"You're going to Disney again?!!!?"

Thanks everyone - I really enjoyed your posts! Looks like I am not the only one facing funny people.
I will take some of your advice and I especially love the "my hubby works for the CIA and I am not allowed to talk about it..." answer. Very cool..
I know we all get the " You're going again" look. That being said, what kind of look do you think I gave to a coworker who as we left for our summer break was all excited to tell me that his DD's (5 and 7)were going to Disney for the first time with his parents.

This guy was beside himself with excitement that his parents were taking his kids so he "didn't have to." :confused3 Money was not an issue.

I was shocked!! I asked him if he cared if he was going to miss a very special moment in his DD's life. Can you imagine missing the expression on your childrens face as the see the MK, Cinderella's Castle, etc. for the first time?

Now I know I probably annoyed him with all the questions. But honestly, I could not control myself. I finally had to make a real effort to stop and excuse myself. :teeth:

Anyway, the point of this story... I guess I displayed the same kind of rude behavior that we all claim to hate when people don't get it. I can guess my coworker probably wished he hadn't told me.

I love this thread. I gave up responding to the questions a long time ago. We had a second home (my parents had to give it up after 30 years so we took it on and remodeled it) and we used it maybe 1 week and 2 weekends/year for 5 years. It was a $1K drain/mo so we sold it as soon as my mother died (with my dad's permission). One of our rationales was that we never got to travel (and go to Disney) because we had no discretionary $$$ left after paying mortgages.

On our first trip to WDW after selling the house we bought into DVC and have never, ever regretted that decision. We can't go more than once every 1-2 years and I'm jealous of those who can, but my DH's family all lives on the West Coast. They won't come with us to WDW (they don't get Disney at all even though there are 7 kids between them) so we have to go west.

We have told no one about this next trip.....because no one will understand us being there over Thanksgiving. But my oldest DD graduates from high school in May and I want one long trip before she starts to pull away.

I've even booked a studio for her for a week in June as a graduation present. I can not wait to tell her.
I think family is starting to get used to it..

and for co-workers, I'll use some of your ideas here ;)

We get the "Disney again?" reaction from family and friends. For the 4 of us, it would seem strange not to spend time each year at either DLR or DW! All of us agree that there is nothing like stepping into Main Street and feeling like we are in a different world and letting all of our cares and worries slip away!! :tink:
My stock answer to:

"...why are you going again" is that we are enjoying our retirement travel before we get too old & actually do retire.;)

"...how can you afford it..." w/DVC, AP's & prudent budgeting, I can enjoy 3 trips in a year (including air fare) comparable to our usual beach vacation & weekend excursion to Niagara Falls.

"...don't you get bored...I thought it was stupid...":rolleyes: pf course, I'm bored senseless, that's why we keep going back for more - duh!

Best recent off the wall comment, from BIL: "you could have bought a pop-up camper instead".
Today I was talking to someone at work whom I knew, but hadn't seen in a while. He was telling me he was getting married in 3 weeks. I asked him where he was going on his honeymoon and he said Disney World.

The way he said it reminded me of this thread, like he has heard all of the "You're going WHERE :earseek: on your HM?" questions before. Little did he know, being the faithful DISer and DVCer that I am, I was so excited for him and began to ramble on about DVC and how Dh and I have been to DL and are planning on doing DL and WDW next year.

He did seem kind of surprised and had a few questions about DVC, which of course I gladly answered. He thought they may check it out while they are there. YEAH for them!!! :goodvibes
We hear the same as everyone else. DH always replies to the comments about why don't you go someplace else "Why would I want to go anywhere else when everything I enjoy and love is at WDW. There's the Parks, dining, movies, shopping." I have a SIL who says we don't go anywhere but WDW, like it was this horrible thing, yet guess where she goes twice a year? WDW. I think she's actually pretty jealous because when she goes, it's for four days and she stays at a value resort, not that there's anything wrong with that, and she has stayed with us when we first bought into DVC, so I think she's trying to make it seem like we are staying at the same old boring place. Also, I think she's jealous of the fact that we take our children and grandchildren and have a blast. She actually mentioned that she wants to buy a timeshare in Florida so that she can travel elsewhere and proceeded to tell me that it's a better timeshare than DVC because she can travel all over. I actually laughed at her and said you have to be kidding, that that place didn't even compare to DVC. She then threw out that we won't go anyplace but WDW anyway. I actually thing if she does buy it, she'll be doing WDW all the time. So, I agree with others, I think some people just are truly jealous. By the way, she's already planning her next trip to WDW.
keishashadow said:
Best recent off the wall comment, from BIL: "you could have bought a pop-up camper instead".

Wow. How do you sleep at night after having missed that opportunity? :rotfl2:

We get the questions, too. But mostly they're from people who don't "get it". Ever notice that people who decide on July 15th to visit Disney for the first time on August 1, stay off property for 3 nights and figure they can see everything in 2 or 3 days with enough time left over for Sea World come home and HATE WDW? They can't understand why we go! They haven't done an ounce of research or preparation. It's too hot, crowded, expensive and their kids were brats by the second afternoon of commando park hopping in 95 degree heat. Therefore, the kids obviously hated it too. Also, they usually didn't get to the parks until about lunchtime, because they didn't know it would be so crowded. They enjoy spending enormous amounts of time deriding me for actually liking something so awful. There isn't enough time or words to convince these people that their bad experience was their own fault. I just shrug and say "We do Disney differently that you did. We have a villa there and can be more relaxed about it." That usually works.... :rotfl:

Except for my BIL. He spent a lot of time telling everyone in the family who would listen how we were "p*ssing our money away" by joining DVC. (Yep, he's a guy with an impressive command of the English language.) :rolleyes1 They've decided to see what the fuss is about and have scheduled a trip for Christmas/New Years. I didn't say a word. They have 2 teenagers who are each bringing a friend. Again, not a word. There will be 6 of them now! Where can they stay? I just shrugged. The final decision: the six of them will be sharing 1 bathroom in a cabin at Fort Wilderness. He thought it was a DVC property, since it has a kitchen. When I disabused him of that notion and told him where we stay he said "But those rooms were over $1000 a night!" I just smiled. :cool1: And I'm telling y'all about it so I can keep from blabbing to everyone else in the family, who wouldn't understand my smugness anyhow. :smooth:

Thanks for being people who "get it!" :wizard:

MojitoMiss said:
We get the questions, too. But mostly they're from people who don't "get it". Ever notice that people who decide on July 15th to visit Disney for the first time on August 1, stay off property for 3 nights and figure they can see everything in 2 or 3 days with enough time left over for Sea World come home and HATE WDW? They can't understand why we go! They haven't done an ounce of research or preparation. It's too hot, crowded, expensive and their kids were brats by the second afternoon of commando park hopping in 95 degree heat. Therefore, the kids obviously hated it too. Also, they usually didn't get to the parks until about lunchtime, because they didn't know it would be so crowded. They enjoy spending enormous amounts of time deriding me for actually liking something so awful. There isn't enough time or words to convince these people that their bad experience was their own fault. I just shrug and say "We do Disney differently that you did. We have a villa there and can be more relaxed about it." That usually works.... :rotfl:

Except for my BIL. He spent a lot of time telling everyone in the family who would listen how we were "p*ssing our money away" by joining DVC. (Yep, he's a guy with an impressive command of the English language.) :rolleyes1 They've decided to see what the fuss is about and have scheduled a trip for Christmas/New Years. I didn't say a word. They have 2 teenagers who are each bringing a friend. Again, not a word. There will be 6 of them now! Where can they stay? I just shrugged. The final decision: the six of them will be sharing 1 bathroom in a cabin at Fort Wilderness. He thought it was a DVC property, since it has a kitchen. When I disabused him of that notion and told him where we stay he said "But those rooms were over $1000 a night!" I just smiled. :cool1: And I'm telling y'all about it so I can keep from blabbing to everyone else in the family, who wouldn't understand my smugness anyhow. :smooth:

Thanks for being people who "get it!" :wizard:


Amazing that there is always someone in the family who is like that. Or a friend or a coworker. We just do not tell family that we belong to DVC. My DB still lives at home with the parents. He is 42. He has a good job. He does not spend his money on anything. And I mean anything. He would be the last person on this green earth I would tell about joining DVC. :rolleyes:

I love the fact that your BIL knows how much the rooms are where you stay. That will just increase his jealousy. Watch out. :rotfl2:
keishashadow said:
Best recent off the wall comment, from BIL: "you could have bought a pop-up camper instead".

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

We were actually thinking of doing this, so we could stay at FW! :teeth:

But then we found out my minivan has very weeny towing capacity so took a pass on it.

The pop ups are actually pretty cheap, especially the used ones. I had to think about whether or not I'd want to renovate a pop up, too (I'm renovating our house).

Someday I'll figure out a way to stay in FW. We did the cabins once, but got riddled with fleas because some dork brought their pet, so now we avoid them and stick with the VWL or OKW.
Disneyrsh said:
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
The pop ups are actually pretty cheap, especially the used ones.

Ever wonder why there are so many used pop ups? Yes...we are one of thoese previous owners. It was fun the first five or six times, but we really couldn't justify all the "worK" in setting up a camp unless we were going for at least a week. About the time we went on our first DCL cruise, we sold the camper. Now we own DVC too! :goodvibes
Be careful of what you wish for. I used to have my family and friends say things like the above and now they almost all "get it" and I can't have a vacation without a bunch of people coming along! I sometimes wish they didn't "get it". We keep it quiet for a different reason! :rotfl2:
Well we aren't exactly DVCer's yet! We are currently waiting on ROFR! But when all is said and done - Hopefully it won't be too long before I can say that I am!

We have been to WDW every year since we got married in 1990 - with some years having 2 trips a year, this year having 3. :sunny: I get the same thing all the time - Disney World Again! You know there's lots of other places out there you can go - not only Disney World. Don't you get tired of seeing the same thing over and over again? People just don't get the massiveness of what there is to do in WDW.

When I'm planning a trip, if I would tell anyone I was going to Florida - they would just say - oh Disney Again??? It wouldn't fool anyone for one minute. Believe me! I don't keep my mouth shut when I'm getting ready to go to WDW! I tell everyone in sight that I am going - and I'm proud of it! There is no reason why I should keep my mouth shut - If someone has something to say - I figure they are just jealous.

When I told the few people that I did tell about us buying into DVC - they all said "It's about time with the amount you go! I'm surprised you didn't do it sooner!"

When I do become an official DVCer! If someone dare ask me to use my points - I'll just tell them - you can use any points that I won't use! I think they'll get the hint that it will happen - NEVER!!!

My Daughter is 13 right now and I was getting worried that she would get tired of going to WDW. She started making comments to be a couple of years ago - that she would like to go somewhere else. Then I was so happy when summer was approaching and she - out of the blue said that she wanted to spend her Birthday which is in July in Disney World. Talk about I got on the phone quick to make those reservations. Now when I asked her opinion on the DVC - she was so excited and she started planning trips and where to stay! I guess I reformed her into an addict just like me! Go Figure!
eliza61 said:
We just smile (very slightly like we have just discovered the very best chocolate and plan to keep it to ourselves) and then tell them we love it, that's why we brought into the DVC. It amazes me that it's usually the very same people who will spend thousands of dollars for a week at the Jersey shore (which I still don't get)
Amen to that, sister! I just tell people we love it so much we bought into DVC and it changes all the time...every vacation has been different as our children have gotten older. There's always something to do.
We (DH & DW) took our kids and Grandkids on a Xmas cruise in 2000. On Wednesday the GK's looked me in the eyes and said this was the best vacation ever. On Thursday we bought into DVC and now have a 1,000 points we're 63 & 64 and are leaving for WDW on Monday with my DW's Sister and Husband staying at SSR. We love it. Can't understand who wouldn't. DW is retiring on Sept 29th and we're cruising on the 30th. Would love to stay at WDW for the winter, my dream. :love: :Pinkbounc :grouphug:
I know that I said ealier that most everyone we know gets it and I can't have a vacation to myself but my brother is very anti Disney. He always makes mean comments like "going to Disney again? Now that's original". I just igonre him. Infact I just sent him a Mickey Birthday card and put a Mickey loves Minnie stamp on it! :rotfl: It gave me great pleasure to rub it in. I am evil that way! :stir: By the way he is a "pop up owner". Now that's original! :sad2:


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