"You're going to Disney again?!!!?"


Mouseketeer & Disney Vacation Club Member
Mar 22, 2005
Okay, we are really enjoying our DVC membership but realized that people can be so jelaous and negative. I want to know how you guys deal with the nosey neighbors and friends who make those wierd statements. We keep the fact that we have DVC membership very quiet but people seem to wonder how we can afford DVC. I stay at home with my 2 kids and we live in a very middle class area, and have 2 high end vehicles. My hubby has a great job but we are noticing that people (espec. neighbors) asking us, "so...what DOES your husband do for a living?" It is really becoming annoying. Have any of you experienced this and how do you reply?
I had a friend just last night make a remark about how rich I must be. I told her that I have the tickets .. (APs) .. the room .. (points), so all I have to pay for is food .. (I have a DDE and you eat anyway) .. and gas to get there. So, it really isn't that expensive.
You smile at them, and keep walking!

I get the, "But You've Seen Everything Already!" "Go Someplace Else!"

And this comes from the same ones who go camping every weekend!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

There are some that do not like Disney, so you will get the response "Your going again" and of of course there are the jeleous(sp) family and friends as well. My wife is one of 6 girls and the others do bust her about going to Disney. Not only about DVC but saying my god you have a seasons pass to Walt Disney World....(AP). My biggest fear is that my kids will get sick of going...I love it there and could stay and not even go to a park. At first when my wife's family said things I got defensive......now the remarks come out and I just smile. We probably shouldn't have told anyone.........
We had My children's soccer friends(parents) ask us why we don't travel through Euorpe instead of going to Disney every year. I said We love Disney and honestly we can not take our children out of school for 3 weeks (6 and 9) and travel Europe. He could not 'get' going to WDW every year. "Oh I guess when they get bigger you'll go somwhere else" I said My DH and I went to Dinsey on our first ann-we did not have kids then. To us we LOVE IT and once again love these boards where we can vent to our Disney friends. My DH drives a brand new car every 4 months through his job. I stay at home and run a daycare and we also get people wondering who we can afford to go to Disney once a year. I just say I have a really good way of saving money !!!! Good luck to you!
CoolDisneyCat said:
I had a friend just last night make a remark about how rich I must be. I told her that I have the tickets .. (APs) .. the room .. (points), so all I have to pay for is food .. (I have a DDE and you eat anyway) .. and gas to get there. So, it really isn't that expensive.

:grouphug: i don't think it has anything to do with other people where your money comes from why do you have to explain yourself. there are too many jealous people out there and if i want to go to disney every year i will :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :moped:
I found this board and I talk Disney to people who understand! I don't even bother telling other people about my Disney addiction. I do have several Mickey's and Poohbears on my desk, and I am known as a resource for anyone at the office planning a trip, but I don't volunteer information. If people ask where I'm going on vacation, I'll just say Florida. I tell them I am visiting friends-and I am! (DM and DD did move there about 6 years ago, so I have that excuse too.)
I find it easier to tell those curious people loud and clear "We're members of the Disney Vacation Club and we love it". And they'll ask what that is, and I'll tell them it is a timeshare. They will either want to know more or say something like "oh... that's not for me". Either way you don't get that "how can you afford so many vacations?" anymore. :)
We just smile (very slightly like we have just discovered the very best chocolate and plan to keep it to ourselves) and then tell them we love it, that's why we brought into the DVC. It amazes me that it's usually the very same people who will spend thousands of dollars for a week at the Jersey shore (which I still don't get)
If they're non-family, I just respond that I'm addicted to WDW, smile, and walk away! :goodvibes

If they're family or very close friends, what I've done is invite them along on one of my trips, booking a studio for them for a few nights. This has changed their "why do you go there so often?" attitude to "I LOVE this place!" :love: They no longer question my trips, as they're planning their trips! :rotfl2: (Some have become DVC'ers!)
I just give them the I CAN LET YOU IN ON THE SECRET line.

I have one friend at work that always gives me the how can you afford it . I just say how can you afford to go drinking every weekend. Do the math and you will see I'm going to Disney cheaper 3 or4 times a year then your drinking every weekend.

It doesn't bother me a bit the ones that want more info I really give it to them the ones that don't I just save my breath.
I know what you mean.

I am a SAHM (well kind of, I clean 2 houses a week and that $$ goes towards our vacations) but I don't have a the typical outside job. Hubby is the main bread winner, we have one vehicle (hubby gets a company vehicle) We own a home in a middle class area too and people wonder how we can vacation in one bedroom villas or go so often.

It really is all about priorities. We don't eat out hardly at all, don't go to movies, our local vacations are camping to keep costs down. I bet people would be amazed at what they can afford if they cut from other places.
It's all about what you prioritize. I place a high value on my Disney trips so I'm willing to give up other things in order to take them. Everyone values things differently, some would rather dine out more often during the year or go see plays, ballgames or concerts-I don't do those things because I put the money into DVC. Sure, there are times when I wish I had the extra money-like when Billy Joel toured this year, but once I get "home" I'm going to forget all of that!
We just dont tell them :confused3

No one needs to know how much we spend or how little we spend...not even family.
We're another member of the "Don't Ask -- Don't Tell" club. :teeth: Lately we have been going to WDW about every six months and I got so sick of the comments our friends/family were making, that for our upcoming trip in early October I have sworn my entire family to secrecy. I haven't even told my parents yet as my mom has anxiety issues about us flying cross-country. It's terrible to be so excited about something and not be able to share.
Hi, My name is Janet and I am a disney addict. :love: :love:

The people at work have stopped asking me where I am going BUT ... when. :dance3:

I am very frugal with our point and we manage to go about every 3 or 4 months. Everyone thinks we are crazy but we don't care. WE LOVE WDW!

We afford it by having a JetBlue Amex for earning free flight, AP and DDE.

I am counting the days till our next trip. :cheer2:
I just tell the negative people it is where we love to vacation and they are not invited to come along. They vacation where they love and so do I. :sunny:
"It works well for our family at this point in time. We don't camp. We don't ski. And while we are looking forward to having more variety in our travel, our kids are still to young to drag to Europe and Disney is a comfortable, easy and fairly inexpensive vacation for us because we know it."

We did go to Mexico last year and just got back from a week on the North Shore - so it isn't like Disney is our ONLY vacation stop.
MdmMim said:
If they're non-family, I just respond that I'm addicted to WDW, smile, and walk away! :goodvibes

If they're family or very close friends, what I've done is invite them along on one of my trips, booking a studio for them for a few nights. This has changed their "why do you go there so often?" attitude to "I LOVE this place!" :love: They no longer question my trips, as they're planning their trips! :rotfl2: (Some have become DVC'ers!)

:cool1: your right i don't know anyone who's been to disney that hasn't been bitten by the bug and has to return :thumbsup2
The people who havn't been would soon change their mind once they've been.
There's nothing better than getting excited and bringing back your childhood memorys and good times.NO MATTER WHAT AGE YOU ARE!!! princess:


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