Overheard . . . On the Buses, At the Parks, In the Restaurants

Oh boy...I've heard so many over the years...

Two of my favorite ones that come to mind though:

Back in 2007, my mom, sister, and I were walking Pangani Forest Exploration Trail. We were watching the Meerkats when this lady behind us goes "Oh look, prairie dogs." My mom turned to her and goes, "They are Meerkats." The lady stared at her blankly and then my mom added, "They are Meerkats...as in Timon from The Lion King?" Then the lady just walked off.

Another time, we were waiting in a longggg line for the restroom. This man passed by the lady's line and went straight in to the male restroom. After he came out, he turned to the line waiting for the women's restroom and asked "Do you all want to fastpass this?"
Back in 2007, my mom, sister, and I were walking Pangani Forest Exploration Trail. We were watching the Meerkats when this lady behind us goes "Oh look, prairie dogs." My mom turned to her and goes, "They are Meerkats." The lady stared at her blankly and then my mom added, "They are Meerkats...as in Timon from The Lion King?" Then the lady just walked off.

Ah, jeez, I could fill a page with slightly funny/mostly sad things I have overheard at AK. (The fact that most visitors there are mad that there are few "real rides" and it's all hot and jungly and "why can't I see any animals in this pen" and "bah, I can see this kinda animal anywhere" is another issue that makes me drink, but never mind that for now.)

Generally, EVERY skeleton on display is a dinosaur. I have no idea where this epic failure of basic biology is coming from, but I learned this is the perception held by many many people from frequenting the very lovely Harvard Museum of Natural History to sketch. They have an articulated model skeleton of almost every extant mammal, along with several fossil species (compared to exactly two articulated nonavian dinosaurs, a Plateosaurus and a wildly inaccurate but historically important mount of Deinonychus is you were curious). Yes, their Hall of Mammals includes a human skeleton. No, I have no idea what these folk think when they see this.

At AK, I got the fun experience of overhearing a man tell his adorable toddler daughter, "Look at the dinosaur" while we were all looking at a skull. A hippopotamus skull. On display right next to the hippo tank. Yeah. :headache:

But my all-time favorite:

SCENE: In front of Malayan Tapir, with many signs clearly identifying her.


TRISH: (Epic facepalm.)

/ Bring a hip flask along on the Safari and take a drink every time someone helpfully i.d.s the Okapi as a Zebra. Sometimes I worry for the future of Terran biodiversity... :sad1:
Generally, EVERY skeleton on display is a dinosaur. I have no idea where this epic failure of basic biology is coming from, but I learned this is the perception held by many many people from frequenting the very lovely Harvard Museum of Natural History to sketch. They have an articulated model skeleton of almost every extant mammal, along with several fossil species (compared to exactly two articulated nonavian dinosaurs, a Plateosaurus and a wildly inaccurate but historically important mount of Deinonychus is you were curious). Yes, their Hall of Mammals includes a human skeleton. No, I have no idea what these folk think when they see this.

Not Disney-related, but this reminds me of things I've overheard at Texas Roadhouse (which is a steakhouse, for those not familiar with it). The decor there includes lots of taxidermy, and you wouldn't believe how many kids comment about the "dinosaurs" on the walls, and how none of the parents ever seem to tell the kids what they're actually looking at! Now, I almost kind of can understand the littler kids' confusion with the bull horns/skulls, snake skins, fish, heck, even possibly the armadillo holding a beer bottle, but usually they make these comments about the various heads (rams, moose, deer, etc). I get that not everyone knows a lot about animals, but really, what are these kids learning these days?
Just got back and heard this many times we can use this Fast pass any day we are here it's good for our whole stay:rolleyes1
Just got back and heard this many times we can use this Fast pass any day we are here it's good for our whole stay:rolleyes1

When we were there last week someone told me a cm at the park told her the cms don't check the fp dates, just the time, and that she could use her fp any day she wants...
Years ago(before there was ME!) my adult DD and I were on the Mears shuttle on the way to our resort(WL, I think). There was a little boy named Patrick on the bus and he was keeping everyone thoroughly amused(and irritated) with his commentary. "Are there crocs in these waters???" When he started with, "So my mom just got DIVORCED.....", his mother finally piped up, "SHUT UP, PATRICK!!!" Another young man on the bus asked, "So, what park are you headed to tomorrow, Patrick?" "Magic Kingdom!", he replied. When they got off at their resort, the young man turned to the rest of us and said, "I guess NONE of us will be going to MK tomorrow!" :laughing:

To this day my DD and I will occasionally reference Patrick and wonder what he's doing. :thumbsup2
When we were there last week someone told me a cm at the park told her the cms don't check the fp dates, just the time, and that she could use her fp any day she wants...

We have been told this as well many many times. We also use our FP's that we haven't used on different days. Also we have been told many times that you can arrive back at the attraction ANYTIME AFTER the posted time on your ticket.
OK This one is my own family member. I think it was 1986 or 1988 cant remember, but i was a kid and i asked my dad to take me to the bathroom at the MK, we were on Main Street. We were gone a while because we stopped to watch a guy that was a blowing glass, it was really neat. So when we got back my mom says "what took you guys so long"

my dad answers "we were watching the glass blower..."

My aunt responds "Oh where did you see him in the men's room?"

DS9 said on our last trip. "I'm sure glad Walt left Disney World to Mickey. He knew Mickey would take good care of it"... just made me smile:)

Awesome! :thumbsup2

Another time, we were waiting in a longggg line for the restroom. This man passed by the lady's line and went straight in to the male restroom. After he came out, he turned to the line waiting for the women's restroom and asked "Do you all want to fastpass this?"

Sounds like a DisDad might have been in the area.
On the ferry back to TTC someone said to a child "Say goodbye to Disney World" and in a very soft voice the child said "goodbye Disney World".

I was talking with a child on the bus back to the resort and he said they were leaving the next day. I said that was OK because he could always come back and he said "No, we're never coming back. Mom said this was it - never again".
ok, this one overheard on a boat on the way back to POR just last week, direct at us............they shouldnt allow kids onto the boats. My little girl made a little fuss, nothing major, not even loud, only lasted a second. the woman didnt seem to like it.

now im not sure whether this woman had sensitive ears, maybe a migrain or something else i am overlooking, but judging by her appearance (very stuck up and snobby) im just going to call her a (....insert profanity here...).

she must have made 5 or so remarks on the way back.....and at one point even holding her fingers in her ears and jumping forward like a firework had gonna off in her head. my daughter wasnt even screaming, nowhere near.

words were nearly said but in the end i bit my tongue and kept quiet. ok, i did laugh out loud at her last comment but tbh i cant even remember what she said now.
When we were there last week someone told me a cm at the park told her the cms don't check the fp dates, just the time, and that she could use her fp any day she wants...

Didn't know that something to keep in mine for next trip. Thanks:)
We have been told this as well many many times. We also use our FP's that we haven't used on different days. Also we have been told many times that you can arrive back at the attraction ANYTIME AFTER the posted time on your ticket.

I knew you could go back anytime after the posted time didn't know about any day will remember this for next trip:)
Originally Posted by pamkev
Just got back and heard this many times we can use this Fast pass any day we are here it's good for our whole stay

When we were there last week someone told me a cm at the park told her the cms don't check the fp dates, just the time, and that she could use her fp any day she wants...

It's been my experience that they DO check the day (we've been turned away from Space Mountain with a day-old FP). We have, however, NEVER been turned away after the FP return time until the end of that day.

But what the heck, I'm leaving tomorrow. I'll try to use a day old FP and see what happens!
I posted this one here before, but the week before Easter in Epcot I overheard something along the lines of "she's spent and hour or two a day for six months researching everything, I just do what she says."

My other two are from Fort Wilderness. The woman on the bus on her way to Hoop Dee Doo saying "imagine being in the parks all day and then having to come back and sleep in a tent" (and that's what we were doing; DSs and I just smiled because we LIKE sleeping in a tent).

And the other was me and DH at our FW campsite after dark, possibly overheard by other campers:
DH: "Oh, look, it's a possum"
Me: "Yuck, yuck get it out of here. Make some noise. Get it away from here!"
DH: "Oh, it's not a possum, it's an armadillo"
Me: "An armadillo? Cool. DSs come out here and see the armadillo"
we went last September and took our DD4 for the first time ever. She was in absolute awe of everything. We stayed at the GF and when we went in our room we found that they upgraded us to a castle view. Well, upon seeing that, I started to cry. Our my step daughter said to me "Jill, are you crying because it's the most beautiful vacation room you've ever seen?". :lovestruc

Then we were on our balcony (the first night) and we were going to watch the fireworks... well, you could see the lights dim at MK and our DD yelled out "hurry, this is when the magic's going to start". I'm not even kidding, I could have just hugged her to death. :cutie:

The other funny thing was online at Space Mountain. This 5-6 year old boy was in front of us and was HYSTERICAL. He did not want to go on Space Mountain. He was sobbing and telling his mom, "you're just trying to kill me, you know I'm not going to live". :rotfl2: Well, our DD went up to him and said "it's okay, you're going to have alot of fun. when it's over, you're going to ask your mommy to take you on it again" . Then she told him that she'd be in the car right in back. Well, we all got done w/ the ride and got off and he comes running over to us and said " I did it and I really DO want my mommy to take me on it again!!" . He was adorable !! We went to look at the pictures they take and that poor kid had SUCH a look of horror... that picture was priceless !!!! :goodvibes
On a recent trip when getting into the boats for the Gran Fiesta Tour in Mexico a teenager girl and her friend were getting in the row behind us and one of them asked the other what this ride was going to be like, to which the other replied, "It's like It's a Small World, but with ducks!"
Waiting in line at rope drop at Epcot International Gateway entrance:
Husband looking at map says to family: "Let's hit all the countries first since they are so close. We can do the rides any time later in the day." We corrected his error.

Riding on monorail from MK to Epcot late afternoon: Mother tells kids: "We'll go and ride Soarin first or fast pass it if the line is longer than 20 minutes. Since it's our last day, we want to make sure we do that first."

We did not correct her on that one. Who knows? Maybe some strange twist of fate would guarantee her a short line or fast passes being left on a busy Saturday afternoon. I hope so!


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