Overheard . . . On the Buses, At the Parks, In the Restaurants

I've heard many funny thing over the years, but one really sticks out. The first time I ever took my DH (then BF) to WDW was just for a day trip. We were riding the monorail from MK over to Epcot when we overheard a women probably in her late 20's say to her BF/DH, in complete seriousness, "Disney really is amazing. They've thought of everything here. It's like it is their own wold." Umm, yup, that's why they named it Disney WORLD!
My DH and I just looked at each other and still 6 years later we still talk about it, even if we're at home.

That was probably me. I know I've said that before while at Disney with my DH (then BF)
Heading back to the world in a couple weeks. The best time and one that I really cherish now as my twin boys will be graduating high school in 17 days.

We were in MGM as it was named at the time and the boys were 5 ish. It was hot, they were tired and I told my wife that my dad and I would take them inside the air conditioned that we would meet up with them in about a half hour. My dad had one twin and I had the other, it was about 2 in the afternoon and naps were needed. We ducked into "one mans dream' and walked through quickly to get to the show.

One twin and my dad slept through the show and I almost nodded off myself but I really like to hear Walt say that it is all about that little mouse. The story tells of how Walt and his brother had to sell the mouse but realized their mistake and eventually got Mortimer/Mickey mouse back. It shows the old black and white mouse with the more pointed nose. After the show concludes, I grab ahold of my twin and get my dad and the other twin moving. We were walking back out in the heat and I felt a tug on the hand and my boy said something I couldn't understand. I kept going and he tugged it again. I didn't want to stop in the exit area so I just pulled him along for a couple seconds, got out of the way and looked down. He had this questioning face on that I still remember 13 some years later. I bent over and he said-

So dad, just how long did the real Mickey live?

Try answering that one with a pair of big old eyes looking at you. :confused3
Something I heard this past week from a mom to her daughter: "Let's go ride It's a small world. It's a ride about very small things." Made me chuckle.
Heard on the ME bus: We were taking Magical Express to the airport for a very early flight. It was somewhere around 5:00 am. The CM bus driver must have been having a bad day or maybe he's not a morning person.

As we pulled away from the Poly and were making the left turn onto the Seven Seas Drive, we heard the dispatch person save that there were guests waiting at the GF. The driver told the dispatcher that we were already on the way to the airport. Somehow the dispatcher knew that this wasn't true --- GPS whatever.

With very few people on the bus, and all of us quiet because it was so early in the morning, we could hear every word. After an argument (!) via the dispatch system, when the driver reached the corner of World Drive and Seven Seas (where you can access WL, CR, Poly-GF) he did a U-turn and headed back to pick up the stranded GF guests.

The driver grumbled about the dispatcher's "bad attitude" (say what?) for several more minutes. All of us (guests) were just looking at either shocked by the whole thing.

Did I follow up on this when we got home? ---no. Did the dispatcher? --maybe so; it really wasn't a CM worthy experience.
Please do not blame the CM. The ME and DCL buses are contracted out and are run by Mears Transportation System. Generally a lot of the Mears drivers are once who either were not hired by Disney or had been hired and terminated. So none of those buses are driven by Disney employees.
Not Disney-related, but this reminds me of things I've overheard at Texas Roadhouse (which is a steakhouse, for those not familiar with it). The decor there includes lots of taxidermy, and you wouldn't believe how many kids comment about the "dinosaurs" on the walls, and how none of the parents ever seem to tell the kids what they're actually looking at! Now, I almost kind of can understand the littler kids' confusion with the bull horns/skulls, snake skins, fish, heck, even possibly the armadillo holding a beer bottle, but usually they make these comments about the various heads (rams, moose, deer, etc). I get that not everyone knows a lot about animals, but really, what are these kids learning these days?


"Every Mammal wants to be a Dinosaur!
Because a Dinosaur's the only Dinosaur
Who knows... where it's at, I guess.

"(Unintelligible stereotypical Russian accent) stuff like that!
Cause every Mammal wants to be a Dinosaur!

"A Mammal and her ilk
feeds her babies on milk
ev'ry time she plays (oh, a rinkie-tinkie-tinkie)

"But a Dinosaur with limbs held right below her torso
and a very specific kind of neck joint
is just more awesome than you! (A rinkie-tinkie-tinkie!!!)

"Every Mammal wants to be a Dinosaur!
Because a Dinosaur's the only Dinosaur
Who... yeah, I'm done."

OK This one is my own family member. I think it was 1986 or 1988 cant remember, but i was a kid and i asked my dad to take me to the bathroom at the MK, we were on Main Street. We were gone a while because we stopped to watch a guy that was a blowing glass, it was really neat. So when we got back my mom says "what took you guys so long"

my dad answers "we were watching the glass blower..."

My aunt responds "Oh where did you see him in the men's room?"


One wonders if your aunt thought "glass blowing" was a metaphor for... something... :rotfl2:


My Funniest Thing Heard At WDW was something that happened at Turtle Talk. Now, giving children an open forum where they can ask any question they want to a fictional character is kind of a set-up if you stop and think about it, as demonstrated by this incident:

CRUSH: "Let's hear the question from that little excited dude jumpin' around over here."

SEABASE HOSTESS: "Good morning! What did you want to ask Crush?'

ADORABLE LITTLE KID: (Very anxious as if he has the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.) "How many species have teeth?!?"

(There is a pregnant pause as Crush ponders how to field this one.)

CRUSH: "Uh... species of what?"


CRUSH: (And I quote.)
a crazy lady that used to work in my office found out i was going to disney 2 years ago. she went on and on about how she won't go back because the animal kingdom safari ride is so dangerous and a lion came right up to the truck then stood in the road so they couldn't get by. she went on about precautions they had to take because it was such a dangerous animal.

um lady... really? :lmao:

us dis'ers know that won't happen, those who know what the electrical barrier things look like know this won't happen, and those who have watched the special on travel (or discovery i forget) channel know this won't happen.

people are nuts.

Sadly, that is not an uncommon happening. People for whatever reason make up stories designed to impress others with their personal experiences. For some reason they never stop to think about whether or not their story is even possible. They just expect everyone to believe it.

I once had a BIL that told the story about how smart his cat was. The cat, allegedly would climb up into the birdhouse that they had in their backyard and wait inside, with it's mouth open, for a bird to fly into the house, thus into its mouth creating an instant meal. Really? How did it get into the bird house? How could you see that it had it's mouth open? How was it possible for a cat to be able to think into the future, decide a bird would fly in, and devise a plan to catch one. Too many cartoons about Tweety and Sylvester I suspect.
Waiting in line for the Disney Visa card character meet behind a nice young couple with 1 little girl & 2 strollers. Mom takes the little girl off and leaves her stroller in line. Dad pushes his stroller along and leaves hers. (My friend & I kept an eye on the Mom's stroller since she left her purse in it.) When Mom gets back, she asks Dad, "Where's the other stroller? My purse was in it! Where's my purse???!" He gives her a blank look and says, "We had two strollers??" As Mom marched back to get the stroller, Dad gave us a sheepish look and explained that they had gotten very little sleep and were running on fumes. We all know THAT feeling, LOL! :)
Sadly, that is not an uncommon happening. People for whatever reason make up stories designed to impress others with their personal experiences. For some reason they never stop to think about whether or not their story is even possible. They just expect everyone to believe it.

Not to bring this discussion in a different direction, but it has to be said: The Internet has made this kind of behavior WORSE. :eek:
Waiting in line for the Disney Visa card character meet behind a nice young couple with 1 little girl & 2 strollers. Mom takes the little girl off and leaves her stroller in line. Dad pushes his stroller along and leaves hers. (My friend & I kept an eye on the Mom's stroller since she left her purse in it.) When Mom gets back, she asks Dad, "Where's the other stroller? My purse was in it! Where's my purse???!" He gives her a blank look and says, "We had two strollers??" As Mom marched back to get the stroller, Dad gave us a sheepish look and explained that they had gotten very little sleep and were running on fumes. We all know THAT feeling, LOL! :)

Hey, if they had two strollers, and only one kid with them, what did they do with the other kid?!?!?
On a recent trip when getting into the boats for the Gran Fiesta Tour in Mexico a teenager girl and her friend were getting in the row behind us and one of them asked the other what this ride was going to be like, to which the other replied, "It's like It's a Small World, but with ducks!"

My family calls it the "Small Mexican World"!
My favorite:

During Wishes, there was a family directly behind us on Main St. right next to the times board. They had a little girl with them, probably about 3 years old. This little girl was shouting "Bibby Bobbidy Boooooooo" every 5 or so seconds. She had her arms high and fingers spread as she shouted and emphasized the "Booooo". After about a minute, she turns and says "Grandma, I'm doing it".

March this year my BFF and I were in the Laugh Floor. The two headed monster asked for the name of a country so they could give its "capital." There are lots of responses, but the girl sitting beside me, had to be about 15 or 16 years old, promptly yells "ASIA!"
Here's a couple that I've heard on my trips:

In the lobby of Circle of Life a mom tells her son,"we're gonna go in and see Pumba and Simone".

At a popcorn stand in Epcot a man is getting mad at a CM because he was told that World Showcase was all indoors and he had to walk around in the cold.:rotfl2:

Unfortunately, this last one came out of my mouth at the Poly. DH and I were in front of Kona Cafe looking down at the fountain and I made the comment of,"Look Honey, they have koi in the fountain". He, of course, had to correct me,"No Dear, those are just lights.":rolleyes1 I guess I must have had one too many Pina Colavas that night!:rotfl: I still can't live that one down.
This thread would be a better fit on the theme parks community board, so I'm going to move it there now.
I finally heard the one comment I'd been waiting to hear on my last trip. I had read on one of these threads before about a smart aleck answer of this type and finally got to hear it for myself. :goodvibes

A man approached the CM's at POTC on my last morning (during EMH) to ask a question.

Man: "Is this a boat ride?"

CM: "It's exactly like a boat ride"

Man: "Well are there boats on this ride?"

CM: "Yes sir, there are boats on this boat ride"

:rotfl2: I couldn't help it, I laughed my butt off. :rotfl2:
My family & had just returned from WDW for nieces birthday trip, she was 5. We're in the car from the airport & she asks "where is my pixie dust?" (SOMEONE went to BBB to get some for her card:rolleyes1:rolleyes1:)
Bro's response: "you can't take it out of WDW."
Niece: "oh, ok."
we went last September and took our DD4 for the first time ever. She was in absolute awe of everything. We stayed at the GF and when we went in our room we found that they upgraded us to a castle view. Well, upon seeing that, I started to cry. Our my step daughter said to me "Jill, are you crying because it's the most beautiful vacation room you've ever seen?". :lovestruc

Then we were on our balcony (the first night) and we were going to watch the fireworks... well, you could see the lights dim at MK and our DD yelled out "hurry, this is when the magic's going to start". I'm not even kidding, I could have just hugged her to death. :cutie:

The other funny thing was online at Space Mountain. This 5-6 year old boy was in front of us and was HYSTERICAL. He did not want to go on Space Mountain. He was sobbing and telling his mom, "you're just trying to kill me, you know I'm not going to live". :rotfl2: Well, our DD went up to him and said "it's okay, you're going to have alot of fun. when it's over, you're going to ask your mommy to take you on it again" . Then she told him that she'd be in the car right in back. Well, we all got done w/ the ride and got off and he comes running over to us and said " I did it and I really DO want my mommy to take me on it again!!" . He was adorable !! We went to look at the pictures they take and that poor kid had SUCH a look of horror... that picture was priceless !!!! :goodvibes

Your DD sounds precious!!! :lovestruc
Another time, we were waiting in a longggg line for the restroom. This man passed by the lady's line and went straight in to the male restroom. After he came out, he turned to the line waiting for the women's restroom and asked "Do you all want to fastpass this?"

That's great!

When we were there last week someone told me a cm at the park told her the cms don't check the fp dates, just the time, and that she could use her fp any day she wants...

I wish I'd known that on my last trip - I found 2 unused FPs in my wallet, thanks to American cancelling my return flight, so I had to leave 4 hours earlier than expected (where's the Grumpy face?)

We have been told this as well many many times. We also use our FP's that we haven't used on different days. Also we have been told many times that you can arrive back at the attraction ANYTIME AFTER the posted time on your ticket.

I've heard that about the time, here on the DISBoards, but haven't put it to the test yet.

Heard on the ME bus: We were taking Magical Express to the airport for a very early flight. It was somewhere around 5:00 am. The CM bus driver must have been having a bad day or maybe he's not a morning person.

As we pulled away from the Poly and were making the left turn onto the Seven Seas Drive, we heard the dispatch person save that there were guests waiting at the GF. The driver told the dispatcher that we were already on the way to the airport. Somehow the dispatcher knew that this wasn't true --- GPS whatever.

With very few people on the bus, and all of us quiet because it was so early in the morning, we could hear every word. After an argument (!) via the dispatch system, when the driver reached the corner of World Drive and Seven Seas (where you can access WL, CR, Poly-GF) he did a U-turn and headed back to pick up the stranded GF guests.

The driver grumbled about the dispatcher's "bad attitude" (say what?) for several more minutes. All of us (guests) were just looking at either shocked by the whole thing.

Did I follow up on this when we got home? ---no. Did the dispatcher? --maybe so; it really wasn't a CM worthy experience.

This happened to me, too, sort of. I was the last one on DME on my way to the hotel and the driver went off on Disney. I was shaking by the time I got to my hotel, but I did mention it to the CM who checked me in.

I sometimes wonder how many of the overhead things are said in jest.

For example if anyone was wondering about the pair of teenage girls hanging around with a 20 something couple and heard them saying something like "Oh look there is a fountain we must be in Epcot!!" we were picking on my Father. We knew we were in the lobby of the Polynesian.

I'm sure they are. We pick on our parents a lot, too. It's just so easy! ;)

Please do not blame the CM. The ME and DCL buses are contracted out and are run by Mears Transportation System. Generally a lot of the Mears drivers are once who either were not hired by Disney or had been hired and terminated. So none of those buses are driven by Disney employees.

The driver who bashed Disney to me told me that none of the DME drivers work for Disney and they all work for Mears. Knowing that has changed my DME experience, for sure.


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