizens in to criminals like this grandmother.

Clearly, based on your screen name and post count, you have opened an account here under a new username just to post to this thread and/or an earlier thread here on the DIS about this issue. Not sure why...this isn't THAT heated of a discussion.

I was getting ready to write a lengthy response to your post, but once I realized that you created this identity just so you could post your opinions on gun rights, you lost all credibility, IMO. You are clearly LOOKING for people to challenge you on this. I'm not playing.
sorry, i grew up in a family full of hunters, so i have a healthy respect for guns, gun owners and the responsibility of ownership, so when I say... "how can someone forget they have a gun in their purse" i actually mean "how can someone forget they have a gun in their purse"... purses get "put down" all the time, so i know it leaves her hand... if left her hands in order to get searched didnt it? you think that purse was in her hands the entire drive down there? no.. it was laid down.. even in her car.. thankfully her grandkids didnt want to "play" with grandma's purse.

gun.. firearm.. weapon... what word should we have to use in order to get it through to people that when you have them, you need to be responsible for them. Would anyone be so forgiving if she had a birthday party in her house and "forgot" to lock the gun cabinet? yea yea it's her right to have guns in her own house (purse) (IF she did have a permit that is) .. but the irresponsibility of some people give more power to those support "gun control" than should be.
You realize I was being sarcastic, right? I couldn't tell from your post.
Just curious -- I'm sure there probably are people that legally carry concealed weapons inside the parks or the resorts. How do they enter? Is there some type of office they have to go to for clearance or a security check?
:goodvibes I love sarcasm - just ask my kids (esp the 13 year old - she's the queen) - no worries, I don't drag people down in posts. There is too much negativity going on that it doesn't need to take place here too. It's all love for you, Calypso*a*go-go! :cutie:
As for your question, I can't answer it for Disney but I can tell you that DH did have a knife with him when we went site-seeing in DC. We went to a museum where there was a guard but there was full disclosure by DH of the knife to the guard and he just showed his badge. DH did offer to hand the knife over to the guard while we were inside if the guard wanted but he said it was okay if DH kept it. Of course, DH didn't forget he had it with him....:rolleyes:
Have you not looked at the crime statistics lately. There are very few "safe" areas around any more. Everyday in every major city (and a lot of smaller areas) people are being shot, robbed, carjacked, etc. many times people are being shot at for no reason at all. (malls, schools, etc).

Exactly why I voluntarily stopped watching the news years ago. If i'm somewhere and the news is on and I cant have it changed, fine I deal with it. It's the same crap everyday. Since I live just outside of Philly there's never a shortage of this "news".

Since nobody got hurt and we can laugh about this idiot, that whole segment on the podcast had me in tears :rotfl2:

And if ANYONE uses the excuse they forgot they should automatically lose ownership of all weapons. That excuse just isn't acceptable.
Clearly, based on your screen name and post count, you have opened an account here under a new username just to post to this thread and/or an earlier thread here on the DIS about this issue. Not sure why...this isn't THAT heated of a discussion.

I was getting ready to write a lengthy response to your post, but once I realized that you created this identity just so you could post your opinions on gun rights, you lost all credibility, IMO. You are clearly LOOKING for people to challenge you on this. I'm not playing.

Actually, I opened my account "Join Date: 11-26-2007" which was ten days before this incident happened. This is a user name that I use on several boards, not made up specially for this topic. Sorry my post count isn't higher, but I haven't been to WDW too much and have little input to give, though I enjoy browsing and picking up tidbits of information and making comments where I think I have something to share; sorry you didn't think my comments were worthy of sharing.
Did she forget the gun was in her purse or did she not think about the fact that she was going someplace where she shouldn't be carrying? There is a difference. (Ignore what she said; people say stupid things all the time in front of the media, assuming the media even quoted her correctly).

Besides that, why should she have to remember? It's her purse, her business; her security. Just because she was taking a gun in to WDW doesn't mean she leaves her purse laying around for anyone to get in to. Maybe she is very conscious to adhere to basic gun safety (if you have a gun in a purse, you never put that purse down).

We have gun laws because politicians believe that criminals will listen to laws about guns even when they don't listen to any other laws when they are breaking them, thus turning otherwise law-abiding citizens in to criminals like this grandmother.

I dont have an issue with your post count. I do however, have an issue with a women trying to bring an unlicensed firearm into a busy theme park.

Not only is she breaking state law (and whether you agree with it or not...it's currently the law) but she is clearly breaking Disney rules.

Following your logic, I should be able to bring a hand grenade into a theme park as long as it stays in my backpack.

It's that which I find it hard to take that seriously.
Did she forget the gun was in her purse or did she not think about the fact that she was going someplace where she shouldn't be carrying? There is a difference. (Ignore what she said; people say stupid things all the time in front of the media, assuming the media even quoted her correctly).

Besides that, why should she have to remember? It's her purse, her business; her security. Just because she was taking a gun in to WDW doesn't mean she leaves her purse laying around for anyone to get in to. Maybe she is very conscious to adhere to basic gun safety (if you have a gun in a purse, you never put that purse down).

We have gun laws because politicians believe that criminals will listen to laws about guns even when they don't listen to any other laws when they are breaking them, thus turning otherwise law-abiding citizens in to criminals like this grandmother.

As a gun collector, a pro rights for gun owners, a honorably discharged veteran of the armed forces, a amateur survivalist, and a cajun who now lives in the gun toting state of Texas don't think I have ever disagreed about a statement more then the one you mentioned regarding someone carrying a weapon.

I more times then not carry my sidearm the majority of the places that I travel, but I cannot for the life of my see why anyone would feel the need to carry in an amusement park . Yes things can happen anywhere and anytime, but geeze, gimme a break. If you are that paranoid, stay home secure your perimeter and barricade yourself.

Even with that if someone cannot remember that they are strapped, I have a hard time believing that same person will not forgot her purse somewhere.

Is Donald or Goofy packing heat these days? Maybe POC have been armed with live rounds? Are those Dole Whips that good that they place that sells them has so much loot that it should be guarded.

As harsh as it sounds, I hope the courts give the lady a pretty stiff fine and a bunch of community service and a years worth or Firearm Safety Training. It is obvious she needs it.
yes, the key is "UNLICENSED"...

where i live, people walk around with guns on their belts all the time...
they go everywhere with them, including into banks...
but they have licenses...
and the guards we have at the entrance to every establishment ask you to show your license...

(they also ask you if you're carrying a weapon- in case it's not visible - i always find that amusing - that someone asks me if i have a weapon)...
If you're paranoid enough to carry a gun into a theme park, are you really on vacation? We all realize that anything can happen at any time, and not everyone has good intentions, but try and relax once in a while. I am on active military duty in the field of counter terrorism and know better than most how bad things can potentially be. But I also know 99% of people are good and no threat at all. This grandmother broke the law, bottom line. She should have left her gun at home and enjoyed Disney with her grand kids. Thanks for listening.
If you're paranoid enough to carry a gun into a theme park, are you really on vacation? We all realize that anything can happen at any time, and not everyone has good intentions, but try and relax once in a while. I am on active military duty in the field of counter terrorism and know better than most how bad things can potentially be. But I also know 99% of people are good and no threat at all. This grandmother broke the law, bottom line. She should have left her gun at home and enjoyed Disney with her grand kids. Thanks for listening.

So you have to be paranoid to carry a gun?? You can't relax if your carrying a gun?? I for one am much much more relaxed when I'm carrying.
No offense meant dpuck 1998. I also am a gun owner. This is a sensitive topic for people everywhere and has been so for a long time. A responsible gun owner will be well trained and always know if they are armed. If you decide to throw an unlicensed gun into a purse for protection, with kids around, then yes, I believe you are a bit irresponsible and paranoid. If you take the time to aquire a legal permit and take the proper safety courses then by all means carry where ever the law allows. People like this grandmother give fuel to the anti gun folks. She clearly does not have your level of common sense and her actions start debates just like this one which widen the gap between responsible, law abiding gun owners and those who don't find guns neccessary.
No offense meant dpuck 1998. I also am a gun owner. This is a sensitive topic for people everywhere and has been so for a long time. A responsible gun owner will be well trained and always know if they are armed. If you decide to throw an unlicensed gun into a purse for protection, with kids around, then yes, I believe you are a bit irresponsible and paranoid. If you take the time to aquire a legal permit and take the proper safety courses then by all means carry where ever the law allows. People like this grandmother give fuel to the anti gun folks. She clearly does not have your level of common sense and her actions start debates just like this one which widen the gap between responsible, law abiding gun owners and those who don't find guns neccessary.

Totally agree, there is no room for being unresponsible when owning and carrying a gun.
Just curious -- I'm sure there probably are people that legally carry concealed weapons inside the parks or the resorts. How do they enter? Is there some type of office they have to go to for clearance or a security check?

No, you cannot legally carry concealed weapons inside the parks or resorts. It's private property and definitely on the banned items list.

My DD is a CM and when she told me about it, the first thing I thought was, "Dang, who'd want to lug a heavy ol' gun around WDW in their bag?" :lmao: If you feel the need to legally arm yourself other places, I don't have a problem with that, but weapons (and heelies ;) ) need to stay OFF property.
"Dang, who'd want to lug a heavy ol' gun around WDW in their bag?"

:rotfl: I was thinking the same thing!!! After a week of carrying around my backpack with a bottle of water, poncho, wallet, a snack, and a travel toothbrush, I am in need of a major massage. I can't imagine how much more a gun, knife and pair of scissors would weigh - I would need a week long visit to a chiropractor!!!!! :rolleyes:
wow im feeling naiive reading this thread and getting a little scared of visiting the US soon lol!! The only people i see wearing guns here is police and security...actually im not even sure about security but i think they do!! I cant imagine being in a place where people are just wearing guns or carrying them in them in their bags especially 60 year old women!! wow!!! is this really normal :confused3
wow im feeling naiive reading this thread and getting a little scared of visiting the US soon lol!! The only people i see wearing guns here is police and security...actually im not even sure about security but i think they do!! I cant imagine being in a place where people are just wearing guns or carrying them in them in their bags especially 60 year old women!! wow!!! is this really normal :confused3

If it were normal, do you think it would have made the news? Or been discussed with such fervor? Don't worry yourself too much. The people licensed to carry are generally well-trained and conscientious enough to know the rules and follow them, and would not attempt to carry in WDW. There are stupid and mean people everywhere, though...I imagine even in Melbourne...and this sort of thing occasionally happens. I'm just glad she got caught before the woman's stupidity hurt other people.
No, you cannot legally carry concealed weapons inside the parks or resorts. It's private property and definitely on the banned items list.

My DD is a CM and when she told me about it, the first thing I thought was, "Dang, who'd want to lug a heavy ol' gun around WDW in their bag?" :lmao: If you feel the need to legally arm yourself other places, I don't have a problem with that, but weapons (and heelies ;) ) need to stay OFF property.

I take it that DISNEY is JUDGE, JURY,and EXECUTIONER?? Constitutional laws cease to exist as you pass through the gates at WDW?? Where is Jackie Chiles? ºOº


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