Uh oh... DL bans employee Islamic head scarf

If Disney allows this cast member to wear the scarf would they then be forced to allow red dots on the forehead? Turbans? Burkas? "Hey, they let her wear a scarf to show her religion. I want to go naked to show my new nature worshiping religion."

She learned enough about the US to know that it was lawyer time! I'll bet she just learned all about unemployment too. What employer will want to hire her now? Suing your employer doesn't look real good on the resume.
I found this in another article, which is an interesting angle.

She said she understood that the headscarf didn't comply with the "Disney look," but she felt she was being discriminated against because other workers were allowed to wear symbols of Christian faith, tattoos and other symbols that didn't comply with the rules.
I found this in another article, which is an interesting angle.

Because everybody knows that the Cross was invented in america, hence why they can still work in the resort. We all know we only ban things that aren't from america.

The thing that bothers me most about this isn't really the head scarf, or the the religion if Islam, or anyones particular choice to assimilate or not assimilate. It really just comes down to that nasty sense of entitlement that people have. They think they can just demand to wear something even though it is a violation of the company's policies or practices. And then a law suit over it? It's nuts.

The truth is, there are many places to work, and if she was working in some sort of position that had her around people at Disneyland, my guess is that she has the personality and skill set to work somewhere else. It's a fact that demand for Disneyland jobs has almost always outweighed the supply. So she must have stood out to a certain extent.

We've got to remember that Disneyland hires "cast members". Part of the reason they came up with this in the first place was so that they could be more selective about their hiring process. It's a show, an immersive theatrical experience. It's isn't In-N-Out burger (mmmm In-N-Out Burger).
Thank you, gkrykewy. That was what I was trying to say she is "...throwing her employer under the bus,..". What happened to being proud of your job and employer. Respect that your employer saw something in you to give you a livelihood. I also agree that our citizens whatever nationality they came from have fought for our freedoms. No matter what their religion is they can fight side by side, and give their lives so that we can enjoy freedom. We would not be given the same freedoms in the countries our ancestors came from. Here's an old saying that applies here: "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." :tink:
No see I would have *sworn* that this country was started by people who wanted freedom to practice whatever religion they chose...call me crazy, but I swear I remember learning that. Therefore, her wanting to practice her religion seems, to me, the absolute epitome of America.

My MIL is from Korea, didn't become a citizen for upwards of 35 years. Lives in a very Korean-centric city, speaks Korean (well, it's morphed into not-really-perfect-Korean, she found out in the spring when we sent her to visit her family in Korea), eats Korean food (especially ever since her caucasian/american husband died), etc etc etc etc... Just because you move to a different country doesn't mean you have to give up *everything*. If I moved to Russia, it might take me a good long time to get really into the swing of things, and I might always relish things from my country of birth.
No one is infringing on her freedom to practice her religion.

But apparently you want to step on Disney's freedom to see their employees dressed in a manner consistent with their policies.

How is that freedom?

She doesn't have to give up anything, but she does need to comply with her employers standards or find a new job.

That is freedom.
To me, this story hilights exactly what is wrong with our society. Not just the sue-happy, but the ENTITLEMENT, the "its all about me" mentality. No one wants to look at the option that invloves THEM changing, rather, they expect everyone to change to suit THEIR needs.
I just say this young lady on Good Day L.A. She is a hostess at Storytellers. She explained that she was not personally ready to wear the headscarf in public until recently. (it is a choice after all) She does has the right to practice her religious beliefs. She also has the right to seek employment without a strict dress code. She mentioned she has always worked in the hotel and customer service industry, even in Morrocco. I am pretty sure there are plenty of hotels and resturaunts in the greater Anaheim area without so strict a dress code.
If Jimmy Johnson decided it was against his religion to race on Sunday, do you really think Nascar would reschedule every race to accomadate him? No, they would tell him to pound sand.
This rubs me the same way as banning peanuts in school because of one students allergy... the more logical solution would be to look for other education options for the one student.
We have sacrificed our rights as a society to conform to few. I'm sorry, but that is backwards. No one understands what the word sacrifice means anymore. Now, the American way is to have your way and expect everyone else to sacrifice for you.
i feel sorry for that employee, the islamic scarf is a symbol of religion for them and coulture and seriously disney will be that narrow minded and take it away!? that is just wrong.... but IMHO!
Very well said.

The same article appeared in our local online paper today, which also shows a picture. I might be wrong to assume she is wearing her uniform (?) but the woman is described as a hostess, in which case I would hardly have thought her hijab would have been distracting as she's not in a 'character costume as such.

All "cast members" (employees) are in costume when they are "on stage" (in front of the public.

When you go through the interview process and through Disney University for orientation, the "Disney Look" is explained in detail.

She took the job having gone through both and agreeing to comply with the Disney Look. Now that she doesn't want to comply, she should resign and find a new job.
maybe disney should bann all those wo can't tell the difference betweeen MATTERHORN AND GRIZZLY RIVER RUN ROCK BEAR!!!!!!!!
i feel sorry for that employee, the islamic scarf is a symbol of religion for them and coulture and seriously disney will be that narrow minded and take it away!? that is just wrong.... but IMHO!
She knew when she took the job what the Disney Look was.

An Amish kid couldn't wear all black on Space Mountain, an Orthodox Jew could not have the long hair and curls that go along with his religious beliefs. A Catholic can't report to work with ash on their forehead on Ash Wednesday.

If she wants to wear her head scarf she is welcome to in most circumstances, but when it conflicts with other rights or responsibilities.
She knew when she took the job what the Disney Look was.

An Amish kid couldn't wear all black on Space Mountain, an Orthodox Jew could not have the long hair and curls that go along with his religious beliefs. A Catholic can't report to work with ash on their forehead on Ash Wednesday.

If she wants to wear her head scarf she is welcome to in most circumstances, but when it conflicts with other rights or responsibilities.

right, i see what your saying should could of worn it while she was backstage for 5 min on a break, but i agree in public is not withholding the disney image.. but to not let her wear it at all is extreme. like i said why not on a break backstage out of the public eye??
right, i see what your saying should could of worn it while she was backstage for 5 min on a break, but i agree in public is not withholding the disney image.. but to not let her wear it at all is extreme. like i said why not on a break backstage out of the public eye??
Did you read the article?

Disney offered jobs backstage where you could wear it all she wanted.

Disney Costuming is designing a special scarf for her to match her costume.

Neither of those appear to be good enough for her. She wants it her way and her way only.
I might be wrong to assume she is wearing her uniform (?) but the woman is described as a hostess, in which case I would hardly have thought her hijab would have been distracting as she's not in a 'character costume as such.

I may be mistaken, but even the hostesses have uniforms that fit the theme of the restaurant / resort in which they work. While the hijab may not have been distracting it may not have fit in with the theme or complimented the uniform. I'm not going to speak to how much prior knowledge she had of US law or assume that this was in response to her citizenship classes, but it appears as though Disney did try to accommodate her. Perhaps while learning about the rights of AMERICAN citizens she should have also read where the contract between employer and employee may be broken by either party at any time. Failure to comply with the dress code would certainly apply.
whether or not we agree or disagree with this situation, i must hope and pray that the current "Muslim" chatter does not exacerbate the tension that is out there right now.

this story could quickly become escalate into dark places i don't want to see touch Disney. WDW is a "break from reality" for my family. let's hope this situation gets resolved quickly and the story not become another wedge issue which divides the guests at Disney.
Seems all these people that post on here are somewhat being very immature. Your going to a place to be free of immature things, be a kid. If your going to have something, like a girl working at a hotel resturant wearing something over her head ruin your trip, then I say, go back to your mommy. :)

I go to enjoy the themeing that disney provides. I don't want to see the lapses in it.
This story could quickly become escalate into dark places i don't want to see touch Disney. WDW is a "break from reality" for my family. let's hope this situation gets resolved quickly and the story not become another wedge issue which divides the guests at Disney.

My feelings precisely.
To me, this story hilights exactly what is wrong with our society. Not just the sue-happy, but the ENTITLEMENT, the "its all about me" mentality. No one wants to look at the option that invloves THEM changing, rather, they expect everyone to change to suit THEIR needs.
I just say this young lady on Good Day L.A. She is a hostess at Storytellers. She explained that she was not personally ready to wear the headscarf in public until recently. (it is a choice after all) She does has the right to practice her religious beliefs. She also has the right to seek employment without a strict dress code. She mentioned she has always worked in the hotel and customer service industry, even in Morrocco. I am pretty sure there are plenty of hotels and resturaunts in the greater Anaheim area without so strict a dress code.
If Jimmy Johnson decided it was against his religion to race on Sunday, do you really think Nascar would reschedule every race to accomadate him? No, they would tell him to pound sand.
This rubs me the same way as banning peanuts in school because of one students allergy... the more logical solution would be to look for other education options for the one student.
We have sacrificed our rights as a society to conform to few. I'm sorry, but that is backwards. No one understands what the word sacrifice means anymore. Now, the American way is to have your way and expect everyone else to sacrifice for you.

If my child suffered from a peanut allergy, I would be very grateful that the school implemented a peanut free setting, and if my childrens' school were peanut free, I would have no issue at all with that. I am sure there are many others on this board who feel the same way. The way I would view a peanut ban is that my kids can have peanut butter any other time they want other than school hours. No big deal. I'd like to know I was assisting someone who needed my help if their child had a peanut allergy.

I think if you had a child with peanut allergies, you might feel differently, and might not want to try to find another means of education for your child... every child is entitled to an education, I feel. I don't see how you could just find another education option for your child, as you suggested, especially if everyone had the same idea as you, that a peanut ban in schools is horrible.

Thankfully, most people I've spoken to in the past Re: peanut bans are widely accepting of it, understanding that they would want and appreciate the same peanut ban implemented in school for their own child if the situation was reversed. My concern is for those who don't like or understand the peanut ban, that they might not be as careful as other parents are about peanut free items or cross contamination if they were in a peanut ban situation. It makes me feel sorry for the parents of the child with the peanut allergy, as well as for the child who has the peanut allergy.

Anyway, sorry everyone, to go O/T but Re: that statement that I highlighted in bold, I wanted to address. :goodvibes
She knew when she took the job what the Disney Look was.

An Amish kid couldn't wear all black on Space Mountain, an Orthodox Jew could not have the long hair and curls that go along with his religious beliefs. A Catholic can't report to work with ash on their forehead on Ash Wednesday.

If she wants to wear her head scarf she is welcome to in most circumstances, but when it conflicts with other rights or responsibilities.

I see your point, for sure. There sure isn't a right and wrong answer for any of this - so much grey area. I hope Disney and their employee get it worked out soon, in an amicable fashion on both their parts.


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