Marathon Weekend 2018

Just wanted to mention Splash Mountain will be going down for a second refurbishment starting January 8th. If you previously booked this as a FP you have/will be notified and I believe given a different FP.

Well, now I’m slightly less upset about missing marathon weekend.
I'm so excited/anxious I had my first nightmare! The other night I dreamt I was wandering around in the dark trying to find my corral for hours - I just couldn't get there, it was never ending. :rotfl:

I remember my first marathon nightmare! I was supposed to run a marathon in my hometown (population 1,200) and I couldn’t find my gear, was late to the start, etc. Good times!
Also, does anyone know how you go about requesting a late checkout? I wasn't sure if that was something I should do now or if I needed to wait until closer to the trip.

Hope everyone's training is going well! We are so close, and I am so excited to be back in Disney!
My brother & his family have gotten late check out a couple time they ask the night before bystopping at the front desk and asking. They've been allowed it, like an extra hour maybe 2 I can't remember. I do know that if they are fully booked and need the room they may not grant late checkout. You can also ask the day you check in about it and maybe have a better chance of getting it as well.

Training is going great except Today's run sucked. I had planned on mile repeats and after 2 slower than normal (along with warmup) I couldn't breath well at all (edited to add - weather guy just said there's like no mositure in the air, so maybe that's why it was so bad today breathing). It was frosty, 28 & sunny, not much wind. So, I turned it into a whatever 8 mile run, it did rise to like 40 it says but the wind seemed to pick up & is icy still. I had a facemask on most the time and was plenty warm I thought. So, I think I'll be scraping any speed work unless it's warmer & just concentrate on gettng miles in. But I did find a penny, maybe it's a lucky penny!
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Just wanted to mention Splash Mountain will be going down for a second refurbishment starting January 8th. If you previously booked this as a FP you have/will be notified and I believe given a different FP.
Yup this happened to me.
I was trying to figure out what corral I would possibly be in for the full and searched back through the thread and got a little worried. I put my estimated time in at 5:00, with my POT as 2:24. (I've since run a half in 2:18 at altitude but of course that one was on October 15 and doesn't count for the full...) Will they bump me to the last corral because estimated time was too optimistic? I know I'm not a super fast runner and its definitely not the end of the world, but I like starting with people who are running roughly at my pace and also appreciate getting to MK earlier.

Also, if I am in Corral I (where I think I would be with my POT), I don't think AK will be open when I hit the halfway point. Does Everest open early or does it not start running until 9? I was really hoping to ride it during the race! If not, can you ride anything in Studios or Epcot later in the race? TIA!
Also, if I am in Corral I (where I think I would be with my POT), I don't think AK will be open when I hit the halfway point. Does Everest open early or does it not start running until 9? I was really hoping to ride it during the race! If not, can you ride anything in Studios or Epcot later in the race? TIA!

Everest opens at 9. To get there when it's open, your first half would need to be in the 230-300 range depending on what time you start. Stopping for lots of pictures with characters is one way to increase your time without having to run drastically slower than you're used to going. If you miss Everest, or even if you don't, you can certainly ride ToT and RnRC in DHS when you get there.
I was just about to ask about Everest! I think I should be able to make it. I made a FP for it at like 9:15 just in case, but I don't know if that's actually necessary :P
I have the same recurring pre-race dream all the time. I'm running along and somehow end up taking a wrong turn on the course and usually end up inside some kind of building (often a mall - I guess that's my running apparel shopping obsession coming out) and can't figure out how to get back onto the course.
I was able to get a fastpass for flight of passage! I am only doing a day of parks after the 5k to save money and my feet so I was preparing myself to not get one since everyone has had a hard time getting one. Still shocked there was one available but I am pretty sure it’s because it’s just me and not a bigger party!
I was just about to ask about Everest! I think I should be able to make it. I made a FP for it at like 9:15 just in case, but I don't know if that's actually necessary :P
Be careful if you use it though, as far as I know they closed the loophole of being able to use FPs without entering the park first & you could end up locked out of your MDE. You could use single rider as well.
I'm running along and somehow end up taking a wrong turn on the course and usually end up inside some kind of building...

I have that one too, but for me its a parking garage. It's like you run up the stairs and down the ramps but somehow I get lost. That dream is generally reserved for 10Ks.
I was trying to figure out what corral I would possibly be in for the full and searched back through the thread and got a little worried. I put my estimated time in at 5:00, with my POT as 2:24. (I've since run a half in 2:18 at altitude but of course that one was on October 15 and doesn't count for the full...) Will they bump me to the last corral because estimated time was too optimistic? I know I'm not a super fast runner and its definitely not the end of the world, but I like starting with people who are running roughly at my pace and also appreciate getting to MK earlier.

Also, if I am in Corral I (where I think I would be with my POT), I don't think AK will be open when I hit the halfway point. Does Everest open early or does it not start running until 9? I was really hoping to ride it during the race! If not, can you ride anything in Studios or Epcot later in the race? TIA!
We have many corral placement experts on the boards, so I should let them answer, but I would be surprised if they sent you all the way to the back. First of all it’s a tiny error if an error at all, it’s certainly in the realm of possibility that you could run a 5hr marathon. Second I doubt runDisney could punish someone harshly for simply taking your half marathon time and multiplying by 2 to estimate a full time, instead of using some calculator many people have never heard of. I’ll bet tons of people do the multiply by 2 and there would be an angry mob if every single person that did that got sent to the back. In fact I can tell you that I did it the first time and still got placed in an appropriate corral. I’ll bet you’re fine. You might not get the 5:00 corral but not the back.
I was trying to figure out what corral I would possibly be in for the full and searched back through the thread and got a little worried. I put my estimated time in at 5:00, with my POT as 2:24. (I've since run a half in 2:18 at altitude but of course that one was on October 15 and doesn't count for the full...) Will they bump me to the last corral because estimated time was too optimistic? I know I'm not a super fast runner and its definitely not the end of the world, but I like starting with people who are running roughly at my pace and also appreciate getting to MK earlier.

Also, if I am in Corral I (where I think I would be with my POT), I don't think AK will be open when I hit the halfway point. Does Everest open early or does it not start running until 9? I was really hoping to ride it during the race! If not, can you ride anything in Studios or Epcot later in the race? TIA!

If you submitted a 2:24 HM POT, then I think a 5hr marathon estimate is perfectly reasonable. The McMillan estimate (which runDisney seems to closely resemble) is a 5:03:03. So, I can't say with 100% certainty, but I'd put it at 99% you'll be corralled appropriately. Somewhere around corral H or I based on 2016/2017 corrals (which does not have to be a perfect representation of 2018 corrals).


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