woman carrying gun - maybe for good reason


DIS Veteran
Feb 11, 2001
It's sad that the 63 yr. old woman forgot she had her gun in her purse and embarassed herself and her family. I believe she honestly meant to take it out before she went to the park.

What is sadder is the fact that she feels it's necessary to carry one for her own protection.
Many people are making fun of her or condemming her for carrying it.

Have you not looked at the crime statistics lately. There are very few "safe" areas around any more. Everyday in every major city (and a lot of smaller areas) people are being shot, robbed, carjacked, etc. many times people are being shot at for no reason at all. (malls, schools, etc).

The crime rate in the Orlando area is very high. Maybe she felt it was necessary to carry a gun for her safety in that area. Maybe she carries it for business purposes. If you are used to carrying a gun, for whatever reason,
it would be very easy to forget to take it out of your purse.
Yes, she should have gotten a license for it.
I'm just trying to say it's a shame that you can't go anywhere any more without worrying about someone shooting or attacking you.
Yes, she should have gotten a license for it.
I'm just trying to say it's a shame that you can't go anywhere any more without worrying about someone shooting or attacking you.

Is that really something new? In my humble opinion, this type of thing has been around since the dawn of man, be in guns, sticks...whatever. We just hear about every little incident now with the "global" news coverage.
This made me crack up...
My DH was going into the park for Night of Joy and he had forgotten that he had his pocket knife hooked on the inside of his pocket with the clip sticking out. Now, mind you, it's not a big knife and he uses it for opening boxes, cutting straws for the kids, etc. (Don't picture big GA redneck here. lol) The security guy just said, "Sir, is that a knife..." And my husband said, "oh, yeah." Then chunked it in the trash can.
He's done that before. That's why he buys cheap ones! lol
He did it at a GA Force (arena ball) game and then his father was behind him and had one of those little swiss army knifes and he was NOT about to throw his knife away. ("It didn't say anything about that on the tickets.") So, my DH pulled his out of the trash and ran them both back a mile to the car. lol. My DH's younger cousins laughed so hard at that.

I can see where the lady forgot she had it, but not having a lisence for it, there's no excuse.
Okay...let's give her the benefit of the doubt: so she forgot about the gun, what about the knife and the scissors? I'm glad security found the weapon(s) but it's still pretty scary to think how easy it would be to conceal items such as this under clothing, in coat pockets, etc. Incidents like this one always make me wonder what else goes on that none of us even know about. :sad2:
Don't know if I should admit this or not as it can be a hot subject, but our household is pro-gun. I should also say that DH is a cop and I work in the field as well, so it is part of life. That being said, any responsible carrier DOES NOT FORGET THEY ARE ARMED! That is the most irresponsible thing I can think of. There was a thread on the DLR board a while ago where one Dis'er was bashing security because they did not notice that he was carrying his weapon in his waistband and he "forgot" he had armed himself as it was habit. I am sorry, but that is ridiculous. It is conscience decision to arm yourself, not something to be taken lightly and it really ticks me off that some people's excuse is, "I forgot I had it!" Who's to say that she didn't have a concealed weapons permit in her home county or state, but regardless, most of those (I don't think any) will not permit her the same priviledge of carrying in Florida.

I do think it is slowly becoming somewhat of a neccessary evil to carry a weapon at places we would have never thought of lately though. Here in Colorado, as most have heard, a deadly shooting happened this week at a Church and Missionary Center. It has happened before here in Fort Collins as well, in a church. Thankfully, both shooters were taken out by LEGALLY gun toting citizens.
I have gun owner friends and family too-and NONE of them would ever forget about a gun they were carrying. If she really forgot she had it, that's a good reason to revoke her permit.
Okay...let's give her the benefit of the doubt: so she forgot about the gun, what about the knife and the scissors?
THIS cracks me up!!! We are giving her the benefit of the doubt on forgetting the GUN instead of the knife/scissors??? Am I the only one who finds that strange??? two-foxes - My DH is also a cop and I'm sure you'll agree, they are VERY concious of their weapons. I just cannot imagine this woman is carrying a gun with live rounds in a magazine and just forgot about it. Of course, as my husband will tell you, I've been wrong before....
Who's to say that she didn't have a concealed weapons permit in her home county or state, but regardless, most of those (I don't think any) will not permit her the same priviledge of carrying in Florida.

Actually my state allows me to carry in Florida and many other states. Reciprocity covers me in
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire,New Mexico,North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania ,South Carolina ,South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont (does not require carry permits by residents or non residents), Virginia, Washington, Wyoming
Actually my state allows me to carry in Florida and many other states. Reciprocity covers me in
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire,New Mexico,North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania ,South Carolina ,South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont (does not require carry permits by residents or non residents), Virginia, Washington, Wyoming

Our county permit only permits one to carry in the state of Colorado. Regardless, my point is you don't forget you are carrying your concealed weapon.
But there is more to the story and I apologize, I dont have the complete details, but the daughter supposedly tried to pull the bag containing the gun back and when she failed then she and the grandaughter left.

This isnt Angie Dickenson / Police Woman off duty going to WDW. This is a woman with an unlicensed weapon.

And it's not a question of being pro-gun or anti-gun....it's a question of breaking the law. If she had a license for her weapon, this would not have been a news story.
But there is more to the story and I apologize, I dont have the complete details, but the daughter supposedly tried to pull the bag containing the gun back and when she failed then she and the grandaughter left.

This isnt Angie Dickenson / Police Woman off duty going to WDW. This is a woman with an unlicensed weapon.

And it's not a question of being pro-gun or anti-gun....it's a question of breaking the law. If she had a license for her weapon, this would not have been a news story.

Couldn't agree more with that point and the previous poster. Makes us gun-toaten maniacs look bad :scared1:
Sorry, but I just had to add one more thing -- back in the days of the police academy, they had all of the families of the officers come in to learn about gun safety. Of course, we learned about how the officers should be locking up their weapons in the gun safe as soon as they get home. I am having the hardest time wrapping my head around this story -- this lady is going to a place where there may quite possibly be more kids than adults and she FORGOT to take her gun from her purse???? Come on!
How stupid! First she does not have a license for the thing, secondly she forgets she has it in her purse. What about the kids finding it. Oh my!!! I can not say enough negative things about this ignorant person. This is why there are gun laws, let's obey them people.
Sorry, but I just had to add one more thing -- back in the days of the police academy, they had all of the families of the officers come in to learn about gun safety. Of course, we learned about how the officers should be locking up their weapons in the gun safe as soon as they get home. I am having the hardest time wrapping my head around this story -- this lady is going to a place where there may quite possibly be more kids than adults and she FORGOT to take her gun from her purse???? Come on!

Add to that, any citizen carrying should keep in on thier person. Imagine setting down your purse and a kid picking it up.....thats why they make holsters.
Okay,um, who is Angie Dickenson? ...
Star of Police Woman. If you were around to watch Cannon, Barnaby Jones, Hawaii Five-O, Starsky and Hutch, or the Streets of San Francisco, then you KNOW Angie Dickenson.


BTW she deserves to get arrested.
THIS cracks me up!!! We are giving her the benefit of the doubt on forgetting the GUN instead of the knife/scissors???

You realize I was being sarcastic, right? I couldn't tell from your post. No, I think it's completely asinine that anyone would claim to forget they were carrying weapons in their purse. It really sounds to me like it actually belonged to the daughter...she probably thought Granny wouldn't be scrutinized as much. Who knows, there might have been something horrible in their past that caused them to start packing heat. Whatever the reason, they shouldn't have tried to sneak it in past security.

Just curious -- I'm sure there probably are people that legally carry concealed weapons inside the parks or the resorts. How do they enter? Is there some type of office they have to go to for clearance or a security check?


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