Working on Weight Loss and getting Lean!

Hey everybody! I know I've been missing for ages but can I hop in to the party? :flower3:
Absolutely. We haven't been very active lately, but hopefully, we can now. :thumbsup2 Welcome back.

Jeanne: I'm sorry you don't have an answer yet, but glad for what you know so far. You can get rid of those pounds, no problem. I want another challenge too. :) Great job getting through both races. I know you were worried.

Vicky: So, how was the boat practice? That's a lot of money, but you're right, it's just one or two races really. I'm totally craving donuts now, thanks. :laughing: The social problems class fulfills a sociology class that I needed for the nursing program. So, I'm actually doing it ahead of time. :thumbsup2

Maria: Great to hear from you again. You are going to do great this year at Princess with your training! Those pounds will come off, I'm sure.
As far as football goes, you know I'm not a Brady fan, BUT.... I had to cheer him on last week, because I REALLY don't like Tebow! Of course, then my beloved Packers played so horribly that I now have to cheer for the Giants. They don't really stand a chance, but they're my 4th favorite team and the only ones left in the playoffs.

AFM: Boy, I am in total agreement about needing another challenge. I've already lost 2 pounds, but really want to get all the rest of this weight off. Who wants to lead it?:lmao: I suppose I can if we are all in agreement that we want to do it again. So, who would be in and what should we do?

My knee is hurting again. :mad: I just do not like being injured. It's driving me crazy. It's not like I'm doing anything wrong. I'm not running and I'm doing lots of PT. I may not get back to running anytime soon, and that has me worried. I know Harrison won't run the 10k if I don't.

Hope you all have a good weekend.
Hello, Leanies!*Posting from my iPad, so formatting may be wonky!

Okay, so my biggest accomplishment so far has been in re-organizing a schedule so that I can post a few times a week to WISH/the DIS (with the former being the priority). It's a HUGE deal to me, though, and quite lifts my spirits. Thank you for being here!

Liz: Of course you are welcome. I feel this year, for me, is a return to the nest -to a place that I always find support even when I stray. Y'all are better to me than my biological family! And I'm delighted to have any excuse to reconnect with you. Somehow, I didn't see you in Jan. at all - we always seemed to be running late for meets, etc. FWIW, I'm in the same boat with you - spend a lot of hours in front of a screen for my job, and writing, so have been lax about being here. But I can't think of a better support group than the friends I've made here! :thumbsup2

Tandy: I think that starting out pain-free and building up is the smartest, best thing you can do. And a 10K is a good distance to aim for, especially with your busy schedule, recovery etc. Not that it's any easier to hear, even if you know it's right. (I'd be snarking at me right now, saying "I know, I know.") But it's even harder to start over rather than just throw in the towel. That whole WISH DLF > DNF >> DNS sort of applies to life, you know. And yes, yes I'm saying this as much for me as for you. Projecting. Totally. But I like to think we're in this together.*:cool1:

Update: I just caught your second post. ABout the knee pain. Any sense of why now? It sounds as if you've been really cautious and are doing the right things with PT, strengthening the muscles, etc. And I know you're worried about Harrison, too. How stressful. I take it the pain is familiar and you just need more time? If so, I hope it helps to know you can keep up your conditioning with other things & still have time to train for the 10K. That, too, can be inspiring to DS. :hug:

The weight and the eating for comfort. I understand. And to empathize with you, all the studying you do - all that time focused on school, sitting, and the stress that goes with it - makes it harder. They should really rename secretary's butt student's butt. Although I do think it's very cool that you're enjoying at least one class/prof. A control freak/hippy makes perfect senses to me...which probably says more about me than you need to know!

Your trip keeps sounding better and better. I'd be really excited, too, and would spend all my free time planning for that rather than studying. You're obviously strong willed.*

Maria: I'm so glad to hear you and Dennis are in for 2013 Marathon Weekend. Seriously, the people are the reason we keep signing up for it. Esp. with registration fees!

And I'm glad you're committed to doing your race and Dennis his. That takes strength and willpower IMO. It's a balance I also have problems with - so I'm impressed. I also have to say your Princess plan of doing 13 seems smart. I think it will add a lot to your mental game. When we dropped down to the half, we'd already done more mileage for the full and I kept up with 10 and 12 milers. It was such a comfort and I felt good on race day. I'm positive you'll have a great time (on and off the course). :yay:

And just a side note - I need to focus on what I'm eating, too, and why. (Too much snackage and drinkage *when writing. And I'm always writing. I've got a bit of a problem.)

Vicky: Are Timbits Tim Horton's donut holes? Your manager sounds like he may have several problems. Not just diabetes, but social skills. But I'm glad he prevented you for indulging in something you (and he) would be better off without. He accidentally did you a favor!*

Squats...let me just say I could use with a better shape in all areas. I need some high-definition for the body and not just the screens I look at!

Okay, it probably doesn't help you at all if I say the dragon boat thing sounds like the coolest thing ever! If also a little pricey. Still, I only have an image of such a sport. What all does it entail - I hadn't even considered needing to be a strong swimmer, after all.*:confused3

Jeanne: Ugh to the meds causing weight gain, even though I'm glad they're helping you feel better. It's just more evidence that, no matter what the people in infomercials try to tell us, there is no such thing as a miracle pill. There's always a downside to drugs. But I can't help but think until there's a diagnosis, this trade-off is preferable. I hate to think of you in pain. Hugs! :hug:

AFM: I did 8 miles on a TM this weekend because of icy road conditions. I should have waited until today, as it got warmer. But what I've noticed about myself is I do much, much better if I keep to a fairly rigid WO schedule. The moment I allow myself any flexibility in my WOs, or the rest of my life for that matter, I give myself permission to let all sorts of things slide - eating, sleeping, caffeine, laundry.... (Okay, the last one will always be a problem for me). IDK if it's a product of age or stress or being OCD, but I like the self-imposed rigidity. And to-do lists, both things that used to drive me crazy. Or maybe I'm crazy now. You decide.

Haven't made any decisions as to races so far. We have some budget things to decide on. And DOOD has another travel opportunity that will factor into budget and time. Apparently he's very popular. Or can't say no. But I'm officially starting my 2012 resolutions on Feb. 1 - a month late, but who says I need to stick by a calendar!
Ok, so I've picked my first century ride (June 10) and have merged my training schedule for the IL half and the ride. They overlap by 4 weeks. Those are going to be some interesting weeks.

Also back to doing weekly menu and advance cooking to make it easier during the week. We both work downtown so with the commute and work outs if something isn't already made or real quick we wind up picking something up. Have to stop that.

How's everyone doing so far this week?
Hi ladies. How's everyone doing?

Liz: That'll definitely be a busy 4 weeks training for 2 events at the same time. Yikes. I'm in complete agreement about prepping and planning ahead for dinners. We struggle so much when I haven't planned the week out, and always end up going out. Always a bad idea!

Debra: I'm a non-diagnosed OCD sufferer (really, I truly believe I am), and couldn't function without lists and tasks being put in order, so I completely sympathize. I like Feb 1st as the start too. I pretty much blew January already, so I need that fresh start!

Don't worry, I'm not snarking at you. I hear you! It's just tough when you're in the midst of the self pity, oh whoa is me mode! :lmao: I'm climbing out now, so no worries. I am actually feeling a little bit healthy and skinny again. :thumbsup2

AFM: I haven't lost any more weight, but my pants are feeling better. Always a good thing! I attempted a run today for about 10 seconds chasing the dog. I am hoping to run this weekend, but may have to scrap it for ice skating. I just don't know how much I want to tempt fate with the knee. Zumba is going well again, and I'm not hurting at all. Going again tonight. I am soooo addicted.

Baseball practice actually starts tonight. I just don't know what is wrong with these coaches. It's January, people! But, oh well.

I'm having a great time in school this week. Lots of fun. I have the chance to go through the honors program and am looking for advice. Do you really think that graduating "with honors" is a big enough deal to go through the 4 honors classes I'd have to go through (1 credit hour each)? I can get 2 done this summer and would have to do one each semester in fall and spring. Totally doable, but I just don't know if it's worth the extra work and money at this point. I mean, come on, I'm almost 42 years old! I have to make a decision by the end of next week. At first, I was really leaning towards it, but now I just don't know. Ugh!!!!!
A quickie - and a totally G-rated one. Truly quick as I need to get to pack for my flight tomorrow in the early a.m. It's holiday time at the parents, with all the stress that entails.

Liz - Your schedule sounds fabulous, as well as challenging. One day, I'll devote more time to bike riding, and I do want to do a century ride. How are you going to tweak your training for the overlap?

I try, and often fail, with the weekly menu. When I can keep to it, it really works. But I'm always so tempted by the "eat out" / "take out" life. Great, great strategy!

Tandy - We're in it together (to win it) on Feb. 1! I'm glad you have happy pants, both in and out of the seat of the classroom. As for honors, I think it's useful if you're fresh-faced and in the job market. Not sure about us seasoned folk. You've got a lot of stuff competing for your attention and limited time.

AFM: This week's goal has been getting up early to match the semester's schedule. I'm running on sleep deprivation. I think that's why I bashed my little toe on furniture today. It's bruised, swollen and painful - may be broken. Looks like no running tomorrow, for sure. No time to see the doc beforehand. I'll be taping it and crossing my fingers (not my toes, not for a long time. :rotfl:)

Seriously, though, I fear this means no running for a while. I know you all will help me learn no coping mechanisms.
Tandy - agree with Deb on the honors classes. Congrats on pants fitting better!

Deb - PD for the toe! Ouch. Be sure to ice it too and see a doc if needed. OH and good luck with the family trip.

AFM: Tweaking the bike training plan for the overlap. I cycle for cross training anyway so it's always on my schedule. Just need to shorten some of the weekday ones those weeks to keep my core/yoga work. Thankfully the long rides those weeks top out at 40 miles and I've done 50 so should be fine. The hard part will be the 40 mile ride the day after the half. :rotfl:
Good morning ladies. I hope everyone is doing well.

Liz: Yeah, a half marathon followed by a 40 mile ride would be tough. But, it sounds like you are prepared and have planned for it.

Debra: I hope the trip is going okay. Don't stress too much. I'm so sorry to hear about the toe. :hug: Even if it is broken, there's not really anything the doctor can do. They just do the "buddy tape" thing to the toe next to it and call it good. Of course, we still don't want it to be broken. Also sorry to hear about the sleep deprivation. Never a good thing. But, hopefully, you'll get used to the new schedule soon.

AFM: I ran a mile, and without pain. I'm going to give it a try again today and maybe add a half mile on. I also did zumba 3 times last week, so I'm feeling even better about the lack of pain while running. :banana:

I went against the great advice here and entered the honors program. I just couldn't help myself, sorry. The scholarship that I could get makes it worth it. It covers all tuition, but only about 25% of the students can get covered. The good news is that it's merit based, not need based. Frank and I make too much money to qualify for anything, but school is putting a huge dent in our finances right now. So, that's part of why I decided to go for it. I need to put my application and essay in for the scholarship and hope they accept me. I also need to get referrals from 2 of my professors, but that's the easy part. The essay was tough for me. I actually wrote about running. :laughing:

Time to get busy. Hope everyone has a lovely Monday. Hope to hear from Jackie, Maria, Vicky, Manda, Jeanne, and Beth soon (I feel like I'm missing someone).
Liz: 40 miles after a half? You know, we have the Goofy. We have a Chip and Dale. We have the Dopey. What do you call this XT endurance event? How about the Hercules? Isn't there a scene in the movie where he does the "Rocky" training montage? That's what I'm going to call your training, anyway. The Hercules.

Tandy: Now, why didn't you tell me there was money involved with the honors thing? Of course that would change my answer, because I'm cheap, cheap, cheap! :lmao:And financial costs also add to your stress! Good luck with the application & I think writing about running will set you apart!

And I'm so happy that you've been able to run without pain. That's good, no great, news!

Hello to Jackie, Maria, Vicky, Manda, Jeanne, and Beth!

AFM: I'd meant to post yesterday, but it ended up being a 14 hour travel day. Mechanical issues meant missed connection (even though we had a 2 hour layover), then full flights, separate stand-bys for DOOD and me, and an error in my third leg. On and on and on. The upshot is I did get walking time in an airport (not good for my toe) but I also had caffeine. 1/2 a Diet Coke. I'm back on the wagon, not feeling the draw back to the caffeine now & know I was reacting to the stress.

My toe feels much better each day, though it was very sore today (I had to hustle between terminals). I've been buddy taping them and will be able to stay off my feet fairly regularly. I have been, and will be, doing some XT and cardio - not sure when I'll be running. (Any thoughts on a general timetable for returning to running?) But I see it as the jump start I need for variety.

Tomorrow is Feb. 1, by the way. And that means my New Year's Resolutions start! Gotta drop the pounds, cut down on the sugar, work on the core, sign up for some races (a little later than I'd hoped, I think). And keeping up here - let's just say that the fact I've been able to post fairly regularly in January has made me happier and more focused already. Thank you! :yay:
Hello leanies! I love the idea of February 1st as the start to the new year! I'm all for it! I'll admit that I haven't been very good with the sugar lately. I never am after I come back from vacation. And yes I realize I've been back from WDW for about 3 weeks :blush:

Debra - Sorry to hear about the toe. Do you know if it's fractured, broken or just bruised? I only ask because if it's broken, it would probably get worse if you exercised on it. I'm thinking good thoughts though and sending lots of pixiedust: that it will heal just fine.

Sorry to hear about the flight problems. It seems like these mechanical issues are becoming quite common on connecting flights. Send in a letter ... hopefully you'll get a future flight credit. My friend got delayed 20 hours on a 90 minute flight last year. Yikes! I think that's pretty awesome that you managed to get in some walking at the airport. I probably would have been sulking.

|Tandy - Glad to hear that you went for the honors program! Good luck with the scholarship application! School gets expensive and every little bit helps :) WTG on the pain free running!

Liz - What's this about a 40 mile bike ride after a half marathon? I agree with Debra - you're on a Hercules training plan! You go girl! And I'm like you with cooking after work. It has to be something that's easy to make or I'm getting take out. I love cooking but don't have the energy after work to spend 40 minutes or more preparing meals. This weekend I will probably make chilli and pre-marinate some chicken so that I have easy to make food.

AFM - I am going with the suggestion here of restarting tomorrow. I'm going to switch over to clean eating. Eventually, I'd like to eliminate fruit again (because of the sugar) but for now, I'm keeping it in while I get rid of the refined sugar. I still will have some on my cheat day but it's pretty much gone the rest of the week.

I registered for a half marathon at the beginning of May. I did it along with Kim and Rebecca on Hakuna Matada. Not sure if I'll do it as a training run or for a PB. I'm still chasing that elusive sub 2:00 half. This one is supposedly a PB race because it's mostly downhill. We'll see. I'm just getting back into running and so far *knock on wood* it's been pain free.

The dragon boat practice was so-so. Last week it was a one hour boot camp and I didn't find it too challenging. I was surprised that a lot of them looked kind of winded because the person who invited me to join said that there was a competitive team there. I'm going back this Thursday and will see what happens. They're doing a boot camp along with paddling in a pool.

I would be up for a challenge but don't have the time to keep track of points. I can suggest exercises if that would help.

Anyway... that's about it! Can't wait to hear about everyone's first day in the "new year" :)
Tandy - I absolutely would have said go with the honors program if there's money involved! Annie was so grateful that she missed the final cut for the honors program when she went to college, since it involved a LOT of extra work, but I was really bummed about the almost free tuition we missed out on! In retrospect, I don't think she could have handled the workload, and would have ended up being dropped from the program, so it's probably just as well... :sad2: But you're past that irresponsible age, and I'm confident you can handle it!

Liz - Congratulations on meal planning and prep. I keep trying... some weeks I do better than others, but the last couple of weeks I've been back to really bad. The only way I'll ever lose weight is to plan, plan, and plan. And then prep and prep.

Debra - How's the toe? I know you're still at the 100 Day Challenge, so you're managing to keep moving regardless. I've kept up so far, but today's about to be a struggle. I got home from work at 4:30, and am meeting a friend at 6:00 to go out for the evening. I SHOULD be walking the pups, or on the TM, but where am I? :rolleyes1

Vicki - I'm registered for multiple halfs this spring. Can't decide if I'm going to run any or all of them for time or just for the fun of it. There's one just two weekends after my full, and unfortunately that one offers the best opportunity both in terms of course and running partner to go for time. I think I'll just see how it feels each day.

Maria - Are you ready for Sunday? I don't care at all who wins, but will enjoy the game nonetheless. And probably even squeeze in a walk on the TM while I'm watching!

I should have used Feb 1st as a start over. I did really well in January, but kind of fell off the wagon towards the end. I've had Frosted Flakes for dinner TWICE this week. So much for being healthy...:guilty: As I told Debra, I have exercised every day since 1/1, and many of those days have included upper body/core, so I'm feeling good about that.

I have a marathon next weekend, then the rest of the year looks like this (as of today)
Crystal Coast 2/25
NC Half 3/23
Raleigh Rocks 4/1
Run Raleigh 4/15
The Scream 7/14
Richmond Half 11/10
Outer Banks 11/11 (or possibly Norfolk)

I'm also going to be a group leader for our Galloway program this year. Instead of moving up a group, I'm going to stay where I was last year as a leader. My running buddy wants me to move up to her group, but I'm not comfortable being a leader at a pace that's still challenging.

Gotta go get ready for the night out!

Well, thank goodness the DIS replaced the server sometime in the past couple of days.... :cool1:

Yeah, I don't think I can keep track of points. Or if I do, then it takes on this huge focus in my life & any little derailment becomes a big one. I'm trying to focus on small regular changes right now. I've let things get out of control on the health front so it's baby steps. Because, you know, I'm a big baby. :rolleyes1

Vicky: I don't know if I could give up on fruit - that's a huge part of my diet - but I have been trying to cut back on dried fruits like raisins, Bing cherries, etc., and juices. If I'm going to have fruit I want it to be more substantial. I really like - probably too much - the idea of a cheat day.

Congrats on signing up for your next race already, and the savvy planning for a possible PB. The pain-free post-Goofy ain't half bad, either! :lmao: So, how did this week's dragon boat practice go? If I understand correctly, the group is in getting into shape before you get into the water? (Besides pool work?) Well, we all know you're in better shape than most people!

Liz: You'll be glad to know you've inspired me to do some weekly menu planning. Right now, we have some rice dishes cooking - and DOOD will only need to throw in meat for his portions when we reheat. It's not a glamorous diet, but it is efficient and healthier than we've been eating.

Jackie: Congrats on SO many fronts - you have a full race schedule, your Galloway leadership, your steady workouts. I think I'd be treating myself to more than Frosted Flakes - although I deeply understand the need/desire not to go back on default foods when planning goes awry. I'm working on that. How was your night out? Anything scandalous?!

Tandy: How's your running? And semester - I realize you won't have heard anything about honors yet. Unless they're much more efficient than most institutions.

Maria: Plans for Super Bowl Sunday? Lots of pre-game celebrating? And how is your Princess planning coming along?

Hello to Jeanne (any news?), Manda (training), Wendy (30 1/2s!) and Beth (back?)

AFM: The toe continues to heal. Truthfully, I'm not sure if it's just a fracture or broken (or if I know the difference). I'd like to believe it's just a very bad sprain. But since the healing process is essentially the same, I'm not going to dwell. And I'm definitely not going to the doctor. I'm one of those patients....:rolleyes1

And I have to confess to feeling like such a hypocrite these days. I try really hard to counsel others to take it easy when injured - RICE, etc. - and keep an eye on the long run. (Bwa ha ha!) But when it comes to myself, not so much. I find myself bargaining, thinking, "Maybe I could just...."

I think it's because I'm addicted to exercise - addictive personality and all. I use it to manage stress and mood. And you know, I've taken away my caffeine and chocolate. What else do I have? (Hmmm, there is that whiskey sitting on my shelf.... :scratchin)

But no, seriously, I've been moody since I've been unable to work out to the degree to which I'm used to. So pleasant to live with. So tomorrow I've given myself clearance to try a little time on the streets. Not running. Just walking a mile or so to see how it feels and if I can do it without limping. DOOD has also given the thumbs up, but I'm not sure if it's not just to shut me up! :rotfl:

Okay, not doing a points thing with my Feb. NY's resolution. But I am committing to strength training 3X next week. That's up, oh, 300% from January. ;)
Good morning team. I am so happy to see posting going on and, it's not taking 2 minutes for a page to load.:banana:

Debra: Of course you're hypocritical about your own injury. We all are. We all know what we're supposed to do, so we're able to give great advice when people get hurt. But, living by that advice is a different story. It sucks! :lmao:

I think it should be okay to go for a walk. I did zumba on my broken toe. Of course, I also tore my calf that night, but I think I was dealing with a lot more issue than I thought. ;)

I keep forgetting that you're a vegetarian. I made it a year, then threw in the towel because of limited choices at restaurants (you can only eat so many plain salads). But, I'm getting ready to head back after today. Frank asked me to go get ribs and brisket for the game party, and I just can't resist. So, starting tomorrow.......:laughing:

You and I are so alike. OCD, addictive personality, crazy. I have such an addictive personality that it gets insane sometimes. Running has been the big one for the last couple of years, and I go nuts when I can't do it. I just noticed that I used the words crazy, insane and nuts all in a row here. Wonder what that says about me?:rolleyes1

So sorry to hear about your issues with traveling. Yuck. Never fun and you didn't even get to fly with DOOD.

Jackie: So happy to hear from you! We have missed you, but totally understand.

Congrats on the group lead for the running team. That's fantastic. I agree that you shouldn't move to leading and move up a level. That would be too much. You have a lot on your plate this year with that schedule.

Yeah, the money is huge! Annie is right though. If she can't handle that work load and pressure, best to not even attempt and fail. But, yes, money for school is always nice. I may not get it though, so this could come back to bite me.

Vicky: Yeah, I don't want to do points either. Maybe we could just hold ourselves accountable here. For instance, I have worked out every day of February so far in one form or another. I have eaten great. Stuff like that maybe?

You know, I've been thinking about it and I think maybe you should try for that record in the half. You've got a couple months to work on speed and your distance is already up past that mark, so it's totally doable. I knew when I ran that 5k last summer that the course was completely flat and it was going to be fast, so I only worked on speed before hand. Of course, there's a huge difference between a 5k and a half, like 10 miles!:laughing:

AFM: I ran 3 miles yesterday without stopping or pain!!!!!:banana: I am feeling so much better. I'm going to do 2 today with Harrison and some abs, I believe.

I got into the honors program. It's not really hard. As long as your GPA is high enough and your ACT is high enough, you're in. Hey, I even got a Tshirt! :thumbsup2 I enrolled in my first honors class, algebra, oh boy. The professor/mentor is wonderful so far. I'm writing my second paper today, before the game. She LOVED my first one. Now, I just need to get my scholarship application in on Tuesday. I'm signing contracts with two more professors for courses over the summer. I'm going to do honors psych and social problems. Then, the last 2 can be part of my nursing program.

I'm very excited for the game tonight. We are huge Manning fans in our house, Archie, Peyton and Eli. So, of course, we'll be routing for the Giants (sorry Maria). But, it should be a close game no matter what. And, it should be a fun Patriots offense vs. Giants defense kind of game. The big 3 on the Giants defense are so much fun to watch. Sorry, can you tell I love football?

I've tweaked the menu a little tonight to incorporate some healthy options, but I am still going to enjoy myself and not worry tonight. Back on track tomorrow. The food won't be as much of an issue for me as the wine and beer. :rolleyes: Now, I just have to figure out when I'm going to have time to finish homework. When they say 3 hours of homework per hour of class time, they aren't kidding. Oh, and now, I'm taking 18 credit hours! :scared1:
Good Morning, Lovely Lean Ones!

We are in the midst of a merger at work, ok, more like a takeover that was requested by the "takee", and I find myself with a bunch of extra things to accomplish. I even brought work home, but I don't think I'm going to do it :rolleyes1

Tandy -- Congratulations on the honors program, and the financial incentive it brings with it! :thumbsup2 I'm so glad your run went well, I know how eager you are to run without pain, and really, that doesn't seem too much to ask, does it? ;)

Debra -- Your poor toe! I do hope it heals quickly. It is no fun, and there seems like so little you can do to help it along :hug: We're watching the Super Bowl at home, just the 3 of us. This is the one football game a year Ben watches. He's just not really a fan, but he loves the commercials and the spread we put out. My Princess plans are coming right along! I have plans for a few meals with Rose from Team Ohana, I bought my 2-day Sports Hopper (great discount!), and I even picked up a new pair of Merrell shoes for walking around the Parks. I also have my highest corral placement to date, I will starting from Corral C. I am really excited, I feel like I "earned" this move up. Three weeks from today at this time I will be done. It seems to be sneaking up on me!

Jackie -- You are going to make a fabulous group leader! And what a great schedule you have planned! I can't imagine that many halfs in one year...I'm looking at 3-4 for this year, and that is daunting. It sounds like a really fun schedule, though ::yes::

Vicky -- Your Half sounds like the perfect time for a PB! I know you are in great shape, and you might as well go for it :yay: How is the clean eating coming? I'm restarting my eating after today. I've been going a little crazy lately, and I need to get back on track.

Liz -- :welcome: So great to see a new poster! I don't get here as often as I would like, but that may be changing. Anyway, you have some great things coming up, it sounds like you are taking Lean to a whole new level!

I think I'm giving up on the BL threads. I just don't fit with many in that group, with their focus on eating 1,200 calories a day -- and if they walk a mile, that's exercise. Not that there's anything wrong with that (I guess), but while I do need to eat less, I still have to think about eating enough to fuel my workouts, because honestly, I get more from the movement than the diet. I know that isn't true based on lost lbs, but mentally, I need the workouts and the races. And I have had some recent success -- I restocked my lingerie and I went down a size in the undies, and down a band size and up a cup size in my bras (yes, that hasn't happened since puberty), so I am getting smaller, it's just taking awhile...

I did my last 10M LR before the Princess yesterday. It felt good, although I struggled more at the end than I would have liked. I did 12M two weeks ago, and that was rough. Now I am officially tapering, hopefully the madness won't take over!

I'd better get moving, lots to do today since we will be glued to the tv at 6!

Maria :upsidedow

oh yea -- Go PATS!
Maria: I just had to come back on to tell you that I think you're making the right decision.:thumbsup2 You haven't been happy with the BL thing for awhile. I wasn't sure why, but now it makes sense. I have a ton of friends who think health equates diet. End of story! Not true in the least. Yes, you can lose weight eating 1200 calories a day and walking or running a mile. But, when I think about the kind of person I want to be, strong and healthy are my goals. I can get that a lot easier eating 2000 calories of super healthy food (or not, depending on my mood) and running 5-10 miles. So, you're in good company over here with us!:)

Ben and Harrison sound a lot alike. We are "forcing" him to watch at least half the football game with us today. He's going to route for the Patriots just to annoy me. :lovestruc

Sorry work is so hard right now, but congratulations on being a size smaller in the undies! :banana: Always awesome! The slow and steady wins the race thing is so true with weight loss!

I bet you'll do great in the race. Yeah to Corral C!:cheer2:

AFM: Quick little note to say that Harrison and I got our run finished and I walked the dog, so the hard stuff is done for the day. :thumbsup2
Tandy/Maria - Reading your comments about our views on healthy and fitness reminded me of a conversation we had at breakfast yesterday. (Btw, the best part of our Saturday runs are the breakfasts at Panera afterwards; sometimes just a couple of people, sometimes as many as 20) Our director was talking about how many people over the years in the Galloway program who have completed their first marathon or first half have then gone on to achieve other personal goals, such as returning to school (sound familiar?) or making other positive changes in their lives. Once they've gained the confidence from completing the race, they're suddenly able to make all sorts of changes. Bottom line, we're better all around because we're distance runners! :thumbsup2

Debra - On a distantly related note... the night out was a smashing success. We went downtown for First Friday, when many of the art studios and galleries open and the restaurants offer specials and music. I went because of a FB invite from someone I hadn't seen in over 30 years - she's recently moved back to town and opened her own studio. A few years ago, I would have been way too shy to go to such an event, not even knowing if I'd recognize her, and especially knowing I'd just have to walk up to her and introduce myself after such a long time. But the "new" me invited my running buddy out for a night on the town, and we went. Had a wonderful time, rekindled an OLD friendship, and did something I normally wouldn't do. Art galleries aren't generally my thing, but we had a wonderful time. Then had dinner at an Irish pub that I can't ever get Bill to go to, so it was a great girls' night out!

Maria - Congratulations on Corral C! I'm very excited that I'm not in the last corral next weekend for the Breast Cancer Marathon as well. Next to last, but not last!

Tandy - I'm somewhat happy that Bill is working tonight, and I get to watch the game solo. He's pulling for the Patriots (grew up in Boston,) but I'm more of an Eli fan. In the end, I'm just going to enjoy the game, and I don't have to eat junk because it's just me. I'm going to make a bag of popcorn and let that be the end of it! That is, after I take the dogs out, do 30 minutes on the TM (darned 100 Day Challenge), and paint my toenails.

As for the challenge, I think I like the idea of accountability. So far, I've been successful in the 100 Day Fitness Challenge. I think we're on Day 36, and I've done something every day so far. (True confession - I did cheat a little and count the walking downtown for Friday's activity) I have to get the eating back on track, but I can't get excited about preparing menus for this week if we're leaving on Friday morning for Jacksonville. I have choir practice tomorrow night, and I'm pretty sure it will be hectic getting ready to go. Then Annie will be home Thursday night, so I think I'll plan to start all over when we get back next Tuesday. I just have to get through this week without resorting to Frosted Flakes every night.

I will commit to trying to half-heartedly plan what I'm going to eat this week while I'm watching the game. How's that?

Hello to Liz, Vicky, Jeanne, Manda, and all lovely Leanies!

Tandy: Embrace my own hypocrisy! That's just what I needed to hear - at least in this area. :lmao:And that it's okay to test the toe a bit - it's tender and swelling easily, and DOOD is far into pampering me. I need someone to say Zumba!

OCD..yes, yes, yes!! I've been using the terms stir crazy and going bonkers. And the vegetarian thing too, with the frustration at salads as the veggie option. In the airport where we got delayed, I almost had a meltdown when the "gourmet salad" option was a Greek salad. :headache:

About honors: What's better than a free t-shirt! :dance3: It sounds like all the coursework is falling into place easily, and it helps if you've got working relationships with your profs.

Congrats to you and Manning. Manning for MVP and you for the healthy snacks and the Super Bowl win. (There will be commiseration for Maria coming up!) I only half-watched the game - I started to do taxes. I'm still missing a couple of 1099s but my bookkeeping is a mess, so I need to do what I can, when I can. Beside, it's not like it was the World Cup. (Soccer family here.) :rolleyes1

Maria: First, I'm sorry about the Super Bowl. It was a nail biter, though, so a good game to (casually, for me) watch.

A takeover? What does that mean for you? Are you okay - even if it's good news, it's stressful. I'm so glad your Princess plans have come together with Rose, Corral C, new shoes & a Park Hopper (didn't really know about the Sports Discounts until this year). You've earned this race - and a WDW getaway, the latter especially because of work changes.

I'm sorry to hear about the BL threads, but it sounds like most DISers there just aren't where you are, where you need to be in your journey. You're singing to the choir here about the importance of movement in your life. It's about so much more than pounds.

For me - and for you and, I suspect, most of us here - the diet aspect won't work without the working out (running, esp.). It's a holistic lifestyle, with exercise being the thing that really makes us strong mentally, keeps us balanced emotionally, and keeps us motivated in ways large and small. And speaking of small, congrats on the smaller size! :cool1:

I'm not criticizing anyone else, nor are you, but I just think your start line for being healthy is different than this group of BL posters. Like in Corral C. Go you! (And oh yeah, everything Tandy and Jackie said!) :yay:

Jackie: Very perceptive about how running helps us feel strong, confident, empowered to make other changes and chase other personal goals. I see your girls' night out, plus trying new things, as very much an illustration of that! And it sounds like fun!

Speaking of goals, I'm quite sure you're doing well with your 100-day challenge. Tell me about your plans for your upcoming half and running "too fast" (other thread). I'm so excited about your marathon, too!

AFM: I'm on track to keep my strength-training goal this week. Tentative plans to get out on the sidewalks tomorrow with a walk-run, heavy on the walk. I'm down 2 pounds from last week, but my weigh-in from last week may have reflected bloating and whatnot from my travel days.

In other good news, I'm sloooowly adjusting to this early-to-bed, much-too-early-to-rise schedule. I'm still sluggish until early afternoon, but it's getting easier to get up. I'd be so happy if I could get in sync with a permanent schedule.

In other things, I think DOOD and I are going to look for 5Ks in the cities we visit, just to see if we can squeeze in some races while traveling so that the trips don't feel quite so disruptive and obligatory. We'll see; it's easier to hope for such things than to necessarily have the follow-through, esp. in my brief perusals I don't see any races or the races are too far away from the hotels. Cross your shoelaces for me, though!
Hello leanies! I thought I'd better check in since I haven't done so in a while.

Debra - Glad to hear the new sleep schedule is working out! I keep telling myself that I'm going to do that as well - early to bed, early to rise. Well, just get more sleep in general :blush: But I'm a bit of a night owl and just not very good at that.

Congrats on the 2lb loss! I'm still not wanting to step on the scale. I did once after coming back from the January races and I was up 4 lbs. Yikes! I don't really want to know what the number says.

I think you should make a visit to Toronto. I'm trying to get some of the Hakuna Matata team up here in 2013. Plus, Kim and I are already here :) You could time it for the beginning of September and go to TIFF as well!

Jackie - Wow! You're tough! I would not be able to make it with a bag of popcorn while everyone else was eating goodies around me. Good for you!! And WTG sticking to the 100 day challenge!

Maria - When I first started losing weight many years ago, I was really focused on cutting calories and counting points as well. The weight loss was great but I was unhappy after while because I felt like I was restricting myself too much. I'd much rather workout and be physically strong and enjoy the occasional treat (or two, or three *ahem* :blush: ).

Congrats on the drop in underwear size! That means you can go shopping again! Yay! Good luck on the Princess! I can't wait to hear how it goes :)

Tandy - I love that you got a tee shirt! That's awesome!

I'm in for accountability too! I wish I had more time to help organize but I don't want to commit and then have to back out part way through the challenge because I ran out of time.

That's a lot of homework! You are superwoman for fitting in all of this stuff!

AFM - Not much of import to report. I decided to get rid of my gym membership since it's been unseasonably warm and dry out this winter. I'll still be there once a week to train with my PT but that's about it. I figure I can save the money spent on the extra session and the monthly gym fee to workout on my own at home. Not sure how that will go ... but we'll see.

The clean eating has been so-so. I can't quite seem to get rid of the sugar completely. I think I just have to focus and make it work! I'm also working on getting in more veggies but ... I don't like them that much. :)

I also registered for the DL 1/2 so that I can get the C2C medal. It's going to be a quick trip Friday to Tuesday. Well, I'm leaving Wednesday but it will be in the morning. If I leave in the afternoon, I won't get back to Toronto until really late because of the time change.

That's all for now! Have a great day leanies! :wave2:
Hello everyone!!!

Been a while but for some reason I could not get DIS to load at work then this week, it starts working most of the time. :confused3 Plus side is it will let me check in more often.

Debra - The Hercules. I like it! Think I'll put that on the top of my schedule. Glad you're getting (semi) adjusted to the sleep schedule. Like Vicky I'm more of a night owl which works just great for getting up at 5.30am for work. :rolleyes1 You guys ever get to Chicago?

Maria - Completely understand backing out of the BL threads. I had looked at those last year and realized my idea of going out for a walk and theirs was completely different. Not bad necessarily, just different.

Vicky - We dumped our gym membership, too. Save money, winter not that bad, etc. I do pretty well with clean eating except some of the grains taste like cardboard and I just cannot get into whole wheat pasta. I have recipes for hiding the veggies in tasty food if you want.

How far are you from Kim? We're looking at maybe taking a motorcycle trip in July from here to Toronto, Portland, Boston & DC. Yep, big loop. Still trying to decide between that or Yellowstone. (One long drive,one destination)

AFM: Doing ok. Was a rough close at work so derailed my workouts for a bit. Running three crock pots on Sunday for weekday meals has been a huge help in the evenings and even lunches. I need more breakfast ideas though. Getting bored.

Like I mentioned, we got rid of our gym membership but I'll need to find a pool in a couple months to ramp up swim training. I need to find a run group since Patrick and I can't run together. Been going solo past few years but thinking it might be nice to have others around sometimes. Especially this fall during full training.

Have officially signed up for the century ride in June. :yay::scared1: Now I need to tackle fund raising. Thankfully it's a small amount (unlike the breast cancer walks) but I stink at it.

Hope everyone is having a great day/week!!

Oh, anyone else doing ToT?
Liz - Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who find gym memberships expensive :) I remember a while ago, my physio told me that I could just do burpees and jump rope (or jumping jacks) for an overall workout. Do you have any friends with a condo? Some of them have pools... at least in Toronto anyway.

I am about a 45 minute drive away from Kim. I usually see her when she comes into the city for races. Did she mention that we might come to Chicago for the RnR half in July?

I would love recipes for hiding veggies! For breakfast, I like blanching baby spinach and then using a blender to mix it into scrambled eggs. Throw in some lean meat like peameal bacon ... and you have green eggs and ham :) I have a pumpkin mac & cheese recipe. It's not a low fat recipe but if you swapped in whole wheat pasta and low fat cheeses it might be healthy.

Maybe you could do a bake sale at work to raise money. I can't donate that much, but would $10 help?
Since you guys have suffered through the trials and tribulations for the past two years, you get to be the first to hear the story.

I did it. 5:22:56.

I can say I'm never going to run another full and not be tempted. Strangely enough, I don't feel like I'm never going to run another full, because I didn't hate this one. I'm tired, but I'm not miserably sore, and I didn't finish feeling like I never wanted to run again. I did, for the first time, burst into tears at the finish line and bawl like a baby on Bill's shoulder when he finally reached me.

I had a few panicky moments Sunday morning when I got to the start line. First, I realized that I hadn't prepared at all for this race like I usually do. Didn't pack nearly like I usually do - didn't have all the pouches I usually put on my fuel belt, didn't bring pretzels or anything other than gels, didn't have my pace band (trusted the pace group leader to take care of that - more on that panic attack to come...), didn't pack nearly enough warm clothes (Arctic Goofy should have prepared me, but I naively believed it wouldn't get that cold.) It was actually colder, just no precipitation. And more wind. Second, I couldn't find the pace group that I'd planned to run with. Since the only reason I chose to run this particular race was that they had Galloway pace groups, this was a SERIOUS problem. But instead of having the meltdown that I felt brewing, I just located the 5:15 group and started the race with them.

Ran two miles with the 5:15 (knowing that I couldn't maintain that pace for 26 miles but feeling really good), and then the 5:30 group caught up to us. Quickly switched to that group, but by then I was 2:00 ahead of their time because of where I'd started. Ran the entire remainder with them, and had a blast. Our group split into two, since it was obvious from early on that some of us were running faster by just a few seconds, so one of the pacers just went rogue and ran with us. The final 3-4 miles are all uphill, with the last mile being a bridge and really uphill, but at 25.5 you crest the bridge. I left the group at that point and tried to run as much as possible and never looked at my watch. Was completely amazed when I crossed the finish line. I knew I was ahead of 5:30, but didn't know by how much until I finished.

The course is beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. And almost all flat until the end. The support from the residents in the neighborhoods is like nothing I've ever experienced. If you get the chance, do this one! There were some real issues with transportation from the hotels to the race start (5th year - don't know what happened), but we rode over with our group director, so we didn't have to worry about that. They actually delayed the start so people could get there, and I think some people still didn't make it.

Saturday night, we went to the pasta dinner and got to meet Bill Rodgers, Joan Benoit-Samuelson, Bart Yasso, Donna Deegan (race organizer), as well as Jeff Galloway and Chris Twiggs (national Galloway director). Amazing evening!

And I wouldn't dare go near a scale, since all I did all weekend was eat. And drink. Saturday we toured the Budweiser brewery - as we were driving into Jacksonville on Friday we saw a billboard that said the Clydesdales would be there, so we went to see them. And of course the tour includes free samples. Carb loading, hydration... and a chance to see fabulous horses all at one time!

Now, I must go do laundry and go to bed. Work beckons tomorrow.



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