Hurricane Irma?

I hope everyone in Florida stays safe, and that those of you at WDW also manage to find some fun during your time there.

I just realized it was only last week that I made FPs for my trip in late October. This week has been so stressful that it feels like it was months ago. I have family inland from Ft Myers (but in same county) who didn't leave.

There's been no path for the hurricane that I could hope for. Can't ask for it to veer way west - those folks in Texas have been through enough. West coast of Florida? Nope - too many family and friends in path. Central Florida? Nooo, not Disney! Miss Florida all together? Probably would decimate Hilton Head, so much for my trip to celebrate my sister's birthday in a few weeks. Veer way north? Nope, don't want sister in NY to have a hurricane in her lap either.

I guessed the whole time that Irma fizzling out probably wasn't a likely outcome. But [insert censored words of your preference here], I didn't expect to have so many places still in harm's way.

It's too late now for my siblings to leave. And it's looking more and more likely that my mom's house in Citrus county will get major flooding. Not sure about Disney yet, but it seems like some damage could happen for sure. And I'm a little uneasy about my house, too - we're probably in for some tornadoes here in the Atlanta area, and my neighborhood has a lot of super tall (and old) pine trees. We have a basement (yay) but we're in a low spot in the neighborhood.

The one (skinny) silver lining - my mom isn't in Florida right now. But she JUST got her house put back together after Mathew hit last year, and I hate it for her that it has a high probability of getting flooded (it's on a canal). And if it floods again I don't think she'll be allowed to repair this time (it was a close call last time).

All of this is to say to everyone at WDW - please remember that your loved ones are maybe freaking out a little now that Irma is a category 5 storm again, (if they aren't Disney people they may well think that you're on the coast), and might be stressing out about other loved ones in the South East, too. Please take a few moments to call or text them a few times in the days ahead.
Thanks! I was already doing most of those things - got a couple salads from the food court, and a couple sandwiches, as well as having been hoarding any leftovers all week. I've also been refilling all my bottles of water and putting them in the fridge, so I've got a decent storage of them. Thankfully I'm right next to the ice machine, so I'll be going out last thing tomorrow night to fill my sink with ice, then filling the bucket with extra ice that can either melt or be kept as is to keep things cold. I hadn't thought of the sink thing, that one will definitely be useful, thanks!

Hope everything turns out ok with you!

That is a good point. I may ask a CM about that in the morning. Unless they can get me a room in this building (I'm in building #1) or just as close to Cinema Hall, just in case, I'll probably risk the chance of a leak. I can always ask for a spare bucket in case of water leaks (and then probably use it to hoard ice in too, lol).

Thank you!

Thank you! I definitely plan to listen to them, they probably know way better than I do!

Thanks! Pretty sure I've got enough food and water, and I'm set up on the bed away from the window. If it gets that bad I can always sleep in the space next to the bed.
Praying that you will be safe best wishes to you
A friend has guilt tripped me enough into maybe cancelling my trip that starts the 17th. He said to go down there would be to interfere with the recovery efforts and keep cast members from their families. Can't say he isn't wrong.
I would think he assumes that tourists would have enough sense to stay away during the next 2 days at least. Or at least not intentionally hinder evacuation efforts.

I would think he assumes that tourists would have enough sense to stay away during the next 2 days at least. Or at least not intentionally hinder evacuation efforts.

He is giving some folks more credit than they deserve! LOL! There has been more than was more than a few folks on these boards; whose main concern is landing at MCO before it closes. People are desperate to get a flight out and these folks are coming , come h#ll or high water. Adding days at different resorts at the begining of their booked vacations and wondering how Disney was going to manage moving them on Sunday or Monday. They will using resources that could be used on people who have no choice and couldn't get out or have evacuated to Orlando from down South. Unbelievable!
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I was miracualously able to get my sister (a CP) on a flight to Detroit (we are from Cleveland) tomorrow afternoon. I'm 99% positive delta added a flight to get people out. Praying it takes off as scheduled and she can get home to us.... Curious on what DISers think on here about this. My mom is part of the parents group for the current CPs. A mom went off earlier today saying all CPs who left should be terminated. Around 100 parents agreed with that and said they are so proud of their son or daughter for staying and being able to work for Disney when it reopens and not have to fly back (not the ride out crew). I just thought that statement was absolutely crazy!!! We all love Disney but WHO KNOWS what this storm is going to do and tons of parents are criticizing everyone who left to be safe with their families. Am I wrong for not jumping on getting the flight for my sister? Her roommates are also refusing to take her to the airport because they don't think she should leave.
I was miracualously able to get my sister (a CP) on a flight to Detroit (we are from Cleveland) tomorrow afternoon. I'm 99% positive delta added a flight to get people out. Praying it takes off as scheduled and she can get home to us.... Curious on what DISers think on here about this. My mom is part of the parents group for the current CPs. A mom went off earlier today saying all CPs who left should be terminated. Around 100 parents agreed with that and said they are so proud of their son or daughter for staying and being able to work for Disney when it reopens and not have to fly back (not the ride out crew). I just thought that statement was absolutely crazy!!! We all love Disney but WHO KNOWS what this storm is going to do and tons of parents are criticizing everyone who left to be safe with their families. Am I wrong for not jumping on getting the flight for my sister? Her roommates are also refusing to take her to the airport because they don't think she should leave.

I have a feeling a lot of people that don't think they should leave are gonna regret it. You did the right thing!
Thanks! I was already doing most of those things - got a couple salads from the food court, and a couple sandwiches, as well as having been hoarding any leftovers all week. I've also been refilling all my bottles of water and putting them in the fridge, so I've got a decent storage of them. Thankfully I'm right next to the ice machine, so I'll be going out last thing tomorrow night to fill my sink with ice, then filling the bucket with extra ice that can either melt or be kept as is to keep things cold. I hadn't thought of the sink thing, that one will definitely be useful, thanks!

Hope everything turns out ok with you!

That is a good point. I may ask a CM about that in the morning. Unless they can get me a room in this building (I'm in building #1) or just as close to Cinema Hall, just in case, I'll probably risk the chance of a leak. I can always ask for a spare bucket in case of water leaks (and then probably use it to hoard ice in too, lol).

Thank you!

Thank you! I definitely plan to listen to them, they probably know way better than I do!

Thanks! Pretty sure I've got enough food and water, and I'm set up on the bed away from the window. If it gets that bad I can always sleep in the space next to the bed.

Don't even THINK about driving home now! :faint: Traffic is awful and you'd get stuck on the road when the storm hits. Rains should be moving in soon. We stayed in your building and was very pleased with the rooms....they seemed very sturdy and quiet. We were on the 2nd floor looking out over the pool. The only thing I may do is get some more "comfort food" :goodvibes; I like to "nibble" when I'm nervous and love those Mickey pretzels and trail mix. :goodvibes At least your cell phone should work from your room; I stayed at AoA a few years back and had to go outside to use the phone, so as long as cell service is available, you'll at least have "contact with the world". I see you're from MD so you may not have much, if any experience, with tornados. There will most likely be tornado warnings, possibly tomorrow already. If you hear a "roaring sound", like a train...RUN, don't walk :goodvibes, to the bathroom and get in the tub....or the closet area. You'll want to be in a "closed in area" and definitely stay away from the window. Best of luck, we'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers. :tink:
He is giving some folks more credit than they deserve! LOL! There has been more than was more than a few folks on these boards; whose main concern is landing at MCO before it closes. People are desperate to get a flight out and these folks are coming , come h#ll or high water. Adding days at different resorts at the begging gives of their booked vacations and wondering how Disney was going to manage moving them on Sunday or Monday. They will using resources that could be used on people who have no choice and couldn't get out or have evacuated to Orlando from down South. Unbelievable!

TOTALLY AGREE. :headache: :tink:
I have a feeling a lot of people that don't think they should leave are gonna regret it. You did the right thing!

I keep saying it, but I don't expect anyone to remember - I live south east of Houston. I don't know a single person (including a massive Facebook group I'm in for local women with 13,000 members) that says they are glad they rode out Harvey. EVERY ONE says they will never, ever do that again. Most had no flooding, but it was all of the rest: days of fearing tornados, no power, gas and food shortages, extreme cabin fever from being stuck inside for days, just simply the stress of worrying about losing one's home. It has been an experience I wouldn't believe had I not just experienced it - and I evacuated with my kids! I understand the people who can't evacuate and choose to spend it at Disney because it's the safest option around. I don't understand deliberately still traveling to Orlando right now. I can tell you that my community, which is a tourist area, absolutely would not appreciate tourists purposely coming here strictly for entertainment and straining our already over-taxed resources. But I'm not sure we could have articulated that beforehand. Just for information, we are STILL having a gas shortage. It is only now, two weeks later, that grocery stores are starting to reliably have the basics. Many restaurants still haven't reopened. And we're not even in an area that was the hardest hit with flooding. In addition, we are grieving as a community - so many have lost so much, and there have been several deaths. I do wish more people would reconsider their travel plans. And above all, I pray for safety for all involved, whether they are there by force or by choice. I truly don't want people to experience what we are going through, or worse.
I can't even count how many posts I have read on this thread there are so many. My family is heading back to WDW in March and I can only imagine how crappy it would be to have to cancel our trip for whatever reason. With that said, it makes me sad that so many posts have such a complete disregard to the potential devastation this hurricane may cause (not necessarily in Orlando) and how many peoples' lives may drastically change. Our Disney trips (mine included) are luxuries that millions of people do not have the opportunity to experience. While we are upset we may have to cancel our trips, or praying it stalls out over Cuba, or takes a hook in a different direction to spare our trips, we have to remember lives will be lost, homes will be destroyed, islands/Countries will be demolished, but we will only need to reschedule our luxury. I will gladly cancel 100 trips to Disney to spare any of this devastation. I pray for all of the people who have already been affected by Hurricane Irma and for those who are still in her path.
All the models keep having it shift just tiny ticks to the west. I know the east side of the hurricane is not the best place to be, but I'd take that over the eye going directly over Orlando area. Still a vague possibility at this point that she doesn't make landfall until the panhandle or so.

I know we're all stressed and worried at this point, but just take a deep breath and keep an eye on the weather. We'll know a lot more here in the next day or so.
If the storm gets really bad and you are in a room where you can't board the windows (hotel, CP housing), you could stand a mattress up against the window. Or at the very least push something up against the curtains to keep them up against the window to contain glass if the window breaks. I know disney would probably prefer that you didn't move mattresses, but if it's that bad and windows are breaking, they are going to have a lot more to worry about than a mattress.
When we were there for Hurricane Jeanne our resort gave us glow sticks and advised us to fill our bath tubs with water.

Good luck everyone
A friend has guilt tripped me enough into maybe cancelling my trip that starts the 17th. He said to go down there would be to interfere with the recovery efforts and keep cast members from their families. Can't say he isn't wrong.

We also have a trip planned for 9/17 at US, and we were planning on visiting my brother in Polk City on 9/15. I just snagged a reservation for early November (an extra $87), and have until 9/12 to cancel the Sept trip. I am concerned about 16 mln people trying to return and the additional strain on local resources. As we are driving down from the Atlanta area, I already know it will take 11 - 12 hrs with the returning traffic and shortages of gas are a concern. I'm also concerned about how much damage will be done and re-booking to Nov will give time for some return to normalcy. I'll be closely watching through Monday before we make a final decision.
I was miracualously able to get my sister (a CP) on a flight to Detroit (we are from Cleveland) tomorrow afternoon. I'm 99% positive delta added a flight to get people out. Praying it takes off as scheduled and she can get home to us.... Curious on what DISers think on here about this. My mom is part of the parents group for the current CPs. A mom went off earlier today saying all CPs who left should be terminated. Around 100 parents agreed with that and said they are so proud of their son or daughter for staying and being able to work for Disney when it reopens and not have to fly back (not the ride out crew). I just thought that statement was absolutely crazy!!! We all love Disney but WHO KNOWS what this storm is going to do and tons of parents are criticizing everyone who left to be safe with their families. Am I wrong for not jumping on getting the flight for my sister? Her roommates are also refusing to take her to the airport because they don't think she should leave.

My sister is a CP who can't leave (we're in Australia so she can't really fly home for a few days!) and I don't think you're at all wrong for getting your sister home; I would do the same if I could! It seems like housing really isn't doing much for them (just saying no candles, no taping of windows, no going to other people's apartments). My sister is just going to ride it out with 3 of her roommates. They're going to move the table out of their dining nook and shelter there, but also set up her wardrobe/bathroom as a backup (it's likely a bit safer but definitely cramped for 4 people).

The way I see it, there should still be enough CPs around to cover shifts (they were turning people away for the ride out crew) and if it really is catastrophic then your sister will be one less person who needs resources provided to her. Even as it is, her going home might mean someone else who couldn't evacuate was able to get supplies.

Where does your sister work btw? Mine is in Fantasyland merchandise.
I was miracualously able to get my sister (a CP) on a flight to Detroit (we are from Cleveland) tomorrow afternoon. I'm 99% positive delta added a flight to get people out. Praying it takes off as scheduled and she can get home to us.... Curious on what DISers think on here about this. My mom is part of the parents group for the current CPs. A mom went off earlier today saying all CPs who left should be terminated. Around 100 parents agreed with that and said they are so proud of their son or daughter for staying and being able to work for Disney when it reopens and not have to fly back (not the ride out crew). I just thought that statement was absolutely crazy!!! We all love Disney but WHO KNOWS what this storm is going to do and tons of parents are criticizing everyone who left to be safe with their families. Am I wrong for not jumping on getting the flight for my sister? Her roommates are also refusing to take her to the airport because they don't think she should leave.

This makes me sad. They had a report on the news that if your boss asks you to work and you decide to evacuate, they can legally fire you. It can be a tough decision whether to stay or go, and no one should have to feel guilty whichever decision they make. That's one reason so many people waited until the last minute to leave. I know I had to work yesterday and I am expected at work at 6:00 am Tuesday, so that's not a lot of time off to get totally out of the state. I can't risk losing a pretty decent job either. So I am staying, and hosting some evacuees. But if I didn't have to worry about losing my job, I might have made a different decision. After all, it's not like Disney CP is a lifetime career choice. I also know if a person has worked for Disney, no details are given out regarding why they are no longer employed (have had to check references there before). As a CP I would put my safety above the worry of termination.
I have been off line for over 24 hours. My update: cancellation was successful, no penalty, my gift cards used to pay for part of the bill have been replenished.
Our package has been removed fro My Disney Experience but still haven't been refunded. I am not sure how long it takes to receive a refund. Was told 3-5 days then 7-10 days and then yesterday was told it could be even longer due to the storm. How long did it take for you to receive a refund and did you receive all of it?


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