New law, parents/kids sitting together

I find this whole thing very interesting.
Here, I think the rule is that a young child MUST be sat with a parent / carer. At no extra cost. Of course, if there are more adults / more children, you might not ALL be together and you would have to pay extra for that, but, I am surprised that people feel it is right that one adult and one small child should have to pay more to guarantee sitting together. It would cause more problems for the others on the plane were they sat separately. Who in the world wants to be sat next to someone else's 4yr old?! Why would anyone object to that being included?

They are not paying any more to sit together than anyone else. This system is a la carte, so that those who don't care where there seat is don't have to pay for it. And those who do, all of those who do, have to pay.

I have problems with parents and their child getting free assigned seats and no one else getting them. First off, what is the cut off age? Not every 9 year old is the same, nor is every 13 year old, or every 15 year old. Jane Smith could have a 10 year old who would be just fine sitting away from her, while Mary Jones has a 14 year old that needs to sit next to her. Also, why is that child and mom more important and deserving of that assigned seat than an elderly person? Or a disabled person? Or someone who broke their arm last week? Or someone with severe anxiety? Why should mom and child get free seat assignments but those people do not?
They are not paying any more to sit together than anyone else. This system is a la carte, so that those who don't care where there seat is don't have to pay for it. And those who do, all of those who do, have to pay.

I have problems with parents and their child getting free assigned seats and no one else getting them. First off, what is the cut off age? Not every 9 year old is the same, nor is every 13 year old, or every 15 year old. Jane Smith could have a 10 year old who would be just fine sitting away from her, while Mary Jones has a 14 year old that needs to sit next to her. Also, why is that child and mom more important and deserving of that assigned seat than an elderly person? Or a disabled person? Or someone who broke their arm last week? Or someone with severe anxiety? Why should mom and child get free seat assignments but those people do not?

I don't see it as a free seat assignment since they still don't get to pick where or which seats. Would you be happier if the law simply said those traveling together must be seated next to each other? That would be an undue burden on the airline. However saying oops you can't book this flight because we have no 2 pairs left together would be easier and let parents know their 3 year old won't end up in row 1 while they are in Row 20.
I don't see it as a free seat assignment since they still don't get to pick where or which seats. Would you be happier if the law simply said those traveling together must be seated next to each other? That would be an undue burden on the airline. However saying oops you can't book this flight because we have no 2 pairs left together would be easier and let parents know their 3 year old won't end up in row 1 while they are in Row 20.

I don't think the airline should have blanket control over if you can or cannot buy seats that are available. Maybe there should be a huge waiver page, the airlines could warn that the seats are not next to each other, other passengers won't be asked to move, and if you are still ok here is a page with a giant box you need to sign. Or you can't purchase the tickets. And that would apply to anyone buying the seats, not just parents.
I don't think the airline should have blanket control over if you can or cannot buy seats that are available. Maybe there should be a huge waiver page, the airlines could warn that the seats are not next to each other, other passengers won't be asked to move, and if you are still ok here is a page with a giant box you need to sign. Or you can't purchase the tickets. And that would apply to anyone buying the seats, not just parents.

That could work as well. It is similar on airlines that will not mention allergies as they have 0 control over what other passengers being on. So if the only 2 seats left aren't together they could let any party known or just parents and children. I would appreciate if the rules were your booking group is accommodated as sitting together unless this box comes up. The worst are the stand by people who I've been asked to move for. Sometimes it is no big deal but I don't get choosing stand by as an option and then being upset if your travel party is split up. It is like single rider they can't guarentee your party will be near each other just usually on the same flight.
I only fly airlines that let me pick my seats, but I have had them move my kids away from me when trying to accommodate other passengers. When I find out, I take the diaper bag and pacifier up to the counter and say who do I pass my child off to? Or my 15 yr old with autism? Enjoy! I will enjoy my child free flight :)

What if the person you want to switch seats with already paid, say $20, for their seat? The airline won't refund that $20. Would you offer it? Or would you expect that person to forfeit/donate that $20? Why?
I find this whole thing very interesting.
Here, I think the rule is that a young child MUST be sat with a parent / carer. At no extra cost. Of course, if there are more adults / more children, you might not ALL be together and you would have to pay extra for that, but, I am surprised that people feel it is right that one adult and one small child should have to pay more to guarantee sitting together. It would cause more problems for the others on the plane were they sat separately. Who in the world wants to be sat next to someone else's 4yr old?! Why would anyone object to that being included?

No one is charging MORE for a parent to sit with a child.

If the ticket option are:

A) $75 for an unassigned seat
B) $100 for an assigned seat

The parent CHOOSES the ticket they want. A parent can not choose all unassigned and expect to be seated together nor can the parent choose 1 assigned seat and 2 unassigned and expect to sit together. If the parent wants to ensure they sit together they choose all assigned seats and choose their seat location.

This is the option for all passengers regardless of traveling alone or with someone else (spouse, child, parent, friend, co-worker).

I just don't get how anyone thinks parents are charged more to sit with their child when the options are available to everyone.
No one is charging MORE for a parent to sit with a child.

If the ticket option are:

A) $75 for an unassigned seat
B) $100 for an assigned seat

The parent CHOOSES the ticket they want. A parent can not choose all unassigned and expect to be seated together nor can the parent choose 1 assigned seat and 2 unassigned and expect to sit together. If the parent wants to ensure they sit together they choose all assigned seats and choose their seat location.

This is the option for all passengers regardless of traveling alone or with someone else (spouse, child, parent, friend, co-worker).

I just don't get how anyone thinks parents are charged more to sit with their child when the options are available to everyone.
Not sure why you are picking my post to argue this with, as I explained in detail later on, that is simply not what happened here, irrespective of my, or your thoughts on that, we have a different system.

Personally I think it makes sense to seat a child with a parent /known carer, for the comfort of all concerned, but, I don't have to live with a system that counts that as specific seating.
I am glad this is become policy. The horror stories of children assaulted in-flight are harrowing.:guilty:

Stories? Link to proof, please.

I don't see it as lack of planning on a parent's part. I see it as blatant gouging by the airlines. I have a legal responsibility to care for my children. The airlines are despicable in that they exploit that responsibility in order to make money. They don't realistically want parents seated away from young children so they trap you into paying that ridiculous fee. It's disgusting. Instead of laying blame at the feet of the airlines, people turn on one another. Sad really.

No, they expect you to plan accordingly.

We will have to disagree. The airlines get away with this type of behaviour because too many people choose to accept this treatment rather than protest. If all families refused to comply, there would be change. That is how change is affected. It's a discriminatory practice.

Parents/families are not part of any minority group in the US, at least.

Yes seriously. I'm not saying American values are lacking. They are different. My country is way more socialist and we as a country don't say things like "my family, my choices." I think the socialist mentality pervades most of what we do and how we think. There is a real team approach and regard for common good. I don't see why you are so angry. I find it kind of fascinating to see the differences at work. This airline seating discussion comes up often here at home and I can tell you that without exception people tend to think the airlines are behaving in a despicable manner and that families should be looked after. As I said, different culture.

Only socialist country I have experience with is Norway, and their flight policies are horrible - so I know you're not from Norway!

Born and Raised USA and I see that comparison as vastly different. A 5 yr old getting on a bus full of other children that are monitored by a licensed adult for them to be transported usually less than 30 minutes to a school (at least in my state of MA bus rides over 45 minutes are frowned upon by the state and not usually allowed except in extreme circumstances of regionalization) where they will be accounted for is NOT IN ANY WAY the same thing as getting on an aircraft full of inconsiderate, self centered ME ME ME adults who won't budge their favorite aisle seat so that 5 year old can sit with a mother or father etc. This type of thinking is why the government ends up passing laws to make people behave as decent human beings. It's "be a decent person 101" to just move and let a kid sit with their parents. The law isn't trying to make people pay more or less than what the airlines already have in place, just making it law that the airlines can't lie about the seats available. It's more for the jerk flying southwest who already paid for the cheapest seat possible and feels entitled to act like he's in first class somewhere, and warning families what the airline policy is when they purchase.

Planning, planning, planning - they got the aisle seat from planning.

Sigh. This was an observation and an expression of sympathy for people who have had such an unfortunate experience, which, happily, is rare. That it is rare doesn't make it any less tragic.

If I were to say it is tragic that some lost their homes in earthquakes before legislation required earthquake-proof building methods, would you still say:
I'm surprised some people get up enough courage to leave the house.

There are so many rare, tragic events. You can't live your life trying to avoid each and every one.

The house analogy - LMAO - yes, I'd get out of a house that wasn't earthquake proof during an earthquake, or isn't that what you meant?
I'm honestly stunned at all the hoopla-- even for the Dis-- on something I see as so simple.

The things I want, I ensure I have. For me, that's having my family sit together. So I book airlines that will enable us to choose those seats.

If it didn't matter to me, I would pay less and take whatever seat I got. But it does matter, so I choose to pay more for those seats.

In my mind, it's the same as everything else I choose to pay more for-- better seats for a show, better rooms at WDW, better shampoo, and so on. If it didn't matter to me, I would pay less and take what I got.

It's much easier for airlines not to have to worry about who sits where. So I can absolutely understand how my request for seats together would cost more, and am willing to pay for that amenity.
Oh I get what you are saying. But maybe you're the person who is mad that Southwest won't give you your peanuts either because they accommodated my daughter's allergy? I'm not trying to be rude I can't convey tone, I'm sincerely asking. Or maybe you are the family who is SUPER MAD that my family got to pre-board because we were traveling with an allergic toddler and autism spectrum teenager and between wiping down seats and installing the FAA approved child seat and dealing with separation anxiety if the teen wasn't allowed to go with us (as is policy only 1 person can go with the eligible pre-boader), which I had to note on our reservations and check in twice and speak to various staff members etc about because yes you can bet I do my planning to keep my family safe, get the special boarding pass, get the special allergy statement, tag the stroller, tag the car seat, identify the whole family ahead of time at the desk and at the gate and at the door to the plane.....we chose to fly Southwest not because of the price. American actually had cheaper prices in my area for our last vacation. But many airlines won't even address allergic or special needs so that is why we flew them. And, the staff were pretty accommodating. I don't "deserve" a vacation less than anyone and someone speculating as a bystander to my situation doesn't have the right to judge me. Man you should have seen the looks on the families with EBC standing at the front of A. Pissed off wouldn't even do it justice. I'm not sure we will fly Southwest again I am thinking to try JetBlue next time where I will get the even more seats. Someone else's situation may LOOK like lack of planning to you and that may not be the case. Hence, we go back to "be a decent person 101" So after all that, my two older kids move from our preboarded seats so a mom could sit with her daughter because she caught the beginning of B boarding. I guess I should've told her to buck up the EBC fee.
and I am the one that causes you to not be able to use your wipes if they are scented because of my allergy to scents that I have listed. made one family very unhappy cause they could not use their wipes. they do take other allergies just as seriously
and I am the one that causes you to not be able to use your wipes if they are scented because of my allergy to scents that I have listed. made one family very unhappy cause they could not use their wipes. they do take other allergies just as seriously

I just do not understand. Years ago we dined with my husband's cousin and his nasty wife and equally disagreeable daughter. My DGD had a dairy and egg allergy, so we understand that these allergies can be very serious business. Thankfully hers was not a contact or airborne allergy, but ER knew others who suffered them. Anyway, we sat stunned as thsi family grilled the server about food choices to indulge a picky child ( yes I said picky, only likes at jus with her fries, etc) and then about ten minutes later gave us their opinion of kids who are accomodated in school due to peanut allergies. I thought my mild mannered husband was going to explode, he was that angry. My daughter, whose drinking habit is limited to 1/2 on one mojito kicked mu under that table as she flagged teh server down for mojito number 2....leaving her to give up the wheel, which she never does normally. The whole evening was horrible.

I have never been able to understand how asking an accomodation that costs nothing is so disruptive to someone else. Cannot eat peanuts for a few hours? You will survive. No wipes? Sorry, keep you hands out of your mouth for the trip and you will be fine. I think that these accomodations are much different than asking airlines to absorb costs to ensure that a family who has an option to request and pay for a designated seat and chooses not to. Or chooses one designated seat, yet wants all the family to be seated there.

Personally I believe that common sense should be in play. If something unforeseen happens and passengers need to shuffle, I would be agreeable. But if a person simply did not wake up and check in at 6AM when I did, it is hard to feel sympathy. A flight delay and you got bumped and now there are no seats together? I'll move. But ask my husband to give up his aisle seat or comfort class seat that I paid for? That would be tough, he has had blood clots in the past and I would not choose to see any leg issues.
The reason this is such a big deal on the boards is parents often feel they are entitled to special treatment. If you chose to have children and fly pay the fee to be assured your together. It's not a problem and the airline should not be responsible. If I hear one more time, "I have kids" I swear I'll scream. Big deal so does the rest of the world. We always pay for seats and never once thought it was the airlines responsibility to worry about our kids. If you don't want to pay, drive!!!
What if the person you want to switch seats with already paid, say $20, for their seat? The airline won't refund that $20. Would you offer it? Or would you expect that person to forfeit/donate that $20? Why?

Did you not read my post? I only fly airlines that let me pick my seats. If the airline moves my seat it is on the airline to fix the issue. If they move your seat it is on you to point out to the airline you wont allow that. Also I fly Alaska Airlines. It doesn't charge different prices for window vs middle seats etc. You pay for one class or the other then pick your seats when you reserve your ticket.
Did you not read my post? I only fly airlines that let me pick my seats. If the airline moves my seat it is on the airline to fix the issue. If they move your seat it is on you to point out to the airline you wont allow that. Also I fly Alaska Airlines. It doesn't charge different prices for window vs middle seats etc. You pay for one class or the other then pick your seats when you reserve your ticket.

This is how I fly. I either reserve my seat when I pay for my ticket, or I check in 24 hours early so I can have a better opportunity to choose what I want when I get there. If I pay for a specific seat and the airline moves me. I better like my new seat or I would speak up.
It's "be a decent person 101" to just move and let a kid sit with their parents. The law isn't trying to make people pay more or less than what the airlines already have in place, just making it law that the airlines can't lie about the seats available. It's more for the jerk flying southwest who already paid for the cheapest seat possible and feels entitled to act like he's in first class somewhere, and warning families what the airline policy is when they purchase.

It's "Be A Decent Person 101" to accept, "no" as a complete answer and not expect other people to move to accommodate you. People have reasons you don't know about and it's pretty awful to call a person with anxiety a "jerk" because you imagine that their need for an aisle seat (which they paid to get) is somehow lesser than your own need to take it from them. That's hurtful and ableist.
Where one sat on the plane really only became and issue when airlines put extra rows of seats reducing leg room to nothing and made the seats narrower that nobody WANTS middle seats. It's only been in the last 4-5 years where paying extra to pick where you sit came to be. The airline aren't offering a "discount" to those that don't care where they sit. They've made some seats (middle) so undesirable for anyone but children that they able to ADD and extra fee to avoid sitting in them. I am glad the the Canadian Government has said though their laws that it is a SAFETY issue not to seat children under 12 on the same ticket reservation automatically. I've looked on the seating charts and seen many rows with just the middle seat available. I've seen many "couples" upset that someone had the nerve to sit in that middle seat between their window and aisle seats that they paid for. Seat selection should be done at time of purchase and included in the price you see, not get to the end and it's an extra $25-60 per person each way plus tax to sit with the other people on my reservation.
Seat selection should be done at time of purchase and included in the price you see, not get to the end and it's an extra $25-60 per person each way plus tax to sit with the other people on my reservation.
I know with Delta picking your seat is associated with the fare class you purchase. It's not at the end of the reservation really..sure you pick your seats a little later on but you're already in the process of purchasing a fare class (Main Cabin and above) that allows you to pick your seat.

If you are booking a specific fare class with any airline you should be aware of what it means. I know with SWA that I trade in the availability for a full refund for a lower price when I select a Wanna Get Away fare and with Delta I know I'm spending more for a Main Cabin fare in order to select my seat rather than leaving it up to chance at the gate by selecting Basic Economy.
Did you not read my post? I only fly airlines that let me pick my seats. If the airline moves my seat it is on the airline to fix the issue. If they move your seat it is on you to point out to the airline you wont allow that. Also I fly Alaska Airlines. It doesn't charge different prices for window vs middle seats etc. You pay for one class or the other then pick your seats when you reserve your ticket.

Of course I read your post. You said "I only fly airlines that let me pick my seats". You didn't say you only flew airlines that let you pick your seat for free. And even if you can pick your seat for free, some airlines charge extra for certain preferred seat locations.

I'd also posted previously in this thread that I wouldn't move if I'd paid to upgrade/reserve my seat as it's fair that the airlines refuse to refund seat fees collected. I was curious if you would still feel the same way about a passenger who refused to move if you knew they would be forfeiting money if they did move.
I know with Delta picking your seat is associated with the fare class you purchase. It's not at the end of the reservation really..sure you pick your seats a little later on but you're already in the process of purchasing a fare class (Main Cabin and above) that allows you to pick your seat.

If you are booking a specific fare class with any airline you should be aware of what it means. I know with SWA that I trade in the availability for a full refund for a lower price when I select a Wanna Get Away fare and with Delta I know I'm spending more for a Main Cabin fare in order to select my seat rather than leaving it up to chance at the gate by selecting Basic Economy.
not to mention even before you choose a fare, you can click on the link to available seats and see if there are many seats available in your fare class or if you need to choose a different flight or fare class.
Of course I read your post. You said "I only fly airlines that let me pick my seats". You didn't say you only flew airlines that let you pick your seat for free. And even if you can pick your seat for free, some airlines charge extra for certain preferred seat locations.

I'd also posted previously in this thread that I wouldn't move if I'd paid to upgrade/reserve my seat as it's fair that the airlines refuse to refund seat fees collected. I was curious if you would still feel the same way about a passenger who refused to move if you knew they would be forfeiting money if they did move.

But here's the thing. Even if I flew the airline that charged different fares, I still stated I picked my seats. So I picked 2 or 3 seats that were empty together to sit, which means I would have paid the extra fare as well for the seating opportunity. So at this point those seats are my reserved location and if the airline chooses to put someone else in the seat and charge them as well, why should my family lose out on the money just because the airline decided to screw both of us? I would say both take it up with the airline and demand compensation.

I don't expect anyone to move just to accommodate my family. I do expect the airline to follow what it advertises. If it is a seating arrangement where I pick seats, and they choose to move me later, I expect at least equal seats and I expect them to be together as they were when I originally booked. If the airline has screwed themselves by overbooking the flight as the tend to do now days, then yes I expect them to move someone however I expect the airline to work with the individual and compensate them for the mistake.

What about you? You pay your extra 20$, select your seat, and then the airline moves you to a middle seat and has no aisle seats available. Do you expect them to move someone else who also paid that 20$ extra?

As I said, I do my darndest to make sure they put my family together and I am the one dealing with my own kids. If the airlines ignores this, they can either move someone or I will leave the diaper bag and you can deal with the crabby 2 yr old, because flying from Alaska it is always a red eye flight which always makes for a crabby 2 yr old :D


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