"You're going to Disney again?!!!?"

Honeymooner04 said:
Interesting post. We haven't told anyone we bought DVC and generally don't tell people when we go to DL or WDW because of the Disney....Again? attitude or my SIL sarcastic comment of "You guys sure do like Disney". We have had too many people not be supportive of things we enjoy so we don't want to set ourselves up for negative comments about something we are so excited about and enjoy so much. I might try the Florida vacation thing if anyone ever asks where we're going!

Isn't it pathetic we have to stoop to these measures. We should never have to justify what we do but....... :sad2:
Hixski said:
Isn't it pathetic we have to stoop to these measures. We should never have to justify what we do but....... :sad2:
Yep. But there are all those well-meaning "grown-ups" who are threatened by the kid in us!! :rotfl2:
We just bought into DVC this year after years of going at least once or twice and staying at the AKL, WL, etc. When I told coworkers and friends, by far the most common reaction was "well, that certainly makes sense for you two as much as you go to WDW!" I have to agree. We should have realized it years ago.

It was only a few family members who reacted with "when do WE get to use the points?" I said "as soon as you have the money to rent the points from us." That slowed them down, but didn't really stop them completely. Guess what? The family members that are going to WDW with us this December and next December are the ones who were happy for us and DIDN'T ask "when can we come, too?"
When we pull up to our Disney vacation home I look at it and think my gosh maybe we are rich. But the truth is you don't have to be you just need to know what you want and work to get it. We know where we want to vacation. It is a whole nother world and I am surprised we got it at such a great value.:thumbsup2
Pickles, be glad your DH isn't a lawyer. I had someone at work mistakenly think I was an attorney once. I told them I would overlook it that one time, but asked them to never insult me like that again.
The DW and I vacation at locations other than disney, but we generally do a Disney cruise and WDW at least once a year and quickly realized the DVC would be wise way to continue that since Disney is by far our favorite place to vacation.
There's no reason to avoid, deny or otherwise be evasive when confronted by the naysayers. Once someone starts asking you personal questions about your finances and how you spend your vacation dollars, they have now given you permission to start questioning them about their habits. I enjoy watching the smug look on someone's face disappear as they realize that I'm now saving money on the majority of my vacations as they begin to realize they are not nearly as frugal or diverse as they thought. Turn the tables on them.
Cinderella 2004, the opera singer is my favorite. When confronted with one of these pseudo-intellectuals, I like to remind them that Europe is quickly becoming the new middle east, and that if they really want to teach their children about socialism they just need to head north to Canada. That's not nearly as expensive. The only people who truly believe the french are the epitome of culture are the french.
Don't back down to or avoid the naysayers. Fight the good fight.
I do say "Going to Florida" but my friends aren't fooled!! :rotfl:

DH and I have always had travel as our major discretionary expense, and Disney is getting a chunk of that money. In the 70's I guess it was, there were newspaper articles that made fun of the squeeky cleanliness of Disney. I remember writers going on and on about how there's never any trash around, like it was a joke. Well, we took our 2 1/2 year old DS there in '77 and I stopped reading those articles. I don't "Get" them!!

Enjoy your trips!

Bobbi :banana: :banana:
For those of you who have children and wonder if they “get it” – let me tell you a story.


We have been doing Disney for many years. When my oldest son was 18 (now 29) and a senior in high school I made the comment that we needed to go to Disney World because it might be the last time we get to vacation all together. Wrong!!

Not only do we still all go at least once a year, but now they bring friends, significant others, and husbands with them.

At times I get to go to Florida for work and go to Disney (all roads lead to Disney, right?) and the ones who are jealous are the kids.

At the end of the day it is not important what the others think. I love Disney and so do my kids. Joining the DVC allows me to know that they can experience the Magic long after I am gone.

We “get it!!!”
To me some people get Disney and some people just don't....

That's why I love these boards, we all get Disney :cool1:

This is what we like to do, Disney is our thing and though we know there are other places to go, we go where we love to go. It's our time and our money, however much or little we have to spend, and this is the only really vacation we plan for.

The comments come from people around us who are shopoholics and go on weekend trips here and there all the time, we don't ;)
Torontogal said:
My hubby has a great job but we are noticing that people (espec. neighbors) asking us, "so...what DOES your husband do for a living?" It is really becoming annoying. Have any of you experienced this and how do you reply?

I don't see this as an issue. I would just tell him what he does for work.

If they start asking how much makes, now then that would be an issue. Or if they start grilling you about how you can afford two nice cars and great vacations. That is just nosey. In that case - I would ask them, are you serious or are you just being nosey.
Torontogal said:
... My hubby has a great job but we are noticing that people (espec. neighbors) asking us, "so...what DOES your husband do for a living?" It is really becoming annoying. Have any of you experienced this and how do you reply?

Kind of reminds me of my neighbor who always asks me each Spring how did I do last year? (she is a financial planner but I cannot believe she asks such a nosey question - I don't tell her). She then tells me how much she made, that it was more than her husband makes and I simply reply, Thats great, that almost as much as I made. Kills her every time. :thumbsup2

She will never spend money on Disney. She can't imagine spending money on something she cannot touch or financially track at the end of the day.
They can say all they want, and also stay away. That will mean more of DISNEY for us that want it.
byoung said:
They can say all they want, and also stay away. That will mean more of DISNEY for us that want it.

Exactly. :sunny:

Just think how crowded the place would be if everyone "got" Disney. :crowded:

BTW, when we talk about going to Disney, we always say "we're going to our villa at Disney for several days." Let them be jealous. :wizard:
I too must admit to the don't tell policy. I got so tired of having to justify trips to Disneyland and WDW that I just stopped telling people, especially coworkers.
I don't think that I have ever condemned someones choice of vacation, even if it was something that didn't interest me. Why must others say ' another trip to Disneyland, how can you stand that? Once every ten years is enough for me.'
I have finally learned to smile and change the subject. :rotfl:
Inkmahm said:
We just bought into DVC this year after years of going at least once or twice and staying at the AKL, WL, etc. When I told coworkers and friends, by far the most common reaction was "well, that certainly makes sense for you two as much as you go to WDW!" I have to agree. We should have realized it years ago.

It was only a few family members who reacted with "when do WE get to use the points?" I said "as soon as you have the money to rent the points from us." That slowed them down, but didn't really stop them completely. Guess what? The family members that are going to WDW with us this December and next December are the ones who were happy for us and DIDN'T ask "when can we come, too?"
That's perfect! How rude to question you and then want to *get* your points!

Sometimes I think that people make rude comments when they are just jealous of things you're doing or buying.
Whenever people question our choice of pleasure, I wonder how satisfied they REALLY are with theirs! :confused3 I mean, if someone is soooo happy with their lives, how can others' choices threaten them, hmmmmm :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1
cobbler said:
It really is all about priorities. We don't eat out hardly at all, don't go to movies, our local vacations are camping to keep costs down. I bet people would be amazed at what they can afford if they cut from other places.
TomD said:
A co-worker and I just had the same discussion. He asked how we afforded to go so much and I used the reasons you gave...lol This was BEFORE I saw your post.

People have ask me how we afford to go on vacation like we do. Well I tell them that DH can find the best deals (oh and is he ever bargin shopper!! :goodvibes ) and we don't have any kids, so I think that helps to make it cheaper for us too. So we spend all our "extra" ( :lmao: :rotfl2: yeah right extra :lmao: bwaahhaaahaahaaahaaa :rotfl2: :lmao: there's no extra!) on our vacations.

I had only been out of the states of IL and MO 2 times until DH and I married, and those were both to see my DBro graduate from different things in the Army. It was a quick driving trip, stayed one night and came right back each time. I had never stepped foot in an airplane until I was 30. So I am more than willing to make what ever sacrifices needed to be able to go on our vacations, where ever they are! Since we are now DVC'ers, I am sure we will be at WDW/DLR every chance we get!
DH and I had vastly different vacation experiences growing up. DH never went any place, and I saw almost all 50 states thanks to our vacation always being where my dad's dental convention was that year. DH was determined that our dds would have memories of family vacations, including those with our extended family and friends.

We've been other places, but always get to WDW at least once a year. People don't even blink any more, but it's funny how they always call us to help them plan their trips! :teeth: I guess after almost 10 years of DVC, people are used to us going and no rude comment by them is going to change our minds.
I'll throw my hat into the ring.

People don't understand why we go as often as we do. Most of the people who ask why we are going again don't understand Disney World is an all inclusive destination with more than just the Magic Kingdom (some people still think Disney World means Magic Kingdom). :rotfl:

The reason our family loves DW so much is because of all the activities available and how convenient everything is. Where else can you go and get the type of transportation Disney offers. A drive from your resort to your destination is sometimes 15 minutes or less.

A co-worker asked me once why I don't try something else like fishing or going to the beach. I replied that I can do all those things at WDW. In fact I have a fishing excursion booked for my upcoming trip! Oh! And by the way I can take surfing lessons too. He looked at me funny and said "You can really fish at Disney World"!? :rotfl:

We really also enjoy the extensive options of dining available. There are so many places to choose from. The choices are incredible!

There's really know place on earth like Disney World. For us it's home away from home!!! :love:
Torontogal said:
Okay, we are really enjoying our DVC membership but realized that people can be so jelaous and negative. I want to know how you guys deal with the nosey neighbors and friends who make those wierd statements. We keep the fact that we have DVC membership very quiet but people seem to wonder how we can afford DVC. I stay at home with my 2 kids and we live in a very middle class area, and have 2 high end vehicles. My hubby has a great job but we are noticing that people (espec. neighbors) asking us, "so...what DOES your husband do for a living?" It is really becoming annoying. Have any of you experienced this and how do you reply?
People tease me all the time that there are other places in the world, and especially America besides diseny to visit, but they just laugh and know we are only going there. we are going three times this year and i was a little embarassed a few times telling people where we are going again. but hey who cares we have the memories.


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