Wonderful Mexican Riviera Therapy! COMPLETED 10/8 with Galley Pics and more!

My DH and I are going on the Oct 30 MR cruise... It's our first cruise to celebrate our first anniversary! (We also got married at WDW)

Congratulations! I'm sure it will be wonderful!

I'm in!! I love reading DCL trip reports!!!

So do we! :goodvibes We hope you enjoy!

We were on your cruise! It's going to be great reliving it with your family. Thanks!! :)

We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Dessert?....or a Disney Movie??
Delayed gratification!!!:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Good choice, DD!
Soooo much more magical - you can see a new movie any ole time...but a new Disney Princess? On a Diney Ship...I so totally understand!!:goodvibes

Keep writing ladies!!!:goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes


Thank you! And DD has no regrets about her choice. :thumbsup2

loving the report!

Great! Thanks.

We're going to try to post a new entry this weekend! We are so sorry it's been so long. May is such a busy month! But, never fear! We have returned. :)
I am loving this. I am going on my first cruise/disney cruise with DH and DD (4) to the MR on September 25 and doing as much research. Reading this is great fun. Thanks so much.
We're back! :goodvibes

So, to all of you loyal subscribers out there, our sincerest apologies... It has been two and a half months since we have updated our beloved TR. But with our next cruise booked for DD's sixteenth birthday, we've got the cruise bug again, and updating our TR is the perfect way to look forward to it!

When we last left you, we were dreaming Disney dreams after the Golden Mickeys...

We awoke Tuesday morning bright and early, and headed off to a family breakfast at the beautiful Beach Blanket Buffet. We got a table with a great view and sat down to enjoy our breakfast. DS favored his Mickey waffles, DD savored her donuts, and DH tried to be healthy by eating salmon!


After a somewhat large breakfast, we decided to "walk it off" on Deck 4. DS wasn't thoroughly enjoying himself, so he opted to spend some time with his pals at Oceaneer Club. (But not before a picture...)


The other members of the family continued their Deck 4 stroll, during which there were giggles to be had, whales to be spotted (!), and oldies songs to be guessed... that's right! I had my phone (complete with music!) with me, and we played our old standby game of "Name that Song Artist: 70's version."

When we decided that it was once again feeding time, we each enjoyed our different lunches from Pinocchio's, Pluto's, and Beach Blanket.

After a Minnie sighting...


we opted for a pool afternoon! Captain Hook decided to join us...


He must not have been feeling very piratey. He was actually helpful and showed DS which hand is the correct hand for his pirate hook! :eek:

After some fun at the pool, it was naptime for DS again, so it was back to the room. DD sneaked back out to get some pictures (33, to be exact) of Minnie's Fiesta Grande.



When all naps (and photos) had been taken, we joined up again for a wonderful dinner...

Coming up next: Sea Bass, Ventriloquy, and "How Well Do You Know DD?" (or something like that...)
New reader here! :wave2:

Going to be going on the 7 night MR cruise in December and I'm sooooo looking forward to it!

Just got off the Dream last month and my DH and I had a wonderful time!

Can't wait to read more! :cool1:
So glad you started your TR up again! I hope you'll continue!

We're on the Wonder to the Mexican Riviera in just under 60 days, so I LOVE hearing about your experiences! :thumbsup2
New reader here! :wave2:

Going to be going on the 7 night MR cruise in December and I'm sooooo looking forward to it!

Just got off the Dream last month and my DH and I had a wonderful time!

Can't wait to read more! :cool1:

Glad to have you! :thumbsup2

So glad you started your TR up again! I hope you'll continue!

We're on the Wonder to the Mexican Riviera in just under 60 days, so I LOVE hearing about your experiences! :thumbsup2

Thank you! Glad you're still reading...

Enjoy your anticipation! That's the best part, second only to... well, you know... the real thing. :goodvibes

Look for an update sometime tomorrow!

TTFN! ;)
After getting all dressed up, we headed to dinner. We saw our old pal Mickey... (Psst! You can see our wonderful waiter Teody in the upper left hand corner!)


Then we made our way to Triton's for a third delicious dining experience! We tried...

Sea Bass:


Beef Tenderloin:


Chocolate Mousse: (Quite possibly my favorite dessert of all desserts...)


Grand Marnier Souffle: (Very close to the top of DD's dessert list...)


Creme Brulee: (for DH)


(There was also a Mickey bar to be had by DS, but we didn't get a picture because he had one every night...)

Everything must have been extra yummy because we didn't take as many food pictures as normal! ;)

Back at the room, we found a new friend!


Then we headed down to the Walt Disney Theatre for some good ole post-dinner entertainment. Tonight's selection was ventriloquist-comedian Jimi Tamley. He had a lot of humor for his younger audience, but he got some laughs from the adults as well.

After the show, both of the boys were ready to retire to the room. But we girls were not giving up so easily! DD and I were intrigued by the "So You Think You Know Your Family" game coming up, so we grabbed a table in Studio Sea, and waited for the show to begin. When the CM host came out, he told us how the game would work, then called for us to go "wild and crazy." Well, that is just what DD and I did. We screamed and jumped and waved our arms, wildly and crazily. And lo and behold, we were picked! He pointed to us to go up onstage and play! We were so happy!

After all four teams were picked (each made up of a mom and her kiddo), it was time for Round 1: How well does Mom know her DD? CM sent the DS's and DD's out into the "soundproof booth"... AKA the hall. He asked the moms a few questions such as their child's favorite singer and best friend. When the kids were called back, I had gotten two out of four questions about DD right. Time for Round 2! Now, the real test: How well does DD know me?? We mothers headed to the hall while the kids were asked (as we found out later) about our cooking and how old we were. :-)eek:) When we came back, DD had gotten all four questions right about me! When the total scores were tallied, DD and I had gotten first place! CM presented us with our wonderful Disney Cruise Line hats which we wore with pride.

Finally tired, we decided it was time to turn in, so "Heigh-Ho" to the room we went...
Today was "¡El Día de Puerto Vallarta!" (as Spanish speaking DD says) or "Puerto Vallarta Day". DH and DD had booked a bus tour excursion, but DS and I stayed on board our beloved Wonder. :lovestruc We had a DM-DS breakfast at Triton's where I had the breakfast I had been anxiously anticipating...

Little Mermaid's Morning!


This breakfast has grown famous in our house... It is a running joke between DD and me that this is our favorite breakfast in the whole world. Our perfect day would begin with this as our breakfast. If you haven't had it... you MUST try it! Let me explain: Two waffles with dulce de leche cream cheese in the center, rolled in sugar and cinnamon, and drizzled with your standard maple syrup. You see what I mean? It's divine...

DS dined on these fineries...


Our breakfast waiter kindly took a photo of us by our beloved little mermaid mural...


After some mother-son time, DS went to Oceaneer Club, and I enjoyed some wonderful R&R at the "Adults Only" pool. When it was lunchtime, DS and I joined up again for a lunch at Beach Blanket Buffet. Around this time, DD and DH were returning from their excursion... In fact, they even made a cameo in a picture of DS enjoying his ice cream! :eek:


After the "Puerto Vallarta explorers" had eaten their lunch, the boys went to their now-daily pool afternoon, and DD and I found some chairs for some sunbathing. (and napping in DD's case...)


Speaking of napping, ;) DS had his, then it was time to get our
Pirate on! pirate:
Congratulations on winning the game! How fun is that!?! And I love the pic of you and DS next to the mural. Very sweet!
Yum!!! That breakfast looks so good! I am just starting my cruise research and now I think those waffles are at the top of the "must do" list. Thanks for the tip!
Congratulations on winning the game! How fun is that!?! And I love the pic of you and DS next to the mural. Very sweet!

Thank you! :goodvibes I hope DS remembers how much fun we had when he's thirteen... I have my fingers crossed!

Yum!!! That breakfast looks so good! I am just starting my cruise research and now I think those waffles are at the top of the "must do" list. Thanks for the tip!

Glad we could help! :thumbsup2 We highly recommend them!
Okay, those waffles looked AH-MAZING! Definitely need to get some of those on my trip (i'll just work out a little extra beforehand :lmao:)

And CONGRATULATIONS on winning the game! That's awesome! :thumbsup2

Also, your son is a DOLL! :cutie: He reminds me a little bit of the boy that was on a few episodes of Full House, named Rusty. He was a total cutie and I can kind of see it in your son! :goodvibes

Can't wait to read more!
I'm joining in! I just booked the Wonder Mexican Riviera for 10/30/11. This will be our first ever DCL experience! I can't wait to read more about your trip!
To quote Mr.Smee... ♪ "A pirate's life is a wonderful life! They never bury your bones. For when it's all over, a jolly sea rover drops in on his right baby toe. My good friend Davy Jones!"♪
♪ "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me. We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot. Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!" (Or... as Mr.Sparrow says...) "Da-da-da-da... really bad eggs. Drink up me hearties yo ho!" ♪

:rolleyes1 Sorry... I just got lost in the pirate songs there for a moment. That's right! It's pirate night and we're all in! We convinced DH to wear an eye patch...


DS got to wield his hook (with which we were threatened in the post dinner silliness!)...


And DD and I got to wear our fabulous finery fit for a plunderer on the Black Pearl! And of course the food was worthy of the hungry pirates prowling around...

Pot stickers:


Honeydew and watermelon soup: (Ye be warned: This was DD's least favorite food selection of the week. Every time she sees the picture, she shakes her head and says "Why did I get that?" She accidentally mistook this soup for the Mango Papaya soup served at the Parrot Cay rotation. But alas, it was not her beloved mango... and so, this will not be part of our loot in the future! But here's a picture... just in case ye're a fan of watermelon soups and had a hankerin' to see it... ;))


Pearls of the Caribbean: ("crabmeat, shrimp and salmon mixed in pearls of couscous with lemon grass infused vinaigrette" be what the menu say...)


Crab cake:


"The Dutchmen's Dijon-Crusted Sirloin of Beef": (Although between you and me, I don't know why they be using such fancy names... ... :rotfl: Hey, this is the first section of the TR we've gotten to be in character, so I figure, why not take advantage of the opportunity!)


Grilled shrimp and seared scallops on pasta: (This be DD's favorite main course of the whole week! She starts rantin' and ravin' about it each time she sees the picture.)


Mahi mahi:


Oh, and our waiter stopped by to give us a special edition of our Mickey ketchup...


And finally, what does every good pirate dream of at night? (Seriously, what do they dream of? I don't know. But if I were a pirate, I'd be dreamin' of...) Desserts!

My favorite dessert all week (and I'm guessin' that of Mr.Sparrow too...): Rum-soaked chocolate cake


Have I had too much rum, or do I be spying a little one of those Mickeys on that plate? Hmm...

And DD got to try three desserts (though I be wonderin': Why not just order three of the normal-sized ones? ): (The chocolate cake, fruit cobbler and floating island)


After we had eaten till our bellies were full and we could barely get out of our seats, we headed off for more piratey adventures!

We saw our ol' pirate pal Mickey...


And got a few moments with Mr.Sparrow (during which the young DS with the hook told Jack that his favorite part of Pirates of the Caribbean was when Jack gets swallowed by the kraken... :rotfl2: Poor Jack...)


The show tonight was Tron:Legacy, but for those pirates who be not the Tron-type, there was an alternative... an alternative which DD liked very much... an alternative that featured a damsel with long, golden hair... very long golden hair... Ay! They be showin' Tangled again! And since the men of the family hadn't seen this new motion picture, and DD couldn't get enough of it, we stopped by the Buena Vista Theater to watch it!

After a very un-piratey ending (in which they lived happily ever after! No pillaging or plundering at all!), we headed back to our room for some pirate silliness to await the next appointed eating time! We actually didn't go to the pirate party with fireworks or our favorite characters coming down zip lines... no, we just went for the food! And we got some lovely pictures, too...




The line to enjoy some of these fine-looking dishes ended up being very long, but DH, DD, and DS waited it out, and were rewarded with a second round of desserts. (I opted out of this one because I had eaten enough at dinner, and I'm not prone to eating at 11:30 at night...)

Full, silly, and piratey, we returned to the room and were off to dream scalawag dreams soon enough...
I am so with your DD on that melon soup from the Pirate menu. Blah! And I was so disappointed as I love the cold, fruity soups they serve. Ack! You all looked so cool in your pirate garb!
Okay, those waffles looked AH-MAZING! Definitely need to get some of those on my trip (i'll just work out a little extra beforehand :lmao:)

And CONGRATULATIONS on winning the game! That's awesome! :thumbsup2

Also, your son is a DOLL! :cutie: He reminds me a little bit of the boy that was on a few episodes of Full House, named Rusty. He was a total cutie and I can kind of see it in your son! :goodvibes

Can't wait to read more!

Thanks for the kind words! (DD just went to calculate how many times the waffles are available to experience in a MR week... and the answer is 3!) which means I better bring my stretchy pants for the plane ride home!

DS does resemble Rusty! How funny!

Thanks for sharing the memories with us... it's so much fun when someone responds...

I'm joining in! I just booked the Wonder Mexican Riviera for 10/30/11. This will be our first ever DCL experience! I can't wait to read more about your trip!

Yay! Welcome... Maybe we'll pass you by on the 30th when we're disembarking... you'll know it's us by the many, many tears being shed.:sad1:

But I digress...
Jack is going to LOOOOOOOVE Oceaneer Club, and you are, too! You sound like an uber-cool mom!
I am so with your DD on that melon soup from the Pirate menu. Blah! And I was so disappointed as I love the cold, fruity soups they serve. Ack! You all looked so cool in your pirate garb!

Same here! We LOVE the strawberry soup and (of course, as mentioned before...) the mango/papaya soup... I guess watermelon just doesn't translate into soup form so well. :confused3

Thank you! pirate:
Luckily for me, I have TONS of stretchy pants! :yay::lmao:

Great update! Absolutely LOVE the way you write! Very witty and hilarious!

LOVED the rum cake! Tried it in my Sweet Temptations Trio aboard the Dream and it was ridiculously delicious!

Need to remember about the Mango Papaya soup your DD loves for next time.

Can't wait for your next installment!


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